Newspaper Page Text
Bold Spring*
(Last Week’s Letter.)
Dr. Boucholle filled his regular
appointment at Bold Spring Sun
day. He is getting very feeble but
is ever faithful. ■
We were somewhat sueprised to
hear of the marriage of Miss Pdnie
Stahifill and Mr. Simmons last Sun
We are very sorry to learn <®f the
death of Mr. and Mrs. Brady’s lit
tle child.
Several of the members <of the
Sunday school at this place visited
the Sunday school at Union Sunday
Some of the people of this section
attended the fair in Thomasville
'last jveek.
Misses Annie Belle Singletary and
(Grace Atkinson spent Sunday with
the Misses Aldsedge.
St *eems (that the bov&are enjoy
ing the sugar 'boilings more than
any one else. Slope there is no one
saying “buck.”
,$L 35. Harwich and 'wife visited
the .-family of .John Aldredge Sun
Messrs. San% Aldredgeand John
Atkinson'have returned (from the
coast and brought with them plenty
of fish.
Little Alton IBarwick spent last
week with Ibis grandparents, Mr.
and Mrs. . John Aldredge.
Miss Annie. John Aldredge spent
Monday with,her aunt, Mrs. Lizzie
Mrs. T. W. Aldredge was in
Thomaaville shopping Thursday.
Oak 'Grove.
Last Wedk’s Letter.
Cane grinding iis mow'tfie.ccder of
the day.
C. L.Pritehard >was selling syrup
•in Pelham (Friday.
Mrs. D. C| Norton iealled on Mrs.
-fC. H. Coble "ffluesday .afternoon.
We were very sorry to learn of
(the Bad death sf Mr. J. W. Everet
•etf Pelham, who was JkiBed in an
Automobile aoehSeni. OSte leaves a
wife and a nurnher of friends to
mourn his death.
N. D. NeSmith and wife spent
Bundlay with the family of Albert'
Mamed—On last first Sunday
Miss'Clara Jordan, of this sfcefcion,
and Mr. SimpBon of Mt. Olive,were
happily married. They went to
preaching and from there to Camil
la, where they were married.
Sorry to learn of the illneBB of
B. pi. Palmer. Hope he will soon
be out again.
Brown Eves.
Oak Grove.
Rain was very much appreciated
in this section last Friday and Sat
Albert Powell made a business
trip to Pelham Tuesday.
Mrs. G. W. Miller and mother,
Mrs. MorriB, spent Tuesday after
noon with Mrs. Albert Powei’.
Mies Ethel McClelland spent last
Sunday with Miss Maidee Powell.
C. L. Pritchard was transacting
business in Pelham Saturday.,
Miss Alma Miller spent last Fri
day night with friends in Pelham,
Miss Annie McClelland spent last
Sunday afternoon with Miss Bertha
Albert Powell spent Saturday in
MiBS Alma Miller spent Sunday
afternoon with Miss Maidee Powell.
Brown Eves.
Pine Level
Mr. and Mrs. falter Wombie
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
John Griner.
Noah Butler and Freeman Wom
bie went to Cairo Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Joiner vis
ited Mr. and Mrs. A. L. - Wombie
J. A. Smith and wife visited the
family of J. N. Butler Sunday*
The infant daughter ef Mr. and
Mrs. Walter Mills died Sunday
W. P. Collins and family spent
Sunday with the family of Dallas
Mrs. Waiter McDowell spent'San
day with Mrs. Joe Whigham.
Mrs. Mattie McAfee spent Mon
day with Mrs. Sallie Naylor.
Walter Wombie wont to 'Cairo
Henry Wombie made & (flying
trip to Cairo Saturday,
J. 31. Butler was seffiKtig syrup in
Cairo Tuesday.
Tired Cuaek.
Albert Williams, we are t|jkd to
say, is able to be out again -after;a
few ( flays of sickness.
Mrs. F. V. Kelly and son, Green
were visitors to her daughter, Mrs.
W. S’. Helton and Mira, ffadk Sel
lers, near here this week.
