The Grady County progress. (Cairo, Grady County, Ga.) 1910-19??, November 14, 1912, Image 5

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• S--“ E Local and Personal. : s s s <s - s ^ ~ Mrs. J. A. Lindsay was a vis itor in Thomasvilie Saturday. Mr.'W. A. Sutton, of Thomas- vill-, spent Sunday with his fami- ‘ere. Col. J. S. Weathers Tuesday in Calvary on business. spent legal r. L. D. Fain, formerly of this place, but now located at Pejfiam, was a visitor here Mon day! t-M* ■ • • ow open B / M. Johnson* C. & T. .. :'W7 n> viii?. \ -i .. :.'i iss Ruth Walker has-return- ", Camilla; after. spending a at home. I Li- . Charles Browp was among airo yisito^s ( ;a|t , .the South ji last Mr. John Gibson, of Valdosta, was a visitor in Cairo several days this week on business, } 'Mrs.' Ira Carlisle attended tji fair in Thomasville Thursday. Get your. work .done. at tt City, Pressing Club; satisfaction is ;tho verdict of all their cust J •mewcNAu go,-/ kri- 1 JStaiy J kmi'th, .who J»i j^en &jhnected the Pro,, res^ fbr several months; left Sati- ^-day for , Carrollton, where hi t ill make his home with his pa ■ ■nts his father being a . prom nent busmess man of lie for sale cheap. Ap- *ply; to Wh.,Mavlor,Whighi ®6to;6. ' Mrs, Charlet EubankS, of 5Fh6masville, spent the week-end .with her sister, Mrs. Jim Mat thews. • :v j . Misses Ida and Eva Matthews shopped in Thomasville Thurs- doy. rtf*, , Mi\ E. F. Horn, of Metcalf, 'was a visitor in Cairo Monday. 7 see C. F. Sanders about that diamond ring proposition, ft vjillinterest you. .'•■■■ Ask the City Pressing Club >7 why they can interest you in Tvffieir'new club proposition, and ffpd something to your advantage. , £\Its sure to please you. fin « 4 a o'e Connell has at last seized r'eat idea. Ask him about it: ^' r ' "Col. and Mrs. J;. Q. Smith were ^.visitors/ih Bainbridge Monday. ■Vi. !' ;' Mr. E. M. Blitch, of north a visitor in town r^djv was uesdSy. jbHBjK .. ;• ,Mrs. W. A. Sutton spent sever al da|s in Thomasville last week. Judge J. F. Stone'was a visitor ih.Val . ..Jdosta last Thursday. Seventy ,Five Dollar. , dia- S ftond' ring may be yours—See C, J. Sajider?.,., j j .ay* ' 1 •fsi’r.iand Mrs. J. S. Rainwater, cf Mllahta, are the>guests of Mrs. d^ent jSunday in Cairo, ater.’s parents (this weeku Jeff Malloy, of Bainbridge, .Tl&iCity Pressing Club; per- ct pressing for particular peo ; - C614M.- L. Ledford spent Mon iia Bainbridge, where he was n legal business.; Ifr-ijP;; A. Gillespie, of Newnan V representing the . 1 ^ Harvester company, was a visitor Y$| he#£ sey^ra! days this week on notv due, pleasecalliand settle. B. M. Johnson, C. &. T. " "I?; • . .. . • . ;. Mi's. W. ^...Benjaealand. iher . v > dpght$r, Miss' Marfiie MK y ^ r|tifthed Saturday, from a pleas tfyisit of several weeks ,\Vith tfhflves^ini Moultrie and Tiftori! f Mrs, W. H. Robinson left Tues day for Augusta where she will spend several days. Notice to J. P,-s. and N. P,s Acts of Legislature 1912, are in my office. Call and ’get a copy. Respectfully, P. H. Herring. ; • ;V ' ? •* ' T Col/w. J. Willie rpa|de a /rip to Tallanassee'Wedhesday night for the purpose of securing from Gov. Gilchrist a requisition for an old offender against Georgia laws. He returned Thursday. days this : -week. Mi’3.'En^ory Brown was shop ping in Reno Saturday afternoon. Well I‘will “ring off”. W. ishing the Progress much success. Just One. Whigham News R. F. D. No. 5. J. N. Butler and C. F,. Wam ble attended to business in Cairo Saturday. ' J. A, Smith was selling syrup, in .Cairo Saturday. , ' day after a weeks visit with son B. ,M. Brock.n ••• -n Miss Birdie Mae Wynp' called op' Miss Lizzie Coker Sunday afternoon. her ofth comi . C. N. Hollingsworth and wife visited their daughter Mrs. Har rell Sunday. , Albert and Tom Miller atten dee!;-to/business in our section last'week. ' . •; .