The Grady County progress. (Cairo, Grady County, Ga.) 1910-19??, February 03, 1911, Image 8

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Booth Crossing. < Wo are glad to report that J. W. Davis children are improving after two weeks illness with scarlet fever. W. T. Broom has moved into his nc\v residence. G. M. Shores shopped in Reno Saturday evening. Mr. Wiley Broom shopped in Cairo Saturday. G. W. Rehbcrg shopped in Reno Saturday evening. Mrs. C. T. Ross is on the sick list this week. We hope her a speedy recovery. Cr, W. Rehbcrg visited J. T, Ross Sunday morning. Raymond Newborn was a visitor to Cairo Tuesday. Grover Broom dined with Grover Booth Sunday. Charlie Booth visited Charlie Broom Sunday morning. News seems to be a little better this week. Wake up boys. Mr. Ander ITolton shopped in Cairo Saturday. Mr. Lemon Cliett went to Saturday and treated himself bicycle. Mr. Mark Holton spent a with Mr. Henry Holton nsar locknee'returning, Sunday. J, E. Holton shopped in Saturday. Mr. Perry Braswell visited his aunts, Misses Sallie and Lizzie Bras well, uear Reno, Sunday. G. W. Rehberg, made a flying trip to Cairo Monday, Subscribe for The Progress if you want to read the news. The stork visited Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lee and left in their care a sweet little girl. The little daughter of G. W. Reh berg has been ill with scarlet fever. Misses Lizzie and Bell visited Miss Efliie and Eva Sunday evening. Mr. Emory Broom was a caller at Mr. Henry Rehberg Sunday even ing. Lee Booth shopped in Cairo Tues day. Mrs. Matilda Davis visited Mrs. J. T. Booth Sunday, Mrs. J. T. Booth shopped in Cairo Saturday. Black Eyes. Cairo to week Och- Cairo Oak Grove. A few more days and the great "Educational train” will stop in Pelham. Lets allgo. It is something worth going to see. Mrs. A. J. Barrow and son, Thomas, of Pelham, visited Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Miller Sunday. Miss Ethel Brock and E. 0. Pal mer, were among those who attend the general meeting at Union last Sunday, Mrs. Fannie Palmer is quite ill at this writing. We wish for her a speedy recovery. Mr. John Carter, of Union Hill, was a pleasant caller down this way Sunday afternoon. Wonder what the attraction is, Seel A Basket "Supper,” will be given at Oak Grove, for the benefit of the school, on Friday night, February 10. Everybody come and help in this good cause. The people of this community ex tend to Rev. Win. Hollingsworth, their heart felt sympathy, in the loss of his devoted wife, who died at her home in Whigham, last Tuesday. Mr. John Darus and wife spent the day very pleasantly with Mr. and Mrs, Neil Dokle, last Sunday. Mr. Cebron Coker of this place visited his father, Mr, J. W. Coker last Sunday. Messrs Alfred and Spence Shiver had the misfortune to lose their saw mill, gin and grist mill by fire last Saturday night. It is a great loss as they carried no insurance. Blue Eyes. Broom Broom Elpino News. A nice shower of rain would help us at present. There will be preaching at Con cord next Sunday afternoon every body invited to attend. Messrs. R. E. and Iry Mallov at tended Primitive Union meeting in Mitchell county last Saturday and Sunday. W. A. Shiver made a business trip to Cairo Monday. Misses Nannie Satler and Bettie Dees visited at Mr. R. M. Brinson’s Saturday night of last week. We are glad to note that Mrs Flossie Willis is greatly improved at this writing. Miss Mattie Christie spent last Saturday and 'Sunday with Miss Rochelle Morrison. Misses Mellie Ferrell and Mora Brinson called to see Miss Dees Sun day evening. Ask a certain young lady who drove a gray horse Sunday evening Mr. Jim Pinson and wife visited W. A. Shiver and wife last Sunday W. A. and S. W. Shiver had the misfortune to loose their saw mill and gin by fire last Saturday night. All indications are that the fire was of incendiary cause. We sympathize with them in their great loss. 83,000 f mm:.. . , , was the loss wit^ no insurance. Auburn. Pleasant Valley. The farmers of this section are turning the soil under, and getting it ready for planting. Mr. and Mrs. Bud VanLanding- ham were visitors at Mr. and Mrs. Will Brown’s Sunday. Messrs.Tom and Will Moore called on the school teacher, Miss Mattie Gainey Sunday night. Quite a number of boys from this section were around Elpino Sunday. The wedding bells have ceased to ring in this section at last. We are having some spring weath er now. Mr. J. L. Sword has moved his saw mill to this section. Our school is getting small now on account of farm work. Mrs. D. D. Ragan fell out of door one day this week causing very painful injury in her shoulder. We hope it will soon be better. We haven’t very much news week but hupe to do better week. Guess Who. ! can be found in our old quarters in the Farmers Union warehouse with larg est and best line of Buggies and Wagons We have ever handled. Our line in these goods cannot be excelled by any make. Hay, Grain and Feedstuffs. We are headquarters for the choicest feed stuff in rig needs Grist Mill at Barber’s Old Stable. We have a new mill and will keep fresh meal at all times. Our motto is. to'please our customers. Calver Taylor Miller. Barber & Taylor. Cotton Still Very Dull There is very little demand for cotton of any kind these days and Sea Island cotton is selling for less money than it has during the pasi, four or five mouths. The best grades are bringing only twenty- seven cents, while the second grades are bringing twenty-five cents. What is known as "dog falls” are bringing from fifteen-cents up to twenty cents a pound. Most of the cotton that has been brought here recently is low grades. There is very little demand for any of the grades, even at the prices we stated- Don’t order until you see our calendars—The biggest and best line. The Progress, you’ll big crops at harvest time. Our brands been thoroughly tested in this section and have given absolute satisfaction to chaser. Join the satisfied crowd by your fertilizers from us. W. G. Baggett & Son, Cairo, Reno, Cranford, Calvary. One Day’s Robberies. Tuesday appeared to have been a golden harvest day for safe blowers and robbers througdout the country. Among the dispatches were the fol lowing: Hahira, Ga., postoffice robbed of 854 in cash. Victoria. Va., postoffice robbed of 8300 cash and $400 in stamps. Dixon, 111., postofficc entered, but postmaster kept money in a bank after three attempts had been mado to rob the office within two months. Ochlochnee, Ga., prstoffice safe blown and $200 taken, Galesberg, 111., bank safe blown and $3,000 taken. Kane, 111., safe blown in which there was $5,000, but the robbers were frightened and left in a stolen buggy. ' School Improvement The School Improvement Club will meet at the school house Fri day afternoon of this week at 3:4$ o’clock. Mrs. R. C. Bell, President. Mrs. W. H. Robinson Secretary. Gambling Devices Catches All. • The J. C. Simpson Carnival has been here. Several haye dropped their "wad” at the various gamb ling devices. Strange people will undertake to beat people at their own game, especially when told that the percentage is favorable to the operator. One thing that puzzles us is why a poker player is jerked up and find and the operator of these devices are permitted to go free. Velvet Beans TtoLVET Beans— 1 am prepared to hull. Velvet, Beans on shares at my farm near Cairo, J. B. WIGHT, 29 tf