The Grady County progress. (Cairo, Grady County, Ga.) 1910-19??, October 24, 1912, Image 7

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* r. D Reddick & Co. | The price of HIDES is HIGH, and steadily ad vancing. Our customers will always get the benefiit of best prices. We want FRESH EGGS, and plenty of them i Best prices paid. - V We have a fine line' of GROCERIES, and handle the best meats. Delivery made promptly. & 3E Citation,^ Georgia Grady County. • - To all whom it mdy cbricerri, S, P. Swicord having applied for Guardianship of the persons and property of Celia 'Swicord, Grace Swicord and S. P. Swicord, minor children of Mrs. H. L. Swicord late of said County, deceased. Notice is given that said applica tion will be heard at my office at ten o’clock a.; rh. on the; first MOnday : jn tfav. next. This Oct.'7th; 1912.'' ’ V P. H. Herring, ays, tlFTON. GA.y i O Days AEROPLANE FLIGHTS Si" )ril>r**ti> - „ ,, ... . _ ... .JhAVie: MliV . -a Il'V' tfilj'fti'm. 'Ft: nnoth ExhibitsSofi iFARM^PROPUGTS'froth' 'Sdiilh GSpr $tocJL BMBiMwiMritito M i!- lii.'i: ir*»rjrmi'.'.lifiiauiuijMi M** vb cres df theSEatestviimptovedi Agncultural Machinery .inn Ueauti top' ‘ £ ofnaKis Wbrk. ullll NM“ i! Rbfs£ Mt MftiiifaM;,,- ' in 40 Shows, All its magnificient splender. Fun for Everybody,, as^ggliefdifor^ . —*-—r ~. ; This Oct. 8th. 1912. LVaa A N^nmnlnlld F onto ilf) * 1 ' 1*0 lnpn >\X/nn TO TIT hVillifig** Free Acts. Marvelous Feats of 40 Trained .-Wild TWO BIG 25 PiECE BANDS, Five Thousand Dollar :he^trion. ^or further’information as to rates, schedules, etc., apply to nearest [G..L, Agent, or write |m. north, l. p. green, Lsst. Geril. Pass. Agt., Tra ding Pass. Agent, | SavannahyGa. Thomasville, Ga. :j STOPPED THE OVATION. Riotjard Wagicr’s Peoullar Exporienc* In Vienna. ■> : BusinessV^|rd;]' When-Wagner wris'lit the ’heiglit of his popularity he. visited Vienna.. Baron von Beust, then; chancellor of the empire, was informed that the Prussian’ party intended to give Wagner nil immense serenade—a Berenade which would have the iir of German protest against the tend ency of the ministry to make the union of Hungary and Austria more intimate. The demonstration prom ised to arouse strong feeling. “Your excellency is wurned,” said the chancellor’s advisers. “It is im possible to stop this manifestation ■unless Wagner goes _ away, and he .. r ., loves ovations too well. Nothing Ordinary and exofficio, ; will induce lutn to depart.” Clerk Coiirt of Ordinary. •' “You,” said'Beust, with ■ a smile. 4 ■ An hour lifter Wagner was iiivlt- ed to dine with-the chancellor. He the invitation and P. C. ANDREWS, Attorney-at-law, CAIRO', GA 11 T ’’ Office in Richfm- & RiisIiilvBnildihg. ‘ IRA CARLISLE, LAWYER, , ; , CAIRO, . , : . GA. , Careful and prompt attention given to all legal matters entrust ed to my charge. w. j. wiiite ■ ryCitation '^'^ Georgia Grady County. ‘ 1! A. t barker, 1 jSua^diaA of, Jffli's&eb Sufi ] arid K Belie ';.Ty[dfj% 1| ..inas im his. guardianship' of 'Misses; Pearl | an^’ ^eftl ! Moor.e ^ tiiis J fs