The Grady County progress. (Cairo, Grady County, Ga.) 1910-19??, December 20, 1912, Image 5

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Statement of the Condition of The Bank of Whigham located at Whigham, Ga., at the close of business November 26, 1912 RESOURCES. LIABILITIES .Demand Loans .4,863.06 Tirnd Loans.... 116,976.77 Overdrafts, Secured.' 1.060.74 Overdrafts, unsecured.. 1,251.16 Banking-house 2,748.70 Furniture and Fixtures 3,278.61 Other Real Estate • 13,986.65 Due from Banks and Bank- . ers in othor states........ 3.217.46 Currency-1 ....... 1,456.00 • Gold.. 77.50 Silver, Nickels, etc 888.10 Cash Itoms.........-3,l88.69 Collections ncct,.__ 341.33 ... ' 5,916.08 Other; Resources.-.-.'..1 : 65.93 Total..i-.-. ...'-.l.... $ 162,355.86 Capital stock paid in.....:. $ 25,000.00 Undivided profits, less cur rent expenses, interest and taxes paid...... 11,604.42 Due from Bank and Bank ers in this State---—:..—: 7,443.92 Due unpaid dividends...... 4.00 Individual deposits \ subject to chock. 3!,962.s7 Savings deposits.. 10.814.25 Time certificates of deposit 39,880.33 Total Deposits— 1 82,656.95 Cashier’s checks....... 646.56 Bills Payable, Including Time Certificates representing Bor rowed Money!. 25,000.00 Total...-..'..'..-:. ........152,365.85 STATE OF GEORGlA-County of Grady. . Before me: came 0. C. Spence; cashier of Bank of Whig ham, who, being duly sworn, says that the above and foregoing • Statement is a true . condition of said bank as shown by the . books of file in said bank. -1 • • •’O. 0. Spence, Cashier. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this -10th day of . Dec ember, 1912.; • R, R. Terrell N.-P. Grady County, Ga. H “GOODIES” r We have ’em and theyare for you—our -friends and customers. Everything for the Holiday Trade ur pur line—you’ll find it here. ‘ . WE WANT TO SERVE YOU. . v-'r’ : <; V 3 WHITE & STRINGER LEADING GROCERS 1 ,-J&verythirig that can be Found in a ■ FIRST CL ASS- DSU G' STOKE '.AGENTS: ' ' . NORRIS’ FINE CANDY :' A Parker’s Lucky Curve’Foqntaih'Pen - PENSLAR .REMIpIES • . - Ice Cream arid ICes of All Kinds. PHONE 85 CAIRO, GA ^C3CC9CK3GKt! S li Automobile TIRES and TUBES •V ‘ We are now agents for : the Famous Nichelin Red Tub:-s and Guaranteed Tires We have all the staple sizes of both tubes - and tires in stock. Call on us when in need of either. No batter tires oT tubes on the market than THE MECHELIN. JUDGE HOPKINS SAYS IT1ISNT CORRECT In an open letter to one of the local papers, Judge Hopkins of Thomasville repudiates the state ment' based upon the report of the Southern Service Corporaton of Waycross that there are 68,252 acres of land in Thomas county unreturned for taxes. This re port, if true, would make old Thomas the “b( ss tax dodger” of the state. . Judge Hopkins points out that much of this land reported to the County Commissioners as being in arears for taxes has never been in arears at all, but-the tak es have been regularly paid eve ry,year. As an'instance'.he gives the2,500 acres, belonging to A. H Hough of Philadelphia, upon which the taxes have never fail ed to be paid. He says further that the lots upon which the towns of Boston, Metcalfe, Meigs, Ochlocknee and Coolidge are lo cated, are in whole or in part re^ ported as ‘"dodgers” and in de fense of his county he wants the matter looked into. Caught on the Curb Ladies hand bags, make a splen did present, We have them. : Wight and Browne. A: B . C.; Books and short story Bboks for children at Wight abet Brown’s. •Our.lineof Nunnally’s Christ- mas Candies in work baskets,: Handkerchief boxes, Tie Boxes etc. will arive, about the -20th. Wight* and Browe. Hon... R. R. .Terrell of Whigham was here Thursday morning on legal business. , • See our line of Toilet and Man icure sets, Cut Glass, hand paint ed China, Perfumes. and V Toilet Waters. Wight and Browne. TO LET—Farm to let for 1913. One 10 room dwelling, with four to ten horse farm to suit lessor. Also will lease smaller farms riot including dwelling. 