The Grady County progress. (Cairo, Grady County, Ga.) 1910-19??, December 13, 1912, Image 3

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UNDER CRUST FOR TWO PIES Mlxturo That Adds to Savor of Doll* clous Confection Worth all the Trouble It Involves. Mix one-fourth teaspoon each of salt and baking powder with one cup of. sifted pastry flour. Measure one heap ed tablespoon each of butter and lard, and if they are soft spread them out on a plate and chill them. Then chop them Into the flour until well mixed. "Wet with cold water to a stiff dough that may bo all taken up clean from the bowl. Toss out on a floured board and pat-it down until half an inch thick and a long, narrow shape. Dredge it with flour and roll it over into a thick roil. Divide in the mid dle, turn each piece over and "pat it out flat, and if the paste sticks and is soft, lay it away in a cold place till firm and hard. Then roll out gently, keeping the shape round and even, nnd ro?l it a trifle larger than the plate, for as you lift the paste it will shrink slightly, and it is better to push it back toward the center of the plate if too large than to stretch it to the edge if too small. Lift the edge and press the paste (£own in the cen ter that there may be no bubbles of air underneath. If you have the knaolt of keeping the paste round as you roll it there will be no edges to be trim med off and no waste. Use tin or granite plates and merely dust-them with flour, greasing is. unnecessary. Remove the pies to earthen plates when baked. This paste will make a very tender upper cruBt, good enough for every day pies, but for Thanksgiving we use puff paste. Millions of Red Cross 8eals on 8ale. Over 80,000,000 Red Cross Christ mas scalB are now on Bale in almost overy largo city and. nearly every state in the United States. The pro ceeds go for the benefit of tho anti- tuberculosis movement in tho commu nity whero tho Beals are sold. So. carefully has the salo been organized throughout tho country that with the exceptions of the states of Florida, Oklahoma, Nevada and Idaho, Red Cross soals will be on salo in almost every city, town, village and hamlet in the United States, and oven in Hawaii, Porto Rico and the Canal Zone. HE WAS A JOKER. SOME IDEAS ABOUT COOKERY Improving the Flavor of Fish—Cream for Baked Beans—Preparation of Delicious Rice Omelet. When fish of unpronounced flavor is to be boiled it is improved by the ad dition of vinegar to the water. If the fish is inclined to be tasteless half a pint of vinegar to an ordinary kettle of water will not be too much. An old New England housekeeper has a cupful of rich, hot cream ready to stir into the baked beans when they come from the oven and before they go to the table. Creamed toast In one family '.s pre pared In this way: The bread is toast ed and kept hot in a covered dish. Then a white sauce is made in the usual proportion of a cupful of rich milk or cream to a tablespoonful each of butter and flour, with salt to pea- son. At the last, when tho sauce is thick, two tablespoonfuls of grated cheese are stirred in, a teaspoonful of Worcestershire sauce and a dash of paprika. It is poured over the toast. To prepare a rice omelet as one cook does lt. make a white sauce with a cupful Of milk and two level table spoonfuls each of cornstarch and but ter. Stir in three well beaten yolks and a cupful of hot boiled rice. Fold in the stiffly beaten whites of tho three eggs, season with paprika and a trace of nutmeg, and cook in the regu lar omelet pan. Serve with red cur rant jelly. Stuffed Fre^h, Shoulder. * Stuffed fresh shoulder is quite a nice dish. Have the'Shoulder boned and,.fltuff as you would turkey. Save all the'small pieces, that will, not slice up good. .Run through mea.^,chopper, add twor? ppStdfis.i&ne-haltipicup.'^ea d crumbs " into ', then In" beaten eggs,. cigimbSi ag&in, and fry faL*. -■/. e/” '■ V-i 'fflk •"> Mock tylnbe , ■' “One cup each jof" sugar, molasses, .