th^efbrer^oainiPtSf s n& aHifc 4mm frornyhis Guardianship mn litvi v x’itir:* . . Ordinary, *EOPLE’S MARKET AND RESTAURANT Notice. ; ■; j> By virtue of an’order issued by Hon. Frank Park, Judge Superior Courts of the Albany Circuit, we will sell before the ■ court house dobr in Cairo- Ga., during the legal hours of _ sale’ on the first Tuesday in November 1912.; Ope Store house and lot No, 4 in block A of the town of-Whigham, 6a„ Said property sold as the property fVio Quirfjpf-.' W’ & Bdll allian- N.A.WILLlAMS.Manager. I have pUf£haseS ■ thfe'lAartet-atid-restaurant from Mr. .M. A rkins, And will appreciate jrout patronage. - 1 '• " A’!’"'', 1 We will sell the the BEST OF NATIVE AND WESTERN LATS; DELIVERY CAN’T BE EXCELLED • • • In our Restaurant, we serve the BEST of everything, and at .the right price, '’ | ’ t "i.ivm: m; -■-• u-v ,. !; . «■ »/>••• i respectfully spun; .,' EOPLE S MEAT MARKET in both alliances, Tprins .pAsh. This Oct; 1st.-1912.: ■ '• >• J.E, Cobb ! \\ D; 0;‘Peatee; : ! B. A. Parker ' , ! Commissioners. V.’ilCi.-l al. ?i(utri“ i iii if ! ''.•!*<ni“T' luiu ii'imni./ jUll- Ilf! j., ■iji.i: Cli i! Hi-.-lll'.lli'W .-liiiifiitit?'. .titii i’i'V;—Htm;iii-» in'! T<> ■ hiiiiui hrmtJ .H-iii ;r.if 'l^n^'wa- iiiuUm £JIUrn K<! Ili'K O-mlljil all I V, wnill-i-fialiMKShc. teimi: ..ill t iiHiU|iH hhV tuI. -it' Il'ytinSoHaaB-W'- l V- i-jJi peftipf mtb&t! ifa« gopd: : »btit"hj3 vcryi'f jr J. H. MITCHELL mm ««.•***- at ou the Following: Fruits in Season, Swiff* Prtaium Homs, Full Cream CKeese, ltTL*l B'Wfif|jfrl- t.'-T—U?t: wMt fill iii'ilstihttWii! i;l' Hii-idi: mu fill I) ' ir )i> J. H. T , 'isimuift *■. . , „ i% yijjupmjM YGur"^tr.6^g.e ' -97 f ;/' ; - Cairo, Ga. EGGS WANTED DE3[ .(•web flattered by . accfeptcd it. After dinner, at whioh ■■Beust was delightfully, affable add ■ entertaining, - - the ‘ ‘chancellor re marked : t: l‘Herrv Wagneiy arei ypu- iinterested in autographs? 1 have Bom® very curious opes .to, phov ' An'd h% i 'o^)'ebea ‘'d''-pbrtf6Tio' : where were letters idf 'iPhlmersfon,' •Bistharck^ N^poleon JIL, Heine and -ethers; i i'Suddenly‘ l tliimin|f i tb a jl'a^ei- dAV* ■ed 18481 he,said: -Ah, look at this! Itl'isk; vety curious.. What-.would your friend ins majesty the king of Bavaria say if \thib ' l fiaj)& ! iv 1 whibB l wbTfld ; be,.significant .ip conpedion. with l; th!e .political 'serenade vynicn, the German's ate going‘to give^yoW -should 'be published tomorrow in the Vienna papers?” y . ,.Ur , ■ Th’e composer examined' the pp-, p'er and recognized with surprise an old proclamation ‘of one Richnrd Wagner, who; an ardent revolution ist in 1848, had proposed to the youth of that time to set fire tQ the palace of the king-of Saxony. He salt his autograph and that it might' be the means of .getting him-into serious trouble. “Very ' curipUs,- is - it : not, Herr Warner ?” said the minister. “Very curious,, your excellency,”, : replied his guest. ; ' ” . > " The next morriiiig Richard' Wag ner left Viennat recalled to Bai-r rcht'h by urgent businessj—Strand, -Magazine. Attorney-At-Law ; : ’ ‘. f Will practice in all Goprtfi,, $t»to. ami,,. . • ;) feddrklt pollectiops,a specialty.,, , , ■. " 'Office iu L. B. ?6welfiwilding.,' •• ; Plioljo 73.’ , : - pAlRQ, GA’ ‘ - f'tf it'J'B''(UjSMtpQ " tfltlT i E. WOODY, : :J i PHOXQGRAP ; HE,R,; : ,j South Broacl Stfbbt- Yfibh| .-'it; r-.'W.ii I bli»: *v«G ,iro, - L ■»:; - Ga. I Q«KICKXX«K3(»)CKIC»I For Clean Towels And Sharp Razors G'b’To ' W. H. P. Oneal | Barber Shop I South Broad Street, Cairo -, - Ca. iMMHHHMMMKWMMHMmKWmmMM BEATEN BY A HAIR. HUHhlbal Hairilm’s Firs!;, Try For-tho United States Senate. , j. v- Hannibal : ■ Hamlin i-.-was: of the Maine i (house’ r bf rep« tvesj; away-backiin thoifbr- ihe- last centuiry}: there feam >dy a-certain' gentleman of attire, pleasing manners, ibs and some reputation, . one foibk;'/' His»hairiwas , :&ad-be:wa»!highty'£dnsi,i -..ft-y^-Jxi-tegard it®vit.ti irn> ii- m. viiw iii..^ nrow ^j 1 g-^ )a 13 Iie g 8 - - ..•arelulty'StroMng! ^Hth'bandoline baothcr preparation each partieulor - haif, in ftslipiaoBi .One day while in the ehainas speak- ■ er Air; Hamlin,- in the -innocence of a good and joke loving‘nature; sent for this gentleman and;- looking' fix edly at his smooth and’polished pate, said with:.a ehuckle:' ■ - ' “Blank, - old fellow, I 'just wanted to tell you that you’ve got one of the hairs of your-head crossed over tllG f ‘‘You insult me, sir ! You instilt mel”, replied : the member, with"un a* fin:nn l: " <iV , What Breathing Amobnti 1 To; ir.Jpir-duph jespiratidn an average ary indignation, ana tnen, reiusing ;b, listen either " id' ’reason' 1 dr ex- aation, he left tho'spettk^r’s desk i^bturned to .bis scat. 11 '' . : Mr.'®atella i! be8atti«''a Mn J irithd 1 -United 'Staids' sehatt-' CTM gentleman was 'a-^fndmbei pf iCife* mppb'r hoUstt df'the'MaiAe fegis- 1 lat«rc. iAMhoUgh’-a toepibei of the party -iffid:diUy dhe;tn©Tb Vdte’ was needed‘td ,i sk<irir6 l ;Mr; i Hdmliii’tf election 1 , hW^poMtiffily 'refused- ;t& rote fS the- faiati [ievied h'e lind been rn'snlted. ^ He was defeated fdr'‘a seat in the senate—by ; a : hair—but Wen the next 1 vacancy bcctirrecl. Kb was elect ed;—‘Hives of' Twelve Illustrious GotSld Read:pacos. ■ :• i: '‘ftmi- siis?’ .weilt oil' ProfeBsdr X;. ; to a gentlejnan to .^hom fie. had recently bpen introduced, “1 ba,ve given some attention : to. the study of huriian nature,'arid ! rarely' fail to read h fnce cbtrectly. ' Now, there is a lady,” .he continued, point ing. aeross the roopi), “the. lines of wlipse. countenance r are as clear to ne'.'as'type.' Th’a dhip bIiows firpi-’ ness, of. dispomtidn amounting tc obs.tipacy^'the sharp" 1 pointed nose a- ,yici9}W temperament, the largo! j,, .‘^pnderful, professor, Wfiffet'-' -.4vi ftlady, then? ?,i iaid HidTrofessbr co J. R. SINGLETARY, Attbrney-at-Law. 'Cairo,' - - Georgia!. Fees-Reasonable. Practice in Super- jot Court, Court of Appeals and Sup reme Court-,; *'U.« f Offiefe: Judge! s chamber,, Court IHops u-A—:■ -x ^CHpRCH^DjfaoRY.JJ i •toi [WWWimMllbMMmWIWIMMKj C J, jyi. SELLERS _ w. S. MCDANIEL X SELLERS &*!McDANIEL s r ATTORNEYS. AT-LA.W.