The Grady County progress. (Cairo, Grady County, Ga.) 1910-19??, February 03, 1911, Image 3

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10 SOUTH GEORGIA FIRST Farmers' Train Will Come lo This Section ol State First. Six or I Seven Exhibition Cars. Atlanta.—Permission from the rail road comission has , been granted the railroads to extend the courtesy of equipment and transportation for the agricultural train to Georgia, and the final obstacle has been re moved. The railroads have agreed to sup ply the agricultural college, under whose auspices the fifty day tour will be conducted, with six or seven necessary cars to transport the train from point to point over the state. About the only expense in connec tion with the equipment of the train now will probably be the Pullman car in which the officials, lecturers and demonstrators will sleep while en tour. It is not improbable that the Pullman company will even con sent to supply this free of cost, or at least a nominal charge. All arrangements for the train and tourare in the hands of Dr. A. M. Soule, dean of the state agri cultural college, and he is now busy working out the itinerary for the fifty day tour. It has been deter mined that the start will be made from Athens on Jantary 22, and South Georgia will be first visited. It is the intention to cqver the en tire state completely, and to make longer stops at each point. In most cases a day will comprise two or three stops all told. The ex hibition cars will be the most com plete a state has ever sent out. There will be all the latest farming implements, live stock, agricultural products and demonstration of soil surveys. It is desired to make this one of the greatest educational move ments in the history of the state. , Sumpter’s Lessons to Developers. these facts to the nation. Second, the desirability of securing for the development of idle or insufficiently cultivated lands either people with whose viewpoints and cuatomB we are thoroughly familiar, as in the case of these two South Carolina buyers, or purchasers from other parts of America who can readily assimilate with our own people. It will also be of aid to bear in mind two additional facts—that the records shown in Sumpter can be duplicated in the majority of the counties in Georgia, and that Sumpter’s record itsself is largly due to that goes systematically about the improvements of the county’s highways.—Atlanta Constitution. SYLVESTER ORGANIZES TRADE BODY Booster Meeting Held Friday Night and Sylvester Board ol Trade Organized—List ol Oill cers. 'I Sylvester, Ga,, ’Jan. 28.—About Trade bodies or other organizations engaged in the development of Geor gia would do well to study the sig nificance of two recent successive events in farm sales in Sumpter county. A day or so ago The Constitution published a story of the sale of a large Sumpter county farm at a healthy price to a South Carolinan, who expected to introduce upon it the latest mechanical aids to culti vation. 'The following day was published the account of the sale of another farm, by curious coincidence, to an other South Carolinan, but under conditions more unusual than those attending the first. L. Luther, Mayor, of Newberry, S. C., is the latest purchaser, and he bought 1,500 acres from L. A. Thomas for an aggregate of $40,000— a fortune not to be sneezed at even in prosperous South Georgia. The main point of the most recent sale turns upon the enterprise, in dustry and perspicacity shown by Mr. Thomas. He made a start eighteen years ago with relatively little capital. Since then he has accumulated 3,500 acres in He has lived well, watched the steady enchancement of his property, and now sells less than half of it for a sum that will make him independ ent the remainder of his That is not to recon with the income from the 1,900 acres he retains The news dispatch containing this information concludes with the statement that land.sales in Sumpter have aggregated a million dollars for the past year, and that all of the money has been kept in the county, The lessons Sumpter offers from these two instances are valuable. They are: First, the richness, attractivnesB and steadily enhancing value of Georgia farm lands, and the necessity of publicity in carry one hundred and fifty of the high spirited citizens of Sylvester gathered at the county court house last even ing for the purpose of organizing : Board of Trade. All present were highly enthuastic and eager to take part in perfecting this organization and many boosting talks were made, The following officers were elected for the ensuing year: J. H. Hill- house, president, T. C. Jeffords, vice-president; J. L. Tipton, secre tary, and P. Brooks Ford treasurer Sylvester has'yecently taken on a new spirit of progressiveness, and its citizens are awakening to the fact that they have one of the best towns in the state, being surrounded on all sides by some of the best farm lands in the country. Its growth for the past few years has been phenomenal and this movement on the part of the enterprising citizens promises many great and good things for Sylvester in the future. With Vigor Which WlUNot Aba'e During Next Few Months. The campaign in Georgia