• water-and cracker crumbs rolled find;- one-third cup buttervor: lard, onePqu&r- .' ter." pup vipegar, pinch salt, two eggs, one”teaspooh mixed spice. Rake -with, two crusts. Make two pies: Salad Dressing. Fpur teaspoonfuls' of sugar, one tea spoonful of mustard, one-half' tea-' spoonful of salt, two eggs, one-half cup of melted butter, one-hal^ cup • vinegar. one, cup of milk. Mix -i of vinegar, one, CUP of milk. Mix the sugar, salt'and'custard: together in a bowl,- adcL eggs well begten, then set howl over steam of kettle, and add melted butter slowly.- - When It thick ens add vinegar very slowly, then when It is as thick as cream add mlllc. slowly, stirring all the time.,, Cool: un til as thick as heavy cream. Let cool-; It will thicken more after It cools. Spice Cake. Two eggs, white of one, two cups qf brown sugar, one cup sour milk, one: half cup butter (scant), two and one- half cups cake flour, one-half teaspoon ful cloves, one-half nutmeg, grated. Bake same as other: butter cakes. Wire Clothesline. A wire clothesline which becomes ruBty can be remedied by painting it with a coat of white paint and when dry paint It again. These two applica tions will keep the.line In good shape for a long time. Mrs. Newpop—I can’t persuade the baby to take his medicine. . Mr. Newpop—I guess he thinks it’s something to put him asleep. Regular practicing phvsfclans recommend and prescribe QX1DINE for Malaria, be cause a proven remedy by years of ex perience. Keep a bottle in the medicine chest nnd administer at first sign of Chills and Fever. Adv. They're Simple Folk. “Do you think two could live my salary?” “Two Fiji Islanders might.” AFTER THE DOCTOR FAIT.ED. Even the most stubborn cases of malaria, yield to Elixir nabek. "In the summer of 1896, I contracted tho disease known as Malaria. After a year's fruitless treatment by a prom ent Washington physician. I was en tirely cured by your Elixir Bubek.”- Braslo O'Hagan. Troop E. 6th U. S. Cav. It Is equally good for bilious disorders. Elixir nabek, 50 cents, all druggists, or Kloczewskl & Co., Washington, D.C. Adv. . Selecting Recruits. "That’s my idea of a pleasant jog.” “What’s that?” "Scouting for a comic opera com pany.” Lady,Uses Tetterlne for Eczema. Edgar Springs, Mo;, July 15. 1903. ally appeal 's helps The Eczema on my-faco usually appears In tho spring and your salvo always helps It. I use no other preparation but Tet- torlne and find It superior to any. on the market. - Respectfully, • ' Elsie M. Judvlne. Tetterlne cures Eczema, Tetter, Itching Piles, Ring Worm and overy- form of Scalp and Skin Disease. Tetterlne 60c; Tetterlne Soap 25c. At druggists or by mall direct from Tho Shuptrlno Co., Sa vannah, Ga. - With every mall order, for Tetterlne wo Adv. Demands of Trade. “It would seem a flagrantly clear case,” said the magistrate, adding, to the burglar, who had been -haled be fore him. "What have you to say for yourself?” “Not much, your honor. But. I hbpo you can give me a Short--'•sentence This Is my -busy; spstson.”—Judge. CASTORIA. a safe and sure remedy for infafftB and children, and see that it Bearsthe Signature of J In -tfse For "Over- 30 Years.: •'.‘^Children Cry •for Fletcher’s Castoria . » H.e .'Answered Truly. • - ''■father— : How~ls. it that I find ,you- kissing- my/daughter? . Aqsweir me, ajbrl, ..Hqw.-*tf,-it,?. Young; Man.—:Fine, sir;- fine!-—Satire - T -t‘A great,-majority: of .summer, ills, are Malaria--in suppressed - 'f<Jr’m. ! iliiS- situde and headaches are .hut, two ftyrnO; toms. OXIDINE’.'eradicafes the MaTaVia 'germ and tones up the entire'system. Ady, •» -Reason “Pa, why do they call it the. rhi- 'noebros?” ... . .. .- ' -“BefcStfse if has" sUch 'a thick’rfndi;' son;”.- , - i -, ;j*• , i-"' 1 ' 1 ': Hla SUeoeasdr. . . “I .suppose: -yoh expect ^our s‘6n to ,stop./intQ when you retire?” has row “No. I" hardly expect ,thqt; ,b\it ; -he is already, taken my" seat in the front w ” . f - . " Every Invalid woman is invited to consult our Staff ofPhjjsicians, Surgeons and Specialists, at the Invalid’s Hotel and Surgical Institute, Buffalo, N, Y., by letter or personally at my expense.