Newspaper Page Text
/ft ///<&■
VOL. 3
NO. 21
010 All
Shot to dm n
Dublin, Ga.. Deo. 18.— F. W.
iHightow er' was shot and instant
ly killed by Mrs. A. L. Lyon at
her home about seven miles .from
J)ubliii about 12:30 o’clock yester
day. Mrs. Lynn admits the
killing,, and’says she shot High
tower because he attempted to
assault her.
L ; There were no eyewitnesses to
the tragedy except an infant two
1 or three years old. The womans
husband was away in the .field
jickihg cotton . with the other
Children of his family, when the
I shooting- occurred. The woman
[ and Hightower were alone in the
house, at the time.
A neighbor just across the
1 road from the house heard, the
shots; five in number, and a mo
ment later Mrs. Dynn appeared
| at the front door and called, ask-,
ing him to come quick.
Tom Heart and his son imme
diately went over to the house
and found Hightower lying oh
the floor dead, blood and brains
oozing out of holes in_his head
at the.left eye, a pistol lying on
. a lable in-a small shed room ad
joining the room where the shoot
ing took place, the empty- car-
I'tridges on the floor. Mr. Hart
asked Mrs. Flynn: “How did
. this thing happen?” Mis Flynn
replied: “X shot him, I had to do
it, he tried to assault me.
According to Hightower’s
•statement to Mr. Hart-, just be-
before the shooting, he had come
from his home in Dublin to Mr.
Lynn’s for the purpose of get
ting a load of lightvvood and to
carry some flour and lard to ;Mi\
Lynn. He. was on good terms
with the family and had been
| well acquainted with Mrs. Lynn
since childhood. He put his
team in the lot, apparently at
home, and carried the flour and
lard into the house. The shoot
ing took place shortly afterwards.
Mrs. Lynn made no attempt
He-had been living in Dublin ftr
year s and was one of the well
known citizens. Those who
knew him are not inclined to be
lieve the womans story, but can
assign no reason for the shooting.
The whole affair is shrouded in
•a deep mystery and is deeply re
gretted by all who knew the
The general opinion is that he
made no attempt on the woman,
but possibly joked with her a lit
tle roughly, and she in a high
nervous, condition,, became sud
denly crazed with a nervous
frenzy and shot him-,' believing
that he intended her harm.
Sensational Develoments Leak
Out In Lynn Case.
Dublin, Ga. Dec. 21.—The
Lynn-HighltOwer shooting took
another sensational turn here to
day when A. L. Lynn, husband
of.the woman who claimed to
have killed F. M. Hightower
last Tuesday, was arrested and
iodged in jail on change. of mur
. Chief of Police J; B. Hightower
son of the man who was killed,
has been working on the case
quietly every since his father
was killed, and to-day it was de
cided by him and his attorneys
thatfenough evidence had been
found to warrant' the arrest of
Mr.. Lynn, who was lodged in the
county"jail'here at about 12 o,-
No statement about the case
was made by chief Hightower,
other than that he had sufficient
evidence to make' a strong case
against Mr. Lynn for doing the
shooting, and that the charge
made against his- father by Mrs.
Lynn is absolutely false.
Lynn’s commitment trial will
be held one day next week, and
until that comes off no statement
concerning the case will be made
by the prosecution, other than
that they have strong proof
Hatton Towson, son of Rev.
W. D..Towspn, former' pastor of
the Methodist church at Cairo,
has won the Cecil Rhodes scholar
ship to Oxford University, Eng :
land, his examination having
recently been ' passed upon by a
committee at Oxford.
This is a distinctive .honor, as.
there were mapy applicants for
the scholarship, and young Tow-
son won over all competitorsftll
The Rev. Mr. TLwson has
many friends here who rejoice
with* him in the good fortune'of
his son. . .
to leave,- and aftel* her husband
was called from the field, went'that Mr. Lynn did the shooting
with him to - a neighbor’s home i h ’ ms elf which they m ended .to
to : ^t the sheriff, who arriy^,
some timalater. Up to date this I A later dispatch from
afternoon she had not been that Lynn, husband of the Dublin' She is in a
; delicate condition. Her husband
and children-were barely in hear-
jhg distance of the shots.
Hightower, is the father of
*!.Chief of Police Hightower, of
CiDublih, and was 75 years of age..
Last Saturday was election
day in Ochlocknee, and the fol
lowing were chosen mayor and
aldermen for the next twelve
Mayor, Remer Singletary;
Aldermen, T. A. Bulloch;
R. P. Groover;
R. W. McMillian; •
L. D. Johnson. .
A good board, one that
look well to the interests of
■Quitman, (la. Dec. 22.-~David
Waldron, of Screven, Wayne
county, was shot and instantly
killed this morning; by Bryant
Folsom, because of a picture post
card sent by Waldron to Folsom’s
Waldron came to Quitman last
som home, three miles in the
country, this morning to see
Some, months ago Hon. Ander
son Roddenbery, Congressman
from the second district, :offei;ed
night and went out to the Fol- a scholarship to the young lady
\yho won the prize for the best
exhibit from the Young Ladies
the family about the card, liav-^ Cmining^Club of Grady county.
ing heard it.was resented by the ~ ^
young lady, it as said.
