The Grady County progress. (Cairo, Grady County, Ga.) 1910-19??, December 27, 1912, Image 7

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f ... ,•« * • * • *. >1 ■'*v- • .* - ?vt*~ f * * ■ - - ' op; FINISHING THE FLOOR BEST POSSIBLE METHOD IS THAT- DESCRIBED HERE. • Varying Coats of Stains, Carefully Ap. plied, Will Be Found to Work Wonders In Obliterating • Marks of Time. > A method of getting a satisfactory ■ floor-finish on a floor which has been’ rather badly worn and spotted, ilsst apply a coat of ground finish and fbllow this with a coat of stain and varnish combined. In this way the badly worn and black spots of the or iginal- floor are first covered up en- tirely by . means of the ground coat. Then the new finish is stained and treated in an entirely new color which will conform with the decorations planned. In nearly every room there will be found one or two pieces of furniture which need renewing. These pieces can be easily brightened up with a number of different finishes, which can be purchased from your local deal er. Take, as an example, the wicker chair which was priglnally light in color, but has now become badly spotted and worn. This can be treat ed-with - one coat of stain, which will change -thp color, and give it a new brilliancy ahd new 'life. Oftentimes a coat of varnish on pieces of furni ture, after first sanding them, can be ■ followed with rubbing with pumlce- . stone and oil, and will produce won derful results. The greatest pleasure of re-decorating, of course, comes when we have the walls, woodwork, and -floors all finished, and reach the point .of bringing in "the furniture, hanging the draperies, arranging the pictures, etc. This, of course, is a very important part of the work, since the arrangement of furnishings will very easily make or mar any room. Do not hastily place things about the room. Use some definite plan In all of this work. Use great care in hang ing tho pictures, grouping similar sub jects together, and having some varie ty in size on the different walls. The pictures should be arranged so that there is a perfect balance on each wall. This can be easily experiment ed with until the position of each pic ture seems to satisfy one in every re spect. .Oftentimes a wonderful im provement.: can bp wrought in one's 'rooms by eliminating-superfluous bric- a-brac, pictures, etc. Avoid overcrowd ing in the furnishings. SIo•*! Cooking Best. In these days of quick living, it is well to remember that, in cooking, only a slow and even tedious process can bring about the best Tesults, for. -gradually cooked food is at once more ■palatable and digestible than the rap Idly cooked kind. •■Tt’'cannot be too often impressed upoir.a cook that slow methods soften the connective tissue of meats, develop their flavor, and render their consist- epey /more agreeable. Milk that is baked for long hours in a slow oven is of a high nutritive .’ alue, and all milk puddings,' more es pecially barley pudding, that are. to be served at luncheon should be prepared, for cooking directly after the break fast cookery pans have been cleared away. Vanilla Chocolate Cake. The yolk of one egg and one whole one in a cup. Fill the cup half full with softened butter, and then enough sweet milk to- fill the cup to the brim. Turn it into your mixing bowl. In' your-aMer put 1% cups of flour, one cup of sugar and one level tea spoon of soda and two level teaspoons of- cream of tartar; Flavor with va nilla and beat well. Spread half of it in a sheet tin and add two table spoons cocoa and a very little more •ailk to tlvA rest. Beat and spread on •op of . the light mixture. Frost with rccoa frosting. To let malaria de velop unchecked in your. system is not only to “flirt with death,” but to place a burden on the joy of living. You con prevent malaria by regu larly taking a doso of OXIDINE. Keep a bottlo in the mctlloluo cheat and keep yourself well. OX/DINE Ii told bv all dnnuiifi under Ilia strict guarantee that if the firit bottle does not benefit you, re turn the empty bottle to the drugfiilt udio told 11, and receive THE FULL PURCHASE PRICE. A SPLENDID TONIC A Most Useful Present For You end Yours From’ the Beat Stores Everywhere. The PenThat^'’’Fits Every Hand” STEP„R^RTHER. ■S77ST