The Grady County progress. (Cairo, Grady County, Ga.) 1910-19??, April 28, 1911, Image 1

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■ CAIRO, GRADY COUNTY, GEORGIA. FRIDAY, APRIL 2& 1911. HEAD1IIUS OF F. & H. TO BE HERE The Move to Take Place On or About May 1st. OFFICES WILL PROBABLY BE AT DEPOT Headquarters Have Been For Some Time at Giradyvllle-Slnce Massee . & Felton Have Sold 1 Their Saw Mill Interest the Hoad Will be Under DiUerent Management. The headquarters of the Pel ham & Havana railroad will'be moved to Cairo about May 1st. This has been definitely decided upon. v - Since Massee & Felton have sold their saw mill interest at Gradyvilie it is no longer necessary to keep the head quarters at that place. Hereto fore the same men have looked after. Massee & Felton’s saw mill interest and the Pelham and Havana roads interest, both being under the same management. * It is reported that just as soon as the work of putting the road in first-class condition is com' pleted that it will be extended on to Havana as rapidly as possible. A work train is now engaged in repairing the road, filling in low places and raising the track, thus reducing 'the grades. , Mr. Camp, , who has been Massee & Felton’s general man ager. at Grady vilie will have charge of the road’s, offices here •and will be general manager. His force will move to town. It has not been definitely de cide where the offices will be located but it is thought for the present, at least, they will be at the Pelham & Havana depot. We again remind you to keep your eyes on Cairo and watch her grow. WORK AT CEMETERY SHOULD BE FINISHED It Should Be Cleaned Up and the Gates Kept Closed So the Stock May Not Trample Over Graves Pull Together home TRADE. addressed the meeting. In his address he gave statistics as to how the Odd Fellws have grown in the state of Georgia during the last twelve yerrs, and what their expectations are for the present year. The meeting was a very suc cessful one. Col. Roscoe Luke was to haye been the orator but failed to ar rive. MOTHER SYRUP CM FOR CAIRO itT Dissension in a town makes the grass grow in the streets. Unity makes the trade grow in the stores. ‘ Other things being equal, a city is usually as big as the faith of its people. If they believe,in it enough to sink all differences and pull to gether you can bet dollars to doughnuts that town is on the up grade. When all the merchants unite for the good of their burg it is a safe gamble that home trade will unite itself to them. It is better to have the long green in the tills than the grass green in the streets. Unity makes the long green grow. The town that does not pull together will be pulled to pieces. Several vi 3itors at the city cem ctery on Memorial Day comment ed upon the efforts that had been made by some to improve its ap pearance by cleaning it up, put ting in new gates, etc. Portions of our “city of the dead” looked very well, but sad to relate, other parts of it are in very bad order. Lots and graves are over-run with weeds and brambles. What has already been done in the way of cleaning up makes the •other portions that have not been attended to all the more notic- •able. ' Do we pay enough attention to the sleeping place of our be- , -loved dead? The other day, be fore the two new gates were put in, it is reported that the cows had free access to the in3ide of the cemetery, trampling over the graves, eating the shrubbery and otherwise injuring this sacred place. “Memorial Day has done one good; it has resulted in hav ing the cemetery partially clean- ed.up,”, was a remark made in oar hearing last Wednesday. Now would it not be well to clean up the rest of it? Whlgtiam’s W'lfralallon Given at 627—In 1900 It Was 392. A Goad Showing. Cairo's Population 1,505. Whigham has grown from 392 to 627 in ten years. Several months ago The Prog ress published the census of Cairo as bSmg 1,510. At the time we knew that that was not the cprrect figures but it was as nepr as could be gathered then, but missing it only five is a very small miss. Below will* be found the com plete census of the county: 1910 1900 Grady county ...18,457 County by districts. No. 553, Higdon 1,351.... No. 576, Duncanville..1,592 .... No.621, Lime Sink 816 No. 720, Whigham, in cluding Whigham town 2,173 Whigham town 627 392 No. 753, Cairo, includ- , ing Cairo city 6,295 Cairo city 1,505 690 No. 1258, Ragans 983 No. 1440, Spence......1,718 No.l507,BlowingCave_l,380 No. 1558, Spring HilL.l,071 No. 1641, Pine Park:.:1,078 Memorial Day at Adel. The confederate veterans of Ber rien'county had a grand day at Adel Wednesday. Dr. Robert H. Harris, of Cairo, was the specially invited orator and the birds are saying that ho gave the old vets the time of their lives'. Numbers of them were his comrades in one of the regiments in which he served in “The Sixties,” and to their great delight the local U. D. C. of that live little city made the fitting se lection of an orator from among the men who made, the history that y mnger men—good and trfle as I hey may be—can only read. SHOT ANOTHER FOR FIFTY, C '4— 1 owder etnod Mack Bell Decides That and Lead Is the Bes|t to Use In Collecting a Bad Debt Monday, out at Grady vilie, Mack Bell shot and seriously wounded Ishmael Walker, and was in turn shot by Walker. Bell claimed that Walker owed him fifty cents and when pay ment was demanded it was re fused. Words followed and as a result Bell used his gun, shooting Walker in the stomach, the ball coming out