Newspaper Page Text
and Society
Miss Lottie Jones returned Wed
nesday from a visit to her sister
Mrs Miller at Barney Ga
Mrs. T. J. Browne returned home
a few days ago after a pleasant visit
to relatives in Union Springs, Ala.
One hundred acres of land chaiig-
ed hands in Duncanville district this
week, being sold! by Mr, A. Kinchen
to Mr. W. A. Lee.
Shop early} v
Subscribe for .'The Progress.
Phone the news to 141.
jiiss Mamie Howard is very-ill.
When you have visitors, tell us.
The early buyer gets the best of
’Phone the names of your visitors
to 14.1.
Miss Jennie Bell Dckle spent Sun
day 'in Thomas'ville.
Get a batli;' at Hai-rison's barber
shop on Central, ave.
Read the “Business Wants” and
you’ll profit thereby.
.It advertise in The Prog-
ress^Make ns prove-it.
Christmas haircuts, for sale at
Harrison’s barber shop.
Try a want, ad—they are the very
tl i ig. to. sell or buy with, ■ ‘
Miss Blanche Bishop - is visiting
friends in Cbipley, Fla. ,, this week.
If you want the news when it
is neWs; subxcTibe for this paper
Mr. and Mrs.' C’i L. Bi'owh visited
fridnds in Bainbridge last Sunday.
W. P. Smith' attended to business
in Thomnsyilijf this week,.
Mrs, R, C. Bell returned a few
ays ago from a short trip to her pa
rents in Moultrie,
C, E. Roberts, of Albany, was in
Cairo .Monday, selling Oliver type
Mrs. Henry Harris, of Union,
Springs, Ala,, is visiting her daugh
ter, Mrs. T. J. Browne.
Mrs. Neal Shaw and Miss Essie
Shaw,-of Fayetteville, N. C.‘are vis
iting the former’s sister, Mrs. J. P.
Malloy, this week..
J. R, winn, of Turner county was
in Grady county last week contem
plating moving here, Mr. winn is
one of Turner county’s substantial;
farmers •-
Dr. A. F. Christopher, v of Mineral
Bluff, who has been spending the
past two weeks w^th his sister, Mrs.
m. L. Ledford left! this morning for
hisnorth Georgia/ home. The doc
tor made many Acquaintances- vylyile
here- We a«r^rif&i’nied ^ that /lie
contemplates locating at Calvary in
the near future. \ve Would be glad
to have him in Grady as he is an
excellent- gentleman a,nd successful
Col. J. S.*Weathers went over to
Thqmasvillc bn professional busi
ness one day this week.
J. w. Malloney, of Berrien county
purchased a farm in the southern
part of this county of Smith <fe Cop-
page and -will move to this county
about 20th of this month.
The South Georgia Syrup Co, has
.begun the installation of machinery
in its plant, here. . They, will, scop
be in readiness to begin canning that
famous product of Grady county.
Hon Anderson Roddenbery our
Congressman: spent.a short while in
Cairo’last Week just before his: de :
partui’e oil Sunday to his duties in
Congress. His private secretary for
this term will; be I-Ion^ E... Hay, a;
prominent young attorney of Syl
vester. ■ -* •:.< i :■■■ /' ‘ j
Col. G. A. Wight and iris biideat-
ny'ed in th'e city Wednesday after a
delightful wedding trip to Memphis,
Atlanta and other points of; interest
in Tennessee and Georgia, They
intended cbmirig coming home Sat
urday of last week but decided- to
remain in Atlanta to see Ben Hurt'
The League topic was ‘ ‘The Heart
of the Gospel.” Prof. J. E, wright
ied the service and in his impressive
, .manner gave a heart to heart talk
.pwhioh was indeed medicine to the
soul. No one co,uld have listened
to him without feeling elevated
spiritually and mentally and oloser
friend to Christ.
Opening of the Pennsylvania
, Rrilroad Station, New York,:
The Atlantic Coast Line makes
official announcement that all their
New York traius will enter the new
Pennsylvania Railroad Station,
Seventh avenue and Thirty-Second
street, New York, on and after No
vember 27th, and that the West
Twenty-third street ferry, and the
Brooklyn Annex ferry will be dis
continued oh and after that date.
The “Florida and West Indian
Limited”, will leave from the new
stations at 10": 16 a. m. and - arrive
2:31p.m. The “Palmetto Limi
ted” will leave at 3:38 p. m. and
arrive 1:50 p J hi. and the “Coast
Line Flririda Mail’ ’ will leave 9:30
p. m. and. arrive 5:59 a. m. Upon
the inauguration of the “New Yo*k
arid Florida Special” January 9th,
thiit'train will leaVe’New York 1:26
p. m. and arrive 4:06 p. m.
It ; will be seen from the foregoing
that passengers will have consider
able advantages, not only'fiom the
convenience of reaching the station,
which fis centrally located and ad
jacent to street bar lines, extending
to all parts of <the city, but in a la
ter <|e par tu re and an earlier arrival
in the city..