—R. V. PIERCE, M. D. I Invite Suffering Women There is every reason why women should not trust their deli cate constitutions in the hands of unskilled persons. It requires a thorough medical education to appreciate and understand the delicate female organism. There is every reason why she should write or personally consult an experienced specialist. As a powerful, invigorating tonic, “Favorite Prescription” im parts strength to the whole system and to the organs distinctly feminine in particular* For “run-down,” debilitated women of all occupations DR. PIERCE’S Favorite Prescription is unequaled as a restorative tonic. As a soothing and strengthening nervine “Favorite Prescription” allays and subdues nervous excitability, irritability nervous exhaustion, and other distressing symptoms commonly attendant upon functional and organic diseases of the feminine organs. It induces refreshing sleep and relieves mental anxiety and despondency. Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription is devised and put up by a physician of vast experience in the treatment of women’s maladies. Its ingredients have the indorsement of leading physicians in all schools of practice. The“Favorite Prescription” has been sold by dealers in medicine in its liquid form for over 40 years. Now it can also be obtained of them in tablet form—or send 50 one-ccnt sumps to Dr. Pierce for trial box. Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pellet3 invigorates the stomach, liver and bowels. One to three a dose. Easy to take as candy. Send 31 one-cent-Stamps to pay cost of wrapping and mailing only on a free copy of Dr. Pierce’s Com mon Sense - Medical Adviser, 1008 pages,' cloth- ,bound. Invalid’s Hotel and Surgical Institute, R. V.- Pierce, M. D., President, Buflalo, N. Y. m ■ iifli . "It Helped Me So Much." Mns. F. W. Inins', ol Bodlnon. Pa. Kiyet "Your ‘Favorite Proscription* luiaitono monuonderfallotnf «nnil. "Seven years ago wlioa our that child wna born I wns left mlsornblo, I doctored with two phyolclnns with out any roller. I then won tto sooono ortho bond dradm-Bln Williamsport; ho said I most hnvo an operation at ho said I must havo an operation at onco and Ihatl should quit work, but that was something I could not do. I then boenn taking your Favorite Prescription' nnd it helped luo so much. I always snftored’so until oar last child when I gotalong nk-oly. I Bhall never go through It again with- \ out your nicdldlne. “Will nlnan lit* leUhlnrr vnti mnsh PUTNAM FADELESS gHter and faster colors than any otherdye. One 10c package colors all fibers. They dye in cold waterbetter than any other dye. Youcaa thout ripping apart. Write for free booklet—How to Dye. Bleach and Mix Colors. MONBOC PBUG COMPANY, Quincy. HI. Not Frequent. “Do you like rare beef?” ft Is there any other kind these days?” If your appetite is not what it should be perhaps Malaria “" ’ . _. is developing. It nlfccts the whole system. OXIDINE will clear away the germs, rid you of -Malaria and generally improve your condition. Adv. The one time man,doesn’t mind put- ting his foot in it when ho step's Into a fortune. Constipation causes and sorlously aggra vates many diseases. It is thoroughly cured by Dr. Pierce’s Pellets. Tiny sugar-coated granules. Adv. Many a business man who claims he wants only a fair profit must have in mind a church fair profit. • What Are Her Thoughts? “Gladys has a far away look.” “I don’t understand that. Her fi ance' lives just around the corner." Creditors. , - “Bliggins says ho - owes everything to.his wife.” “That isn’t true,” replied Bliggins’ father’-in-Iaw. "His wife quit lending him anything years ago apd then" he started in ... owing -me.”—Washington Star. _ ~ It’s'a poor plan : to try to pull_your- .eelE.out ofj’.traublb with- a corkscrew-. Por.