The Grady County progress. (Cairo, Grady County, Ga.) 1910-19??, April 21, 1911, Image 2

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MR. B. W. HUNT ON RABIES. Mr. Hnnl Whose Experence In- Both America and Europe and Has Seen Rabies In Men and Dogs Replies to The Macon Telegraph ol April 10. To the Editor of The Telegraph: Regarding “Mad Dog Scare” in yours of April 10, I feel that some reply is necessary on the part of a Southern resident, who has observed rabies in both dogs and men, and whose personal experience includes America and Europe. That no rabies exist in England is likely, true, but if so it is because of the exceeding care and precaution now taken. Acquaintances of the writer were bitten by mad dogs in the city of London, and others in the rural sheep-raising section near the northern border some years ago. These men from England were ac tually taking the treatment at the Pasteur Institute in Paris when the writer was a patient therein. One of these men was sent at the expense of the city of London. If I were to ask every physican in Georgia if he had ever seen a case . of bubonic plague, or of sleeping sickness, he would answer no. I could then print the statement that the scare of these diseases was the cause of death and not the disease themselves. Such a statement is misleading and calculated to do in calculable harm. The Northern physicans that I have personally in terviewed have never seen a case of rabies,not because it is non-existent, but for the reason of its rarity in their location. In civilized centers like Pari| and New York, where wandering dogs are unknown, an epidemic of rabies is impossible, with us in the rural South where the poorer the occupant of a cabin the more dogs are found, and they, unrestrained id their wanderings' the case is quite reverse^*. Onb rab^ ic dog here usually spreads the dis ease for miles. The club of which I am a member in New York has the cattle imported from the Island of Jersery tuberculine tested. Not a case of tuberculosis has ever been found on the Island of Jersey. Shall I say that liovine tuberculosis is a “scare disease” and not a reality? Such reasoning would correspond with the article to which I object. In Georgia many Jersey cows haye been tuberculine tested, reacted, been slaughtered and the actual tu bercular deposit found in the car casses. 1 have personally sent many dogs and cats from Putnam county, that a portion of the suspect’s brain might be injected in to rabbits to prove whether or not the suspect was truly suffering from rabies. This test is the only sure one known. Generally the result, of the injection sustains the scienti fic observer’s diagnosis. Many of the suspecG prove hydrophobic. Enough are found truly rabid, not to cause a scare, but to prevent any unnecessary alarm by taking a pre ventive treatment originated by Pasteur. Those who deny the existence of rabies think they have the argu ment on their side, becauie only a few people or animals bitten by rabid dogs develop the disease, and those who die await weeks or months of incubation. Only a few persons of the many bitten die from the strike of a rattlesnake, but those Tha 8oft Answer. Two men were occupying a double eeat in a crowded car. One of them was a long distance whistler and the .... ...... ... « uutmusu othpr was evidently annoyed. “You >vho die expire promptly, and there ' t seein t0 llke “Y whistling?” said . ....... .• 1 . . the noisy one after a five minute eon- is no possibility of denying the cause of their death, hence we as yet are saved the denial of the ex istence of rattlesnake venom. There is a school of thought that petitions the English parliament and the legislatures of the states to enact laws to prevent the inocula tion of variola, which discovery of Jenner has doubtless saved the lives of millions. The same spirit is be hind the opposition to the accept ance of the scientific recognition of rabies. 1 ask space to answer the article in your paper, not to champion any side to a controversy but because valuable lives are lost every year through disbelief .in hydrophobia, or from ignorance of the proper preventive treatment. The loss of life and property from want of exercise of good judgment is a frightful burden to society. My advice to any one bitten by ani mal suspected to be rabic is to im mediately consult the physician, who upon application to the State Board of health, will obtain the serum free of charge for only effec tive preventive treatm ent of this dread disease. Benj. W. Hunt. Eatonton, Ga., April 14. 99-YEAR LEASE ON GOVERNOR’S MANSION Favored by Committee. $1,628,- 000 Will be Slates Receipts lrom Property The legislative committee ap pointed to consider proposals of the present executive mansion, at a meeting held last Friday de cided unanimously to make fa vorable report on the bid of B M. Grant & Co., an Atlanta real estate firm, which offers for a 99-year lease of the property, $12,000 for the first five years, $15,000 for the next ten years, $18,000 for the ten years after that $22,000 for each year remaining of the lease period. The committee gaye out a state ment in which it said that the highest cash bid for the property was $851,000, or more than $2,500 per front foot. Another lease proposition was received at a higher figure, but as it contained an option to buy the property at $401,100, plus $5,000 for each year elapsing be fore the option is exercised, the committee turned it down. The committee declined to give out other bids or the names of the bidders. No satisfactory proposal as to a site for a new mansion or for an annex to the state Capitol was received. The proposal