The travel to the 'down town sec
tion-will be,.provided for by trains
rom the Manhattan Transfer Sta-
ftion, located near Ha rrison, N. J
Cortlandt, or Desbrosses streets,
which service will be continued.
Passengers to and frorii Brboklyn
will transfer in Pennsylvania sta
tion, to and from Flatbush avenue,-
BrriqldyTi; via the, tubes under East
river, thereby 1 saving much time
and annoyance. J \ ’ j
UndVr the new arrangement, ef
fective'November 27, (ill- Pullman
cars operated to and from New York
over the Atlantic Coast Line will be
electric lighted and equipped with
electric Jans.
; The. location- of the station ap
peals directly to the hotpl gubst, the
■shoppbr,' the amusement seqker, the
business man, the professional man
and every other class of travel to
and from New York, oyer the At
lantic Coast Line, as t|ie rijsw sta
tion is in the very heart of the ho
tel district, only one block from
Broadway, two blocks from FiftR
avenue and brie, block’ from the cferi-
ter of the retail dry ; goods section,
which is supposed to be the busiest
part of New York City.
Atlantic-Coast Link Raiujioad ,
E. M. North,
Asst. Gen. Pass. Agt.,
Savannah, Ga.
TV C. White, |
Gen. Pass. Agt-,
Wilmington, N. C.
W.;'J. Craig,
Pass. ;Traff. Mgr., :
Wilrnington, N. C.
To the Patrons of Cairo High
Administrator’s Sale.
GEORGIA—Grady County.
By virtue of an order of the Court of
Ordinary of said county will be Sold at
public outcry on the first Tuesday in. Jan-
uary, 1911, at the court bouse in said
county between the usual hours of sale,
the following real estate situate ip Grady
county, to-ivit: fSO) ^oighty-Hii} acres,
more or less of Lot No (21b) Two Hun
dred ancl Ten, also (124) one hundred
and twenty-four acres more or less of Lot
No. (231) Two Hundred and Thirty-One.
All said landB lying and being in the (16)
Sixteenth district of Grady county, L.„.,
and aggregating (210) two hundred , and
ten acres inore or less. Terms cash.
This December 6th, 1910.
T. M. WmcuiAM,
Administrator of R. E. Whigham
Leave to Sell Land.
GEOUGIA-Jjrady County:
Notice is hereby given that the under
signed has applied to the Ordinary of
said county for leave to sell land belong
ing to the estate of Leona Long for Jtlu:
E ayment of debts. Said application will
e heard itt the regular term of the
Count of Ordinary for said county to bo
held on the first Monday in January,
1911. This December 5th, 1910.
J. S. Smith,
Administrator upon the estate of Leona
City Hall For Sale
The Finance Committee is instructed to
receive bids for the Cairo City Hall.
Any person desirous of purchasing a
nice piece of property will please call on
either member of the committee.
The afternoon of Friday, Deccem-
beri 16, 1910, has been selected as
an appropriate time fdr exhibiting
work done by . the different grades
in Cairo High School during the
fall term/which will be within one
week of its close at that time.
All patrons and friends; of t-Hd
school are cordially invited to tye
present. " All parents should make
use of this (Opportunity to encour-
a^d.:at which all through trains agetheir children.! Your visit will
* l m . ii •111 i .1.411 Uo1v\ ! f/v niAan fLia fnum fa n*Ari7
from the south will stop. They will
he taken to the passenger station in
Jersey ;City and can reach the lower
'Manhattan by the Hudson and
Manhattan tubes, or « by ferry to
help them’ to close this term’s work
more joyfully, arid to ( begin the
next with renewed vigor.
Sincerely yours,
J. E. Wright.
Notice of Election of Trustees
for Grady County Schools
The Board of. Education of Grady
county has ordered an election to
fill the vacancies $hat exist in tlic
•Bo.ard of Trustees of the schools \»f
t’le county, said election to be held
on Tuesday, December 24th from 9
to 12 o clock a. m. Each school
in the county in the county is en
titled to three trustees and it is im
portant that vacancies be filled c»
the commissions expire in order
that each school district will meet
on the above named date and elect
men to fill all vacancies, and report
the result os such electi,in to this
office in order that those elected
may be regularly confirmed at the
next peering of the Board of Educa
tion. J. S. WEATHERS, C. S. C.
/ ; ■ ■> ■■ / ifJl
. . i
For first class commercial print
ing come to this office.
■i : f/
r ’
Will Be Continued Until the Holidays.
t I will continue my Sale until the holidays are over. Now is the time t
supply yourself and family for fall and winter.
My sale has been a great success. I have sold more goods than ever,and
I have just bought ,a new lot of goods; I bought them cheap because I bought
for THE SPOT CASH V . .3; ‘ J|l
jyST RECEIVED One Hundred $15.00 and $18.00
suits which will be 'sold
(Cn nn J Will be paid anyone finding cotton in these suits above mentioned.
$oU.UU Keward these suits are guaranteed.
All my other goods will be sold at the same prices as before. Ask your neighbors who have
purchased goods from me. Call for extra circulars, prices quoted.
:/v /■