The Grady County progress. (Cairo, Grady County, Ga.) 1910-19??, November 14, 1912, Image 3

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WjSflfl 1 ! W V9AS .• v iwpr Some Choice . -J His Spectacles. ralnoah «Um\V tolls' of 'Vlilt'll tie used whim his full hla\ Aug. ,8\. IUU8; "fiiiit mighty siibi.v with liatug now nil qsi* first necessities In'tho fronfinent fs the romoval of this condition. . External irritanta, especially i BY SOUTH GA. LAND & LOAN CO. am mighty let upon try- loi* ipfliite'd' expei'liaeiit of fin- ':i±i 1 ( u 153 acres west improved, good timber, .f-tmDUfMev — 16f ckiro l l mile, 40 acres cltaried, ’ 'Will sell iMeap, ,weli )er,^onvenientl^ looted. V ^ a a t cn 3.00 ^cres north of Cairo, two horse farm' ope'] fits 690 acres, the Wm. All 'farm Ofeh, nicely located wit iljace, • 7 •iniles ;; of"CaiBo : a,^d,.^higham*• 5 i horse fair improvements. 82T-2 ;;'• • _ & Pelham, $1,000.0). V '\wm chants v,l btift an oJfikffn o briti ^lovoif !‘T. Ciawfdrd hA i) v/hm) oY/ well situated, 'itm-uim itflbiit/d Jiiodiifti •nuiflirnv' pieasetl with a trial I have ' UiiVile <if flu* 'use: of \i itnbe-sileiM A lew. days lifter he Is ■... ... ( | | lnve triable bf , l»lPWV tried .with, my riKht cyp." Aqd so It itoes on. tlii> tube being used first fori tjhej eye: ithen tor -the otlibr. ; tujd finally .In* ln\s, a vizard. Into which in tube ror bilth ejieA with glass hi It Is ii fttHtened- • It iwitB iof 'lio hsc.t find tile such as ucl constantly, owing to the suf ferer’s occupation, are common eausbB— theiHoifpsuds of the washer woman, for example, the flour of the baker or the developing BoUUion of tlio photographer; heat, as frbm an open fife; jn winter of the Sun iii midsummer; exposure to intonso cold; scratching to relieve annoying >uhy cakse. In ’ feliort, itcllhvg'i'roin whatever eposes' irritation of the skin may provoko eczema in one pen , fqi; nifiny years' after, he ;fii\d given ,u) ! tubes nnd glasses. H Ti >'li.'tiO) r.: a . •fit it HoillJjfid id Jfffekp ifosl o/l i oo«(«. p f-fij ’Id c i’er armers & obivtVKI 'VVf-'dl'fRO fj ni oiidiia *KlMll i> M r-flh , Parialana and Narvea, . The Parisians suffer, from nervoui 'nttu‘ckf/ Hii' uiii ilpiialilhg extent 1 "I one iuvltcs nny( Parisians to .dlpiieri one ies,V writes must be prepared fqr, regln IMlsi ‘A'hilesley 'In ''“My 1 PhrlSlhn Year. 1 (‘‘Wo WK e«ap.oh ( et»t;bread, nndjmus^ drink only Vhlte. wine;, that .woumfl cab eat ■ only ‘nllmentaifes; 1 another , • The. ]ouro. dcmniid? a recognition arid removal of the real, cause. But oven when that lias been.done .the persistent ihflainmiitidh'' requires soothing, and sometimes antiseptic, applications,, and .often internal emedics 'and a change of diet, are nlsoi-riecessary.' 1 Sell trentmbrit in eczema ub dangerous, for ifiyou 1 ajl- ply ( any ,Bubstancc )that ,isVnot-pfq- il® Inner once wliere there were, nofadmovAti fh'iioa tvoPa mi ^11111=11111= l|||l==fl ||l (g Can Be No Exaggeration in the Truth! ii When you know a thing and you knew you know it, ere is no harm in saying so; . although it may seem a little egotistical. The Earth ii Has been searched by uslfor the very best of everything that goes to make up good glasses—the lenses, the « frame, the material, the spring and adjustable no ' -everything with a-vidw 'of plfeasing'our customers j as to Quality and price. ( »t n v ioth as to .quality and price. Our Service is also (THE BEST. Vv'ns nVlrdi slscteefi f;\ie«ts;'Beveri bbttfiese Vfert 'bb *, w4ij rit|thplh<)ui<y ijf'.k: riVM wlffte} 1 .one afternoon, and pis wife took hla tt 'peratuK^ffw'Hme5“lin“ an hour aqo conP pal’fl! l'he : Inst tlnie-tW stbfci'irloUfethr 'graca • niufkei) degree^ .Mafinme jnew ito of humor which makes even t^ppyerp tlle telephone .and implored,the defter ty 'a^oiffee’ ^ f&h.; ! A yrinfig wdifian t0 c ,„nJ« .. - fi i * 1... n Mho l.ninnniinanl ,s,k Siir t0 T:s l/"eo ( y th * 8took *- r who was possessed''of'the temperapaent and had glveh up pver^thldg 1 ersh 'for It suddenly sold a plcthre for a eonsld-' erable sum anil made, haste to applyi the'Proceeds as U' fifst payment ion,a) small cottage she had long desireda The former owner attempted to advise her about the neighbors. “Now, that couple next door.” be said warnlngly. "they are right good neighbors, friendly and all that, but keep your eyes open. If they see u ehauee to make n hundred dollars out! of you they won't hesitate to do It." “Kine. ,flne!’’ cried the. youug woman. fTm going over now aud see If 1 can’t get rr-r -ri “.ibh'ti.' 'deaf. Why' urei some women called Amazons?’' "Well, my dear, you’remember our geographies said the (Amazon hns the largest mouth"— But she went out nnd slammed the door before he could say any more. - London Mali. them to do it ou shares." Fl WIGHT & Leading Druggists. ii Cairo, Cj-eorgia. j Editor, Extinguished. 1 Here is a story of a bumptious ed itor. told In W. H. Uldelng’s “Many, Celebrities and a Few Others." Tho editor sat beside Mr. Gladstone at a dinnerparty. “1 received a note from you a few ays ago.” said Mr. Gladstone pleas- utty. “From- me? Not from me. I am sure you didn't. You may have had ope from my’secretary.” Mr. Gladstone, though clearly hurt, nodded his head gently In acquiescence, arid the conversation went on, Mr. Gladstone taking a predominant share. But the editor was not allowed to get a word Ip edgewise for the rest.of the evening.' Mr. Gladstone would neither see hlth nor hear him. and, except to himself, he Was nonexistent. Makes the Most of It. “What sort of a chap is. lie?", s “Well, after, a beggar has touched him ror a dime he'll tell yon he 'gavi' a little dinner to tiu acquaintance ot his.’ Llpplnoett’s. ,t of, the stocks , jeen mulcted within the mem* ory of many living men. In the Matablirifetc!? '(J'uh'ifSm'ri ; 'of iitirie’ 14) il8V2, thete ik ian acCorint 'of a mkri epdu^ing.fhia fptm of i legal torture! at. i fle -yna a rag pii^ bon& floaler of intemperate habits and. was' fiicefl in' 'the stocks.for drunk, arid diBofderly'crindrict 'lit* the'par ish ohurclr. “Twonty-Six years ; had ! elapsed since .the stocks were last* used,” runs tl|e accourit, “and their > reappearance created no little sen-1 sition and amukement, several hun-, dreds'of persons bein^ attracted to ’ the Bpot where they were fixed." The “amusement” does not appear' mm ’ i M.wtt': to have .been sharod by. the ,er, who was released after four hours nnd “seemed anything but pleased with, the paiighter knd de rision ot the ’ crowd.”—London Chronicle. ; 1/(1 Up to Dato, Feudist—Ye|i. I reckon I got old non Peovey this morning for fulr. HIS Son^DId ye shoot him. pop? Feudist —Course not. Bctter’n that. 1 gat ^hlm on mV note.—Puck. base of'juvenile precocity on rec ord is that of Christian Henry Hei- neckor, tlie . “learned bby of Lu- •> beck,” born in 1721, wlip could read ' Be sure no man was ever discontent- 1 More-'be was one year, old . and , ed with the world who did his duty In could write before he was three. . it—Southey. Before completing his first twelve — „_ T . y is gow : ready to. gin. your- -cotton, I have had this gin overhauled and everything is in good 1 shape. ... V , t *TTic*v» fn ,gay to ' the public' 'that I have always >d service and, hor“ |~ I wish to . say ito public^ 'that' L tried dip. give good service and hope to give better service this season than