-SUillMErt HE AD ACHES V? v .., •Hicks’ CAPUDINE is the best remedy- no* matter " what causes .thim,—whether, from,the hbat, sitting In draughts, fever*- lsh cbndttlon, etc. :10c,, 25c and 60c poy bottlelab .jnftaiqJ.0«f - sti | i;?3-’'.‘iAdD' - ' *Ji*V It is difflfeplt ; ,fbr;a>ifi , oip t q5^to just#bl<&?ili<f a /Inal pnlVnf n'chiii.rriafn' ami oln. i ■the dual rolVof u.'s6ui^nate'and help,- “9 to 'hw* -y* r .*.>I ;- ,:r ; :. :• r ' ' To 'prevent Malaria is far better than to cure it. In malarinl countries takq. a dose of OXIDINE regularly one each’ week and save-yourself, from Chills, anti Foyer- and other fniilarWr troubles. Adv. - ' ’ ■ is a'grind,-but it at least sharp ens a man’s wits.. -, v . • Dropsy cured.. Swelllnsr quickly rcdircctl. Sh of Breath relloTftd In a lew hours. Sample t,rf free. GOLUB pnaipTJf&ppX t:0., ATLANTA. '0 Mrs. Winslow’s Soothlncr Syrup for Children teething, softens the gums, reduces lnflamma- tlon, allays pain, cures wind col Ic, 25c a bottle,Adv, Many a man who would hesitate xo make a wife of his cook will make a cook of his wife. a'«xi ft: M . u * *• ';v;. * . '. The Reason. ! ' - v.VMin'e is a sunnylot,”'he nibaped;-. ,- He moaned abfiut it because his'tot wa, r he,couldn’t sell it. - r-- -i, ,!■■:•- * - • Opera in the Boxgs. v -- “What was the story of the opera?” v “What I heard Tart about like this:: In the first act I learned that Mrs. Wallaby, the society leader, Is about to sue her husband for divorce. In the second act I learned that Miss Lotta Plunks smuggled In. that fa mous pearl necklace, and in the third I hoard that Mr; Gerald Piffle id- irap- ldly drinking himself to death.” Lots of men tire • themselves death looking for an easy place. TO DRIVE OUT MALARIA - Take tho Old Htandard GltOVE’S TABTMLKB3 CHILL TONIC. Toil know what you aro taking Tho formula la plainly printed on every bottlo, Quinine and Iron in a tastble&s . —» —— For grown 6howingltlB8lmply .- As a general thing the kind of man who wears a watch on his wrist doesn’t need all his pockets ^o carry his money in. ITCH Relieved in 30 Minute.. Woolfortl’s Sanitary Lotion for nil kinds of contagious itch. At Druggists. Adv. Mighty Hard to Eat. “So you like all kinds of pie?” “Yes! all except humble.” Grind Your Own-Grain the time and expense of hauling] | your corn to the mill. Buy a- MONARCH I I MILLandgrind the mealforyourown table, f i are sure to have cleaner, fresher, and | l more meal. Send today for a Monarch Mill.J SI5ERH havo and oak for catalog and f urthor information. Sprout, Waldron & Go., BOX 453, MUNCY, PA W. N. U„ ATLANTA, NO, 49-1912. Quick cirt off, v operated 'by \ the|yf^.l. Discs ad SPARK’S VICTOR PERFECT FEED Fertilizer Distributor _ great labor saver; Perfect force 5 feed commercial fertilizer -distributor. Distributes any ■■ *• -'--la: Guaranteed descriptive eyeryway^/; quantity, 1 right or .Write for : - circular. (^-.prlce $12.50 Delivered Hartsvllla' implement Co.. Hartsvllle. S. & .Before the fertilizer 1 salesman aVrives, : go to your dealer and explain to him that •yoii wi|l-not.tjiy 2 wnjcent. goods that contain only .40 pounds of Potash per ton, - ' Show him tfiat modem, profifablq fertilizers contain from 5-to IQ per tfent. Pbtasli, and that the composition of crops and the effect of crops on soils require that ithe per. cent of -Pbtash should be • POTASH , increased until ’it is as great as, or 'greater than; the^ier cent, of Phos phoric Acid in the fertilizer. It is this grade of goods that pays you .juid your dealer best The quantity and quality of the crops are l*tter-and-the actual plant food - ’’ costs less per pound... Writ, u* for Free Book with Profltabl, Formula* Wo will Bell you Potash Salt in any quantity from 200 pounds up. Write for prices. GERMAN KALI WORKS, (DC.- 42 Broadway, NiwYsrk Honadnoch Black Chlcsio, III. link & Trnit B!df. SatannaK, Si. Hhttney lank Bids. Bn Orliaci, Ls, I I ■ If Yours Is (luttsrlnr or wsak, us* “RENOVINE.” Mids by Van VIoot-IYInnsflelri Drug Co., Memphis. Tenn. Prico 91.00 -. . . ' ' • } '■ '