11-23-tf J. E. Graigmiles. Col. P. c. Andrews attended city court in Thomasville Wed- nenday and Thursday. Mrs. J. L. Mauiden spent the day Wednesday with relatives in Tnomasyille. c. E. Mauiden of Poulk, Bro. was a visitor to Thoriiasyille Wed nesday. Mrs. Jqe'.White spent Wednes day with Thomasville friends. Miss, kae Maxwell of Reno re turned Wednesday' afternoon from a visit to Thqmasville. Hon. W. D. Bar her.has moved to town and is now ready to serve public in the capacity of Justice of the Peace. He received very f lattering majority iri the election. Maybr; Willie l Att^nrem -.'-Iffitte- Court in Thomasville Wednesday H.e , Wept' to Monticeilo, Fla..>; Wednesday evening. Each arid Every Man, Woman and Child in Grady County has a Spe cial invitation to visit my store during the Christmas Holidays. I am sure you will find what you need in-the following: ALL KINDS OF GROCERIES \ ORANGES APPLES RAlSINS NUTS CANDIES CAKE PIES HOT BREAD and ANYTHING TO EAT I have a big lot of UP-TO-DATE FIREWORKS Be sure to see. me before you buy and I \yfll make it worth the trouble. J. H. MITCHELL THE GROCER AND BAKER PHONE 97 CAIRO, GA. <jlD» Notice to the Farmers Union. If you want a better price for the rest qf your syrup meet me at the CourtiHouse at 10 o’clock A. M. on the&lst, (Saturday Next) and I will give you the full details, it is up to. you, von can get a better price .than we are getting. Yours Fraternally, E. F. Dollar. Order to Sell. Georgia, Grady County: To the Hon. Frank Park, Judge of the.Superior Court of said County: The petition of Edward H. Alford, Jr., respectfully shows: 1— That he is guardian of Helen A. Al ford and Marion A, Alford, minors, each of whom is more than .fourteen years of age; petitioner having h.ben heretofore- duly appointed'as such in .the State of Florida, b.ut, nevertheless, having lately complied with section 3116 of-the 'Civi; Code Of Georgia of .1910. by filing with the Clerk of .the Superior Court of said county of Grady, an authenticated .ex. amplification of the order of the Comity Judge of Leon County, Florida, appoint ing your petitioner as. such guardian,, as well as an authenticated exemplification of the letters'of guardianship issued to him pursuant to said appointment; and also by filing'with said Clerk of said Superior Court'the bond required-under said section of said Code, thereby bo- coining authorized under the laWs-of Georgia to make this application, which is made and presented in petitioner’s representative capacity as guardian aforesaid: 2— Your petitioner desires to sell for ro-investmeht the following propet ty of said minors, to-wit: A 2-6 undivide 1 interest in all of tho pine timber suit able, for .either saw mill, cross ties- or turpentine purposes, on the following lands, situated in the 18th District of said county of Grady, to-wit: lots Nos, 189-212-213-228.and 253; and also upon all that portion of lot 188 in said district and county that the children of thejate Mrs. Mary Walden Alford, ( deceased ■ now have title to. Said timber i.o be conveyed uuder a lease for the period, of seyen yehrs from January 1, 1913, or for such other period, longer or shorter, as petitioner may deem ' advantageous to said minors, said tracts containing in the' aggregate 1,500 acres more or less. ' 