against the sale of near-beer, which was re cently commenced by the Anti-Sa loon League, under the direction . f Dr. George W. Young, assistant su perintendent and treasurer of the American Anti-Saloon League, will continue to be waged without the sign of a let-up. On Thursday night Dr. Young delivered an address at Chipley to a large audience. He was accompan ied by Assistant Superintendent Richards, who is also secretary of the Georgia League. On Friday Mr. Richards returned to Atlanta, and so did Dr. Young, but on Sun day they were out and at it again A moss meeting in Columbus will be addressed by Dr. Young on that day, and Mr. Richards will again be with him. A very large audience is expected. A week from Sunday Dr. Young will be at Hawkinsville and Dublin; and three weeks from Sunday he will be at Milledgeville. Mr. Richards will accompany him on all these trips. In Atlanta the campaign is be ing waged as actively as elsewhere, and great enthusiasm has been aroused. Don’t Blame Him. The newspaper man is blamed for a whole lot of things he can’t help such as using partiality in mention ing visitors, giving news about some folk and leaving others out, eto He simply prints all the news he can find. Some people inform him about such things and others do not. An editor should not be ex p :cted to know the names and resi dence of your uncles, aunts and cousins even if he should see them get on or off the train. Tell about it. It’s news that makes the newspaper, and every man, woman and child can be associate editor if they only will. Never apologize when you give this bit of informa tion to an editor, for if there lives one so dead that he has lost his ap predation of such favors he is dead indeed, to every virtue that imparts value to a paper. Owing to the fact that we find that small pox has broken out quite a number of places in Grady county we wish to ask our citizens to co-operate with the county phy sician, Dr- Arline, and the county board in an effort to stamp out the disease. We want to ask every per son who may contract the small pox to remain indoors as much as pos sible and not allow anyone to go near them who has not.been success fully vacinated or who has previous ly had had it until they are entire ly well and finished scaling off as the scales may be carried by the the wind some distance, and we wish to ask that every one who has not been successfully vaccinated to call at Dr, Arlines office and he wilLvacinate them free of charge. Respectfully, 29 4t Thos. Wight, Chairman. 1912 Calendars,, _ NTI-SALOON CAMPAIGN IS ON Subscribe for The you will get the nev Progress and s while it is P- C. ANDREWS; Attorney-at-law, CAIRO, GA Office in Parker Building. “Mitchell” The Wagon that has stood the test of time for durability. Mitchell wagons have un equalled records for lo^g ser vice,; there are hundreds of them that have been in daily use for more than 20 Years and these wagons are good for many more years yet. Buy a Mitchell and you will settle for all time your wagon troubles. Wight HardwareCo. P. S. Our Hardware Stock is Complete. Call on us when you are in CAIRO. W. J. Willie Attorney-At-Law Will practice in ,.all i.Courts, i State and ledcral. 'Collections a specialty. Office in L. B. Powell building. Phone 73. - - CAIRO, GA R. C. BELL ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR IRA CARLISLE Associate General Practice: Office over Post of fice. Five Year FARM LOANS prompt ly negotiated at low rate of interest. CAIRO, GA. Notice to Farmers. All parties wanting Planting Seed from my Fine Long Cotton can get them now. I only have a LIMITED amount and the first comes is the first served. Price for Planting Seed, selected with great care, is $2.50 per bushel. J. J. COPPA E. for 1912 Keep Pounding Away How Can I Secure A Good Position? There are thousands of young men and women asking themselves that question, and the secret of their success in life is wrapped up in in the answer. There is but one answer to the question— just two words. “PREPARE YOURSELF” ' Every one who has attended Bagwell’s Business College |] and aid faithful work, now has a good position with a good salary j* and a bright future. If others succeed, why not you? We have the leading Business College in the state; the easiest, briefest and best courses. We save our students at least one-half { the time and expense other schools require and give them a bet- - ter course" We Give a Written Guarantee to Secure a Position for Every Position. WRITE TODAY for catalog anp full particulars, Address, Bagwell’s Business College 198 Peachtree St. Atlanta, Ga Every blow struck by a good, snappy, convincing advertisement in this paper - STRENGTHENS YOUR BUSINESS Try Your Flat at It ; „ Ben Franklin wa6 the best printer of his day And wq have some of the besf of this day. <j|No matter how good a printer may be he cannot-, and will not, get results from do worn out material. fiJWell, all of our material is new and up-to-date and if you are ‘ From Misouri” we can "‘Show You” just try and see. <3We are like the "Baby Elephant" an Infant in age but a “Giant” in strength and size. GJJust keep on your mind that we are here to “Show You.” The Progess $1