Miss Isola Vanlandingham
and Mr. Herbert. H. Wind were
happily married at the home of
woman who claims to have done
the killing, has had committ
ment trial and W '• 'ou i ver,
to await the action of tne grand
. If you want the news subscribe
for the Grady County Progress.
. New Year’s Greeting.
With kindest thoughts and with
best wishes for a happy New Year,,
and thanking you most sinceiSly-
for past patronage, we are
Respectfully yours, ■
Capital Stock $30,000.00
the bride, near town;, on Tues
day last at eleven o’clock, Rev.
C. E. Dell, pastor of the Metho
dist church at Ochlocknee, per
forming the ceremony.
It was a quiet home wedding,
with just a few friends of the
contracting parties present.
The Bridal party entered the
parlor to the strains of Mendel
son’s wedding march,-. beautiful
ly rendered by Mrs. J. D. Burk-
halter, a cousin of the bride
While the sacred ceremony was
being performed, the pianist
softly played “Youletide Wed
ding B.ells” harmonizing most
charmingly with the impressive
"The home was lovely in its
decorations of crimson and white,
with a perfuoion of holly, misle
to ferns and southern smilax used
as a basis.
The bride is t he lovely daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs^ E. S. Van-
andingham, a prominent citizen
of Grady county. . She possesses
to a' high degree tho'Se loyely
traith' .of character that wins
lasting-friendship and makes a
woman a queen in her own right.
Mr. Wind is the son of Mr. and
Mrs. F. J, Wind of this city,
He is business manager of the
Cairo-Messenfer, and a promising
and prosperous young man
Mr., and Mrs. Wind left. on. the
afternoon train for Florida,
where they will spend their
honey moon.
The Progress, together with a
host of. other frsends, joins in
congratulations and good wishes
The girls- parents were away
from home, but her brother and
his wife were there with two lit
tle boys, all of whom were eye- j
witnesses to the tragedy.
In discussing the card it seems
that Weldron said something to
increase the girls resentment,
and her brother, ordered him to
He went to the home of his
brother-in-law, John Meadows,
near the Folsoms, and talked the
matter over with him, saying he
was' not satisfied about it and
Was going back to see Folsom.
Meadows advised him -not to
go, saying they were both angry
and it would be better to wait a
while.- •
Meadows left the room on an
errand and when he returned
Waldron was on his way to the
Folsoms. Meadows- followed
him and.saw him. open the front
door and enter the house. At
once a pistol shot rang out; and
when he got 'there Waldron was
lying on hi's back, shot through
the chest. He died at once.
Folsom came to. Quitman this
afternoon and gave bTihseJf up
to the-sheriff', It is-expected a
preliminary investigation of the
killing will be hold to-morrow.
The.. Folsoms are a highly re
spected and Well known family
here. Bryant Folsom is a young
man, married about two months
ago to Miss Eason, daughter of
M. H. Eason, recently member
of the city council. Waldron
was about 35 and a widower.
The family have not shown
the card which caused the tra
gedy, but it seems to be one of
the “comic cards” so-called, and
they felt it was meant to be of
fensive. Waldron’s body is at
an undertakers here and will
be shipped to Screven in the
Miss 1 Liicile Darsey of f Whig-
ham was the fortunate one, ar d
gets the Roddenbery scholarship,
which entitles her to attend,
free, the University Extention
school at Athens.
The Progress understands' that
Miss Dareey’s exhibit was very,
fine and we congratulate her on
her good fortune,
W. T. Crawford,
J. N. Maxwell, J. E. Forsyth, () ;
Thomas Wight, V-prpsidents^ Cashier .
Mr. Jack':Ragan| off rtfear A.k-
ridge/Jrapfen^d td r afdis:%^sihf:
accident Tuesday nigh-t as he was
Ifdfng home from Cairo; Hi
mule ran away, throwing Mr,
Ragan out of the buggy,
ing his shoulder,
Donalsonyille,- Ga.—Ross Mur-,
keson was probably fatally shot
and his wife and daughter
seriously wounded by Ike Deal,
the daughter’s husband; En
raged because his wife .had left
him, Deal - followed Her to her '
father’s home and there did the
shooting. After Muskeson was
sh< t down he managed to get to-
his gun and shoot Deal while he
was leaving .the house, badly
wounding him. Deal however
managed-to make his escape
and is at large, although posse^
are hunting him.
Shoots Wife and her Parents
'J, J. Proctor, who runs a com
missary near Coolidge; in Thom
as county, was forced to sigh a
check in favor of two negroes,
late Wednesday'aift^ipon. Mr.
Proctor was at his store when
the negroes went in and asked
him for money. They were ar
med with Winchester rifles and
when he told them that he had
no money, they forced him to
sign a check and a note to a lead
ing merchant in Coolidge-to sign
If you want the news Subscribe
for the Grady County Progress.
At the home of the bride, six
miles south of town, on the 19th
inst. Miss Bula Smith and Mr.
C. T. Maxwell were
marriage, Judge R- P
The Progress wishes them a
long and happy life.
united in
-•easso- -ssassa*- -sasfflBS'- ^
Where Do You Do Your Banking? i
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It is the policy of this Bank to assist its patrons and to t|’,e people
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In our Sayings Department we pay interest at the rate of * P er cent .
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Your iijisinefs will bo greatly appreciated sit this Bank yvhetl^er your
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