The Grady County progress. (Cairo, Grady County, Ga.) 1910-19??, October 24, 1912, Image 6

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m ■v j m owki. pheasant NURSERIES. I .< Those In Fi-onoh Forest Equal Institu tions For Be jogs. ,^.’o ^.quly Is said to ho Indebted Tor "tin/ imijortiitfon of Its ^>he;|snntsj ; w-fltqst I*lllle. ^inpllton On side fteiu} In tUs Coplpry. V...O •of m> CoteSt CbVlVillegffe nqiiifstt- to CcJUlplofflib ItHifir Ih u TnisUluk't'le cov ering many .pnudrjjilH.of auras, lu which tho brooding of these birds, begun, tint l dot Ills) iflvjt«i(!tlOn iWlit.’tPrth'dr cucour- . iig^ ; byiC^nylps^., i «nd.<LoplBaM|iiiiii)e; Is ,1'ow carried on by .a private parson, wfiiJ rohti' llhS'right W dd'fo ftom.the 3 O v J*\‘ I t, .", M ) rbavo nevor Been a place _so and protected•!$’ wlYe'fcIttcds-'a ■ ■ ed gafes,■ stoop .walls, and more.gates, B ■ ebecjnl guards In special lfouks, police .noiVildbtis. lgupH-nn'd: M«s, : -'jn^raMil even ;sd shut in and lock- re •gates; 1 .nor;ilapfjs,%tns«-nridi tl'aps.' -Tlittre'-ia even ■.a. tblclc klud .of dpuble mattress trilulo' 'W/doVcV^ia'lrliltrds,’' xvtib ;In wintor ( 'X; rr-Wust'Slrfepi but Af.dOUfa Itx vdatchlhg for poachers. I Uavo never see^ Insti tutions for human beings ‘better pjap- r t ned. iii nhb ^wayrof liurserles and at- teiulants. bygleui'c laws.und systems of feeding. djho pbenK(in:ts:wb(in (lnaHy shot must, have, a wondcrfui flavor, and, In a sin gle day as many as a thousand are of-,, ten. shot within ,those walls, each' one* * ' of the thousand having cost Its owner .teo' itemraf ib frands to raise. K’S FACE. This sto^i ot f a1i a'rUst’a despair white, working on Garrick's portrait IS often /liklitinit ' l.nX 14- in' imliWAfliliinrl t IV t'lfl. jDnooQnrrlclcpoa jJl? .Eteftph fiFfaadj5?jwlj;li 4 ‘ ‘ 1 " ‘ “ tr.tne experience Ed' fdr h it'red'dlf footnote saying •was made the mutel'l . vaudeville sketch: • j 3-1J f.:5 n "... it-Cvns'nh' : euaV’ task' to 'transfer to the uf> cptvnge^Ule. . Gnr- rlck, as a model, threw painters. Into;; : ddSpntr.; iUfo us tlifltefl i mopieqt. to . Northpptq relating Sir Joshua Reynolds' * ■ 'experiences:' 1 A ‘' 1 5 ' : ,<30' When the nrtist had WbrUpdiOn the, wn it -very correct-' face .till ho had .drawn It very ■ iy,- rts ^ie ; saur lit at' the iline.\ Garrick caught- I an opportunity, twhile the at him, totally painter was not looking at 1 ^‘PAr|idlllo 'Lbirt.’l ^ ? Milton’s '.‘.Paradise Lost” Wu4 commenced between 1G39 and 1G42 and .aompletod abtnlt the time of tbe groat fifd of London in Sep tember, 16GG. Its author composed it in passages of from ton t'o twenty lines nt. a. time and stli'en dictated thorn to an amanuensis,•: usually some, attnelied friend, it wus first; published' in 1667’ by Samuel Sim-' mons,. and a Accdnd lediticto ap-, peered in 1674. For thesbitwo edi- : tions Milton received £10,and his tfidow £8* riiore. - ; ' - • ell known yachtsman i wge de bt' Nice. : r-..,, scribing a f wiri teirhJ ipt , ‘,‘ftut-thb N4cej beggars!”.the said, laughing., “The splendid, sun drenched Promenade des Anglais, with its ivory white villas on one side-and the blue Mediterranean on tho other, is 'always haunted, with those beggars. ‘ . “One of tliem accosted nle one morning as out of the Cer- cle Mediterranee, .a fashionable French club. “ ‘Monsieur,’ he said, ‘one little sou, for the love of heavpn. My poor wife is starving.’ ■ “‘Why, look here,’ said I, ‘only last week I gave yotibonie money .to bury your wife, and-now you tell -hie that she is starving; How can that be?’- ■ '< ‘ i “ T5ut, monsieur,’ said the beg gar, ‘I have a new wife now.’ “ v.i::.' Al fu . .:± '1 ‘‘Stop and build a snow house,” 'tfaid hei j .A\ > The Retort Vioious. v . The Ex-Hero-^Ah, -my boy, when 1 played Hamlet the audience took fif teen minutes to leave the house, i 'The Vicious Et-Cotaedian (coldly)— ^YlfS;he Inijae?—London Answers. Life is made up of little things, and hq that, scorns them despises Tils own real* interest—Barker. I- . The Way, ... • ,- ■“1 should think; they could, easily run la aftiiinyi'dfepartineiib in th'e Gongres-;, sionul Record, “How would they do It?" j&fir f W d ii2^te^ dpksrs they wfien Gafrlcl^ i perceiTeu‘ thftt- it was have in the bills. w —Baltimore Ameri- thus alteredSfife'V'yeiaeddKpQtlierc.PflP 0 ^ can. V<-<” *. - '-.J. > .- ,,T irpaftS' ftod changed his countenance to, a third character, which, when thetpoor 1 he was path ting from the devil and would do no more to thg picture." out mts pick tpep' up When the republic ha Ip Fran Hondo, ^inchlsed people lowers resulted In- mhst miscellaneous ever tried to govi member nominated to Paris and selected his seat He had' hardly taken it when Ids next neigh bor turned ajgj||f' ' ' Rouen man, his coat colla:,, „ Sir,” said his iylix eyiid co’lieague, honor of -sending, •s-.for murder in 18—, o. rou had strangled ,. the cure whp had yfsvt up and robbed the, worthy Oblige mo by resigning imme- A sailor was brought before a agwtrgfcp: forj-i-ljeating tis 1 wife, - “I believe I h»i you to tho gall when 1 was jud, th? servant bi lew^ suj^J^ ln£j»&3Sliri}d tl^pXJM -the temperate zone. In the United :Stat$%clt> aPi»e^ns,34igre -suicides oh sunny days than on cloudy -days. Some theorists reason that fine -sunBbineJv' Slh datk «VefCflf»0tlfti«Atk4 ssSwpwlr:. ithfit follow la -fl&va'statltfg. ielfrtM-uu there arp^fmyer deaths by sulcldi before the -cata'clVsm.—Harper’s. -Pieiar —Thank heaven 1 (But the big checks were demanded Just the same.)—Ex- tiai BUILDTNQ AN IGLOO. i n FT,,- s How the Eskimos Rear Their Houses of Snow. 1 , j Only ope thing, the assurance; of a night’s iilielter of; Comparative comfort, mukes n winter’s sledge journey across the desolate, ineir- minable wastes of Labrador bear able,. The method of. securing this shelter is described' by Dr. S; £. Hutton in “Among the Eskimos of Bad Spells 44 1 suffered, during girlhood, from womanly weakness, tes Mrs. Mollie Navy, of Walnut, N. G “At last, lr Vy®, Labrador.” • “What will' ..... you reach -home P” I i )U do if we cannot , askOd Johannes one afternoon,, £s yve labored through the drifting snow in the teeth of: an arctic ttorm. writes «»«. ... Y ... r — v ... almost bed-ridden, and had to give tip. We h^d three doctors. All the time, I was getting worse. I had baa spells, that lasted from 7lo 28 days. In one week, after I gave Cardul a trial, I tould eat, feleep, and joke, as well as anybody. In 8 weeks, I was well. I had been aa Invalid for 5 weary years 1 Cardiii. relifeved ine, when everything •else failed.”'