ever fbefore;; i Bring me your cotton and I will endeavor to give you satisfaction. I wish to say that Mr. Walter Harper, a stockholdei of the Grady Gin Co., will be with the Cairo Ginnery this season. i ■ ' Respectfully, I*D. Lewis. - Bate, as They Feed. Bats 'fly 'as soon ns darkness begins. Tpey live on such Insects as are then op the wing—gnats, mosquitoes, moths ,ut d beetles. Thd service they give to Vegetation, even, In temperate climates,' is]considerable. - Some hot countries Could not be inhabited but for them; iM^st of the race are miscellaneous In their feeding, and not very delicate In their taste. They devour, Indiscrimi nately all animal substances, whether raw or dressed and In any state. An Honest Thief. On leaving a Paris theater n German geutleman felt for his watch. It was gone. Having a strong suspicion, he laid crowd When watch lying on the table. completing his first twelve months-lie coiild recite all the prin cipal events in ? Biblical ‘History,. And before he was four he “knew”' the history of all the nations of an- finnilw rroniminliv omifnrm/ tli/i 1 An Extended Vacation. “Mrs. Nngg Is .thinking of visiting tlie. Thousand jlsl.unds.’’, . . • ■ > t “1 uhderstnud Mr. .Nngg would be glad to have her spend sli months, on euch o^e.”7;blrmlnghtim Age-Hernldv Ali Hill Fault. CuriouB Geological Shiftings. •a! past on the bm‘- Although lu the geological past vast ceuter of conti- dbbafed question whktb- ehnngps of level oecnrr ders and even In the neuis, ltria>a er ut present similar elevations and aubsldeuces can be detected. The fre quently ^repeated statement ,thut the coasts of Massachusetts and New Jer sey aye percepttely ;sinU!ng has bepp often' 'disputed, the apparent subsi dence/being i|afcr(be,d ito‘ simple ichahge* of shore line. Nevertheless some cu rious -record? •.kept Ip ;Burope seCin to; indicate thnt actual fluctuations qf tho level fof thq land: may occasionally be observed. In the valley of the Main a church tower hidden behind a moun tain screen has since 1861 gradually risen Into plain view from the chateau of Stroessendorf. and still farther In the same direction another church tower, which began to be visible from Stroessendorf eighty years ago, Is now clearly seen above the horizon and Is said .to rise higher as time goes on. Similar records exist in Bohemia, In Switzerland, In Spain and In the French Jura.—Harper’s. - J* An English Billion. In England a billion Is a million times a million. This Is quickly writ ten and quicker still .pronounced.' but no man is able to count It. . You will | " ' A Study In Anatomy. "Mammn. what part of the body is the tromboue?” “No part of the body, my dear." “Yes. it. is.: because It says in the pa ler here that last night . while return ing from the symphony ’’concert Bro- Tessor Grldel fell and broke his’ trom bone." count 1,60 or 170, a minute, but jet us suppose tbnt you go up as high, as 200 a minute, hour after: hour. ** At that rate .vofi would count 12.000 an hour. yamrii liiy or lorxrjo.ooO’fti a yAr. Lei .us, suppose now that Adam., ut the beginning ills existence; had begun to count;., had continued to do .so. and was'couiitlng still.’ Hiid si ' ■ , such a thing bequ possible he Would not yetj have finished' the task of counting a billion. To count u billion would require a per son to count 200 a minute for a period of 0.512 yeurs 542 days’ 5 hours 20 minutes, provided that he should count continuously. But suppose we allow tlje counter twelve hours .dolly for •est. eating nnd sleeping. Then he would need 18.025 years ,310 days 10 aohrs 45 minutes in which to Complete ike task. * Saw a Profit. The artistic temperament often leads Tho Eternal Impulse. Fair Suffragette—And now If any one who has heard my speech wishes to ask a question .I shall be happy to answer. Masculine Voice (from rear of hall)—If you haven’t any other com pany, may] I see you home this even IngV—Judge. Wise Dogs. "Why is it that the dog is always referred to as the most Intelligent ani mal'?” "i ; .""