The Grady County progress. (Cairo, Grady County, Ga.) 1910-19??, November 18, 1910, Image 7

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APPLICATION FOR CHARTER. GKORG1A—On.uiv County. To the Hon. I’hil Cook, of State, Atlanta, Georgia: The undersigned, whose names, signed by each of them, and residences, am hereto attached, bring this otir petilitiim, in pursuance to an Act of the General Assembly, of the State ,of Georgia, ap proved December 20, 1893, and Acts umendatory tliereof, and respectfully •how: 1. That we desire to form a corpora tion for the purpose of carrying on the Imsiixtts of hanking. 2. The name and style of the pro posed corporation shall lie The Farmers and Merchants Bunk. ;t. The location amt principal place of business shall be in the CHty of Cairo, County of Grady, and State of * >nrgia. *1. The amount of capital stoetns Thir ty Thousand (RIO, 1 000.(.0) Dollars,. divi ded into Three Hundred shares of One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars each. t - fi. The purooses and nature. <»f the business ol the proposed corporation shall be that of a batik, with continuous snccossioii for a term of thirty (30) years, with the right of renewal for a like term. To sue and he sued. 'TVs have and to use a common seal, suid at pleasure to alter the sumo. To appoint such officers and agents as the business of the Corporation — 1% — J "*ica r fix llieir LE6AL NOTICES. CITATIONS. < ieorgiu—Grady County. The return of the appraisers setting apart twelve months’ support t/i the fam ily of A. F. Kichtcr, deceased, having been filed in my office, all ffersons con cerned are cited to show cuuse by the 7th day of No vein 1st, 1910, why said ap plication for twelve inbnths’ support should not be grunted. Tills Oct. 10, 1910. P. H. Hki/inu, Ordinary. Georgia—Grmly Soil lift*. Notice of application for leave to sell land: Notice is hfireby given that the undersigned has applied to the 'Ordinary of said county fonfleave to sell land be longing to the estate of A. F. Richter for the payment of debts wpil distribution. Said application will he heard at the reg ular term oMlie Court of Ordinary for said county to be. held on'the Ill’s! Mon day in November. This Oct. 10, 1910. .1. \V. Cannon, Administrator upon the estate of A. F. Uiehter. * Georgia— (Trudy Comity. / The return oft the appraisers setting apart twelve months’ support to the fam ily of W. .1. Curry, deceased, having been tilt'd in mv oflrne,- all persons - con cerned are.cited to cause by the 7th day of November, .tlth), why siud uppli- <-uti> n hr twelvwmiontiW support should not be granted*-"' Tins 12th October, 1910. P. 1£ HERRING, Ordinary. Georgia—Grady Comity. To whom it may,concert/ T. M. Whig- 1mm haviug'tiittde\appl><)ation to me in due form to be uppbintwO permanent ud- uiiifistrutor upon Dayestate of H. E. Whighum, late of saiX county, notice is hereby given that saio. application will be heard at the regwlar\('rin ot the court of .ordinary for said county to tie held on ttlie first Monday/ ’in November, 1910. Witness mv hand und ollicial signature. This Oct. 12, UHti. P. II. HERRING, Ordinary A*.111III tlMHMMWI■ ffi »(■anmal|■ | IfflltWWMMWfiWNfDOlWNlt^gBBg — '"HU ri%jg 5 We’d Like to Have that Next Job of II il A splendid assortment of newest and tastiest type styles and highest grade papers have just been in stalled in our Job Department. Georgia—lirmly 'County. Pelham Land, 4 Company hawing require titles to be. tain land described thereto attached pur|\ortii and Im utod 1)01 purpi by D. W. Chuson, 1 deceased, (Hie said that, said hold has or theiiMMieyteinJifred of D. W. •Cliuson corned an 1 lici/by notiti' ent m to tiidl to eer ier dries, to Ik*, sigvrd f said county,, ilieation alleging fully paid for.. e administrator , all (nirties con- said ap plication-wll/be heard <Wore4Aie Court, of Ordinary'lor said county ma .the tat Monday iiii November, 1910. Tliis Ard'diiy of Oetobef, 1S10. ■ P. II. Hkiiuinu., Ordpiacy. Georgia--Grady County, Mrs.7Eansy Phi lillips luivii pluratiou to ixripiipe titles tdheritoeertuin ' for title thereto- be susiiud by D. V cm Af ,■ -deceased, lcgiugothat said l lor, or the name itei -diyd (jrorpmiling to .soil, late of ssaid said u^iiplicutiHRi al- faus i!