The Grady County progress. (Cairo, Grady County, Ga.) 1910-19??, November 02, 1911, Image 3

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News From Over ths County By OUR CORPS OF CORRESPONDED 7R Sofkee New3. Cross Road News. Miss Dollie Stallings and sister We]] aJ;te * s0 lon£ a tinie I am Mrs. Jno. W. Stallings shopped able to give a 'fow more items to the Progress, as I am fond of in AVhigham on Monday of lest week. Miss Permelia Harrison spent Sunday with her aunt Mrs. Jno. Harrison. Don Lowe was calling on some reading locals and dots. A'ell people are busy with their collards and cane in th?s section. Most all have saved their seed cane and are now ready for grind- of the Pisgah girls Sunday last, j j nj?i Jno. Kelly and Miss DollieStal- There waf5 a , p cr0 wd at lings attended Sunday school at j p erf) g a+| , Epworth last Sunday evening and | report a fine time. Mr. and Mrs. J. AV. Stallings spent last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ivy Taylor of Greenwood. B. AA’ell, our little Sunday school has gone dead. AA’ondcr what is the matter? Hope it will revive again. * Mr. and Mrs. Anon Bryant ’”0a;\ O. R. f’ollins got kicked on the leg by a horse, the hurt was a pretty bad one, R. S. Collins carried him to his home. A good many of our farmers are going to the i ast for fish. The farmer.-; are hauling a lot ot syrup barrels from Reno. Our little town 13 somewhat like the spent la c t Sunday at the home of I fair, it is a great help to Grad3 Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Strickland, Mr. and Mrs. Jno, Stallings at tended to business in Cairo, one day last Aveek. Quite a crowd in this community County’s farmers. AA’ell We are having some cloud, weather but no rain, which Js much needes in this section. Mr. Jack Hammett has got his is expecting to attend the big hs- j ff as °Mne engine up and is crack- sociation at Mispah Church next coin Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Mr. G. AV. Stallings and daugh ter, Dcllie, attended to business in AA'higham one day of the week. Married—on last AA’ednesday evening at 6 o’clock, Miss Annie Brown and Mr. Jesse Miller, at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Brown . Judge T. AV. Faircloth in his usual happy style spoke the words that united these young lives. Their many friends wish for them a long and happy life. On account of the writer’s ill ness, news have been hard to get this week. Bright Eyes. How about our game law? It is alright I think, as it will give birds a little more showing. There are little ones yet among turkeys quails. It is mighty hard to get around the old turkep gobblers without shooting them, 'we just have to shut our eyes and say shoo. But the fishing went hurt anybody as there is no fish in the streams. Well as news is scarce I will ring off, wishing the Progress editors and readers a jolly time through sprup boiling times. 0. B. C. Pine Level. Sam Horton attended to bus iness in Cairo Saturday. Rube McAfee went to Cairo Saturday. Mrs, Eneo Sellers and Misses Mattie Butler, Lois and Lillian Andrews were shopping in Cairo Saturday. Quite a crowd from around here attended to the show in Thomasville Saturday. Lucius Draffin and M iss Bertha Sellers were out riding Sunday, afternoon. J. F. Griper attended to bus iness in Cairo Saturday. A. L. Wamble was selling syrup in Cairo Monday. Drew Mills and Will Butler, at tended Sunday school at Spring Hill Sunday. Don’t forget the association at Live Oak next Sunday. Ask a certain young lady who didn’t choose to ride Sunday eve. N. C. Whigham attended to business in Cairo Saturday. Drew Mills spent Saturday night with Willie Butler; young man, beg your father for his buggy and maybe you will not get that awful kicking. J. D. Andrews went to Cairo on business Saturday. Subscribe for The Progress and read the news what is news. A Cracker. Pawnee. We are having some very cool weather now-a days; Preaching was well attended at Mispah Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. June Eaton are all smiles now, all because there is another fine baby girl staying at their home. Mrs, B. M. Brock pnd daugh ter, Miss Ethel, spent Thursday with Mrs. J. D. Compton of Pel ham. J. E. Coker and daughters, Misses Zellemna and Lizzie, made a business trip ro Pelham last Friday. ■ J. B. Coker visited in Pelham Tuesday. S. R. Coker and family of Oak Grove visited in this section the latter part of the week. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Williams transacted business one day last Everyone better begin think to of coming to the association at Mispah 1st. Saturday and Sunday. As news is scarce, and weather cold, will ring off. B E. M. Tired Creek. G. B. Willis was the guest of G. AV. Helton and family Sunday. John Kelly visited G. AV. Hel ton Sunday. Unis Threlkeld spent Sunday with King Brinson and wife. AV. W. Downs of the Tired Creek section attended the Sing at Pleasant Hill Sunday. Ivy Singletary .visited J Watts and family Sunday. Billie Barlow visited U. W. Helton Sunday evening. Mose Bodiford and Aaron Bodi- ford were riding out in the Tired Creek section Sunday evening. Miss Annie Watts visited Mrs. G. W. Helton and family Sunday. Mark Howze was in this section Sunday night. News is very scarce this week. As everybody visited out of this section this time so the writer did not get any news. He will do better next time. Success to the Progress. Boost her along, boys. Write up the news and send it in on time. Reno Locals. Mr. and Mrs.. C. F. Rehberg spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. AV. Davis. Misses Bell, Maggie and Susie Broom spent Sunady afternoon with Maggie Rehberg. Mr/ and Mrs. AV. T. Broom spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Will Whitfield. Messrs. Andrew Holton, Alton Shores and Kedar Connell called on the Misses Broom Sunday eve. Mr. and Mrs. Emory Maxwell visited G. AV. Rehberg and fami ly Sunday afternoon. Mrs. G. M. Shores- spent Sun day afternoon with her mother Mrs. R. A. Rehberg. • Grover Broom called on Lonnie Shores Sunday afternoon. Mrs. G. AV. Rehberg spent Saturday with her mother-in-law Mrs. R. A. Rehberg. Mrs. J. T. Booth spent Sunday with Mrs. G. W. ,^«h,berg. Leamon Cliatt spent Sunday with his brother Earl in Cairo. The Misses Broom shopped in Reno Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Henry Rehberg was shop ping in Reno Saturday afternoon. Miss Lizzie Broom spent Sun day with her aunt Mrs. John Lee. Messrs. J. W. Davis, R. 0. Rehberg and Gus Baggett made a flying trip to Thomasville Sat. Mrs. R. 0. Rehberg spent a week with her parents Mr. and Mrs. J. AV. Davis. We are sorry to note the illness of Mr. Burt Braswell. Married—at Cairo, Miss Matilda Davis and Mr. Sykes. AA’e wish the young couple a long and happy life.- Mesdames E. L. Broom and G. W. Rehberg called on the Misses Braswell Monday. Lee Booth spent Sunday after noon with Wiley Broom. The rain Tuesday morning was simply fine. A farmer’s daughter. . ly decorated with Hallowe’en de corations, and the ghosts added much to the amusement and pleasure of ah present. All who had the pleasure of attending were highly pleased a nd the occasion was one long to be remembered by all, as are all entertainments with Miss Addie Lou and Mrs. Powell. Notice. The Woman’s Missionary So ciety of the Methocjist Church in Cairo will hold a series of prayer meetings in that church after noon at three o’clock, begining with Monday, Nov. 6th, and clos ing with Friday, Nov. 10th. All the ladies are cordially invited tc attend. AA'ill have an interesting program each day. week, Mrs. Frank Brown, Sec. Keeping the Dollars at Home. Ten years ago a farmer put his initial on a dollar bill. The next day he went to the nearest town and spent it with a mer chant. Before the year was out he got the dollar bill back. Four timer, in six years the bill came back to him in exchange for Pro- luce, and three times lie heard ot it in the pockets of his neigh bors. The last time he got it back was four years ago. He sent it toi a retail Mail Order House. He has never seen that dollar since, nor never will. That dollar will not pay any more road or school tax for him, wifi not build or brighten any of the homes of the community. He sent it out entirely of the circle of usefulness to himself and his neighbors. • smith stun pits IB Atlanta, Ga., Oct. 30.