The Grady County progress. (Cairo, Grady County, Ga.) 1910-19??, December 13, 1912, Image 7

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ByronWilliams Copyright 1012, Wcstorn Nowspapor Union CHAPTER I. You have felt the thrill of the chase? Your pulses have leaped Ulte an arrow at the yip, yip of the dogs In close pursuit? You have dashed madly over fences, taking the hurdles without regard to personal danger as the prey suddenly sprang from Its covert and whisked swiftly Into the hazel brush ahead? You—but wait! Fancy!. Did you ever behold ten . pretty, vivacious lithe-Hmbod young ■women chasing a handsome man—a perfect • stranger—through a dogwood swamp, their dresses swirling high above pretty ankles, their baying, shrieks of hysterical laughter? "Catch him! Catch hljtn!” Bhrilled a slender blonde to the leading lady . Tunning ahead with an athletic stride, her head and shoulders back, her, hair Tippling in the wind. "Get him, Jackie!” panted a rav enous brunette, close behind. “Darn these narrow skirts, anyhow. I’d like to be a man long enough to wear—” “Oh, gee—this Is—too—much for me!” and a solidly, built blonde with a retrousse nose' and a red sweater toppled onto a bed of moss under a thornapple-tfbe and gaspfed for breath that persisted in cross-circuiting a g chorus of chortles, struggling for freedom. “E-Yip-I-Addy-I-Ay-I-Ay 1 ” "Run, girls, run!” . "Go it!” “Hot foot! ” , "Whoo—p!” A startled rabbit, aroused from his breakfast of alder shoots, sat up in mazy bewilderment, took one hasty glance and bounded away into the marsh grasses, his funny little tall bobbing through the squashy places Hko a meteor df down. Ahead the man was running freely, taking an occasional swift glance over his shoulder at the foremost of the foe. One by one the pursuers were falling by the way, their laugh ter becoming more and more distant. Suddenly the man swerved behind a great ash along the trail and waited. Through the brush behind he heard the leader' coming like a wood nymph, light and airy. » The man crouched. She was upon him now. Agilely he sprang from his hiding place and opened his arms! With a gurgle of surprise, her cheeks as flaming red as the Oriental poppy on a sunny morning, she 'collid: ed with his manly breast. Before she could free herself, the man’s lips were at hers, sipping the honey with an ecstasy‘of delight! "Oh!’ she gasped, struggling. "Were you looking for me?” asked the man, taking toll again and hold ing her close. „ “But—” she cried. “But—” between Msses. And then with one free hand she boxed him soundly- on the ear. He let her go Instantly, rubbing his bead regretfully. She stood staring at him, her laugh- ■ teT ’ given way to anger. “Sir!”., her eyes blazing. “How • dare you?” "Never mind,” said the man hum bly, “I’ll take it back!” coming nearer ' and reaching for her slim waist. ■ Some lame philosopher has said Coming closor, ho reached forth his hand and'touched her lightly on the arm. “Tag!” he cried, and started to run. The girl sat down unceremoniously In a tangle of grape vines. “I had my fingers crossed!” she pro tested—and the man came back, dis appointedly. “I’ll wait until they cramp,” he said determinedly,- crouching at a respect able distance. “There ain’t a-goln’ to be any core!” nodding her golden head positively and striving to keep back the blushes. The man seemed saddened. “Listen,”^ she said soberly. “If I expected over to see you again, I’d be mortified to death. But I don’t, and I’m going to make a clean breast of it, because,” with maidenly modesty, “It served me right!” He waited patiently, nodding by way of approbation. “»You’re the first man that’s come up to'- this forest primeval in five weeks. Wo were hunting for mocca sin flowers when we caught sight of you. “‘Girls! there’s a man!’ shouted Bes^ Winters—and in a spirit of mis chief wo set out after you. It, was only a flash of 'feminine deviltry, that would have died out at 'once—but when you ran—well, It was so funny we ran after you. I’m something of a sprinter and l^-I got in the lead—and I—didn’t expect you would—would—” Tho man grinned. “ ‘A bird in the hand is worth two In the bush!’” he quoted. "I thought you’d beat ’em—and I—but I hear voices. Shall we run away?” entic ingly. “By all means, no,” she replied se verely. “Very well, then, I surrender—to you.” The girl shook her head. “I don’t want you.” "What, after chasing me across that confounded swamp!” looking meaningly at her wet and bedraggled skirt. She reddened. “It is a woman’s privilege to reject —even after she has chased a man to cover.” “And; you stand on your rights?” earnestly, but with mirth in hTs eyes, “I do!” positively. “Why?” he