The Grady County progress. (Cairo, Grady County, Ga.) 1910-19??, November 02, 1911, Image 5

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irvrrr- Locals and Personals The Progress News-paper force Also went to the show. Mr. W. A. Carr was attending to business in Cairo, Tuesday. B. M. Johnson spent Saturday and Sunday in Atlanta on busi ness. Rev. Moses Register, of Whig- ham, was a visitor in Cairo, Monday. Mr. E. N. Burson, of Camilla, is attending to business in Cairo, this week. Mr. G. D. Reddick w. s attend ing to business in Moulrtie, the first of the week. "We make farm loans at low rates of interest, large loans a specially. > Bell and Carlisle. Rev. C. C. Boland, of Diffee, is assisting Rev. Register in a pro tracted meeting at the Green wood Methodist Church this week The meeting began last Sunday night. Rev. Dr. Robert Harris spent Saturday and Sunday in Thom- asville, Dr. preached at the Bap tist Church while there and the writer in passing througlrThom- isville Monday was told by sev eral parties what a fine sermon he preached. The writer informed' them that that was nothing un usual for Dr. Harris, that’s a 1 abit he has got into and now he can’t help it. Mrs. M. M. Poulk and children spent Saturday and Sunday last in Thomasville with relatives. Mr. L. W. Rigsby, from upper Grady, has been in town several times attending to business. Mrs. B. M. Johnson who has- been spending several days in. Griffin, Macon and Atlanta, has returned home. NOTICE—After Saturday Oct. the 28th. we will not deliver any more ice. ✓ Wight & Brown, v ( Mr. W. R. Taylor, a prominent insurance man of Atlanta, is shaking hands with the boys in Cairo, this week. For five year farm loans at low rates of interest on short notice, see Bell, and Carlisle. FOR SALE—Two good milch cows, cheap. Geo. W. Hurst. Mrs. Dr. A. F. Weathers after spending several davs with her sbrother, J'S. Weathers, has re turned to her home in Shellman. Rev. J. M. Outler held the fourth Quarterly Conference of the present Conference at the Methodist Church last Monday night. FOR RENT. The old Drummer’s Retreat, also Residence now occupied by R. L. Vanlandingham. Apply Reddenbery & Hall Mrs. J. B. Wight will return home this week from Macon, where she has been at the bed side of her daughter, Laleah. We are glad to learn that Miss Laleah will return home with her. Mr. Dave C. Alligood has ac cepted a position with J. L. Oli ver’s .Son. Anyone wishing to be treated square in a trade will be sure to call on David. He will do the right thing every time and what he says can be depended upon. Rey. W. E. Towsori has been absent from the city most of this week making addresses in the whirl-wind campaign that is being conducted in the Thomas- viile District in the interest of home and Foreign Missions. Mr. Towson was to speak at Brinson, Bainbridga, Orange Springs,Bos ton, Pelham, Camilla and County Lir.3 Notlceo Lodge dues to the Cairo Mason- c lodge are now due. Please call and pay. Fraternally, E. F. Richter. To Trustees of Grady County Schools. I am having applications almost daily for positions in the Grady County schools for the spring- term. If you have not elected your teachers yet I will have ap plicants write you if vou will notify me where vacancies exist. I will appreciate it if you will notify me as soon as you have elected in order that I may make a .correct list of the teachers for the next term. Yours very truly, J. S. Weathers, C. S. S. Notice. A meeting of the stockholders of The Union Warehouse Com pany, also the Union Phosphate Company has been called to meet at the court house in Cairo Nov. 1st. 1911. Business of import ance. All the stockholders of both the Union Warehouse Com pany’s and the Union Phosphate Company’s should be present at this meeting. Stockholders. Pine Level Missionary Baptist Church, Sept. 14th. 1911. A convention was held with Pine Level Church and was or ganized by electing Rev. w. H. Godwin chairman and M. Pope secetary. The Convention was composed delegates of ten chur ches of Grady County. That mix to consider the prosperity of for ming a new Missionary Baptist Association in this county. It was agreed that we meet with Long Branch Church on Wednesday before the fourth Sunday in November at 10 o’clock a. m. to organize a new Associa tion and continue from day today until organized. The following is the draw up articles of faith and constitution: L. w. Rigsby, T. M. whigham, Rev. M. M. Kinches, Rev. w. H, Godwin and Rev. J. P. Swan. we invite any church that wishes to join the new Associa tion The secretary was instructed to have the precedings of the meet ing published in the Cairo Mes senger and Progress. M. Pope, Secetary. Rev. w. H. Godwin, chairman, THESE ARTICLES are a necessity in every well or dered house. We have on sale an especially fine assortment of Brushes, Bath Sponges, Toilet Soaps, Hot Water Bags, Syring es, &c. Prescriptions entrusted to us will be carefully filled by a competent Pharmacist. Wight & Browne Lea<ltn<j Ariigglsls J Phone 14. Ga, Georgia—Grady County. Notice is hereby given that at the meeting of the Commission ers of Roads and Revenues of said county held on September the 12th. 1911, the following Tax levy for county purposes was made and collections ordered ac cordingly, to-wit:- . 