The Grady County progress. (Cairo, Grady County, Ga.) 1910-19??, December 20, 1912, Image 4

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I / - 1. QRADY COUNTY PROGRESS Official Organ • of Grady County. S. It. BLANTON, Editor & Publisher One foliar Per Year, In Advance Adverting Rates Reasonable and Made Kjmvn on Application. Entered at Cairo, Ga., Postoffice as Second Class Mail Matter. TELEPHONE - - NO. 200 A CARD Washington,D.C., Dec. 7,1912. To my friends in Cairo and vic inity: Through the medium of the Progress, and by the courtesy of the editor, Mr. Blanton, I wish to express my appreciation of the many acts of courtesy and kind ness accorded Mrs. Passavant and myself while in your city, I also wish to thank those who have been business. patrons for . their consideration. Particularly do I thank the officers and Direc tors of the Progress company for their unvarying attitude of busi ness courtesy and fairness; on this account especially did I re gret my very hurried departure to assume my present duties, and % I regret that the imperative sit- G. uatioh- ' demanded such ' hasty action; on: my "part. I ask for Mr. Blanton, and the Progress,; the continuation ofcon- .sideration hitherto accored to me, as well as ,my . predecessors, and • I assui;eyou that I believe you . Will all be eminently satisfied . with the work of the present ;. hiangement in all departments. Sincerely, : ■ : 0. W- Passavant. S1L0AM SIFTINGS J. W. Mills and son were tran sacting business in Cairo Mon day. The people of this section are finishing making syrup rapidly. Sam Horton and wife called on J. W. Mills and wife Monday night. Ask Mr. Larmar Wljigham how times were below Whigham Sunday p. m. .T. W. Mills and • family spent Sunday afternoon with his fath- We suppose Mr. Duffle Gainous will make His future home in some part of Florida. Mr. Harvie Whigham was sell ing syrup in Cairo Monday of this week. D .W. Mills has been looking very sad for Some time, What is the trouble; bo?. ■ We learn that the boys of Grady county intend to have something to drink, as we. learn that the postmaster at Cairo has issued adout $300 postoffice money orders daily recently. Mr. Sam Griner sold some, syrup in Cairo Monday. Well, as- news is scarce, I will ring off, wishing the Progress and its correspondents much suc cess. There are no dull times in Cairo. The death on Sunday of Whiie- law'Reid, ambassador to Great Britain, removes a prominent figure in American politics. By profession he was a journalist. The Balkan peace delegates are sitting in London, dividing the Turkey. Russia seems to be an active force at the carving, but there are others equally greedy and fully as skillful standing square at the table. tt. 1 a Cairo is growing f aster than any town we know of. It is a solid, permanent growth and' comes to stay. What we al need to do is to keep mightily alive the spirit of progress now moving with force and vigor around about us. BOSTON GETS NICE CHRISTMAS PRESENT Boston, Ga., gets a 6,000 Car negie library as,a Christmas pres ent. For more than a- year Mayor Blanton and the Twentith Cen tury Club, have been co-operating to this and, and on last Sunday the Mayor received a letter from Mr. Carnegie saying that Boston’s application had .been favorbly considered, and that $6,000 had been donated for the building. The town- already had a small library and a beautifully located lot already paid for, and the erec tion of a library building on this lot will begin as soon as plans and specifications can be approved. LUKE ELECTED MAYOR RENO RAMBLINGS Well, as I have been absent some time, I will come again. Mr. and Mrs. J, H. Strickland moved into their new dwelling last week. Miss Lizzie Barrett left last- week for near Ochlochnee, where she will spend some time with her daughter. Mrs. R. E. Holton. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Qavis were shopping in Cairo Tuesday. Mrs. Lee Cluett spent Sunday with Mrs. G. W. Rehling. Mrs.Joe Harrison was shopping in Reno Saturday. Mrs. Lizzie Gainey was shop ping in Reuo Saturday. Leamon Cluett spent Saturday night and Sunday with Mark Holton. Fred Holton, who has been near Ochlochnee, is back again in Rerio. We are all glad Fred is with us again. .W. B. Lowe was selling syrup in Cairo Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Emory Booth spent Sunday with their parents. Don’t forget the Christmas tree at Reno Christmas eve night. Everyone, come and bring all your friends and relatives to the Reno schoolhouse. The Misses Rhodes were in Reno Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Rehberg visited their brother and sister, Mr. and Mrs. G, W. Rehberg, Sunday,^ Marvin Cluett dined with Perry Rehberg Sunday. Look out boys; Reno is getting rough. 0 - Misses Mattie Maxwell and Maggie Rehberg were down in town Saturday. Me and You. Prof. J. S. Searcy, County County School Commissioner of Thomas County, was here Thurs day. He came to see Col. Weath ers, School Commisioner of Grady county, relative to the better ment of the ppblic schools by an . exchange of ideas as'to methods, A hotly - contested municipal - etc Prof . Searcy, like Col. election came off in Thomasville | weathers, js “on to. his job” and Tuesday, resulting in the election jf there is.a way to improve the of Hon. Roscoe Luke for . Mayor ’ s y s t e m and raise the standard of by a big inajority, he defeating, exC ell enC y, he'll find and apply Capt. K. T. Maclean. .