^v.-,rV' ’ . A; L. Wamble transacted^ buei ness in Pelham Saturday. . Col. Ira Carlilse of Cajrp at-, tended Justice 'Court ; at J. F. Griners Saturday. r’Clipey Keily and wife left last week for Cypress Fla., where they will. , make. i their future home.i : On October ^9th., the ^eeth Angel visited the home of C. N, Hollingsworth , and claimed for its own the sweet soul of Igener Forrester, the infant girl of I, E.' Forrester, age seven months and fifteen days: 1 v j We loved her, yes, we loved' her, B«t Jeflua loved, her irtore, Rev. j M. C. Tayler filled his regular aR^iptm^nt' at^. Pipe Lavel Satiirahy. ' . ' To yoiider ehimng shore., The Golden Gates weie opened, A gentle Voice said'**cohie”| ' ' •' And with farewell uhspoken,. Bhb calmly entered home. Misses Bellemma and Pearl Coker spent Saturday night with theip auriWiiisa- J%- D. Gorapton of Pelham, r . Wishing the vProgress much success. Mr'. R. L. Vanlandingham, of Cairo, was looking after business at Pelham this week; He is con nected with the sales business of J. D. Holman. Pelham Journal. j J. J. Dollar attended to busi- hess in Cairo Saturday. Rube MaAfee attended to busi ness in Pelham Saturday. . ; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Kirkland visited Mr. and Mrs. Willie Whig- ham Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. Allred and family are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Rube McAfee this week. .Jim Mathis of Cairo visited W. E. Naylor Sunday. Wilburn Gainous of Cairo was e xiling in this section Sunday. ; I ‘ • : » •‘ill.* : 1 Lee Joiner and Grover Wamble called on Miss Mattie Butler Sun day afternoon. Mr, and Mrs. J. E. McKown visited Mr. and Mrs. W, E. Nay- lojr Sunday afternoon, ' Willie Butler and DaVe Sellers visited near Meigs Saturday and Sunday. , A, No,. 1. Reno News. Well, I. haive been absent for some time* but ha vie come again* Mrs. Casselberry,-'bf p^ar Och- locknee, is-Bpendihg two 'weeks with her sister, Mrs.>R.'A. i 'Reh-| burg and Mrs. Lee Cliett ' if > • •* ) -Mrs., Ljzzie Barreijt|rj Mpnday after spending two v/Ceks with her ‘daughter, x Mrs. R. E. Holton,'of near O'chlock- nee. Siloam Items. ail ilv syrup We are sorry to note the illness of Mrs. Andrew Holton r who is. very ill at this writing. We hope for her a speedy recovery, Mrs. R. E. Holton, of near Ochlocknee, ife • visiting Mrs. Andrew Holton. Miss Beulah Rehberg was the guest of Mrs. Walter Whitfield Sunday. Little Miss Frances Allen visi ted Miss.Siisie Maxwell .Sunday. Miss Maggie Rehberg was the guest of her grandmother Sun day morning. Mr. JOe Davis and iwife visited J. W.; Davis and wife Sunday.' Mr. G. Wi Rehberg and wife were the guests of their mother, • v- -vi • . . r Mrs. Rl A. Rehberg, Sunday, Mr. Fred Holton, of Ochlock nee, was a visitor in Renosevera A. J. H< rton attended to ijusi ness in Cairo Saturday. . D. W. Mills was selling in Cairo Friday. j. W. Mills and daughter Lillian, dined with Mr. George