persisted. “Because!" He bowed profoundly. "Before woman’s final and always conclusive reason I seem to accept the inevitable—but do not be deceived, fair lady, ‘things are not always what they seem,’ ’’ quoting. “I have caught you,fairly on the first lap, I, too, shall stand on my rights—the rules of the game!” , “Oh, here they are. Come on, girls!” cried an eager voice. One by one nine warm, giggling summer girls came into view, ranging a galaxy of beauty beneath the green trees. “Did you catch him, Jackie?” cooed the brunette. “Did you?” . The golden haired one'dropped her. eyes. “She has—er, she did!” said the man, speaking for her. “Is this the pack?” . “Who are you, sir, that dares call us dogs?” demanded a red-lipped blonde with hair like flax. “I am the fox!” replied the man.' He arose to his feet and put his thumbs into the armpits of his vest, a habit he had, facing them mock ingly. “Look!” screamed the short one, "he is an officer!” Jackie started.' With a deft movement- the bru nette reached- forth and laid back the lapel of his coat, peering at a tiny gold-star, , englav.ed. “Oh, girls,” she cried dramatically, a ring of mischief in her voice, “look who’s here; HIS HONOR, THE MAYOR!" “His honor, tho mayor,” sat on soap box in tho center of tho front veranda, a moro mau in tho hands of tho enemy, waiting his fate and try ing to look unhappy. “What’s tho ch'argo,” domandcd Alico Mason, appointed by tho court to defend the prisoner. - Tho-judg-o- moved- uneasily~inw hor chair.' Then', in a lowj , cutting tone ! sh'e"s'ald: ' • " ' “lie's a thief!” Tho mayor looked up apprehen sively. “I object,” ho protested, “to the court’s statement of tho case. It is irregular in—” "Ordor in tho courtl" Interrupted tho judge. "Who’s running this case?" The man lowered his eyes, accept ing tho inevitable. “This defendant,” began Jackie, "Is thief. He stole a kiss from—from— from a perfectly proper young woman who had never been kissed except by —by—well, by those who had a per fect right. I might say that he not only stole one but—I believe it was several the young lady claims ho stole. He not only" is a thief, but—’’ “Whom did he kiss? We demand to know who the victim was?" cried the culprit’s lawyer, vindictively. "Overruled!" snapped the judge. The Mayor. that a woman with -a sense of humor hasv.never -been born. In refutation, tho girl suddenly broke forth into peals of laughter, backing away from him until she leaned against a tree trunk for sdpport. The man kept his eyes on her. "Anyhow,” he said finally, “I like the game. Who Invented it?” CHAPTER II. “The jury will arise and bo sworn! “Jackie” Vining, the Judge, waited impatiently. “What’s the matter with you, girls? Mabel, Lucile—don’t you know you’re jurymen—or, on .the jury. Stand up! There!” with satisfaction. ’-‘Now raise your hands—no, no; your right hands! That’s better. You solemnly swear, cross your hearts, hope-tq-die, you will carefully weigh the evidence in this case and render a verdict according to tho statutes—er, according to what you think this wretch deserves?” ma liciously. Six pretty heads nodded, in unison. "Be seated,” said the judge sternly, out across tho meadows nttor tady- slippers. Aurora was taking her mat utinal bath in dew as wo trudged down Simon’s hill and camo to tho bottoms. Just as we were nbout to enter, wo saw the defendant skulking in- the wood. Somebody said, ‘Man!’ and wo stnrted.ln pursuit. Instead of -surrendering*,“tlla* vrilaln-.iled' at • top; speed. We-Van aft or.-him! .Jackie—■ or, I beg your 'pdrdoiij your honor, Ic'd the chaBo.’ I was second until I caught my. toe in a briar .tondril and collapsed in an alder bush!” “What hnppened next?” encouraged Margaret Farnsworth, tho prosecut ing attorney, brushing a stray curl from her violet eyes,- and fixing tho witness with a steady oye. “I heard a scream from the wood .ahead and then sounds of oscula tion!” “I object!" interrupted Attorney Ma son, striking, a legal attitude. "There is no evidence that this witness is an affection expert—that she knows any thing about osculation at close range, lot alone long-distance kissing, Young lady, have you ever been kissed?” “The objection is sustained," gur gled the court, mercilessly! The witness,blushed rosily. “I refuse to apswer,” she said, stubbornly. "On what grounds?” demanded tho judge. "On the grounds of self-implication and coercion," she snapped, her chin in the air. "Tho court reverses itself,” easily. "Witness need not incriminate her self. - Ask the next question, attor ney.” " v “To the best of your knowledge and belief,” began the stateis attorney; picking a burr frorp her skirt and tpss- ing it carelessly to the floor, “wore