**n,ful|y .paid id in imyvment rmjnires, prescribe their duties compensation, and -remo ve them at pleas ure.* To make such by-laws as'may lx- iicccHsary or proper dor the management of its property and regulation of -its af fairs. To bold, .purchase, dispose of and convey such real auttl 'personal -property us may lie necessary for its use and busi ness. To discotvnt. bills, notes. or other evidences of debt;; to receive and pay out deposits with or 'Without, interest; to re ceive on speciahdep isit. money or bullion or foreign coins,-or stocks or bonds or other securities:; :to buy or sell foreign or domestic, exchange, or other negotiable- pnuer; to lend money -ipou personal se curity, or upaiiiplwlgt-s of-hoods, stocks or negotiable -security: to take and re ceive security Ajy mortgage, or otherwise., on property, real or jgrsoiuil; anil ge*i- crulW to do and-perform all sueh otiier matters and things not iiereiiibefore. eitu- liierated as are or may be-incident fo-iho business of banking. We herewith enclose the-eharUr fee of Fifty ($jXUW)'Dollars, and pray to beiin- cerporatcd>tinder the laws of this AUBe. •W. A. Wai.kkk, Cairn,-Ga, -W. T. Chawsohi), Cairo, Ga, ■T.iios. Wight,' •Cairo, Gu, Wai.tkk L. Wiout, Cairo, «a. . HC-’J. Biiowsb, Cairo,'Ga. tS. P. Va sI.AxmxrtttvVN, Ca3rt>, <«a. . i9*. M. BAdtiirrr, <Uiro,-.Ga. iIB: H. Pock. Ochlocloee,' < »a. Dedtioners; M. T- laiusonn, Attorney for JVtitiiancrs. fiE()RGIA—11 rady Couxt-i.. lb-fore me : ,personally appoared'tbe un- deisigned jjetitioners, who -on mirth de- poses and -say that • Fifteen Thousand t$lo,000.09J.i'Dollars of the capital -stock subscribed to /The Farmers A Merchants Bank for wliieh bank depomsute are now seeking imviirporation by the -Seci’ctni.ry of filate, lias actually been paid in -jiy the subscribers, and that the sauue is in fact held and is to be used solely for tbediusi- iless and pmrpases of the said -ooit;i»ora tion. W. A. Walks a, . VW. T. Ckawwum, YI'iios. Win in', -..VYai.tkii L. Wiojit, IT. .1. Buownk, .sS. P. VanLanwwsua’**, :P. M. BaUCKTV, B. H. Poi'F.. Sworn to aaad subscribed before uie this the 10th day of October, 1910. P. H. Hkbojno, Ordinary of Grady c-onaby. STATE OF GEORGIA, Office of Seen stars of State. I- I, Philip Cook,)Secretary ol State of (the State of Georsut, do hereby neriify, (fliat tlw three [.'*] pages of type-written imatter lihreto attached, contain a true land correct: copy •ofdhe application of ti«e Jneoi-porators of “The. Farmer’s A Mw- otbant’s Bank,” of Cairo, for charter. Me itlie original of the same apix^urs of fileiiu '“’Ksrimony whereof.! hereunto sat » *3% any, hand and affixed the Seal of my Office, l’-u"hf wellV^we^drifr tbeL .at the Capitol, in the City ot Atlanta,^r smalT^ms ’ d ™ 12thcday of October in .the yertr of our Ixird(One Thousand Nine Hundred and fiTen of the Imlepcn<leii''e of the United. vJrkates.of America, the One Hundred und Thtrtydlfth. IIhimi* Cook, Secretary of State. Desf of this day. Ben Franklin was the Lest printer df his day And we have some of the IJNq matter how ;ood a printer may be he cannot ind will not, get results from old vorn out material, <IW<?11 all of ■i B W t - our material is new and up-to-date tnd if you are “From Misouri” we can “Show You” just try and see. I We are like the n Baby Elephant" Infant in age but a “Giant” in rength and size, fjjust keep on jur mind that' we are here to Show You.” thereof, Till purtfes- mmeeaaiwl -are .hereby said application 'will be the O iirt of Oi-dinury for on tim 1st Monday ,iu No- 910. I'll* OothWr 3rd, 11910 P^H. liEimrn*,'Ordinary. —Grady 1 Co umtyj GKOKGIA Notittc is hereby r1v«i appHad to the Ottiiruuo* of to MtHland bclonirinR to tli for diniiribution and plication will be hea Court -of Ordinary the tix*6. Monday in' leraigosd has iunty Ifor leave ;of H.i&<Bullard .dobta. &aid ap „_ular term of the .county .toibe-held on IfiJjO. • a. P. BAliLsAKD, B. BalltirdJBfct&te. 16. Petition for Letters of j li&iration GEOJWriA-Grndy ( J ,-S-^mith liavins a be appointed perniancil estatoof Leona Long- la hereby^iven that said