The Grady County progress. (Cairo, Grady County, Ga.) 1910-19??, March 24, 1911, Image 5

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Read the new ad of J. H.Mitchell in this issue, The Citizens Bank changed thei ad this week. Miss Mavy Bell is confined to her bed with fever; W. A. Carr, of Calvary, was in Cairo Tuesday. Farmers & Merchants Bank have a new ad this week. Carpenters are now at work im proving Gordon Heights. J. M. McNair, Jr., was a visitor to Whigham Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. S. Y. Stribling, left Sunday for Opelika, Ala. Theo Copeland, it is said, will erect an autdlnobile garage. C. C. Whiddon and wife visited friends in Cairo Thursday. J. F. Brown, spent a few days this week at White Springs, Fla. Miss Bessie Odum returned to her work at Edison Wednesday. Slator Wight spent a few days at home with his parents this week. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Southall haye returned to their home in Quincey, Fla. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Miller an nounce the birth of a fine little girl. W. P. Smith and family of Thom- asville, were visitors to Cairo this week. Mrs. A. B. Cooke visited Mrs. Charlie Robinson, of Thomasvflle, this week. Mrs. Andy Stringer spent Sun day at Whigham with her sister, Mrs. Lassater. Mrs. E. R. Lord, who has been visiting relatives in Attapulgus, has returned home. Miss Litla Bell, who is attending Bessie Tift College, is at home con fined withe measles. Mrs. Stapleton and little daughter are the guest of Mrs. J. A. Lindsey during their stay here. J. L. Oliver’s San has a new ad in this issue announcing the arrival of new spring goods. If you want to hear the piano that Tiie Proorcss is giving away go out to the Methodist church. Dwight Gray, who has been con fined to his bed with pneumonia,for some time, is rapidly recovering. .J. E. Forsvth has let the contract to A. B. Goolsby for a two story dwelling to be erected in southern Cairo, Miss Charley Maie MeDonard, who has been visiting Mrs. G. W. Hurst, returned to her home in Moultrie Monday. Mr. Stapleton, who is singing at the protracted meeting at the Metho dist church is a guest at the home of Miss Carrie Wighl. Miss Emma L. Tucker, who is conducting the evangelistic meeting at the Methodist church is the guest of Mrs. Kedar Wight. The Progress’ piano has been loaned to the Methodist church for the protracted services which is be ing carried on that church this week. Mrs. Hunter Hogue, who has been on an extended visit to her sister, Mrs. J. W, Jones, has re turned to her home in Atlanta ac companied by J. W. Jones. A heavy rain fell here Wednes day night and the farmers will get busy planting their crops. Owing to the dryness of the land few had planted, and some not even broken their land. II. J. Hart, who went to Atlanta last week after Col. G. A. Wight’s automobile, returned Wednesday afternoon. He left Atlanta Tues day at 7:15 and arrived hero about 1:80 Wednesday * LOST—Last Sunday afternon a gold monogram cuff button be tween the Methodist church’ and town or on the vacant lot behind the old barrel fractory. Finder will be liberally rewarded if returned to Jack Majors. Jr., at Tiie Progress office. If the Decatur roads teach any- hing at all, here is hoping that our neighbor Grady will connect with the balance of the counties and let the tourist that are - ahVays on the road see their county as well as ours in comfort and assurance that they will get through safely on their roads.—Bain bridge Post, Mr. Richard Johnson of Leon County Fla., Miss Griscon and Miss Phipps from Massachusettes, and Miss,Epps from Tallahassee were a party who came over to look into the pecan business one day last week. They were well pleased with what- they saw. Mr. Johnson and Miss Griscom have each set a grove of several hundred trees on^Lake Lamonia. These trees were bought in Cairo. Pine Level. Mr. John Anderson attended to business in Tifton this week. Roy Kirkland went Cairo Friday. Rev. W. G. Sellers attended to business in Cairo Saturday. J. N. Butlar and David Sellers went to Pelham one dav last week. Miss Vere Pipkins spent Saturday night with Miss Mattie Butler. Preaching was well attended at New Hope Sunday Sunday. J. N. Butler weut Cairo Satur day. J. A. Smith and wife were the guest of Mr. David Sellers and family- Saturday night. Mr. Carson Whigham and Miss Nannie Jones attended preaching at New Hope Sunday. Miss Annie Lou Gainous visited Miss Lillian Mills Saturday night. Mr. John Anderson and family were the guest of Mr. Roy Kirkland and wife Sunday. Wayne Womble visited his brother, Heiry Womble, Sunday. Gordon Horton and Dallas Moss attended to busines in Cairo Satur day. The Rough and Ready Ball team has organized again. Success Boys. J. D, Maxwell transacted business in Thomasville Monday and Tues day. , Dean Mills dined with Gordon Horton Sunday. Mrs. Elfa^Whigham and daughter Miss Lizzie Mae, of Ochlocknee, visited relatives and friends of this this section Saturday and Sunday. Walter McDowell passed through this section Sunday enrout to visit his son, Clevland, of near Spring Hill; N, E. W. Oak Grove. The farmers were all glad to see the rain Sunday afternoon. Albert Powell was a visitor to Cairo Saturday. Miss Annie McClelland visited her homefolks Saturday and Sun day. C. P. Eagerton of Brinson visited his sister, Miss Cassie Eagerton Sunday. Miss Zolemma Coker of