The Grady County progress. (Cairo, Grady County, Ga.) 1910-19??, October 24, 1912, Image 3

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■Amysirr igiiiririg K V I e harass For Sale BYSOUTH GA. LAND & LOAN CO. f ,', i nr.-: <t r-. ii-'Ui.- acres west of. Cairo 1 mile, 40 acres! cleared, will sell,, well Tfrt\ oyvvTInpnt.pH 1! —j.'' 1.- improved, good timber, 1 benveniently located. \ . • j'T S’lfv .... • ^*100 acVeVnbVtW of ! Csiii^,"'tWd liorse faru $pen, Well. situated* 1.- i, .rei; .f!cc»aa<-£ hor,se. A3 ,C 590 acres, the Wm. Allen place, 7 miles .{tf/Cairo and Whigham, ;;T^ftl^)^^h|ce^;l9cated wh#^i^1?hip^tr^s. 1 .. .. 82 l-2 ! .acres between Cairo &,Belham,’$1,000.00., • ' For Particulars See W. T. Crawford at Farmers & Mer- hants ..Bank. • , X &mlli :f ina= ’arl 'Oe N rrniii fsifilW at ?! ! and k|iow you •as) nb> harm- 1 in, paying so, although 1 it. may seem a little egotistical. Ifr - as i bejen searchei btt u$Ifor the very best of everj»t|iing: ?oeS! ’ to ' ihalfe up good glasses—the lenses, the pad—everything’ with a view of pleasing our custom era 7 v ^aK1 iisaiO twrhr pii&io'f: iiashpl ifviV. i‘ 3:CftRIvfKfti fife aiflifi J im lit. v,v*tnSd i liu!?' 'tft&ituitjl 04 ; uj .nhij 1 auoiiivnfliW Jstnxfool m.i Milk* its. * IUII==IIIM^= IMIl=)llllI . - The Cairo' ginnery is now ready to gin your : cotton. I have had this/gin overhauled and everything is in /good shape. ■ • I wish to; : say to'the- public" that"'I.^aYe. always, '. trieid 1 to givb good service 1' kiv’d -better, sspyice 7 ...this-season thanever-befqre^ v ^.iyA A "" "'I ,i , :i Bring: me youn cottonana.-I.will endeavor to 'give>you satisfaction. . •. ^aifai .•«»}•;« j I wish -tbXs Xy-thad MrVWalte^Tiabder,'^ stockholder radr$ifc ;C'y»«Twttl^lvi|JhLth^ Cair4-.-1S1Me% this; AM ALPINE'TRAGEDY. ; . .. .v;: . .■ . ,. He .Won, a W.aafr ,apd. Then, ,Lost. h|j». L-ifo Through ■pui'e Recklessness.' fc •.•?‘There /is-'a regrfettdbfe '-ttWerii’- tendency to;-disrespect the; ties, of some, of the. great .Alpe, espe cially those-wlidse' ascents h\iv’e 9p- 1 t pqajed'.-tq popular; fuvot. The'WetP' ^.terhorn,‘.or Storm,-pe^ik, that huge' rofek 'ertibattled.' seritiriel hf the Grihdelwald' giants, is' thb most 'no torious example of this r ” writes- George :I). .Abrahiun. in; tlje , Pall, Midi ’ Magazine. ‘“Truly 1 even on'. mountain& r ‘fatniliarity ' breedh 1 coti . teippt.’ *- ,Jt lias been -lightly named 'the Ladies’ peak,' but \yith far, too terrible’ 1 freqdehcy a fekrful reyeiige ,lia? been lexiurted;: its death-' r611; is eqnajpd-by:ie,w of ^Ive AJlps. ” b following tragedy of 1908 is typical of many others. A young Ij tike* chkndlekicbiefe teriag W* This was ; ;|t(»tfce4 through -the um§a tel- etcgpq.- tit ,GnH»<lelwnl:4, sod a.Jhriss ' ui^ NSMod tb« W8g- auigb Itsbasd.;. mi “He woa the -wager, but lost bit .lift* in th,9,wiaaing., Coinsaoo souse ■ : prb¥ailba ro'^e 'exfedii; df;t»|dngii compalliSn l ifs'in6xybriAcdicf ‘£t him-', ^elfj ,<h«d |ortun6;Sffliled^WpiUK fthe'in until thqy . almost jeachedrthjB foerb °.f *he 'Great/ c: 9pul?i r PH their re-. turn. There the younw workman- imtied frbm ‘tffe rope and, wavingi the trophy of ^licdess 1 1n'nis’'handv started to; glissade! dirhet ddwn the pnow stope to the.glacier. • - • “The friend’s example and advice to 'follow the usual descent ; by thb rocks at the side of the ebuioir were Utterly disregarded. At : express speed lie rusbed downward until suddenly lie saw- the end of the cou loir ... oyerhapging , nothingness and the glacier sopie hundreds of feet ■ below. 