The Grady County progress. (Cairo, Grady County, Ga.) 1910-19??, December 20, 1912, Image 7

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ByronWiixiams Copyright 11113, Wostita Nowspapor Union SYNOPSIS, "" "" 4r ‘ In n spirit ot fun Mayor BCdlght, a irununer visitor, Is chased through tlio woods by ten laughing girls, ono of whom kisses. S>» cntclics and CHAPTER II.—Continued. The court .hesitated. Finally, turn- dug to tho witness, Judge Vlning •asked: N “What wero tho sounds like?” a flame of color lighting up her face. The mayor made a mental note of .the color. ; • “Well,” began .the witness soberly, . “It sounded like—like the old pass word of. the Elks—‘Jolly -corksI' ” “Pulle'd?” demanded tho Judge, re- • signing herself to sacrifice. “Yes’m, • your honor—and smoth- ered In honey!” . “That ‘will, do!” determined the Judge, hiding her. eyes 1 behind her handkerchief. “Harriet Brooks,” Ig noring the state's attorney, wlU you taie the stand?” The prisoner arose, from his soap iox. ' ^TTour hopor,” he. said gallantly,^in deference to Mlne*H6Vt, from whose - efilnajy, department' there'Viwaits' jtp „ n« tho unctuous call .oi;-tried -eggs and waffles,, ahd 'because of ’.the deli cate situation the. victim of frijr as= aault may flnd^herself in should; the ease proceed, X. have determined to . plcaty jgutlty^and^-.throw myself upon l tbg t 'm6rcy of.the*: court: -t-X- am guilty x as charged. Guilty, r say—and proud § ofitiv- V •; *>5- He-sat down- soberly, - bbt his eyeS were fastened on"jthe' f^ce^ ,the •| | 'jugge..-SbeYtunjedYuppn Xilm;], fiercely, i 1 ' “For This .unseemly; conduct, I, the .'Judge, fine you ten days at Squirrel : Inn. Beginning tomorrow {horning' you will he the- servile slave of the i ten young women whose feelings you ( lave outraged. ■> Tomorrow you will start alphabetically down the list and' I ;lor a day you will do tho bidding of the girl .who falls to your tojY Wbat- i evpr she Instructs you to do, you will do. Should you again transgress you ;will be—be fined for" life!” savagely. ] “If; at the end of the ten" days, you have acquitted yourself honorably, you i may go your way In peace. Have ,yon anything to say for yourself?” His honor arose submissively. “1 accept the terms,” he said, ea gerly. "I protest—but I accept" !s#&“And should you desert," continued 'the Judge, “I Bhall not hesitate to use this evidence against you!” pulling from the front of her shirtwaist bulky document "Possibly you may zecognige it!” tauntingly. The prisoner gasped. “My hill!” “Yes!” replied the Judge, piercing him with a cold look of scorn, ‘‘you may well say, ‘My bill!’” Ho bowed his head. "Court’s adjourned!" snapped Judge.'" “Breakfast is served." the CHAPTER III. A jest is a jest, but the following • letter, received by. “His Honor, tho Mayor” next morning, suggested Hisiir ■ PX/ti ’ “Jackie” Vlning. straw too much, for the Asiatic rumi nant’s back. Tersely, it said: “Squirrel Inn, "Sunday Morning. “Mr. Walter Bedight, “Mayor of Osslan: “Dear Sir: The levity of your de meanor at yesterday’s trial and the ostensibly nonchalant attitudo you chose to take of tho sentence inflict ed leads me to bellevo that you are considering thiB very serious matter 'altogether too lightly.' Under ordinary circumstances a handsomo trlfler might rldojinto a woman’s camp liko Lochinyar, boldly grasp a pretty girl in bis arms and kiss, her, without pay ing a more severe penalty than tho scorn- of the camp and a few Burfaco scratches. ..And even you, evidently a gentleman as well as a politician, might have escaped with a fitting re buke had you been lu’clder. Unen cumbered by baggage and feeling un bound by our court to remain, you could have drifted away Into the eve ning shadows and laughed at our ef forts to restrain you. "But, Mr. Bedight, as a candidate for representative at the coming elec tion, for which you are. evidently re couping your vital forces lui this tran quil spot, you will scarcely desert while we havo in our -possession document so Incriminating os that found by us yesterday in your wako through the dogwood swamp. -"The document Itself > is evidence enough,. If given publicity, to lose you the votes of almost every woman ,In the .district. Such treachery as yoil have in mind—the drafting of a bill against ■wbindh's; suffrage— ! will not be countenanced by tiio '"fair voters of this land, once the facts nre in their possession! Li "V- : "I trust you realize , the enormity of your crime and the. hold we have, on you. 4 Sh’buld you bo unwise enough to violate the sentence of this doiii-t, tho news of your duplicity will be sent .to the women’s ;clubs 6f your dis trict, .to - be-followed,-by^^mlfApeach-. aDle|evidence in your own handwrit ing—the'-bill itself.'Puih'saUsfled that your better Judgment wUl prevail and :thal!'