Pawnee visited her aunt Miss Bessie Lee Wilder Sunday. Misses Cassie Eaget ton and Annie McClolland attended the Teachers’ Institute Saturday. Mr. Odus Powell and wife spent last Sunday with Mr. Albert Powell and wife. Mr. Sanford Miller and Misses Cassie Dagerton and Alma Miller attended the basket supper at Marsh Hill Friday night. On last Sunday afternoon at four o’clock Mr. Walter Merritt and Miss Callie McClelland were joined to gether in the holy bonds of matri mony. Rev. Sellers performed the ceremony. The brides maids were Misses McClelland and Rosa Merritt. The groomsmen were Messrs Willie Merritt and John Career. The bride was beautifully gowned in white all over embroidery. The groom is a young farmer. The bride is the charming young daugh ter of Mr. J. S. McClelland. We wish for them much happiness and success. Miss Bertha Fowell was a pleas ant visitor at our school Friday afternoon. Mesdames Mary Wilder and Rachel Lewis spent last Thursday night with Mrs. Albert Powell, Albert Powell made a business trip to Pelham last Friday. Brown Eyes. W.T. CR AWFORD. President. WALTER L. WIGHT, Cnohlor -*<T> Vico Pros ( THOS. WIGHT, i. j B. II. POPE, (J. N. * l U.N. MAXWELL. FARMERS & MERCHANTS BANK Capital Stock $30,000 CAIRO, GA. SURE TO WIN. Success is desired by all. This is attained by constant, faithful wore and the saving of part of yeur earnings. If you are going to win, begin now. We will be glad to start your account at $1 or over, and help you in all business stepB. To save is to win. “Make Our Bank Your Bank.” The Machine Everyone Buys H,,M. Ashe Company, Southern Dealers Y. M. C. A. Building, ATLANTA, GA. Spring Hill The rain we got Sundhy was very much needed as the farmers haven’t plahted much corn yet. We have been having a fine time with fire in tie woods for the last week.. Rev. W. G, Sellars filled tbj> pul pit at New Hope Sunday in the place of Rev. J, W. Cannon. L. M. Rigsby and Miss Josephine Shivers attended preaching at New Hope Sunday. T. M. Duggar and wife visited T. M. Whigham Saturday night and attended preaching at New Hope Sunday, ,■' We are glad to note that F. M. Cox is improving-after several days illuess. C. W. Nozwbrth and wife spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Cone. B. S. Pleasant Valley. Tn'e farmers of this section are waiting on rain so they can plant their crops. John and Sidney Blitch attended services at Spring Hill Sunday. J. L. Sword has his saw mill up and running. Miss Mattie Gainey was a visitor in Cairo Saturday and Sunday. There will be singing at Pleasant Valley every third Sunday afternoon Everybody invited invited to come. Mr. J. D. Bennett and family yis- ited their parents Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Bennett Saturday and Sunday. Some of the boys and girls of this section attended preaching at Pine Level Sunday. Guess Who. Capt. H. A. Powell. Capt. H. A. Powell is the way they write it at Cornell University. He is now in his third year of his engineering course at Cornell, where on account of his dilligence as a student, he has recently been pro moted to the captaincy of his mili tary company. We rejoice in his success and are glad to know of A few things that are carried in stock at I Mitchell’s Old Reliable Grocery. Saratoga Chips, Peanut Butter, Pure Food Canning Co’s., Fruit Jam, all flavors, Swift’s Premium Hams, Mer ry Widow flour, water mill meal, and anything good to make up a tempting dinner. Why not try us for Groceries h from now on. We solicit your patronage and assure you it will be appreciated. We buy eggs, butter, chickens and seed pea nuts and pay xash. J.H. PHONE 97. FREE DELIVERY. STERLING SILVER TABLE WARE are the newest and most attractive styles of very distinctive and original designs of the highest artistic excel lence. Tea and coffee sots.spoons,forks, knives in infinite variety* for all „ pur poses demanded by‘table service, can now be viewed at Sanders whore your orders and selections will be given the most painstaking attention. We are also showing a remarkable line of wed ding and presentation silver of pro nounced charm and attractiveness. C. F. SANDERS, Jeweler. Cairo, - - - Georgia. honora'that come to our boys either at home or abroad. As is well known, Audry is the'son of Mrs. B. F. Powell of our town. Tax Notice, First Round I will be at the following named places' for the purpose of receiving Tax Returns, Lime Sink Monday April 3 Spring Hill Tuesday j Wliigham Wednesday Calvary Thursday « 'Ragan Friday ' ■Duncanville Monday 10 Pine Park Tuesday jl Rigsby’s Store Wednesday a. in. 12 Pone’s Store Wednesday p. m. 32 Spence Thursday 13 Menitt’s Store Friday a. in. H Shiver’s Store Friday p. m. ,'W Blowing Cave Monday 17 Cairo. Tuesday 13 1 will receive your tax returns, at any time or place yon sec me, except on Sun day from time books open until closed. J. W. Cannon, T. R. G. C. Scale of Votes. votes price Proorkss 12 months 1,000 $ ! -00 “ 2 years 2,500 2,00 “ ‘i “ 4,000 3.00 $100,000.00 TO LOANS On five years time, at low- rate of interest. Privilege to pay back any time and stop interest. NO LONG DELAY, NO RED TAPE. Best Terms offered by any one in the South. Will lend about half the value improv ed farm property. Correspondence solicited. R. C. Bell & Ira Carlisle Attorneys-At-Law CAIRO, - - GEORGIA. Why send away your orders for engraving? Every kind of society engraving at rock bottom prices at The Progress.