under his left shoul der. Walker then shot Bell in the knee, preventing his escape. Both parties are of the colored persuasion. Sheriff Nicholson has both par ties securely fastened in the Ho tel de Grady, where they will be kept for future use. ODD FELLOWS CELEBRATE 92ND ANNIVERSARY D. R. Wilder Manufacturing Co. td Locate Here. THE METHODIST CHURCH WAS COMPLETELY FILLED On Occasion ol Tercentenary oi the Translation and Printing ol the Bible. Sermon by Dr. R. H. Harris. Evening Service Held at Baptist Church, Rev. W. E. Towson. The Methodist church had an audience Sunday morning that completely filled it, even the aisles being used, on the occasion of the tercentenary of the print ing and translation of the Bible. A union, choir from the three churches furnished the music which consisted of hymns, double quartette and a solo by Mrs. Wm. T. Crawford, all re lating to the Bible. The sermon was preached by Dr. Harris, the subject being “The Book of Books, Its Purpose and Its History.” It was a schol arly presentation of the theme, bein^.-^|ijg||sive atyLinstruc- tive. /ti'cTSit iLe?t>re the benefictrcn a motion ^was put and carried' OPACITY OF FORTY THOUSAND CASES Addresses Were Made By Cols R. C. Bell and M. L. Ledford. The members of the Cairo lodge of Odd Fellows met at the court house Wednesday .evening to celebrate the 92d anniversary of the organization. This meeting was largely at tended by the Odd Fellows and citizens of Cairo. Col. R. C. Bell was the first speaker, and delivered a very impressive address on the his tory arid principles of OdcJ Fel lowship! Told how forty years to the day, before the surrender of the southern soldiers, three men met in Baltimore and organ ized the order of Odd Fellows, and which today is the largest secret order in the world. Col. M. L. Ledford, known lo cally as the father of Odd Fel lowship in Grady county, air o unanimously " by the congrega tion, requesting Dr. Harris that he have the sermon printed and put on sale so that those who heard it might have it in per manent form and others might read it. The service at night was held in the Baptist church, Rev. W. E. Towson presiding. Addresses were made by Cols. J. S. Weath ers, R. C. Bell and Mr. J. B. Wight, These addresses, on themes relating to the influence of the Bible orithe customs,laws, government, literature, social life and civilliberty were listened to with close attention by a large audience and much enjoyed by all. Special music was furnished by. -a full choir, one feature of which was a trombone solo, “The Holy City,” by Prof. F. P. Har- lowe. Altogether, the day was very profitable and interesting. Rev. Mr. Hnderson, of the Presbyterian church, was de tained in Boston by illness in his family. Has Been Handling Cairo Syrup lor Several Years and Canning. It In Atlanta. This Arrange ment Not Satisfactory—Want td> Get Near the Grower. It is reliably reported that Cairo is to have another syrup canning establishment. The promoter is D. R. Wilder, of Atlanta, and head of the Wilder Manufacturing Co., can dy makers and syrup dealers. Mr. Wilder spent several days in Cairo last week looking over the field and seeking a loca tion. It is said that he tried to secure the lot near the Cannon Manufacturing Co. The capacity of the cannery will be forty thousand cases dur ing the season, or 240,000 gal lons. With syrup canneries seeking this field the farmers will get a better price for their syrup, but the standard or grade will have to be better . In, all probability the buyers^” jwilHpay closej: attention to grades this tall tharf ' heretofore. The lower grades will go to the mix ers, who have about ruined the syrup market, or at least ruined it for tne genuine South Georgia syrup, as they are not so partic ular. But with canneries locat ing here we hope to see Cairo’s famous syrup trike on another spurt and become in universal demand. « i ■AK } EPWORTH LEAGUE PROGRAM FOR MAY 2 he Tongue—A Useful Servant but Hard to Master 1 • 4 ; ’ It , • ■ ' Scripture lesson—James 3: 6-10; Psalm 84: 13, Cor. 4: 6, Leader—Miss Dessa Cox. Hymn 1. Prayer. Hymn 19. Topic I. —Dignity of Human Speech —Mrs. Eugene Glower. Topic II.—The Tongue the instru ment of Speech—Miss Mamie Belcher. Solo—Mr. Tom Jones. Soul culture and Human Speech.— Leader. Talk on Current Events—Dr. Clow- er. League Benediction, NO SERVICES SUNDAY AT BAPTIST CHURCH Account of Pastor Being Away— Sunday School at Usual Hoar. Protracted Services Begin On First Sunday In May. There will- be no preaching next Sunday, morning nor night; the pastor being absent in attendance upon the Union Meeting at Morri son, Brooks county. There will be Sunday school at tne usual hour and the regular prajr- ermeeting next Wednesday night. On the following Sunday a pro tracted meeting will be inaugurated' at the church, the preaching to be- donc by Rev. J. B. Phillips, of Ma con. Mr. Phillips is one of the most successful evangelists of the age, having conducted many of the most fruitful revivals ever known in the land, North and South. He closed a truly wonderful meeting, of two weeks, at Waycross last Sunday, and is in Macon this week. Mr. Phillips is assisted in bis services by two of the finest singers in the land, Mr, and Mrs, Charley Butler, who are expected to be here. Mr. Butler is a brother of Con gressman Roddenbery’s wife and a cousin of Mrs. K. P. Wight. Why send away your orders for engraving? Every kind of society engraving at rock bottom prices at Tun Progress.