The Grady County progress. (Cairo, Grady County, Ga.) 1910-19??, January 20, 1911, Image 5

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W JMIM Of 1010 HOT 25 per cent off on Men’s and Ladles’ Ready-to- Wears, Dress Goods and Trimmings, Blankets and Comforts. Higdon-Herring Co HOUSE OF QUALITY. Personal County fair. Better watch us grpw. (Subseribe for The Progress. of (Calendar Fresh garden seed at theTen Ceait gampleg you order for 1912 . <Our prices will make them inter esting and besides it keeps your money at home. Store. Get your early seed «om at the Tien Cent Store, Monday J. J. Coppage sold |6.,000 wortl) of property. Get ycjur Red Bliss seed potatoes "•at the Ton Cent Store. Mrs. Yaney Bryan was a visitor in Whigham Sunday. F. M. Brannon made a business Arip ’fctfPavo Thursday. Say, this reminds us! How about that County Fair? Get your Early Seed Oats at the Ten Cent Store, Better know what you are about. Advertise in the Progress. Wateh for the Valentines at the T*en Cent Store this season. Talk the County Fair and sub scribe for The Progress. 10,000 fancy post cards (one cent .each) at the Ten Cent Store. While you are talking to your friend boost the County Fair. Miss Annie Lee Dekle attended the meeting at Whigham Sunday. Dr. Robert H. Harris is in demand .■as an orator for various occasions of late. The editor’s family has at last ar rived and we are boarding at home now, thank you, Lillie Mae, the little daughter of Rev. and Mrs- F. A. Ratcliffe, is sprite ill this Week, Mm J. F. Stone formerly of Cairo but now of Fitzgerald, is the guest of Mrs. W. H, Robinson. Better goods cost very little more —the improved appearance counts, too. Get your printing liei e. Garden seed are advertised by Wight & Browne and it will pay anyone to get theirs from them. Read the ad of Abe Poller in this issue. Mr. Poller is clearing off his interst goods to make room for his wock of spring goods. The Grady County Furniture Co., the new furniture store, has an ad with The Progress. Go to see these folk and bid ’em welcome. FOR SALE—One GO-Kgg incuba - tor and one 120-Egg ineubator. -See me at once. Walter L. Wight. Too much “booze” got infixed up with one of the city court jurors Monday evening find as a 'result ’he was the guest of the city <ealaboose, The Progress job department 'has been kept busy since tbe mew year arrived, necessitating the employ ment of more help and woriting overtime. Better see<our line LOST—Tuesday afternoon, on Broad street, a gold brooch. • ‘Cres cent with womarPs head and email diamond. Finder return to this office and receive -reward. Pryor .Tones has Issued a challenge 1o some of his neighbors to a corn growing contest which has been ac cepted. Now wateh out for some large yields. Let others do like wise. Rev. Wi E. Towson was absent two days of this week on allying trip to Montgomery to meet Mrs. Towson’s mother, who returns to Cairo after an absence of a half a year. W. L. Skelton, one of the rural carriers out from Cairo, has been called to Atlanta as a witness for tbe government against the Atlanta papers, charged with defrauding the government. City court has been grinding away this week. The case of Elliott vs P. tfe H. Railroad will not be tried until the fifth Monday. This is the case in which Governor-elect, Hoke Smith appears for the plaintiff. Dr. Guv. S. Selman, of Donglas- ville. has located in Cairo. Dr. Selman is a young man well up in his chosen profession, and is the son of Dr. J. L. Selman, one of the oldest and most successful physi cians in Douglosville. ITp to December 13tb them were f>,542 bales of cotton ginned in Grady according to the information sent to the census bureau in Wash ington . Total for the state was 1 706,816 bales as compared with 1,- 766,070 in 1908 and 1,867,963 in 1908. There's a peculiar odoV in the air, that scent’s 1 " awfully like coming A good wagon : is one of the most essential things to the mordern farmer, and with this in view you should anvestigate the Mitchell wagon, ilhe strongest and longest wearing wagon on the market. These wagons are sold by Wight Hard wane Co. Read their ad else where in ithis issue. Oak Grove. C. E. Brinson and wife, of Paw nee section, visited their sister, Miss CasBie Kagerton last Sunday. Miss Annie McClelland visited home-folks the latter part of last -week, returning <to her school duties Monday. Albert Powell, made a business itirip to Pelham Monday evening. Miss Bessie. Lee Wilder, of this place, attended preaching at Har mony Saturday and Sunday last, Mrs. A. U. Wilder visited her sis ter, Mrs. W. D- Taylor last Mon day. L J. Wilder, of this place attend ed court in Camilla Monday, Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Wilder viisited relatives near Harmony fast Friday and Saturday, Messrs, A. J. Fain arid Dave Hudson of Oehlochnee called on the Misses Powell Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Pennie Cobles visited her friend, Mrs. I. IT- Wilder Monday. A. C. Jordan is still on the sick list. We hope he will soon recover. The farmers of this section are quite busy getting their fields in shape for planting. We wish for them a successful fanning year. Blue Eyes, How Can I Secure A Good Position? 7 .. There are thousands of young men and women asking themselves that question, and the secret of their success in life is wrapped up in in the answer. There is but one answer to the question- just two words. “PREPARE YOURSELF” Every one who has attended Bagwell’s Business College and did faithful work, now has a good position with a good salary and a bright future. If others succeed, why not you? We have the leading Business College in the state; the easiest, briefest and best courses. We save our students at least one-half the time and expense other schools require and give them a bet ter course" “ We Give a Written Guarantee to Secure a Position for Every Position. WRITE TODAY' for catalog anp full particulars, Address,’ .Bagwell's 198 Peachtree St. Atlanta, Ga U 11 MUSTN’T WEAR TIGHTS—EVEN beans, peas, onions jjnd other garden ‘sass.” We are always glad when this time of the .year arrives for the country editor usually gets a chance to break his winter fast a little later. .. Kaiua* Legislator Doth Seek to Control Woman’s Skirts. A Topeka, Kan., dispatch says the first freak bill made its ap- peajfariee in the house of repre- senatives on Thursday, It would prohibit the wearing of tights on the stage or in public by any woman. It provides that the skirts of all women who appear in public must be not less than four inches below the knees. Henry F. Lippitt Succeeds Aldrich. Providence, R. I., Jan. 1.—Henry F. Lippitt, Republican, was elected United States senator today to suc ceed Nelson W- Aldrich. ' — The Wagon that has stood the test of time for durability. Mitchell wagons have un equalled records for long ser vice,; there are hundreds of them that have been in daily use for more than 20 Years and these wagons are good for many more years yet. Buy a Mitchell and you will settle for all time your wagon troubles. P. S. Our Hardware Stock is Complete. Call on us when you are in CAIRO.