We need some rain in our-soction
at tJkiis time.
Subscribe for The Progress iboys
and (read the news of the day.
W. B. Roddenbery shut .down
his sjirup works at Cross Roads for
a few days this week.
G. W. Helton was a visitor ito
Cairo Monday.
Allan Wombie was in 'Cairo 'last
Tuesday selling syrup.
J. W, Rich wasin Cairo Tiueadag'
on business. * — v
Lots df people carrying -syrup
market this week. ,
Billie Willis is still ereering new
houses for W. B. Roddenbery,
G. B. WSiilis was hauling eyrup
to market tikes week. .
W. T. Crawford, Grady’s popular
clerk of court, passed through this
vicinity Thursday in his auto.
You can’t tell what sort of a eook
a -wife will make and you can’t tell
what sort of a wife a cook will make,
so there you are.
• . >
Mesdaines Annie Poulk, W. A.
Walker and Albert Walker, of Cairo
were at W. B, -Roddenbery’s cane
mill Thursday.
Samp Williams is improving at
this writing.
W. T. Helton made a business
trip to Cairo Friday.
A. M. Elliott,of near Tired Creek,
was a visitor to Cairo Friday.
Messrs. Joe Godwin, Walter and
Robert Davis, John Mills and Hugh
Davis took in the circus in Cairo
-Several upper Gradyites went to
Cairo Friday to see the show.
Masters Bob Lee and McKinley
Watts were the guests of Master
Road Notice.
GEORGIA—Grady Comity:
S. M. Beach and othors having applied
for the opening and establishment of- a
new public road, commencing at a point
on tlie.Cairo to Beachton road and run
ning in an eastern direction through the
lands of- the Georgia Lund A Timber Co.,
8. M. Beach, E. II. Alford, W. J. Mc
Intyre, W. VV. Bruce, .1. T. McLean and
estate of R. R, Mitchell,'and terminating
at a noint where it would intersect the
Mitchell public roadj a distauce of aliout
two and one-half miles' This is in the
Duncanville Malitia district of said coun
Notice is hereby given that said appli
cation will finally be granted on the Oth
day of December, 1910, next, if uo suffi
cient cause is shown to the contrary.
Thomas Wight, J, M. Sasser,
Albert Powell, J. L. Peebles,
Henry Mitchell, L. L. Banvick.
— —- L. Ledford, Clerk.
SherifF;s Sale for December.
GEORGIA—Grady County.
Will be sold at the court bouse door in
said county on the first Tuesday in De
cember, *910, within the legal IiourB of
sale, to-wit: All that certain tract, one
hundred and: five acres on lot of land No.
206, ais© four acres on lot No. 267, both
m the -18th district of Grady>nounty; Ga.,
with improvements thereon. Maid tracts
more fully described by -the appraisers
. , „ . j , | ML Kelley’s cs
tele. *aid land levied -on .as tbo prop
erty <tf B..F, Kelley to satisfy an execu-
011 the 1st day >of November,
1910, ifrom the Superior .court in said
?? U S 4y J n ,, fttvo L?r»' G - McN hir against
KuII y. ^his ith dity of November,
1910. ’
E. R Dollar, Sheriff.
Gl . ... J| ^
811 he sold at the court house door in
eaidtcounty on tlie first Tuesday in De
cember, 1910, within .the legal hours of
““Si to-wit: AB .that .certain tract, ono
hundred and nineitjHfix .aenes, more or
less, and being all ,©f ilat of land No. one
hundred and seven, in the 19th district
of'iirffRdy county, <iiu, wiith improve-
nwmts thereon, exoejat 4 .acres in the
north east corner and 50 Acres in the
south west corner.
All of the above land .levied upon as tlie
property of S. P. Cain .to satisfy an exe
cution issued on the latiday-of November
.1919, from the City Court .of Whigham,
lnsaid county, in favor.of ,tlve Bank of
Wfaigham against S. 1*. Cain. This 7th
day .of November, 19,1,0.