-*‘^if--^lll''serve'-"youf sieriteneo as becomes a gentleman and-a canciidate. This being Sunday, you will bo al lowed your liberty to go and cbme as you please and fortify your jniud against the ordeai you are about to experience: On Monday morning you will Inaugurate your sentence by be ginning with Mae Andrews, whose name appears first on the alphabetical list. Mae is a stunning blonde with hair like spun flax and cheeks like the down of an Alberta peach. She Is city broke and a high stepper, has dozen Beau Brummols infatuated and loves to see enamored men turn som ersaults in the service of the queenly sex; You will do what she tells -you —even to jumping through a hoop, should she demand it. “For purposes of assignment, I give you herewith the list of your owners and the days of your servitude, as follows; “Monday, Mae Andrews. “Tuesday, Mabel Arney “Wednesday, Harriet Brooks “Thursday, Margaret Farnsworth “Friday, Alice Mason “Saturday, Molly McConnell "Sunday—opqri date for repentance “Monday, Cleo Summers "Tuesday, Lucille Walters “Wednesday, Bess Winters •‘Thursday, “Jack” tnepr- “It conies to our. knowledge that you are very desirous of reaching your district on the Saturday night follow ing, where you are'to .open your cam paign. Should you prove yourself -perfect gentloman during the interim and serve your sentence with due ,h mility, wo will return to you the in criminating biir and-permit you. depart in peace. But for every indiscretion on your •t, you will be glyen a ten days sentence under the samo conditions now governing. The court has deavored to impress you with the se riousness of your situation and shall feel no regret should you, in your heedlessness, fall to grasp its Import “Given this day and date under my v letter seal at Squirrel Inn, Dingledale, Wisconsin. - “’JACK' VINING, Judge." , Walter. Bedight, mayor and candl-' date for the legislature, frowned, Plainly, here was u predicament. The humor of tho situation had fled. Tho piqued attitude of the “Judge" toward him was plain. It was more than this, it was “catty.” She ran after him and- he kissed her, a perfectly natural thing for a handsome bachelor to do if-the pursuer wore pretty—and good ness knoWB Jackie Vlning was enough of that to give almost any Inquisitive young man palpitation of the-heart!- But even male Judges have a way of their own, absolute- and unrelenV ing, while "a woman judge; pretty,* vl! vacioUs, enticing, captured in a dog wood swamp and kissed against her will—Bedight shuddered at his pos sible fate! The fury of a woman osculated Is frequently as accentuated as the an ger of a' woman scorned! And he was tho goat'! Deep In a quandary of ways and means, tho luckless politician, mental- berating tho. fatnl day of woman suffrage, wandered Into tho cool, um brageous wood. It was midsummer and tho, forest was a sylvan retreat whero monk and infill might" lose his ‘ troubles in the lppllng of tho rills and ■ recelvo dl- vino unction from tho nnturo god rul ing with soothing zephyrs aud elixirs ofllorescenco. Bedight penetrated far into tho heart of the wood, whero dryads romp ajong tho sunbeamed way through interstices in tho trees, whore rnothor brown thrushes peep from sheltered nests and frisking squirrels chatter of tho hickory nuts a-rlponlhg upon tho scraggly trees. And then ho saw her! Llko Psycho, sho stooped beside n quiet pool, above her tho spreading branches of a water elm. Besldo her on tho brink tho harebell grow and her ear there came from down be low tho rhythmical cadence of a brooklet's song, the samo song that, crescendo or diminuendo, it had sung for centuries, the ever chanted, perpetual song of tho brook! Ho stole softly forward on tlp-too. Absorbed !n her mood, sho gavo no. heed. The rich outline of her figure thrilled him and on her golden hair