Newspaper Page Text
The first quarterly session of the
Tired Creek Musical Association
will be held at lamg Branch Baptist i
church on the second Sunday and ,
Saturday before in .next
Everybody cordially invited to at
tend with a full basket, as dinner
will, be served oji\ the grounds 'both
duy 4 s.
Are you ready for Christmas!
nice hair cut by white barbers
B. M, Harrison’s barber shop
the one thing you’ll like.
JjHisses Maggie Rehberg and little
sister attended preaching fit Good
Hope Sunday.
Mrs. It. A. Rehberg spent spent
Saturday night with Mrs- G. W.
The party who borrowed our
double-barrel, haminerless, It.hica
A splendid assortment of newest and tastiest type
styles and highest grade papers have just been in
stalled in our Job. Department.
little more than
more satisfactory
Let us figure with you on anything in the PRINT
ING line. We’ll do our level best to please yoi
Pine Level
David Sellers and Miss Eula But
ler were united in the holy bonds
of nmtrirnpny Sunday at 2:30p. m.
at the home of the bride’s parents,
Mr. and Mrs.
Cold w eathcr this week ami every
body is trying to keep the .ashes
Bold Spring-
Rev. Johnson filled his regular
appointnienCat Bold Spring Satur
day und Sunday.
R. L. Aldridge, of Thelma, Ga.,
ie visiting relatives and friends this'
we ®k. Quite a large
Mrs. Lizzie Peacock has returned .■jHdpe Mttomlcd the Butler Sellers
home fitter spending a few days I Wedding Sunday.
Noah Butler. We
congratulate and extend to them
best wishes.
Miss Bertha Sellers is spending
the week with relatives and friends
near Hopeful.
crowd from New
PHONE 141,
Grady County
By Our Regulars Corps of Correspondent *
John Griner and family visited j|?A Mr. Chrystal and a Miss W illis
the family of Walter Wamble Sun- were joined In the happy realms of
day. wedlock on last Sunday at Goon
J. N. Butler was selling syrup in
Cairo Monday. | Master licitry, Helton is visiting
Oscar,Rufus and Cleave McDowell friends and relatives near Booth,
attended preaching at Marshvilie j Mrs.; Mary Helton, ; is visiting
Sunday. Mrs. G, W.Rehberg for a ffcw days.
Mr, .T, Frank Sykes, purchased a
number of lota at the recent Side
here, and has turned over to the
carpenters the plans for two very
pretty'Cottages. It is said that Mr.
Sykesbas the eoiistruction of at least
two other cottages under advisement
iind it is reported that work wi’l ho
ggin .at onCe on these.
'Calvaay luioea drug store in
the wear future, Dr, Maxwell is to
begin the erection -of a large brick
store and will put in one of the
most up-to-date drugstores in this
It is saiii of Calvary that there
will be quite a number of new peo-
jfie who will make this their pernm
jient home after tl*e first of the new
Miss Dollie Carnlpt and little
sister silent two weeks with their
grandmother in Thomasville return
ed Sunday.
gun, IG-gunge, 28 inch barrel, rc-
y • at once. Wight & Browne.
Tired Creek.
1 '
Messers. GusBnnd Bob Wilcox
went lo see their best girls Saturday
aad Sunday.
Mrs. S. J. Harrell and family
forinely of Abridge, Ga., have
moved iu the Tired < Jne'ek section
again to her son-in-laws, Mr. Joe
> W. M. Moore visited in Tired
Creek section Sunday.
G. B, Willis and wife visited Mr.
ii. W. Helton Sunday morning.
The Misses $nnie and Viola
"Watts accompanied Mr. Alfred
Willis part of tlie way home Sunday
Preaching a a Long Brapeli was
■well attended Sunday morning.
Mr. Sylvester Morris of the Mas
sey Felton Lumber Co. was in
Tired Creek section Sunday to visi
ted his father, Billie Morris.
John Taylor, of the firm of Rod-
den bery Planting Go. was a visitor
-to Cairo yesterday on business.
Mr. Ralph Brinson was the guest
>-ot bis brother, Mr. King Brinson,
. Sunday.
Mr. Isaac Perkins accompanied
Miss Ethel Ragans to preaching at
. Jjoug Branch Sunday.
• Make a noise like ready money
and your friends will not forsake
Mis. Laura Watts was a visitor
at Mr. Albert Williams’ Saturday i
G. B. Willis visited his old home
Monday also the family of G. W.
Helton. -
Mrs. Olinia Willis, mother of
Mrs. Laura Watts, is their guest
this week. Glad to sec her in our
midst again. ,•
John Kelley was the/guest of
Walter Moore Tuesday night.
W. E. VanLandingham resumed
bis cane grinding near Tired Creek
with her son, Boh Peacock, at I’avo
IlMisae Annie Jean Hudson, of
llalow, Ga., who has been visiting
relatives and friends here attended
preaching Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. John jAtkinson
spent Saturday night at Iff Willis
Several of the Woodland people
were at preaching Sunday, among
them were Mr. and Mrs. 1. D
Singletary and wife and Mr. Gyy
Dixon and sister Evlin,
Mr. and Mrs. I. D. Singletary
took dinner at the home, of Mr.John
Ahlredge Sunday.
Mrs. Jones visited her daughter,
Mrs. J. M. Aldredge last Friday.
Mins Bessie Peaeock spent Satur
day with Miss Liunmie Aldredge.
Miss Lucie Wheeler spent Tues
day night with Miss Bessie Pea
A crowd of young folk of this
section went to a bee-tree cutting
Tuesday night, hut 1 think the bees
were braver than the boys as the
boys seemed inclined to run.