-’i '! ' ’ '• ■' ' ■' ': '' 1 ' "Because: he' 'knows how to get a good living without dplng any work." replied the horse.—New Orleans Pieu yune. . • ! /Hqr, Brand. , “That prlma donna may be a little ancient." snld the enthusiastic man. "but she’s n peach." “Yes." replied Miss Cayenne, "n pre setted peach.”—Washington Star. Pleasure appeals to the senses alone, but happiness nppenls to the spirit, nnd it Is created by love nnd good will. l}utob. ;Aiid at', the’ ago of - four yearp aijd foyy uiqhth^lie/diQd. . : • ; Tho Mole Has Eyes. i The‘jntajoi:ityid'L , peope n b'elieV,e'' ' that .tHc.indle isevon-bliiider” trikn the pyovoi'bial iba.t;'/but the (natural- i.' istB knotv ,that, pupli. i^ .upt. the case, j i.’ the Irate Woman ito bird denier)—As for ... .- v , — -m ' you. you’re a thief’. All those canaries ist, wy Careful investigation pro you sold me yesterday flew awqy this that the moleUias eyes Which are as morning.—Sourire. perfect as those of a . horse or an elephant. They are very small op tics, to be kure (only one-millimeter Not Wanted. Servant-Please. sir. there's a man i n ai am eter), but in the matter of :L the _. d T. w,t w h el 1 g'nppileil.—Londotl reflection nnd. refraction do riot dif- 11 fer from the normal eyes m larger animals. at him we are Telegraplk. CAUSES OF ECZEMA. I v $!i They Are as Numerous as the Varlo- -ties of tho Eruption. Strictly speaking, eczema is not a-cloarly marked dis,case with a defi nite cause and course, but a gen ial term applied to a great variety of inflammatory affections of the skin,,due to,a great variety of causes. The eruption may assume almost any appearance. There may be redness, roughness; thickening or scaling of the skin, somqlimes with deep cracks. There 1 may'be little : VG iotnur nimnloo AT milomln'c W IlMl A Prayer. Send some one, Lord, to love the best that'is in me atid to accept nothing less from mo, to touch me with ; the i seai'ching (j'endern.ess of the pasjiion for the ideal, to de- maiiu everything, frqm, me, for my own sake,' to give me so much that I darifio'f think, of myself ’ and to askiso much that'l cankiep riothiiig back, to console, me iby> making me Ih ( 0 blisters, pimples or pustules, which’ break and form scabsj or the sur- Some ppople will never learn any thing for this reasiin—because they un derstand everything too soon.—Pope. face of the skin .may 'ibe’* raw/con stantly exuding a thin, sticky-fluid. Whatever the form of the erup tion, there are aliriost always; in- terise itching and burning, and sometimes pnin not unlike that of neuralgia is felt. The causes of eczema are as nu merous as the varieties of the erup tion. There is not necessarily any constitutional taint, although ec zema is very common in gouty per sons. It is not due to any septic in fection of the blood, but it may be a symptom of intestinal autotoxica- tion. Indeed, in many cases the bowels, are inactive,, and one of the Th* Vaptaga .Point. ; m ' The mayor of . a small town was trying a riegro for abusing his wife. She claimed ho got drunk and tried to heat her and she hit him. Tlie mayor turned to their little girl and asked: “Girl, was your father under the influenqe of whisky when your mother hit him?”., '“No, sah! He was under the' kitchen table,” slie very quickly re plied.—National luonvitir. . , s ' v/m's