Turning from the pool, sho stood bo- fore him ns oflo in. authority. "I am going. Walt hero. Do not follow me," s|io ndmonlshed. Ho sat down beside tbo pool. As ho did so, for a fleeting moment the far in of a lithe nnd graceful woman' fell Over his shoulders upon tho drowsy waters—:but the’ faco was turned toward tho backward trail. "Everything — even mythology — Is twisted," _ho growled, “In these par lous days of woman suffrage.” Ho turned -Ills head to - catch a glimpse of her, flitting through tho trees, but unlike Lot’s wife, sho did not look back. Tko mayor sighed. VWhat an awful mess a man can got Into," he sorrowed, "through tho perfectly harmless diversion of kiss ing!" CHAPTER IV. Monday morniug dawned with a purple glow that melted Into molten glory ns tho sun came up nnd painted tho hills and valleys with dollght. Flute notos of harmony thrilled from flitting birds and tho lneonse of fra grant flowers gavo, joy to tho olfac tory nerves ns Ills honor, tho mayor nnd Mao Andrews tripped down tho front stops of Squirrel Inn and made for tho boat landing, the girl In the lead, the man behind, carrying a lunch basket nnd flBhlng taclclo. "Do you really and truly believe, Mr. Bedight," babbled' tho girl over her shoulder, “that thero aro Just ns good fish In tho soa as havo evci been caught?" The mayor laid ddwn his burden on the dock and smiled confidently Into the pretty face of his Interrogator. !‘An unmarried man,”. -he began, carefully, “would answer yes; a mar-,, most assuredly, would deny the allegation and say ho.’i ■ The young woman, with a glance,of mischief in her eyes, asked Inno cently:- -, • ■ •'■A'.. ' : v ;T. “And you?" “I would snyi '-lf a prisoner ' might express himself without Implication,” questionldgly, “that it deponds 'upon tlio bait!" J (TO BB CONTINUED.^ 1 .It is a duly c\£ the-kidneys to rid Urn bipod of. uric acid, an irritating poison that is con stantly forming in side. When ilio kid neys fail, uric acid causes rheumatic attacks, headache, dizziness, gravel, urinary tronblos, woakoyes, dropsy or heart discaso. Doan's Kidnoy Pills holp tho kid neys fight off uric acid—bringing now strength to weak kidneys and rolief from backache and urinary ills. A KENTUCKY CASE. t Mrs. K. P. Ward, 713 Church St„ Bow lins Orton, Ky„ nnyo: "I suftored terri bly from my kidneys and hod awful ulna In my hack. I had run down to pa . . ^ 103 pounds’ nnd was rapidly urowlns worse. Doan's Kidney Pills helped mo from tho llrst and I steadily Improved. , I now weigh 126 pounds and feol better than boforo In years." Get Doan's at Any Drug Store, BOe a Bo* DOAN’S K J>{\l r s Y FOSTER-MILBURN.CO.. Buffalo. Now York Agentn wanted In every town to nell'Mlie Great Queen Broom nnd.. Winner lino of brushes. Tho beat proposition for iiKCfnts. Ladles very successful. Easy, pcrmanpnt, Ray- |jgjgr — ^ngjr^wCinclpn inpr. Wnrren Brush Company. Cincinnati; EYfc nit i t n nookiot" free” JOIIN L. TIIO.MTSON SONS St CO.,Trdy,N.Y. Say, and Proud of It." “Guilty, tbo sheen of the morning radiated like halo on the head of a Titian mas terpiece. Step by step ho drew near, cautiously. Little by little he crept forward until he stood with his hand upon tho trunk of a tree. And then, quietly, fearlessly, he stepped behind her, his shadow falling over her shoulder upon the placid waters of the pool. With a cry of alarm she sprang to her feet and faced him. He stood his ground boldly, hut in his eye3 there was an appeal. “Forgive me," ho said evenly. “I— you needed the shadow of a man to complete the picture.” You flatter yourself," she replied coldly. , ,He started to speak, impulsively, to plead for forgiveness, but she held up her hand mandatorlly. “I hold no: conversation with pris oners: outside of court,” she said; aus terely. Ghost Gave the Tip. An extraordinary story of a gam bling “tip" from the regions of spirits is that of Signor Grotta, the station'-: master-at Cicignano,, near Naples- Signor Crotta speculated one franc at n weekly lottery, and now finds himself In consequence the lucky- wln- '■f n6i! ?of.j$J20,000, On learning tho good tidings Crotta’s first task was to tele graph to the directorate of the State Railways his resignation. -He Is a married man, and has a daughter who is a local schoolmistress. Tho ex- statlonmaster is also sotting apart a sum for masses on behalf of his dead aunt, whoso ghost, ho avowB, appear ed to him in the early liour3 of the fateful morning bidding him gamble on four numbers which sho revealed to him, all of which eventually proved -lucky ones:, A 'small boy. doesn’t' find it vbry amusing to do' tlip-things his parents are willing to let him do. ; .