3—There is" very little cleared land upon the lots aforesaid,, and said lands are yielding no income; it is Wise and for the best interest of said minors that said timber Ire now sold for the purposes aforesaid, while there is a good market for the same, and in order that said 'lands without the loss of said timber, may de cleared for farming purposes so that the soil its,elf may yield some in cpme for the benefit of said wards. -4—Petitioner prop oses to invest the. proceedBlof said Bale in capital stock of tkehCitlzens Bank of Cairo, Georgia; a conservative,- safe and prosperous bank ing institution, which yields to its shareholders liberal dividends eachyear, but petitioner prays the .authority to invest the.proceeds of said sale in tho Stodkpf some other, corporation, or in any- other property that ho may deem proper and most beneficial to his sail wards. 5—Petitioner desiies the power to sell said property at; private salejto fix with the purchaser shell terms, and to^make land execute such instrument, lease or other contract as lie may deem proper in the transaction. Wherefore, your petitioner prays for the power and authority to do and. per form the acts and things above men tioned. • . Edward H. Alford, Jr. Guardian as aforesaid. Sworn to and subscribed before me in the County of Leon/ and State of Florida, this 12 day of December 1912, JohnC, Barnett, Notary Public, StatB of Fla.. (seal) ' ’.Com. expires Mch. 1914. Georgia, Grady -County: • Af t er four weeks . notice Pursuant to section .3005,of- the Civil.Code of 3910 of Georgia, a petition of which the forego- ingjs a true and correct copy, will he presented' to tlie Hon, Frank Parle, Judge of the Superior dbiirt -of said Chiintj;, at Sylvester,, Gaat Chambers on tho 11 day. of: January, 1913. • ■■ 4 ^Edwai-d H. Aljpifi, Jr; v . 'Guardian-aforesaid. - ; C'. Sheriff Sale ' GEpUG;A; — Grady Count*. i. *; f Will be f-old i boforie - the court -house dooi-inlsaid county on,the first. .Tupsday. in-Jan. 1913 within the legfil -hours of. sale to-wit 1 No. 1 -Friok Eclipse Saw mill; 36 foot carriagemuM4 head blocks and'\yays,’Idler.ahd-'frame; 1 ■ inserted .tooth saw; , said property': levied-on ai the property of E. F. Dollar to satisfy an execution issued on 9th day of Dpc; .1912 from the city court ' of Cairo of said-county against E'.' F. - Dollar :&■ J. R. Godwin And-in favor of. A'Vcry & Co. Said property being at tho Dollar Farm in Said county north qf Cairo.'' :Thia the llth day of Dec. 1912^ : R..L. NiCHOLSpN, * ■ Sheriff of Grady Gqnnty. Application for Homestead! • Georgia—Grady County,.. Trie return of - the appraisers set- ing apart twelve months’ support to the family of n. n. Pope deceased, having been filed in my dffice, . all persons concerned are cited to show cause by the 6 th day of January. IIH-I, why said application for twelve months’ support should not be granted. 1 This 9th day of Dec. 1912. P, ii. Herring, Ordinary. CITATION • Georiga: Grady county. Notice is hereby given, that tho undersigned has applied to the Or dinary of county for leave to sell land belonging to the estate of Mrs. Tabitba Clark, for the.'purpose of Distribution. Said application will be heard at the regular term of the court of Or dinary for said County held on the first Monday in-January 1913. This Dee. 6th 1912. II. K. CJark, Adminstrator upon the estate of Tabitha Clark. APPOINTMENTS GRADY CIRCUIT " •;T'' ■■ -*>■"* L.’.-.i ‘V f .1 ' Pearce Chapel 1st. Sunday 11 A.M. and, 7 P. M. Tired Creek 1st. Sunday 3 P. M. Spring Hill 2 Sunday and Satur day before. Greenwood 3rd. Sunday 3 P. M. Centenial 4 Sunday 11 A. M. r t P. M. G. B. G. Johnson. P.4