The Grady County progress. (Cairo, Grady County, Ga.) 1910-19??, November 23, 1911, Image 6

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GRE ATf at ABE POLLER’S Still going on in full blast. People are walking out with big bundles and with broad smiles and a handsome present. I advesitsed last week with a big circular and a two-page ad in The Progress, explaining why I put on this great moveable sale,because 1 am forced to move from my store and I have got no other location as yet. This is a great opportunity for the Cairo and Grady County people to buy their Fall and Winter supplies who have not yet bought any. . There are a great many more people who have not visited my store and seen the great reduction in pric es that I marked down. It will pay them to come and! get their supplies at my store and you will get a Handsome premium free. YOURS TRULY, ABE POLLER, Cairo, Georgia. News From Over the County By OUR CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS Oak Grove. thia »eek. Wonder what every body is do-1 Alfred Akridge best girl must Ing these cold mornings; guess they are all busy grinding cane. J. S. McClellan made a busi ness trip to Cairo Friday, N. D. Nesmith and family, spent Sunday with Albert Powell and family. S. R. Coker and family, spent Sunday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. 1. J. Wilder. Albert Powell made a business trip to Cairo Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. I. H. Wilder and mother, Mrs. Taylor, spent Sun day afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. I. J. Wilder. Robert Holingsworth and Miss Bertha Powell called on Misses Bessie Lee Wilder and Stella Duncan Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Chason visi ted their parents Mr. and Mrs. I. D. Wilder Sunday. A. J. Fain called on Miss Bes sie Lee Wilder Sunday afternoon. As news is scarce this week we ring off. A Georgia Girl. have skipp’ed him or he would not have looked so droll at the show Saturday. Will ring off until next week. Success to the Progress. Tired Creek. W. W. Downs and wife visited home folks Saturday and Sunday. William Havens visited in Tired Creek section Sunday. Billie Harrison and son Boykin were guests of G. W. Helton and family Sunday evening. Mose and Aaron Bodiford were in Tired Creek section Sunday. R. B. Belcher is making syrup Cross Road. No. 2 Cool weather is here and syrup boiling i.s the order of the day. The wedding bells are going to ring here soon. Boys don’t be carrying or anges to sugar boilings. There is two girls’ father who dosn’t approve of that. Eorn to Mr. and Mrs. Wiley GaineQus, a girl, Sunday. Reno is growing. -Another residence is going, up. People in.this section are still goihg to the coast after fish. Miles Whitfield was in Corn cord Sunday. R. S: Collins and family called on 0. B. Collins and family Sun day. Mrs. Tom Shirley and grand daughter called on 0. B. Collins and family Sunday. Misses Alice Barrett and Bess Harrett and brother Charlie were our riding Sunday, Wishing the Progress much success; I am, . 0. B. C. SofkeeNevr*. Sugar boilingg sire all the go now a days, Everybody seems to enjoy them very much. Miss PbarLLee spent-last Sat urday anil Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Will Hawthorn. Mrs. Jno. Faircloth and son, Iverson, were the guests of Mrs. G. W. Stallings last Thursday afternoon. Riah Droughorn of Dooly Co., visited at the home of John Fair- cloth Friday. * 1 David Swicord and Miss Mag gie Maxwell were driving in this section Sunday afternoon. Misses Goldie and Oma Fair- ietoth were pleasant guests of Miss Dollie Stallings Sunday. Miss Gussie Lee visited Misses Goldie and Oma Faircloth last Saturday afternoon. G. W. Stallings made a flyiiig trip to Bainbridge oh business last Monday. - Berry Lee and son Kider made a business trip to Reno last Sat urday. Duff Gainous called on the Misses Faircloth and took with them also Miss Dollie Stallings for a pleasant ride Sunday afternoon. Walter Bryant called on John Strickland Saturday. We are sorry to note,that.Gleve Miller is still' very sick at this writing. G. W. Stalling and son James were in Cairo Saturday. Mrs. T. W. Faircloth and niece Goldie visited at the home of the former’s daughter Mrs. Myrtice Belcher one day last week. We are expecting to hear the wedding bells soon. Ask a certain young fellow what made him look so gloomy last week.' George Miller was the guest of G. W. Stallings Friday. Sunday School will start again at Sofkee school house the first Sunday in December at 2:30 o’clock. Everybody come. Bright Eyes. Pawnee. “POSSUM ID TATERS” Will make a Man do a Lot of Things. ■ The thoughts of having “pos- We are having some very cool sum and Taters » induced our weather now. Lookout for the frie nds, Messrs J. S. Weathers cane grindings. and J, B. Wight and his little Mrs. B. M. Brock spent Friday son Warren to take to the woods with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. last Friday night and make a J. W. Coker. search. Miss Ethel Brock is on the! They left about dark and drove sick list at this writing. We out to Mr. Wight’s farm where hope for her a speedy recovery, they got Mr. Bud Walden and J. W. Coker made a business bis dogs and took to the woods, trip to Pelham one day last week.; they , caught one opossum, two J. E. Coker is grinding ;bane - kitties, (sweet little kittie) run a this week. We-gruess some one c00 5 up a T? e ,and. Tobe treed is going' to get sweet. j another possum, he says he run E. Pearce of Dothan, Ala. is bim up a big tree and would hav< expected to move J. F. Williams got him but he jumped. Anyhow they had a real goo< time and got home in the wee small hours of night while th< sweet odor of the kitty clun? closer than a friend to them. It all through life. Wesley Home to be Erected In Macon. place now soon. Mr. E. E. Pearce has pur chased him a home from J, B. Coker and is expecting to live in a !.new house. Hurrah for him! Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Wynn called on Mr. and Mrs. J. El Coker Sunday afternoon. Miss Bessie Brock who has The Methodist Churches .. been spending a while with her Macon are striving to raise fund cousin, Miss Ethel Brock, return- j *- or erect * on an institutio ed to her home in Hartsfield to known as the “Wesle Monday. |Home,” where infants and chi Wet], news is scarce as every- dre " ° f “ thers who >“™ 1 work for a living may be care for during the day. It is prc posed to locate the home in Vine FATAL ACCIDENT ON ', ville > probably near the Mar SAVANNAH RACECOURSE Chester No. 2 mills, where a sit _ __ has already been tentatively » ~ fleeted. In several.of the Met! . Savannah, Nov. 20,-McNary,' 0(Jist c ^ urches yesterday, thi an-automobile driver, was killed matt erwas discussed, and th and Joe Dowson, a mechanician, ' )adies of the congregation wei was hurt, in a smash-up today on urged to take a hand in tY one is busy in the cane. “Lily.” the Gradd prize course. . movement.