Mills Saturday. | Mr, M. P. Maxwell attended services at Spring Hill Sunday. ‘ Miss. Essie ' Maxwell attended Rreaching at Spring Hill' and dined with Miss -Irene Sunday. Mr. Roy Thomas and Miss Clyde 1 Whigham attended Sun day school at Spring Hill Sun- dky. ! Mr. Drew Mills and Miss Edna Barineau were out riding Sun day afternoon. Ask Mr. Drew Mills where he found his mule and buggy Sun day night. Well as your humble writer on the sick list will ring, off With best wishes to the Prog ress and-its correspondents. 77. D. W. M. Pawnee News. ■ J. E. Coker atte busi ness in WhighaiWlast Friday. On October the 26th., occured the death of Mr. Mack Lodge, He had been an invalid for sever al years. Boll Weevil In Crehshsw. certain if SVoiild .He 'suicidal to disregard tha advice'of that Ex perts. Grady coUnty dan escape serious lo&s by taking the matter in hand intelligently NOW 1 . i Thunkfulnes*. | I urn no friend to the people who receive the bounties, of Providence without 'visible' gratitude. Vfhen the sixpence fulls jnto your, hat you rimy laugh. .When the, messenger of an unexpected blessing takps you by the hand and lifts you up and you wal)<j ,yop may lpap and run passed through the boautiful gate "of, the teniple, . There w, no virtue in, splipmit iridiffprenep.. i Joy is as iniich a duty • >m benofieqace is. Thrinkfulhpss, .the,\ other; Bide of irieroy,—Henry Yap Dyko. . (. . Sri*’Did Nsi know. ., u •. m about to perform the marriage cere-, hitiniiior oouplo cafi-i ed at 'his ‘office for the Dnnn iAtaT. 7a >' pr^spcpjliyp, grooms# to A specialist, was at Dozier Monday, and at Glen wood on Tuesday following the trail Of this boll weexril. He fohnd, the weevil in Crenshaw and also found them about three miles of the county line in Pike county nea’ Glen wood. It is the opinion of the special ist that this section of the coun try will get but one more normal crop before the weevil will be in sufficient quantities to destroy the crop. You people who have been say ing that the boll' weevil would not come, and if it did, that it would do no damage, had better get ready to make your money from some other source,, than all cotton. One of the weevils was found on Wednesday in the public school room by one of the pupils of the school.— Luyerne .loqyna), Oct. 31. In vi w of the situation of the towns mentioned in the ticles the predictions of the State Etomologist, Pi of. Worsham, that the weevil is likely to strike the western -section of Georgia Within the next twelve months, are in a fair way to become real- ities. Glenwood; Ala. is about 60 miles west df Fort Gaines, Ga., in an air line,,, and conse quently about 100 miles from Cairo. The progress of the pest, is about' 76 miles , per year under ' normal ■ eonditioilS, ^n<jl lt is expect'ed' thkt' tjxjs yeair will see an even greater distance covered, on account of the sea son being the faster sprepd of the weevil in finding location for the winter hiberna ting places. Prof. Evans, who lectured at the; fair on Oct. 24th; did not predict the approach of the wee vil, in any certain time, but said the indications are that it -would get into this section! in three, or four years time. If the rate of progress marked by the news item above quoted is maintained for another year. it. will bring the weevil dangerously bear Grady county; THE, TIME;, "TO ' PREPARE FOR ITS , COMING IS AT HAND. In every instance where, the warhifigs of the ' agricultural experts have beenj disfega,rded ;be results have proven more n Ilocaii ties maiden name, whereupon thp.future, bride chimed in with, Hii* remark: ' tter not ask pae; ( - - 7 _ 7 r ,maiden name is, ’causeil» don’t know!”