* [ it . Chief Milton was re-elected i " over his opponent Sam Doss by a! Dolls of all discretion at small majority. Wight and Brown’s. ^!iil||i=il||i=illli=^i.lii There Can Be No Exaggeration in the Truth! There may have been a time when you could stand still and witness wonders, but that. time lasted but for a day. Now if you want to work wonders, see wonders or be in the wonder class, you must learn how to do wonders in a wonderful way. Old China is getting to be a real sport. She will enter a team in the next Olympic contest. Slowly but surely the old giant of the Far East is arousing from her sleep of centuries. When she is fully awake and baptized with the western spirit of greed and glory, she’ll be a yellow ter ror with a capital T. •, ii When you know a thing andyou know you know it, ere is no harm in saying so; although it may seem a little egotistical. The Earth ii HasdSeen searched by us’for the very best of everything that goes to make up good glasses—the lenses, the frame,: the material,,; the. spring and adjustable no pad—everything with a view of pleasing our customers both as to quality and price. . Our Service is also THE BEST. s WIGHT & BROWNE. Leading Druggists. 55 Cairo, : : : Georgia. ^ ?a hiii=iiiii=niit=nititi LITTLE TIFTON GIRL Tifton, Ga., Dec. 16—All Tifton has been stirred with exceitement to-day over the strange disapper- ance of Ocis Davis, the lOy ear old daughter of Mr . and Mrs. W. N. Davis. The little girl was sent to the grocery store and market at 6 o’clock to get some thing for breakfrst, when she mysteriously disappeared. The parents waited for the lit tle one for some time, and then began a search. Failing to find their lost one, the aid of officers was called, and a thorough search made of the city and suburbs. At 11 o’clock nothing had been heard of the child, and fearing that some grave misfortune had be fallen all the school boys were excused and they assisted the anxious parents in their search. Shortly after noon a telephone message was recived that the girl boared thet Atlanta. Birmingham Atlantic, early morning train for Thomasville in company with a 16 year old boy wearing a gray suit, and that they were put off at Omega by the conductor, They walked around the train and boarded it again. The conductor feared to put themoff farther away from Tif ton, and thought he would carry the two to Thomasville and turn them over tj the officers. when the train reached Thomrs- ville the two eluded the conduc tor, and notnig futher has been beared from them. The anxious father left for Thomasville this afternoon to as sist in the search. At a late hour last night the little girl had not deen found. The little girl has been fonnd. She was at the home of her uncle at Jiakin, Ga., and was safe and sound. Was It a Would-be Burglar? Some'one, evidently a prowler, entered the residence of Capt, Dunn Wednesday night about 9 6 clock. Capt. Dunn was - Sown town and the ladies .of the house hold had retired. They, heard the man plunering- around and when they learned that Capt. Dunn had ;not returned they became alarm ed and telephoned up town. Deputy sheriff Hudson,. night marsal Stanfield and others hur ried to thq Dunn home, but the mart, whoever he. was, has hur riedly .departed, leaving ijd clew. Miss Eunice Ragsdale, has re turned'from Shorter College to spend .the holidays at home. 4 s f For Clean Towels And . Sharp Razors Go To ^ W. H. P. Oneal’s | | Barber Shop | , | South Broad Street, | ‘ \ Cairo - - Ga. jG SmHMWIWXMiOlWimwwtwwi SMMMMKM VM WKMMMMM MMNMMf a J. M. SELLERS "If' W. S. MCDANIEL X sellers'& McDaniel | ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW V • ... Si- J Office in new Davis Building I Broad St., Cairo, Ga. m-i P• C. ANDREWS, ii ATTO R N EVAT-LAW; CAIRO, GAd OOico in Richter & Rusliin Building, IRA CARLISLE, j LAWYER.. - m CAIRO, , . . GA. ^Careful and prompt attention given to all legal matters entrust ed to my charge. J W. J. Willie Attorney-At-Law ’•M. Will practice in all Courts, State and; federal. Collections a specialty. • ' Office in L. B. O o\vell building. '. Phono 73. - - CAIRO, GA FARM LOANS We are prepared to negotiate five year loans on improved farm property in Gra^y county. We can offer attractive terms, especially on large Joans. We shall be pleased to have you ca! and investigate our proposition. & Weathers CAIRO, GA. J. R. SINGLETARY, Attorney-at-Law. Cairo; - . Georgia. Fees Reasonable. Practice in Super ior Court; Court of-Appeals and Sup- reme.Court.v- Office: Judge’s chamber,-Court Tious Fine' early bunch straw-, berry plants,-' 50c the 100. •Miss Susie Andrews, Carnegie, Ga. The Grady County Ginning Co. will close for the holidays after this week, They will . gin again Jan. 3,' 4, and 5th. Adv. EXCURSION RATES Atlantic Coast Line. “The Standard Railroad of the Sculh" Christmas Holiday Rates • -VIA- Atlantic Coast Line “THE STANDARD RAILROAD OF THE SOUTH” TICKETS ON SALE: December 13th, 14th, 17th, 19th, 20th, 2! 22nd, 23rd, 24th, 24th, 25th, 31st, 1912, and Jan ary 1, 1913.| FINAL LIMIT: To reach original starting point returnir not later than midnight of January 6th, 1913. L. P. GREEN, e M NORTH- T. P. A. Thomasville: Ga. A. G. P. A. Sah, Ga B. T, Morgan, T. P. A., Savannah, Ga, ■