E. E. Dollar,, Sheriff.
WANTED—Several*parties with teams
to log on contract. Call on mo at once.
It Y. Ai.lbn IIolman, Climax, Ga.
Three or four
2 to 4-horse farms
from 3 to 4 miles of
Cairo. Price must
be right.
Wall Pay Cash
For 60 head well bred young heifers or
hoifer yeuriings. Also 26 or 80-horse
power boiler. W. D. Barhkk.
Sept. 30-4t.
Notice to Business Men.
Yon Are hereby notified to call at
my office in the court house at onco
and take out your license. Last
notice. J. M. McNair,' JR.,
Clerk and Trens.
Correspondents Wanted
We want a correspondent in every
settlement in Grady county.
We will furnish paper, stamps,
«tc-, to those who will furnish us
the mews from their section. Let
®o -Iharve the hews from your section
sSced Corn, Cotton Seed
Stoney’s little seed cotton seed for salt
TSeiUls 40 per cent, lint, $1.00 per bushel
AHsoUtoney’s improved com seed at 60
leenffiowek. Yeilds 62 bttsliels per acre,
tftfoQbroevs. W. C. JONES.
GEORGIA—Grady County.
.Will be sold before die ,eo«rt house
door .on the first Tuesday :in December,
nest, to the highest ihitidor i£or cash,
\vu<»in tlie legaiiuMirs.of .sale, .tlie follow.
uig,n*ilty, to-wit: .One house .and lot of
laua .No. 60, m tlie 19th District.of Grail
county, bounded on the west .and nortl
by dJdEsey; on the east -by lP ubiie road
on, the sou tit by Hand (property, ant.
■knownjta the Sautter house and,due acre
of laud. levied on a« the property .of R.
A. Sanders to satiaiy this fi andUthers
issued iby the City Court id Wliigham
against. JT. A, Menders In fav.ra«r ,of Biack-
shdar Manufacturing Co. This JOtii day
of November, 1910.
For .first class commercial
Sscg .eojrae to this office.
prin t-
Amro r n ey-at-Law,
Offitn in Parker Bnilding,
GEORGIA—Grady County.
To whom It inav concern: T. A. Mas-
'Well, having made application to me in
vdue form to <he appointed permaneni nd-
ininistrator upon tlie estate of Mrs. An
nie Popped, Jite of said county, nofiee is
hereby given itfcat said applicatiop will be
heard at the regular term of tlie Court of
Ordinary for saad county to be field on
the first Monday, in December, 1910.
Witness my hand and official signature
this 9th day of November, 1910.
P. H. Herring, Ordinary.
GEORGIA—Grady County.
Whereas W. G. Baggett, administrator
of W. G. Lewis, represents to the court
in his petition duly filed and entered on
record tlitt he has fully administered W.
G. Lewis’ estate. This is therefore to
cite all persons concerned, kindred and
creditore, to show cause if any they can,
why said administrator should not be
discharged from his administration and
receive letters of dismission on the first
Monday in December, 1910.
This Nov. 7th, 1910.
P. H, Herring, Ordinary.
We will Gin long staple cotton
y’s and Friday’s. Bring
it in. Coppage & Carr.
George Helton Sunday afternoon.
Rushin Griffin and Miss Irene
Slaughter were united in marriage
late Sunday afternoon. Hope them
a long and happy life.
MisB Annie Watts was the guest
of Mrs. G. W. Helton Sunday.
John Dollar had the misfortune
to get his house burned Sunday.
W. C. T. U. Meeting.-Postponed.
The meeting of the W. C. T. U.,
will be postponed from regular time
and will be held on Dec. 2nd, in
the Methodist church at 8 o’clock.
A full attendance is desired as Mrs.
Weathers will give annual report of
conference, .
GEORGIA—Grady County.
Whereas G. A. Wight, administrator
of Will Williams, represents to the Court
in his petition duly filed and entered on
record that lie lias fully administered
Will Williams’ estate. This is therefore
to cite all persons concerned, kindred and
creditors, to show cause if any they can,
why said administrator should not be
discharged from his administrator and re
ceive letters of dismission on tlie first
Monday in December, 1910. This Nov.