—National Monthly. . ' So ■ Different. ’ ^ ( ‘. . , ,, “Women all have the same fault.,' They eabt pass a shop, that has t bonnets in the window without look- | irig in.*’, “So different from men! They f can’t puss a shop that has bottles in tiie, window without going in,”— i Illustrated Bits. isastrous^, ^ where .„spme. .'preparations "have beCrj made.’ The fhrfiiersi wjio ■havq been raising otfon in this 1 country have yet time to make Mrs, J. B. Brock returned Sun-1 tair preparations’for the advent 111 Not Going to Pieoes. Geraldine—Mn.v I see you apart? Gtec.- nld—Wrill. I should say not! Do. I look ns If 1 were coming to pieces?—New York Press. — v.’-V .7 1 Curious Night Walla A curious form of wrtter'liole is found ’ la the desert of Western Australia, 1 dry,by day. but yielding;an■ abundant ' supply of water by night.; The flow of’ i water Is prpcedsd ; by ihlssings and I sounds of ruahing ally The phenomo* >r non ts discussed by Dr. Majcpim Ma.c- lareri, who* lias located and examined one' of these wells. He fouhd thut tiio water supply occurred in n long, nar row trench, at the bottom - of which was a thin plate of gneiss, separated by n cavity from the main rock mass' beneath. Apparently the heat of the dny causes this plate to expand In the form of a, depression. Into which the, water retrents. When It cools nnd con tracts at night it forces fjrst; ulr and then water back into tbs trench.pScb entitle Airierlcan; Her Fighting Clothes. A certain inatroh alludes to a certala gown of ! hers aa her “quart-el dress;”' “I always wear; lt.’> she : explain*, "when l Uaveihad.a quanrel with iny husband.” “But wby, do you; caJl -H «. quarrel if"' "Because It is the'only gown that doesn’t bt'itton In the back. Cou- the bhckf ; scquentiy t don’t ‘BftVb to call On the old grouch to help mo."—Goulsvlll* Codrter-Oournnl.' «I * , 1 •. rl!< I i! ■■ The Usual; Kind. I,’ ' On Jlmnde’s, birthday bis uncle garo him a kuife. fll-S mother (told ,btm bo;'- ought to give bis uncle a penny so that, It would not cut their, friendship. .: ••Oft', well." rejoined Jimmie, "It won’t cut .anything else; so I guess It won’t cut our friendship.”T-Cbicago , News. : ' Never Had a Chance, “Why have you never run for of fice?” asked the reporter, ’’Well,", sn|d the wealthy citizen, i “when 1 was ypungev I was tqo poor to make a .campnlgn; now that 1 am rich 7'don’t; dare to."—Detroit freo. Press.- ‘■--•71- 0 ■h'/.’.v-y 7'; A Mean Qdeetloh. Wedderiy--Today; IS- the tenth anni- ' vei-sary qf ; my, marriage, ,. Blngletori-^''1 . y?ell. itvhat do yqu.qxpee);? tVodderly-; t n '< Wbbh dq 1, e?ipe%t? ; .,(S!bglet9n Tr Tep{',q .1 ; p,6 i ngratpln^9ps l( ?r |1 symputliy,V : i,it) y-v'i 'id i rTridl*'W«ri pri A nt W? e i , f)jliii ihil- .im»' -.o-r, ri udfeSfii '"shaVfy^“miF 1 ..,;;■*. ."No. -1 Wiilfille mofe' IfhdhiRriid give 11 him his:nilSwerfid't.wb ldtterh’ , ''' i '- 1, ' ,I: ^ - 1i< ! nut -i,ai,i<;t<4i'i-^l -tith,■< . i>7^-.i GoodiBeginning; Mrs. Hn. Younghnide a good - ' housekeeper? Mrs. .—iXVdl. when 1 dropped, iriion her s|}e.,W!is trylpg to make bread in a. j gha'ting,'^iBh. 7 .Boi|tqa. Traimcvipt ■1 ■V 7,v3i '' m