1 ''It'itks'' too'late. With 'k shriek 1 of ^arhfhig-to 1 h’is fribid he dashed outward idveMhe'kdge Into space and. eternityi !Tfie next day the remaips were recovered. In,his' right’hand the unfortunate Tictifd' not. at others I f j ^ ^ ‘ ly true* sHut no further attfempis were, “‘After I had built’the machine • ipade' af^asStesiAKfiin*, and* the reti- atid sei^t ijtjSown and* thought I had Th* Fine ‘Tribute Coetelar. Paid to It , Had to Do V/hh the "Absolutely Ahiadeus of ^avoy. ’ ' | ‘ ' Truo" In Machinery. Tho numerous experiments tried - —,. x ——- | The philosopher long ugo diseov- atid rejebted by the'Spanish nation cred that there is nothing “abso- during the last'contuiy included the lute”, in Ibis world; that everything short lived government -o£ 1871-3, ib felutlvo nnd'thut pure ideals nro * 1 ‘ '* 1 unattainable. Even in the most ex- acti of processes there as h margin -Emiuanvel, undQi'.took the .difficult of error. If there is any shopman who still thinks ho can make an “absolutely” accurnto machine let ■hnimanuel, undertook the -difficull hwsipcss., of , being,. king , of Spain, AmddeUs' had t6 ci)htdud’ hot .'only : witli:"th6: -Rdiiublicdns and with,, d tips little narrative from those who dosing; ltd restoration i Mucliincry: of tho. Bourbon, dynapty, but also} ‘iSay, Bill, what was the boss say- With 1 tho country’s booted prejudiie-; ing to the ybung 'fellow 1 that just againsti“the,foreign'er.”r Iu a book.' Jott?” * iI;h - .en^l^-VTljo Seqrot, Pistpry. of tho I “Well, that fellow camo in and ‘Court or Spain”, are given instances said to the boss, ‘You ought to bf that' braverjf that’’tv6xi"for^he ,-plnno those pl;ates on'*ope ‘.’of our yopng, Italian king -the nd.miratioh, machines; they plane absolutely .at least, of his Spanish 'subjects. true surfaces.’ And the boss said ' On a ? h'ot evenihg'the'king and to him: qnoeh wereVrothfniiig to the pajacq,!'.. “ :yo.ung man, :I want to tell you after, listening to so,me m u8 i? ffi.thq something. . l'.,hnd heard ope man gardens of the BUen Iietiro. Sud- 1 say that his mnehine grinds “nbso- denly a vehicle opposed the passagq , lutely’V,true, another that his turns of tboir carriage by. Crossing just in “absolutely” true and another that front. The coachman checked the his pulleys and shafting run 1 “nbso- hbrses and prevented a collision,; lutely”,true, fpr.sq long that 1 got Wit just then nf shot Was• directed... the diseqsp myself t\nd ngrood to .toward the royal ipnrtyA• i; j ( j builjS. a maclpnp for Omt old fellow 'At 'Work - at-ffiife; ithe' 'rang fp^-his breakfast uiBugrcLauje»j. inoiiey., ( iN^w v 4,«.na(^^ s^G£i;pQmo oi qut’.pqi, it-afld had ■att8. 'Astbii-' aletter from a man who 1104*660 it build one for everything was . -majesties totbb Served be-"all right! . , fpfq. U^o’cjoqkl .Sp. Amadeus, to ‘“When I fiqd, seated my busi- iivoid friction, fad opted ilie habit of hefestlie'old fellow asked look going t6 a c(ife fot liis early meal. ai; tjhp SOW.? that were , ground on • , Thu?; t]ie;maids; wlio sa|ly forth ' .this,machine.’ Ho reached up on’ a in Madrid .witli. basketp op! their shelf and got a nice new straight arms, wohld ofteii rCtufn to tell edge and suspended • a: saw by a ; their :■ mistresses: ffi6W .'they- bade string'hooked over'-the tebth and .brushed against 1 bis r ' they held the.(straight.-edge against it. aid their business in the market With the other hand hte Bbovfed the f; ' , -' 1 OOftii,lhch^ hladC of ! si- feeler <me ;.ofr'Casteldr’s « mm I WKmlMm i> a ma- g^ndr.^aboolute- .-i » -■ - . - l . y-'f asked!!him to-pa*iwww in tho b, l maehin«<andit«jt''eae, odjias? it,'hnd I ground's isrivrr - WRem-T 'lHiid'Sirished ute. was^ not - to royalty, • and the saw telBed with ttu straight iq4 khe. ira^or, "witlY the edge 1- called him over. He looked k e,,‘Ctf^i^^ i , j^utjj|jjfO'ithe at it'.ah^fibah-rlPi,* surfdch plate' pn : ihf ChVis'tendpm 1 ,’} ■ J -FfeW* pfbbpX 11 klib^ th : 4 ''Mginal meaning, pf |he' ' 'It flat-Wr be'fOund : i4t 4ut; in ‘the Lop-, ,dbh ThneK'4f ! af 'hnn4»A yeiilrS ago,: 1 “A : picnic! supper po'nslsf^bf' a va riety of dishes’." Thb silbgcrib'drs to this entdrtninment‘ haVe a.' bill of fa!re presented tq'them, witli h'aumi! ber against .each 1 dish'.'. Thd lot' which lie draws oblr&es him to fur-, nislr the dish marked .against it,: which he eith'dr tiikes with him in. his‘carritigd or ‘sends! by ii 1 servant.: The proper variety is‘preserved by the talents of the maitre 'd’hotelv who forms the bil} of fare. As the) wPm ma w rttmM .excel,, andithus.p piqiyo suppey not ' * ft#:; I. D.. Lewis. 1 ' Old Fashi “How old fastolonM- \ . ‘‘Yes;.,they still keep their fathers? • rr «rid Dttbthere’-picfi'ffies 1 tikiistrig *fn 'thb tlying.rpyp.”—^ptpijt,grqe,yreas-,•, ; ; '• a ^)i)or: manj;po,trietliliig to oat?.. Mrs. ' 1 “ i^tlngy-^I wni'caU my hosbAndr Tramp’ > ~Np. thanks, .-madam. I am up catt% f n'bat;- J’ntlence is the support of weakness; tmiiatlence iis the ruin of strength.- roLton... . • . u ,= > { : . Modern. First ChfciiRo' - Clitld—My ifatbbr ik connected with some of the be«t fnml- ides In town. Secopd. Oiilcago tilUlcl-y Tooh! That’s notffiri&l iSoCfMfcqt'- B ■separated from three of them.—Ufe. -.ttj,'.-- i, -■ suggestion^ , Distressed. Mqther-dohhl • John! Baby has swaHowed' my httchkey. Ahsentminded Father—Never thhid. wis#J^tiehatin Qpffiihn. any more. |Bi . love' a woman so r .amf-nPqrlo ^iye, ,-, m love me'. ?nly r! 'jnHtPfjin grej ••fiSPfB No man oopld “ dressed as ;l| A : Snob)l Thackeray designated beinfe oh h Itid'defc wild is a snob as a quite as ready' -to kiss the -feet of him,,who is above, him ris to kick' the head oh Mm wbo is ■below. ,; ,■ ; ,; iT .... ■ , K Gqo'djjpps i.does, not ;considjr in great ness. but greatness in goodness.—Atl»& paens.! Divorce Was Futile.- ieht -CFreece wbeD a man was divorced the law provided that he must not marry a .woman Who: was. younger, ret! wife." they ever have a divorce caisb tn atacJtvnt Gbeecet"—OBfcwao' fiemrd- •J- •- —i,. the fa»vi,oli p i|t, J ,} 9 pk -a i perform,;the iamouSiprayqr-v of/ - l ( the .4-riv,erV w “PQW),'jhuch' ; d'o. i ;o,we HHHM i S askedfti^p smalli bo^v oC young man..who had ■ beep invited '^oqhg -map/jip greg^jemhartassiiient; ’ I.Cealiy m. HP°W-*4,0 ' •»' hhfk just Vhat I thought," said t the''boy.' '‘SVFdil,' mti ^shys''ybh 'are.”