-, j i * , 'yA n dsr- D 'Si TO , GS * rJCor Broad and Ochl'ocknoo Stroate.) llEV. W. L. WRIGHT,.Paator - jiiR-oafehinB otllo ni and 8 p m ovorr Sunday. . . . , Sunday School,- 4 p! uy. ffZH; Wiaflitl fiiypt;Vt . .Pray/or svory.^^VjOV^InK^t 8 ',0 f&!,iPfivo{io!»4tf w'. ^"8 o'clock. l«Aeiie.£[all->‘ u/f I WH I L»»w«« Women’s missionary Society mo.U at I p m , , ^.att«r^rst!Bsmdirr..dt-ifi0ehdrcfif/:r. U i- indiiy .school tcajh?r, npcetineft <mt8 Pjn TVed , Suruuy ^scnooi xeacner roccwnwv o p«i , f - y,, •.» it thSaday\a&«t‘"^irBt Siitiday; 'at EPworth f Le^gwo f hall I- :r> ;! 1 ‘ ‘ 1 " " ’ <s a'dulti’inhales one.pint of air man!;.respires sixteen, tp twenty,. times: a mind'th* an# a yopng : child - about-i twenty-five _ ip -■ ; thirty-fi v^. times.; /Wliiie in'a s standing,.ppstpr^ the, number pt r^spirati,ona-is .greatr er than w^pn .lying, dd>yn. .. A man takes only thirteen>/hreaths:of air to the nilnute while, reclining. The, superficial surfac'd 1 of the lungs is 20.0 square .yard's. The "appuut of air. inspired by' an! adiilt, in, twenty- four hours,#-, '^b.qu't ^l.^QpO t qua.rts,. The least, ampunt-pLftW-pbe,ded -RH am adult in one hour 'iB 380..,quautsn The heart sends through the lungB 5.000 gallons of hloadidaily.* i - i: ■ : mi l.. jmmni iKinikiEP 1 St EdwardB mf Monday, nt Pastor’s studj-! , , ' Public cordially invited atteild: all* devotloria m ices. BAPTIST CHURCH. ; if -'(Rsiv. B d, Ragsdale, b. D.. PAstor) i SerWCfcd each SumW morninB and niisht. i RUhdiiy sch«)l4o’clock pm. Bardcaand Phila- theaclasses. ' ; Church Conferences second Sunday., . . PfnyAr meetinpr Wednesday-niaht. i W; M. S. Monday after second Sunday. V. ■ , ■ ' r ,: ; / ; .■:: Big S|ip)riic to Maajr in Cairo. ..oiiI ! ■ J.'r.Xt 1 — '' ■' OE Mdn. r ..„ :t ~ Moan. Molly-Have you seen Mabel ^en gagement ring? Dolly-Seen it? Why, jL .wore it all last summer. m rh- ■ wiMm ; in' : -Fidhoh. •*% idruggwts. i«bk># : with {he foot.” The Portn- 'gjueSo'fioi not “wink’jf-at-.PnpJiiT-hfty ! ' <: clPdd 1 'andilopen'-the tyesi^-i'-Initliei ’lfifigbhgeB blifP ’ J ' ? 8dtttibiV'iliS^’d'| tfibek thdre is no word with whipW’ to c6rx^f'tW' perhaps because the: idea of prop erty# so ypgpe.. It#|F,elated °Lope of the early mipsipiiqrips..that ; l n at tempting to translate the Bible into: Algonquin lie could find no word to express “love” and wnsiCQ.inpelled to invent it.—London Tit-Bits. 1 Local people. are jsurpHfeed at the ( QUICIf results., received, ! fro# : simple i y^^jjme. ' bark^ glyceirin*,',./?^. ^itiivinn -pendipitis 'remedy; Wi| mk erman ap. iqruggwwi.' V- . . V‘V;.[..Jj.f, edy anticepticizes the: digestive- aystom ■ and draws.^pff j the jmpPritie* iiVfih’dPli 1,1/1 ,} l s 1 Wiigh^"thata. SIN9LH-.P9S^['F^evjW:.Ii H-«tv Tofir b'fifciacli, *ae on. the , And. ,,.PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Services the Second and Fourth Sabbath, 11 a. rh. and 1 ' 8 : ; n. in. : Sabbaths school; every Sabbath, 10 a., mi. lin ,1!,Ub 'b. R. Anderson, Pastor mfUmU. 'I I m •A: , ■ . ..j la ■ 1 ' ;