-,y 1JOI3S YOHJI IlEAlVACnia? X I OAPUDfNE. It’a llqiiia—picn.M- Trv Hicks’ OAPUDINE. It'a llrpiia—pi ant to lake—cfTccta iinlm-ilhuc—pood to pCc Sick'Ilctulaclfta and NccVms Hciidiichesltflad. Yom- Inonliy. back If not aatlallcd. . 10q.,"5c. und 60c.'u,tmedicineatorqa. AUv.,' il'BL . . • : - Made-to-Order Kind,' Avito '.ibi Akwqy^tbrjn'ging. irffme so. much toothnqwder.” ^emjfoiffi£Lc>e man the other 1 qay' total friend. 6 It|i. a wa'htO'bf money. . 'Ak‘ foVjno'X-'jiist', takp the. bathtubi.v^a' avd P'?f ub ' ' my 'teeth? ! . V:-/ V, .'.. r ’ V V K The pair' were ''walking ' tiown J Chest; ,nut . street and • ■ ^ .-h in amazement, hurt 5'our' teeth exolaimod almost 111 horror. "Hi 5 ••/? > U ' 1 “No," camo back tbo .sw^r^lngnffrt ply. “You seo they’re tiio' Kln'd jjFou buy at ;tbie .dentist’s."y ■"v.. hObby g6^tt.' s ‘• Seaweed Made Valuable. It Is estimated that those engaged In the Industry of gathering seaweed and reducing it to gelatinous food in Japan alone number S00,000 persons. Within recent years seaweeds havo been introduced into the English kitch en. The ediblo species,, served with roast meats, have been found to he very palatable.!,' Devonshire at\d Jap anese seaweeds are employed largely in the London industry, Im- THEY MILK LONG Employes on Eastern Dairy Farm Are Specialists, Each Handling 35 Cows Dally., On tho average dairy farm the man who can milk fifteen or twenty cows twice a day Is ranked as an excellent milker. Yet on a milk company’s farm in New Jersey, ten operators are milk ing 350 animals twice daily, an aver age of 35 cows per milker. Ever Blnce modern dairy husbandry began to ap proach an intensive de levelopment the problem of the milk farm has been how most efficiently to utilize the la bor of the milking force between milk ings. .In the Winter time especially Ig^AVas a hard' crack. • 'lhc' manager of this eastern dairy farm got his mind to ; working , over time and devised the plan of develop ing his milkers into ’ specialists who milked' fotf’ ten hours a day‘and pep formed no other Jahoh'' Ha/correspond ed with the managers and owners of other large milk farms In order to obtain their opinions concerning his new method, and found they did not believe it would work. In nowise dis ; couraged, this progressive manager put the proposition before his. milkers and asked them if they would ho will ing to test out the plan., They en thusiastically assented, tils plan as successfully carried out Is explained In the Popular Mechanics Magazino. , Wlfey—I want to get a big- Effect with my new spring gown, dear! ; Hubby—Don’t worry, darling; yoii’ll get it all right in the bill.jtfflH^M||f WM Some Fish Reports. llJpfj'Sfl-- One thousand sword fish, were caught In.ten days in August by Nova Scotia fishermen, one ship bringing In five tons. As a consequence the mar ket was glutted; and some salek were made as lo\/as two cents a pound. Flisliing Is Increasing in .Nova Scotia waters' t-o the extent that recently a million dollar corporation, known as the North Atlantic Fisheries, Limited, was organized. Holland 1b an exten sive exporter of fish, especially to Bel gium. Tho latter’s total Imports of fish and mussels for tha first six months of 1912 aggregated $1,228,740, an Increase.of $86,349 over the same period last year. . Imports of fish by weight in the first half of this year to- : taled 6,618,500 kilos (kilo, 2.2 poundB), Dutch herring figuring at 2,536,128 kilos. Mussels from Holland are also much In demand In Belgium, tho im ports for the month of Juno alone be ing 1,789,017 kilos. Model Breakfast —has charming flavour and'] ’ wholesome nourishment— and Cream. This delightful food, made of Indian Corn, is really fas cinating. Corn, says Dr. Hutchisort, a noted English authority, is one of the ideal fpodsi|j |J*| As made into'Post Toast- ies, it is most attractjve ;to pie palate. $ “The Memory Linger^” Sold by grocers— Packages 10 and 15 cts.. Postum Cereal Co., Ltd. Battle Creek, Mich. •&M. m ■