— Ladies; Hoine JfluVnaV: : r f j;v(<>. . , } Utiia'pitchers. !Willie—Uhcle- J&dk;' did'you' choke on 1 that cake.batter ma made yesterday? .RjcU -..Old, J3hcIe^-GfMj,d,; heayens, hoi 'child! What p'lit’sucti'ah extraordinary.' Idea lbto youf hhad? t Wlllloi-Wliy, I hea,rd pa tell ma he inadoyyou cough up tbe dough,—Exchange.- f A tittle Bunshihe set/ aside fhr a rainy, day is better than an umbrella.—, :ybuttfs.Oqmpqtdoh,/i,r-: i: ? ->.»*!? ■"'IP i.;ic: lev; >d; A Discovery. "There Is something uncanny a boo* fltla baby, Jldhiu" v ' f ' 1 '■ - "Then, my dear, it must Be hts •reopy, .waqxtV-paltlmoce /LinqrliiJ^ | Mt fate 'erf ah of. cm, met* and women sfflM, * tb be flOrereir wirettog for a minute and;then,rwith n com- ^jap, .adiberLl fare), saying; as hetdii- ,so,. ffl< wil}„ pgy you;. 10 francs when you drive me on oheDwhedll”, . - The Fltst-Sapphlre. There is an ■ 0Hst;' Indian'i-legend, that ■ Brahma, itlie’creator, 1 mice -comihittdd .a 'sin 'that ;J he might, know the torments! of rembrse /and ‘ ibhna -Re able -to: sjmipftthize‘ with, mortals. Btrt the. momerrt" hb , 'had eommitted uft ■ ke-' ! -began 'repeating- .tb* HM»n?ra8/. or prayers; 4f : pUriflca- “r adduin,- hie '/grief * dropped' ' on V a tear, the botteqt {Bat ftnm an ejp, asxLtom- it -,?ljogt„tan ,;.iic})qs: s^ijajtv: ian3 thinly . -poVqredijh w.i,tB'/l|iniphlaek and’rub- ■iW4i itiiover I ifihQi Eiprfaed fust, grdund. When he removed:lit'he'pointed to 'the' pnblaipkQnedr-patChqs.'lidre and tthereipnlt'he.sunfaec of theisaw and jtpld .n?q .(that- 1 the machine .must grind absolutely true (before heipaid the bill.-. “ ‘Then it dawhied' upon hie that I'had:used' a word .to convey 'one • meaning wlien -it rCally conveyed another. I eould net conviriq him of the injustice of his' demands; and we went to:law. My attorney- Could make no impression Upon the eburt, which held -that if I agreed to Build a machine to,fly ten miles the'sim ple fact that it Was-impossible to do vsQ didinot' entitle' me to' fecelyd 1 pay for a inaellitie'that'woUld alm'oht fly. “ ‘This incident, happened many .yeMp., ago, .We,have-qipce accom- -plip.hed whqt;wqs > thqp considered an 'impossible thing—t,Re., ,flying,,|ma- i? hi i9ifr'^f t * ai '?iif ia 'i fa H fro.W/pToduc- thpti^qes w,qyk A bso- lutqly true as.we were then.’”,, iarles , J,«knst)Op.-in h)'4 ,v book, one of\^pori}/o^s^r,ved,,the, pjthgr to W‘rappe4,Jn 4 impianqtrable gloom. lfl$t f eiuctantly ; repljed: “It’s that man MacTavishl ;-He iiTVfiiijmlv .repliedtbi? ; fnah, tuW.eiavqj?..lp r ,%an^ j‘Wliafe, 10 francs ?’’ exclqimed fiRagnnini., ‘lYou are .jqpting-i i.iTndeCd. .1 aiii not: .Called me & .leer,!;’ RUs friend tried Y ou chafgq.jag .wuqhiff or iwt- at;: console v.himj - explaining , tha t js : 3 ' AV * l lftnd nad'beeWnone,{4® worse for^^it. -Butvt|ie.gloomy one with'.some heat replied:', “DauOnut,,mon!; -But. he - proved it!” Which showed where the shoe; really pinclied. li ■,,:; ir.i :h; •:i7 .-I':.-' •' / EaailyiUpflorstoqa,, | •'4£&!Vi-*WWfl«n - ;• flostwnExqpse ,, me. , Thst’s,.->my phomX} (At nph9ne)-T-:6hj ,-, .yes. lyfis., pint’s,(thajt? You can’t give me the hour you promised. I. qquld. .Ijavq .tomorpbw?., 0h v that’s all right do©Ki r t Mem- moda me in the feast Any other time will' do. Doa’t /mention it.. Goodby. Friend—TBW xaMt'- Jittm- ;teea your dsntiet