- 1 - r ’. ’> When, the afternoon. light began to grow dull he pulled out one of the big snow krnyea, an Appalling weapon, with a bone .handle and a blade a yard Ibrig. Btatidishirig this, he trotted from side to side, prod ding here and gabbing there. He Was “finding snow.” When the place was chosen—it was a gently, sloping hillside, for there the snow -hardens the best— ray driver's were soon at work. Each man armed himself with his huge snow knife, und between them they marked 'out a circle in the, snow. Then Johannes-retired to the middle and began to.,dig. He first made a wedge shaped hole, to give himself r a start; jind then‘from the sides of the" hole 1 he carved great slabs of the frozen - snofr,. I judged them to be about six or eight inches, thick, two oF three feet long ,a.nd eighteen inches high, and they wOre nearly As heavy a8' stone, Johannes just tumbled; them out of -his .hole ub. fast as;he could cut them, and as the hole’ grew I saw; that the slabs were all slightly curv ed. Julius seized each slab as it top pled out and carried iit gingerly to the edge of the circle. He set the slabs on edge, side by side, and chipped them a little from the top, , so that, they leaned inward,. He pared away the first few With his knife, 1 -so- that the lowest -ring formbd-s the ibeginning of a spiral. He followed the spiral up, propping' each slgl) ageist, its neighbor and ell mward. „ j ion i If you- arc weak and ailing, think what 1Lwould mean, to you, to recover as quickly as Mrs. Navy did; For more than 50 years, this purely vegetable, tonic remedy, for women, has been used "by thousands-of weak and ailing sufferers. They found • it of real value in relieving their aches and pains. Why suffer longer ? A remedy that has relieved and helped so many, is ready, at the nearest drug store^for | use, at once, by you.. Try' it, today; JV WHTfE & STRINGE ging, hnd his work got h harder, * for instead of tumb l When the magistrate attempted to reach his heart-lly disking him if he aid not know that his wife w&s the “weaker •ivesWel.” - r “If she is she ought not to carry o much sail,” replied Jack.—Lon- on Tit-Bits. u n a.9 pi on or more ■M& Just rOra-i “You handle la^,, ey in this play—^mi in every ,'9ct.” “I see,” said Yorick Hamm. “And ^bh^rriu#f-;'iian r (£e 4t as ' if mil Julius over-; die thought the e, but Juliuei, erwise, crawled up on it and leaned oyferTo- see hd^Johannes was getting ph iM- J ' Bide- As a matter if fact, his weight only pressed the slabs together a bit >1 more firmly. At last the spiral was finished, all but the “keystone.”-, J ulius sprawled ' on the side of the house, while Jo-‘ hannes’ hands shoved- a big slab, through the opening that still re mained at. the . top. Julius, laid it oyer the hole and chipped the edges away with his knife until it gently dropped into.plape. A sjraping $nd tramping noise was next, lie^rfi inside thq,'house; LEADING rv .:,ni;i . i GROERS ling in Staple and Fancy GROCERIES For Quick Delivery PHONE - - -s - v ; 3 A'fr .j'taoO ,aM hip" nrv. ."..aCiTUcf;. •H <4 ,5; .d‘i . • Sut yjHnu'i oriel om ,.n0 .fiobr., ,'Mban.while Julius‘was filling air the ‘ -dbrja —i Essential.