i the rcRitlar term of th county-on the first NT .Witness my hand i dayofLQotober, 19101 U Good Printing costs but little more than li poor work, and is much more satisfactory s Let us figure with you on anything in the PRINT ING line. We’ll do our ievel .best to please you. ;#V- V PHGTNE 141. CAIRO, GA. fm lit: .MMMMKMMHWnWOmMMMUMrWMiMNMMWUOOWWI tiui=iiim^ 29 llom^iin due./ortn to imimatmtor upon the i of said (County, oplic&Ui-n will beiteard at urt«f«C)jtliniirwfor said in N^«errtber.C910. tl £txmatureiUiis 13th T-M, dlBKHUSC, (Clcdinavy. (P- C. ANDREWS -Attto r n E Y-AT-LA'ShK. CAIRO, GA .Office in Parker BuiMiitz. NoficexHE Public cfor small samns on up to the largest iplants. • We guarantee water and a plenty <of it, andiif we iail we ask for nothing. We don’t want your money unless we cm give you something for it. We newer fail. We always leave our cus tomer with a smilihg face. Ontr experience .gives us 'advantage of others. We have the best .machinery that experience can select or that money can buy. We will be grlad to fiiriire with you on the water problem. We feel sure that we ean save you money. We handle all kinds of pumping powers. If you need anything in our line we will be t'lad to have you drop us u line. A11 of our work m done under contract, and remember that if we fnH to oomply with our con tract you owe us nothin*. Headquarters T. G. FUNDERBURK WELL GO, BAINBRIDGE, GA. Bring your Job Print ing to The Progress office. We have the best equipped plant in this section. Tax Nofice First Round. Duncanville Oct. 17 Higdons ** ^ WKighani Soring HiEF. Lin e Sink Blowing (Tave. — Spence Pine Dark '(afternoon) ltagan (O.. ' v . Rehhurgs Gin aft«rnomi)I_— ‘.-Second Uound j Duncanville. ...^.Nov. 14 j Higdons ., “ 1-5,' Whigliam — “ Spring If ill 4< T7 ^ Lime Sink “ , BlowingtCave j Silence 08 j Pina Pinlk (nflerniHin) Ragan (<-3, VV. Rehburg gin afternoon) Popes sti»ie (forenoon) Dei*. *5 Rig8byst(4iftei'hoon). Wbigham 44 1 ‘2 The dog tax law has not been re pealed and everyone owning a dog or dogs-ane supposed to pay the lax. 1 am reliably informed by good Jaw abiding 'citizens of the comity that a great:many dog owners have not returned them for taxes, if iny friends throughout the county will co-operate with me in finding out who these parties are 1 will do all fit mv power to see that the taxes are paid. Not only are there dog tax dodgers hut people who do not own dogs try (o dodge tax every year, I hove caught many of these in the past. f5et a list of all hands working at these mills and turpen tine stills turn over to me and 1 will guarantee over half of them will lie tax defaulters. Respectfully, R. TV. Poniwr. |Ride Easy When You Ride in our warehouse a copiplete stock of the G. Smith and Franklin and Nor man. We Fit Your Eyes BY MAIL AND. GUARANTEE the fit in both lenses anil frames. We have letters of the highest praise from customers who ‘have been wearing our famous dear cut Crystal louses for years. They .were fitted by mail perfectly. We cun do the same for yon. Write for our eye-tester and face measure. . Crystal Optical Co. 213 Temple Court. ATLANTA, - . CEOKCIA. J. ft And a large supply of other makes as S well as Harness and Wagons. Can j save you money by coming to see us 0 . when in need of any of our goods. W. G. BAGGETT & SON. ’*“*■***5oSb" 1 s»Scc -w ^ J. A: CUMBIE, AGENT FOR THE Singer Sewing Machine Company, Has opened headquarters in the store of C. E. VanLandingham, formerly the Reader Powell store. . He carries a full line of Sewing Machine Attachments, Needles, Oil, etc., for all makes, and will sell you a SINGER or WHEELER & WILSON on easy pay ments or for cash. ?f Be sure to call and see me. €J MMMKMMNMmMfiMHMMMHMMMMMKO PUBLIC! j K.i H AVING recently bought out the mercantile interest of Powell, I extend an invitation to my friends and the gen eral public to call and see me. It will be my purpose to carry a stock of ; GENERAL-:- MERCHANDISE- ALSO BUY - COUNTRY PRODUCE, I am now making a special sale on ;“PANTS,” having just received a new lot. Gome s'oon, that you may be able to get a fit in number of selection. YOURS TRULY, C. E. Vanlandingham, CAIRO, GEORGIA.