—Gov. Hoke Smith has hit upon an in- terecting plan to obtain from the federal government the addition al 50,000 names of confederate soldiers which the state of Geor gia now likes to make its records complete. The government has already furnished Ga. with 70,000 names from the rosted. but the remain ing 50,000 have never been ob tained because the government has insisted on having $8,000 for the coppying work. As soon as Gov. Smith becomes U. S. Senator he will, make an effort to get the consent of the govern ment to have the names copied by private individuals, which could be done at a very much iess cost. Notice. The closing service of the week of prayer will be held in the Methodist Church Friday night, Nov. 10th. at seven o’clock. Mrs. G. VV. Matthews, of Thom asville be with us, and it is earn estly hoped that the hoase will oe lull. Everybody cordially in vited. Mrs. Frank Brown Sec. Reno Blacksmith. General repair wheel-wright and blacksmith. Horse-shoeing outfit and horse-shoeing com plete. If you have bad stock that needs shoeing, bring them to£A. L. Elliott, Reno Ga. Guarantees them safety to the horse and the blacksmith also. Please bring your stock to me. League Social Meets With Miss. Add : e Lou Powell. One of 'the most enjoyable events of the Epworth League was the Social Meeting with Miss Addie Lou Powell at the home of her mother, Mrs. K. Powell, on last Tuesday evening. A splendid program of amuse ments had been arranged and de lightful refreshments were serv ed,. Among the games of enter- ainment were the telling of for tunes, hunting for nuts in the woods, shooting the apples with bow and arrows, after which fruit punch and cakes were ser- ed. The house was appropriate COTTON SEED I am prepared to buy your cot ton seed and will pay top cash price for same at all times. Hope you will give me an op portunity before selling. tf W. H. ROBINSON Downs—Singletary, Mr. AV. AV. Downs and Mbs Sallie Singletary were married at the Court House by Judge P. H. Herring Wednesday at two o’clock. Miss Singletary is of the Tired Creek Section and has. a number of friends who will be surprised to learn’this news. The groom is one of Grady’s sturdiest sons of toil. The Progress joins their many frienls in wishing for them a happy and prosperous life. MUST NOT TAKE ANY RISKS Lincoln Beachey’s Story Shows That It Is Same iri Aviation , as in Love. Lincoln Beachey, aftr his flight over Niagara Falls In a biplane was ongratulaled on his daring by a re porter. “But I wasn’t daring.” the aviator Baid. “I put my machine only to such ordeals ns I knew'it could withstand. In flying, as In love, we must run no risks.” He laughed softly. "I know,” he said, "a young woman, about to wed who decided, at the last moment, to test her sweetheart So, selecting the prettiest girl she knew, she said to her, though she know It was a great risk: “'I’ll arrange for Jack to take you out tonight—a walk on the beach In the moonlight, a lobster supper and all that sort of thing—and I want you, In order to put his fldellty to the proof —to ask him for a kiss.” "The other girl laughed, blushed and assented. The dangerous plot was carried out. Then, the next day, the girl In love visited the pretty one and said anxiously: “‘Well, did you ask him?’ “ ‘No, dear.’ ”‘No? Why not?’ ‘"I didn’t get a chance. He asked me flrst.’ ” MIRACLE IN THE MELONS Where Do Those In Oklahoma Get the Water in a Season of Drought? nisbop Quarle of the Methodist Episcopal church spoke at a camp- meeting, and referred to miracles about which people talk so much. He "aid down In Oklahoma they have not had a good ground-soaking for two years, nor have they hnd any dew on the ground for many a long morning. The crops are parched and the fruit ?rows pale. But the watermelons come ap, verdant and rotund, ind filled with water. Where does the water come from? There I3 your miracle. How Is it pos sible for that great, juicy core to 2 come out of that parched ground? caiK about turning water into wine, why, here is a case where you turn a dry clod Into a honeycomb. There Is 1 big red-cored watermelon, gouge the neart out of it, stuff the laughing mouth with It, and then philosophize to your heart’s content about the im possibility of that hard, dry soil, In which there is not enough molstuse to give a drink to a flea. How much do you philosophize on this miracle? Not at all.. You just pfn the. miracle, make It part of your lov, and thank the good Lord that 1 U2 iaHli iuit, CL Lull , ——— 7 j