- flirt, itfWellQkkffii'ii ithfif in|®ts oS' Lancashire everybody keeps a dog. ,Qne day Jones arrived at his office ■■■r *" hi " j ‘ i “ ■ '4- Mo8t : peoiile'ciutslQd JapSh 1 ' ai^‘4ront to speak of the “mikado,” but really if hat title Is obsolete. The Japanese iiever use that appellation ft^an^elyes and they do not like o t tl|etsJ<^);do.,soi Educated Japanese speak of their sov- erelgn as “shnojo’4iama," and the or- ■dlnniw” folk- term- Jrfm" -?‘lenshl'-saina cap’ti^^a one.” .“Then go, iWtthopt one. “Yes,” said Jones, man l°°ks such a Svith- out'a dog i”—London Mail. , mil-. i: iYj-j Life-,- [fjMea A Real Gentleman. leman. “One gentlemanly thing about a den tist," remarked the man .on the car, ilintAe nS’dfVuba! you.’ "—Toledo Blade. “Tanno” Is the title used In all official documents, A PaooflouB'Convlct. confinement," said the long . prison visitor, “must distress you Premature Joy. * “Well, well, well! I’m certainty glj met youl'' , st (feller n|y-Mfqllst.1 'eft ho It’a Thera All, Right. Cltylto—ion advertised that there .was that a girl who has nice owpa. yin !<>«* ixp: : i reptfSTthe facetlous~convlctT SrB5^ What^ You Ask Every article that comes riti cally and is not accepted that jjext hear, was Jona: nes smoothing the crevices with snow to keep’ the wind but. - - - < So.on Johannes was ready td come (jtit.-• His 'sword poked out sudder and..slashed a^pferw^yrin the wa and then the man himself imself crawled P$f Th©h<wse wwjfiwfshed. j j- '~ a. a - HiJ jPhOipliorC tikaakif*. p drawa^^the life Everything that lives d blefneritt^ecebpaif % Its ur stafidard. easure 11,: aipin^d up to 4 Don’t buy your y picture: .- See it, examine it, ay for it. 'P :^ou cannot do .this \yith a “n Wfe like to recotrimend to men watch from a pret- jrq you orCle| ' W£wch| : who Appreciate good a printed guaran- ..ifJOKtukOggA ; j« SANDER' pwe er. irgia. ,<-Q ;ain<l goav scaawas"?.. T , thgi ffundamezfctai )ejeme5its are ;car-" bon and nitrogen. These, with' phOsphotiis; -are 3 indispensable ■ tc the ^of, Jife.. Hhos phoru's is found‘everywhere in plant aqd Animiil: tissues. • fin organij matter it is found id the state o phosphoric acid, combined with;dif-" 1i r ? 13d' yL<jtnvlu|'ifcCi ilOfl-SiK/d ->tW fiV.'lf'rXzrX .„.. : 3 Via Atlanti: Coast Line. On RATE ferent .metallia elements. In arable grouri® its comthon form'-is .calcium,-—Exchange. a n the prison bam grating." / “Ah, Wo to yxra Sj ft fKllurei;' ^ ^ i . "i- -V Cause For Caution. “Why did you inquire so pa: larly ou Lit he id im. of., ... Ifc atuight and keep a sfwraft^RpjiSe out Ite—I don’t see It Farffier—You wfll for sneak thieves m fife daytime If you work the pamp hnodla a ftw (han mg who fe«8 nothing of : Jackspnvjllqi Ela„, Novi, 9,|i0 and 11, return limit Nov: 18.* (Extension:to Eec. 15, $1.00.) :i Louisville! Ky.; Oct- 13, 4, and 15, return limited Oct. 24, (Extension No). li; $1.00) Louisville, K,y., Nov. 26, 27,, return limit Dec.s, /. .. T . ! .Macon, ,Ga t ], (State Fair,) C ct 13 to 24 inst;, ^ii^tj New Orleans, La.,'0ct.'l2,13 and 14, lifhrt’0ct, 23. i r>.i4 • • $ 8 iuclusive, return 'Tifton; Ga;, Oct; r 30;todSio.v. limit Nov, 12. •- 2 ' ’ 4- : <• v- Wintetteprist. tickets .on safe Oct. 15 to April 3p inclusive, turn limlt RMy 31, f r allofvving stjopovers, to destinations inAIi Cuba^Fla£ t \£iai: v Mi&;;’.-tlirew-'RrpV., Tex,, etc. For rates and otl<G information, call on nearest agent, A. C. "L" R: w ^ with. L. P. GREEN. E. M. NORTH, % P. A*, Thomas villa; Gat A. G. P. A., Savatmah,