The fall term of the Chason
school now under the management
of Miss Wheeler elosced Friday,
December 2. We hope to have
Miss Wheeler with us again next
.Mrs. Jennie V. Smith is spend
ing a few days with homefolk.
The many friends of Mr. Lem
Brvun were very glad to sec him
out at church Sunday,as he has been
.ijway for quite awlnle. ,
Mrs. Cassie Butler and children
visited her daughter Mrs. Eula Sel
lers, Monday.
W. E. N.
Oak Grove.
We have been having sobio
cool weather for the last week
Mr. Albert Powell was selling
syrup in Pelham Saturday last,
Miss Bessie Lee Wilder is spend
ing a while with her friend, Miss
Jewel Taylor at Harmony.
Miss Bertha Powell was ghopping
in Pelham Saturday, last.
C. L. Pritchard made a business
trip to Pelham 1 Saturday.
Mr. Moses Pullen, of Harmony,
spent last Tuesday riight with Mr.
Harrison Wilder*
Mr. and and Mrs. D. C. Norton
spent last Sunday with Mr; and
Mrs. Berry Palmer.
On last Sunday at the home of
Mr. S. J. Norton, Mr, Ben Beck
with and Miss Nancy Nesmith
were happily married. They are
widely known throughout our sec
tion and we wish them a happy and
properous life.
Miss Jewel Taylor, of Harmony,
spent last Tuesday night with Miss
Bessie Lee Wilder.
Mr. Hiram Palmer made a busi
ness trip to Pelham Saturday, last.
Mr. S. 1), Oliver and ’ family
spent last Sunday with Mr. Albert
Powell a\id family.
Bnowx Eves.
Miss Annie Brinson was the guest
of Miss Maggie Rehberg Sunday af
Misses Maggie and Susie Broom
visited Miss Annie Rehberg Sunday
day afternoon.
Mr.and Mrs. W. T, Broom at
tended preaching at Good
i 4
Grand, Gloomy and Peculiar.
There was a marked eontrust be
tween Lincoln’s manner, which was
always pleasant and even genial, and
that of Stanton. The latter’s stern,
spectacled visage commanded Instant
respect' and In many eases Inspired
fear, in receiving visitors, and they,
were leglou, Stanton seldom or never
Sat down, hut stood t*efore a high
desk as the crowd passed before him
and one by one presented their re
quests or complaints, which were rap
idly disposed of. He was haughty,
severe, domineering and often rude.
When T think of liltn In the dully rou
tine of ills public audiences the Char
acterization of Napoleon by Charles
Phillips, the Irish orator, comes to
mind, “grand, gloomy and peculiar.”—
From “I.tncoln In the Telegraph Of
Mr. Oliver Lee spent Sunday af- flee.”
ternoon with the Misses Rehberg.
Spring Hill.
Mrs, .T. T. Larkins visited C. W
Nozworth Sunday evening;
Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Cox spent
the day Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
J. I). Andrews.
L. M. Ponder was selling syrup
in Cairo Saturday.
The stork visited Mr. and Mrs.
C. W. Nozw'orth one day last week
and left with them a sweet little girl
The fanners must aim to raise
cane in this section next year there
are four new cane mills one being a
power mill.
W. H. Thomas is improving with
cut. hand. Hope lie will continue
to improve,
Mr. Alonzo Baggett and Miss
Equilla Jackson was happily married
G. W.
at the bride’s uncle, M.
Martin. Sunday evening at
I,. M. Bigby bought a
mules last weeek,
Miss Nora Cox spent Sunday
with Miss Essie lligshy.
C. W. Nozeworth made a business
trip to Cairo last Saturday.
The farmers are in a I rush now
with their wine grinding. They
had better as it froze the othe
Misses Lizzie and Bell Broom and
brother, Mr. Emory, went to Reno
Sunday afternoon.
Mr. Author Lee.was in Cairo sell
ing syrup Monday.
R. C. Rehberg was in Cairo sell
ing syrup Friday.
Mr. Mark Irclton spent Saturday
night, with Mr. Perry Rehberg.
Eugania’t American Anc«»try.
The Empress Eugenie was the grand'
daughter*fcf Mr. Fitzpatrick, American
consul at Mnlnga during the early
years of the nineteenth century. Mr.
Fitzpatrick's wife wns of Scotch de
scent aud claimed to he connected In
Borne remote way with the Stuarts.
They hud one daughter, a very beauti
ful and accomplished girl, who made a
brilliant marriage with the Marquis l>e
Moutljo. Comte De Tebn. He d|ed aft :
er a few years of married life, leaving
her with two young daughters, one of
whom subsequently married the Duke
» * *i 11 of Albu. The other, Eugenie, became
Have you ever hoard the old saw; cmJ) ^ 88 ot the French.-From tkej
that a carpemar is known by his Memoirs of M. Claude,
chips? Well it ce.tainly must he
so for the job department of The
Proghess has reeioved several orders
from places of considerable distance
Among the more notable of these
were orders for llircc sots <>f invita
tions that came fiom imith of At
lanta. Somebody’s carpenter is
certainly making pretty fine chips.
He Is a friend who In dubious clr
*.iinstances aids In deeds when deeds
*re necessary.—Plautus.
Ben Franklin was the,
best printer of- his day.
And we have some of the
besf of this day. <j}No matter how
good a printer may be he cannot,
and will not, get results from do
worn oufkmaterial. CJWell, all of'
our material is new and up-to-date
and if you are “From Misouri” we
jean “Show You” just try and see.
•IWe are like the "Baby Elephant"
an Infant in age but a “Giant” in'
strength and size.. <j[Just keep on
your mind thifit we are here tc^K
“Show Y ou.”
Bring your Job Print
ing to The Progress
office. We have the
best equipped plant
in this section.