accepted for the lease of the mansion provides that there shall be no taxes collected on the pro perty, through which the state wilHose $2,000 or more a year,as the property increases in value. It will net the state, if accepted by the Legislature, for the ; first five years just 3.4 per cent, of the present value; in the next ten years 4.2 per cent., then 5.1 and 6.2 respectively of the pre sent value for the remainder of the lease. The reason a lease proposal was favored by the com mittee is to prevent the money from going into the public pro perty fund, where it could be only ir. the payment of the public debt. T«nnyw>n'B Tactlo*«ne»». Bovoral stories are told of Tenny son’s thoughtless speeches. "What <teh Is this?” he once asked fils hostess where he was dining. "Whiting," she replied. "The meanest fish there Is,” he remarked, quite unconscious that be rould have wounded any one’s feel ings. Yet his kindness of heart was such that when his partridge was afterward given him almost raw he ate steadily through It for fear his hostess might be vexed. On one occasion Tennyson was v«® rude to Mrs. Brotherton, a neighbors! Freshwater. The next day he came to her house with a great cabbage under each arm. "I heard you like these, so 1 brought them,” he said genlaly. It was his idea of a peace offering. Women's Time Schedules. Few women speak of a train starting slightly off the even hour, as the 3:03 train, for example, or the 3:12. “Three" wlU do. It bothers a man a hoap t« go hunting for a 3 o’clock train by feminine directions when it Is a 8:12 train. For some women "3" will do for the 2:54 train; It’s near enough. Then the man following feminine dl rectlons, unless he is on his guard against these pitfalls, Is lost Prob ably If It weren’t for his business train lng, which teaches a man that 3:02 la not 3, not 3:01, not 3:01%, not 3:01%, but 8.02, he’d be better natured about women's time schedules.—Boston Post the noisy one after a five minute con tlnnous performance. “No, 1 don’t," waa the frank reply. “Well," contin ued the’Other,..J'maybe. you think you are' man .enough io stop it?" “No. I don’t think T <rin," rejoined the other, “but 1 hope you are.” And the whist ling wa^ discontinued.—Argonaut Tax-NptAce, 2nd Round. I wi|( the following named places, on data's designated, for the purpose of receiving tax returns: Spence court house April 24,a. m. Pope’s store. April 24, p. m. Merritt’s store April 25, a. m. Shivers store April 25, p. m. Rigsby’s store April 26, a. m. Pine Park April 27. Duncanville April 28 and 29. ■ Ragan court house May 1, a< m. Reno May 1, p. m. “Millie” Rehberg’s May 1, night. Calvary, Carr & Elarbee’s store, May 2. Whigbam court house May 3. Spring Hill court house May 4. Lime Sink court house May 5, a, m. Coker’8 store May 5, p. m. Blowing Cave court house May 8. Cairo May 9 to 12. Please bear in mind that you can give in your piuperty anywhere you see me, also that everybody can’t be waited on the same day. So please take advantage of the rounds. Respectfully, J. W. Cannon, R. T. R.'G. C. Judge C. B. -Conyers has sent about twenty cases from the super ior court to the Brunswick city court for trial. Practically all were in dictment for violation of the pro hibition law. Clean Hats are Essential to good health and keeps dandruff out of the hair and keeps the hair alive. Pannamas, Straws and Soft hats cleaned, blocked and re handed at rea sonable prices Out of town orders giv en prompi attention. R. W. Ponder Phone 81. Give in your city taxes. The book are now open. B. M. Johnson, 39 tf Cleark and Treasurer. S And the coming of Spring brings the detestable, filthy, germ-soaked fly. Screen your home against these invaders, who are armored with disease and death. We have just received a large shipment of screen doors and windows. We have also received a car of SASH and DOORS. Come into see us and let us show. Our prices are right and we’ll certainly please you. Remember we handle lime and cement also in carload lots. Yours to Please, Wight Hardware Co. CAIRO, GA. Attractive Bugg ies, that the prices and long- wearing Qualities make more Attractive How many times have you accepted the deal ers word about a so-called “Best-Made” buggy to find that after a few months running it was absolutely NO GOOD? And you PAID good money for them too. We deal in Buggies that are in strict keeping with the words ALL RIGHT and it is NOT neccessary for us to misrepresent them. In other words our buggies are GOOD ONES and you needn’t take our word for it. We’ll sell you wagons, harness, fertilizer and feed stuffs too, if you’ll consider meritable values. W. G. Baggett & Son, \ Cairo, Reno, Cranford, Calvary. NYAL’s SPRING' SARSAPARILIA For the Blood And Skin It is better by far than most so-called remedies. It’s better for the simple reason that it performs it’s work. It’s the most powerful remedy on the market, 100 Doses $1.00 Wight & Browne, Leading Druggists. Are Your Clothes Used For ’ DOG BEDS? Did you ever have an occasion to “follow your clothes” to the pressing? If you should have an occasion to do so at an expected hour/you'll find that the “‘nig’pres’n clubz” are no respecter of persons, in. their filth-reeking dives, and you likely to find some big dirty buck (or. a dog perhaps) at calm repose on your best suit. You’ll find nothing of this sort at our shop, eyery thing is clean, sanitary/»nd your clothes will found hanging on clothes trees. it’s SfSn?he^n<f FE * Patrpnize a white man, because Phone 81 CITY PRESSING CLUB Cairo, Ga. FANS fit YES! our line of Advertising " Fans ■“ here » that is, part of them. The pri< makes them doubly attractive. Progre O