50 cents on every $100. worth of property returned for taxa tion sub-divided as follows- First: 15 cents to pay legal indedt- edness of the county now due or ! o become due during the year. Second: 5 cents to build orjrepair court house or jail, bridges, fer ries or other public improve ments according to contract. Third: 10 cents to pay sheriffs, bailiffs or other officers fees that they may be legally entitled to aut of the county. Fourth: 2 cents to pay expehces of bailiffs, at court, noh-residence witnesses in criminal cases, fuel servants hire, etc. . Fifth: 10 cents to pay jurors a per-liem compensation. Sixth: 4 cents to pay the expenses incured in supporting the poor of the county. Seventh: 4 cents to pay any other lawful charges against the coun ty. Also in compliance with the reccommendations of the Grand Jury at the September term of Superior Court 1910 of said Coun ty the following special levy was made and ordered collected, to- wit:- 40 cents on each $100. worth of property returned for taxation for the purpose of maintaining and working GradyCounty’s quo- to of convicts on the public road of said county. Upon report of County School Commissioner of agreement be tween him and the authorities n the several school districts the following levies for local school purposes have been made for the ensuing year and the Tax Collec tor to make collections accord ingly: Cairo School district, 5 mills. Woodland 31-2 mills. Bold Spring, 5 “ Greenwood, 31-2 “ Providence, ,3 “ Golden Rod, 41-2- “ Calvary 5 Sunny Side, 31-2 “ Pleasant Valley, 3 “ Whigham, 31-2 “ Walker, 31-2 “ Pine Union. 2 “ Thomas Wight, Chair’m. Albert Powell, Henry Mitchell, L. L. Barwick, J. L. Peebles, J. M. Sasser. P. M. Johnson, Clerk. Best Way to Atlanta IS VIA The first line to establish Sleeping Car Service between Thomas ville and Atlanta. TWO TRAINS DAILY. Train carrying Sleeper leaves Thomasville 7:15 p. m., airriving Atlanta G:40 a. m. Day trains leave Thomasviile S:20 a. m., arriving Atlanta 8:15 p. m. Parlor Dining Car from Fitzgerald to Atlanta, seaving fir st class meals at reasonable prices. The A. B. & A. R. R. operates the best service in the South. It will pay you to patronize this route. W. H, Leahy G. P. A., Atlanta, Ga. A. D. Daniel, T. P. A., Atlanta, Ga. R. H. McKay, Commercial Agent, Thomasville, Ga. $7.70 TO Savannah, Ga. and Return - : VIA Atlantic Coast Line Automobile Races Nov. 27-30 .1 $20,000 NOVEMBER 27th: W. K. Vanderbilt, Jr. Cup Race, Tiedcman Trophy Race and* The Savannah Challenge Trophy. NOVEMBER 29th: Ga.-Auburn Football Game. | In Prizes NOVEMBER 30th: Grand Prize Automobile Race J Tickets on Sale: November 26 27th, 28th, 29th and for trains scheduled to reach Savannah before noon of November 30, 1911. Final Limit: To reach original starting point returning not later than midnight of December 4, 1911. For further information in regard to rates, schedules, Pullman car re servations, private car parties, etc., see your nearest Ticket Agent, or communicate with, E. M. North, A. G. P. A. B. T. Morgan, T. P. A. L. P. Green, T. P. A. Sevannah, Ga. Savannah, Ga. 1 homasville, Ga. WANTS. Wanted to Buy col- lard Seed. If you will have any collard seed for sale this season it will likely pay you to see me beforo selling. W. H. Robinson, 44tf Cairo, Ga. Noace. All business license for the City of Cairo are due. Please call and settle at once. Anyone failing to get their business li cense may be summoned before the mayor as defaulters without further notice. , B. M. Johnson, Clerk & Treas. Lost. Open face gold watch size 12 on Cairo and Calvary road. Finder please return to me and receive reward. W H'. Ulm, R. F. D. No. 4, Whigham, Ga. J. R. SINGLETARY, Attorney-at-Law. Cairo, - - - Georgia. Consultation fees reasonable. Practice in Suporior Court, Court of Appeals uaj Supi'tsuie Court. Office in Judge’s Chamber, Court House you want # an automobile ride, a team or any wood, just call up T. S. Copeland. Phone 130 PELHAM & HAVANA R. R. GO Time Table No. 2 Effective Saturday, October 1st, 1910,12:01, A.M Between CAIRO AND CALVARY Sooth Bound North Benad 1st Claws Passenger 2 clas Mixd STATIONS 2 etas Mixd 1st Claes Pnssomrer s 1 3 2 4 Daily « Son. Only Daily Exc Sun. Central Stand ard Time Exc. Sun. — Sun Only PM AM PM AM PM PM 3 no 7 00 2 15 Lv Cairo Ar 9 50 5 15 5 15 3 12 7 12 2 27 Gradyville 9 38 5 03 5 03 3 27 7 27 2 42 Cranford 9 21 4 48 4 48 3 34 7 34 2 49 FBooth 9 13 4 38 4 36 3 44 7 44 2 5.‘ Reno 9 06 4 31 4 31 3 50 7 49 .J 05 fM ax well 8 56 4 21 4 21 3 on 3 00 A U \r Calvary I.v 3 60 4 15 4 15 r Trains stop on signal.