7th, 1910. P, H. Herring, Ordinary.
GEORGIA—Grady County.
Whereas A. L. Vickers, administrator
of Miss Rebecca Maxwell’s estate, repre
sents to the court in his petition duly
filed and entered on record that he has
fully administered Miss Rebecca Max
well’s estate. This is therefore to cite all
persons concerned, kindred and creditors
to show cause if any they can, why said
administrator should not be discharged
from his administration and receive let
ters of dismission on the first Monday in
December, 1910. This Nov. 7th, 1910.
P. H. Herring, Ordinary.
GEORGIA—Grady County.
Notice is hereby given that, the undert
signed has applied to the Ordinary o 1
said county for leave to Sell land belong-
ing .to the estate of R. E. Whigham for
the payment of debts and distribution.
Said application will be heard at the reg
ular term of the Court of Ordinary for
said county to be held on the first' Mon
day in December, 1910. This Nov. 7th,
1910. T. M. Whigham,
Administrator upon the estate of
R. E. Whigham.
H. G. Canrnn States Re has Bar
rels Aplenty to Supply Crop In
Smith & Coppage,
Cairo, Ga.
Promptly negotiated at
reasonable rate of inter
est. Now is the time
to arrange for your fall
needs. Call on or write
Cairo, Ga.
While tlie loss of 6,000 barrels in the
burning of fihe (Farmers Union Warehouse
oh> the second anatj, was a heavy ope and
was keenly feii. Yet I y will Jbe . able, to
supply the demand 1 for' barrels for the
present crop and wiEfl have barrels left ov
er. I already had escfliciinit barrels made
and stored away to ^contain the crop.
And IJhaye a full force of hands Constant
ly at work.
The crop in this section is fully 5,000
barrels Short this season. tCOME ON, I
will supply you with all tlie barrels you
need and will carry over several thousand
after the demand has been supplied.
Yours truly,
Wight & Weathers
If you wish to buy or sell
Real Estate
in Grady county, we
are prepared to serve,
The Demand
for Property
in this section is on the
increase all the time.
to the public that we are pre
pared to write
Fire Insurance
and would appreciate your pat
ronage if given us.
We represent several of the
best old pine companies. .Act
wisely by insuring your prop
erty at once. The cost is light
and the protection great.
is tne time to
or sell your real estate.
See us for farm or itim-
& w
Cairo, Ga.
Office in Court House.
Tim* Table No. 2
Effective Saturday. October 1st. 1910,1201,.A. M
onth 8e»n<
3 12
3 27
3 34
3 44
3 60
4 00
3 00(7 00
7 12
7 27
7 34
7 44
7 49
8 00
Central Stand
ard Time
2 16
2 27
2 42
2 40
3 05
3 16
Lv Cairo Ar|9 60
Ar Calvary Lvl8 60
worth anon*
9 21
9 13
9 06
8 56
let Class
6 15
4 48
4 38
4 81
4 21
4 15
6 15
5 0315 153
4 31
4 21
4 15
p Trains stop on signal.
The Progress is the official or
gan and leading paper of Grady.
Did you say printing? Well, we
do all kinds.
ForjTip-Top coal burns free ol cinders.
Beat for your grates and stoves—cheaper
than wood. Apply Wh. Searcy. 4t
Leave to Sell Land.
GEORGIA—Grady County.
By virtue of an order of the Court of
Ordinary of said county will be sold at
public outcry on the first Tuesday in De
cember, 1910, at the court house in Baid
county between the usual hours of sale
the following real estate situated in Grady
county, to-wit: 280 acres more or less
of lot of land No. 344, in the 17th Dis
trict of Grady county, Georgia. Terms
cash. This Nov. 7th, 1910.
J. W. Cannon,
, Administrator of A. F. Richter.
Get a shave, haircut or sham
poo at Harrison’s BprberShop.