the' noises you heard sUch as to malcb you-think that somebody was being, er^-kissed?” “Wait!” interrupted the defense, “I objqct on the grounds—on tho—it’s a hypothetical question and—without, proper-foundation in fact,” impres sively. (TO BE CONTINUED.) Pain Hit You? It's .a sign of stele’“kidneys,' es- pccially-if tho ltkl- ccy action ’ is disordered, too, passages scanty or too frequent or off-color. Do not neglect any little kidney ill for the slight troubles run into Dropsy, Gravel, Stone or Brighl's disease. Uso Doan’s Kidney Pills. This good remedy cures bad kidneys. A NEW JERSEY CASE. Evan Bowon, 8 Mulberry St., Millville, N. J., nays: "My back wan bo lame I could not stand erect. The kidney ac cretions wero painful and I wag In a ncrvouB and run-down condition. Doan's Kidney Bills soon mado mo bettor and when I had used six boxes I wob ontlroly ourod.” Gat Doan's at Any Drug Storo, 60a a Box DOAN'S SfMf FOSTER-MILBURN CO., Buffalo, Now York Constipation Vanishes Forever Prompt Relief—Permanent Cure CARTER’S LITTLE LIVER PILLS never fail. Purely vegeta ble— act surely but gently on the liver. Stop, after dinner dis tress-cure indigestion,' “How Dare You, Sir?” Tho mayor sighed. Things looked black enough. Your honor,” he said • apprehensive ly, addressing the-court, “I appeal for a change of venue. I have reason to believe that the judge is prejudiced against me. I—” Judge Vining pierced him with a glance. „ “The idea!’’., she cried, with asper ity. , “Sit down, sir.” “Well, anyhow, it was worth It!” he shot back, resentfully,. The judge blushed as she opened the hotel cook book- and searched os tensibly for the criminal act relative to kissing against woman's will. Call the first witness!” ordered the court. Pretty Molly McConnell, her raven- crowned. head held at a serious angle, her dimples set in a solemn back ground, took the stand. "It was barely sun-up this morn ing,” she said, quietly, “when we set Movies Make Target. An Ingenious adaptation of moving pictures to a shooting gallery has been made by an Englishman. In this gdllery the marksmen have the, satis faction of shooting at rapidly moving deer or other animals, and tho suc cess of their shots Is automatically re corded. In the rear of tho gallery is a metal screen painted white. The pictures are thrown on this screen and the rapidly moving objeots servo in place of a target, and afford much more excitement. By means of an electrical device in back of tho screen a shot that strikes a mortal spot on the deer, or whatever the mark may be, te instantly recorded in the front of the gallery. The marks also show on the white paint, and after these marks become too numerous the screen can be painted over again. In Women's Interests. Miss Lucy Goode White has been elected president of the California. League for. the Protection of Mother hood, which was organized with 100 charter members. It- is not planned to make this a permanent organization, but it is to exist only long enough to obtain the passage of a state law pen sioning widowed mothers with de- 'pendeflt children and providing for pe cuniary assistance during enforced idleness .to women who work to sup port themselves q.nd their children. IS GETTING READY FOR WAR fVbyssintan Government Erects a Cart-, ridge Factory and Shop for Repair of Firearms. The efforts made by - the powers prevent the importation of arms jand ammunition into Abyssinia have onstralned tho Abyssinian govem- nent to erect a cartridge factory in he capital; Adis Ababa, The cart- •idge manufacturing plant has been purchased In Germany, and' has a capacity to turn but ten million cart ridges a year. The building, destined to receive It has already been completed, and the machinery has been dispatched from Germany and is about to arrive at Adis Ababa. The factory will have .a workshop attached for the* repair of military weapons, in which from fif teen thousand to twenty thousand rifles can be repaired every year. The mechanics required • for this service have teen engaged in England and are also on their way_ out to take up their work In'Adis Ababa. Power will be supiffied to the cartridge factory, as welras other factories in the cap ital, by hydro-electric plant.—Frank furter Zeitung. New Rose From Ulster. Time and unlimited patience, with years of experimenting, is the cost of producing a new rose, but when this effort is attended with success the re muneration and the glory of achieve- improye the complexion, brighten the eyes. SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE. Genuine must bear Signature A WONDERFUL DISCOVERY. In ibis ago of rosoarch and experiment, all natnre la ransacked by thosclentlllcforthocomfortand hap- plnoasol’ man. Sclonco has Indeed mado Kinntstrides n tho past contury, and among the—by no moans least linportunt-dlscovorJos In mcdlcino Is that of riioraploti, which has beon used with groatsuccoss In Fronch Hospitals and that it is worthy tho attention of thoso who suffer from-Icldnoy, bladder, nervous ‘ . ■ • ilcer * from tho big stir created amongst specialists, that THERAPION Is destined to cast into oblivion alt (hosefdneBUonabld >lo rcmodlos that woro formerly tho - solo rolianco ot modical’men.It Is of courso lmpoi slblo to toll sufforors all wo should like to toll tfiei in this short artlclo. but thoso who would llko to ’ moro about this romedy that has effected so —wo might almost say, miraculous euros, _.jndon, lCng. and decide for themselves whether tho Now Fronch Remedy “THERAPION” No. l,No.3 or No. 3 Is what they require and havoboon seeking mvnln duringnllfo of misery,suffering,ill hoaUn and unhappiness. Theraplonlssold by druggists or mall $1.00. Fougora Co., WJ Bookman St., Now I!ork« linn's l Jk’iiriiu* Sul ve cures Chronic l-'leers, Itono CIcers.Scrof Minus Cleers.Varleone Hirers,In- dolont Ulcers,Mercurial Ulcers,Wlilt© Swell ing,lYIllk Log,Fovor Sores, BllolctnorM. Bymall tOe. booklet free. .1.1*. ALLEN, Dept. A10, St. Paul, Minn. ... parRe HAIR BA’ . Cleaned end .'beautifies the Promotes a luxuriant _ growth. Never Pails to Rootoro Gray Hair to its Youthful Color. Prevents hair falling'. gQo. and >1.00 at nnnDQY TREATED. Qlvo quick re- UltUrI iinf, usually romovo swcl- llof, usually romovo swel ling and short breath in a few days and ontlro relief In 16-45 days, trial troatmont FREE. Dtt.GBKKNSBONS, Box A, Atlanta, Ga. WHY INCUBATOR CHICKS DIE Write for book saving young chicks. Send us names of 7 friends that use incubators and get- book free. Ralsall Remedy Co., Blackwell, Okla. Pettit’5 Eye SalVe RELIEVES SORE EYES ment are, or should be, entirely satis factory. A new rose has made its de but at the National Rose society’s au tumn show in London. “The color Is a flaming terra cotta, shading to prawn pink.” Such is the description; and the blooms _liave been obtained after four years’ persistent cross-fer tilizing by the cultivator, Mr. Me- GredVi'of Portadown, Ireland. There are only a dozen blooms of- the new flower, but these are sold at $5.20 each. The grower’s stock consists of forty plants, which he will not part with for $15,000, and not a plant will he sell until 1913, It is extremely difficult to produce a really good roso and in producing this one many hun dred plants were condemned as use less. - v <*■’, MEN and To Sel1 ,he Wonderful “Nu-Way” WOMEN v ® cuum c,olhos Washer ■■ Nothing like it Fyeiy home AGENTS needs one.- Washes by air WANTED and suction. Coslslessthan nHH »-s halfthepriceof the cumbersome, unsatisfactory washing machines you know. The Biggest Little Wonder you ever saw. Use it and you will want to sell it. Sold entirely on its merits. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. Write now. NU-WAY VACUUM WASHER COMPANY, Address DEPT. 2. STATION H, OiqCUINATI, 0. Might Be Heard Some Distance. Ty Cobb of baseball-strike fame, said at a recent baseball banquet in Minneapolis: “I admit that there is too much loud talk, too much, arguing and wrangling and -chin music' in a game of baseball. "I know a man who was seen tha other day getting Into a taxicab. ‘Where are you going?’ they ask ed him. '“ ‘I’m gojng to hear the ball game,' he replied.” Small Eggs of Silkworm. The egg from yvhlck the silkworm comes is so small that it takes ond hundred of thora to weigh a grain. Southern Idaho Alfalfa Farina for sale by ownerion good terms or for. south- ernprbperty. These farms are first class, 40 a. and larger. W. C. CASSIN, Soldier, idivjio. Woodworking Plant For Sale at a Sacrifice. New, modern and most complete buildings, machinery and facilities for manufacturing fixtures, furnlturo, Interior work, etc. running.order. ‘ l. Th add. For detailed doscrlptlon^etc., rho National Mfg. Co„ Birmingham,Ala, Developing ami Packs.. Square deal print prices. Post cards, 6c: 8x10 on- !fu r M?’se^'c»lf^P Mil SWEET POTATO PLANTS. Wo will havo five million potato slips for shipment April, May and Juno, Triumph, Norton Yam. Providence and Rod Yam, very best Orders accompanied by cash booked now $1.76; after Jan. 16th, $2.00 pel* thous and. Thompson & Company, Homeland, Ga. ■ ■ -'V •’-V'-' 'r -■ £ ' Velvet Bean Seed—Book orders now while price Is right.,-8 ‘ ‘ ‘ ~ ■ mado Feb. Prlco ■ KILGORE SKIDD eeu—hook oruers now wane $2.50 per bushel. Deliveries o will double at planting time. !D CO., Plant City, Fla. a^Epaap Beat Couch Syrup. Tuatw Good. Uea la time. Sold by Druejchta.