Mr. Rastus—I’8e muzzled de dog. An’ now I’ze waitin'. . Mr. Acker—For what? Mr. Rastus—To see if dey’s gwinter go de res’ o’ de way an’ see to de puhtection o’ us : human bein’s. ,Ef dey'll fix up some way o’ muzzlin’ er hin’ feet o' er mule, de’ll sho’ly stop er heap o’ damage. One Fisherman’s Idea. First Angler-Look, this fish was almost caught before; see the broken j hook in its mouth. ! Second Angler—It should have had- j sen. e enough-to' steer clear of hooks aft-r that. First- Angler—Oli, come, you can’t expect a fish to exhibit more sense than a human being. • • : - Gloomy Outlook. “It's-going to be a hard winter,” ‘‘How can you tell?” “By the size of the salary I’m get ting.” Individual Coooanut Pies. . ..' Beat together the yolks of two eggs, ■'one cup sugar, three tablespoons flour and pinch of salt. Add to ono pint 'boiling milk and stir briskly until it ■ thickens smoothly. Remove from stove,- flavor with vanilla and add ac-?6urths cup shredded cocoanut. Poijr*Tato individual shells that have been preWcftaaJy baked. Make a me ringue of whiteK?f two eggs and a ,tablesi)Qonful. of sugt^, and drop on pies. Brown in quite hoAoven. These are truly delicious. - v True; Salad. V Thm .salad, in' the French sense of tho word, consists simply of lettuce dressed with blended oil and vinegar and seasoning. In a French home th*? lettuce s'akjd is served on the plate with the- meat, after a course consist ing of a single vegetable. - . ;••. • , ■ ■ ■ Sauce for Ice Cream. One-quarter cup of butter, one cup of powdered sugar, one-quarter cup cream, lour tablespoonfuls of wine, one-quarter cake chocolate, one-half teaspoopful of vanilla. - Important to Wiothers Examine carefully every bottle of CA3TORIA, a safe and sure remedy for infants and children, and see that it Bears the Signature of In Use For Over 30'Years. Children Cry for Fletcher’s Castoria The honeymoon is on the wane when hubby quits taking wlfle every where he goes. j ITCH Relieved in 30 Minutes. Woolford’s Sanitary Lotion for all kinds of contagious itch. At Druggists. Adv. Some of the charity that begins at home isn’t worth making a fuss about. Most of the so called theatrical stars are rockets. . . POINTED WAY TO SALVATION Preacher’s Advloe Wae All Right but Hla Friend Also Had Something Wlae to Say. Senator Samuel A. Ettolson, speak ing recently at a banquet, told the fol lowing: “A colored preacher stood up on a Sunday and said, 'My text this morn ing, brothers and sistors, urn "What shall I do to bo saved?" To mb there Beems only one way to bo saved, and that am to quit this’ere extravagant living. Back to the simple life, say. I. There am going to be no chance for you to be saved so long as you keep up this high living. If there is any thing that is going to kill our race it is these'ere luxuries. Better go hun gry and cold like the wolf. Go out and face the rains and fight the storms. Go wade like the crane. You will grow • rugged and you will grow tough, but you’ll walk like a man Yes, sir, that am do way to salvation, that am de way to get saved.’ “Just then a tall colored man, ris ing from his pew in the rear of the church, Interrupted the preacher, shouting: 'This am no way to bo saved. You just jump right through that back window and run just as fast as your legs will carry you, for the county sheriff am here with a warrant for your arrest for stealing them chickens from Massa Martin’s coop last Friday night.”’—Chicago Tribune. Not Used to ‘‘High Life.” -An old farmer was in London" visit ing his son, who had got on in the world, and who kept a large house, servants, eto. When the two sat down to dinner the first night a manservant waited upon them, and was most assiduous in his attentions to the old farmer. After watching his antics for a bit the guest exclaimed: “What the mischief are ye dancin’ about like that for? Can ye not draw in yer chair and Bit down? I'm sure there’s enough here for the three of us.”—London Mail. ECZEMA SPREAD OVER BODY R. F. P. No. 1, Lewlsburg, Ky.—“Fif teen years ago I was badly -affected with eczema upon my scalp first, then it spread all over my body and con tinued to. grow worse for four years. It began with a dry rash. After form ing thick scales or scabs 'the irritation forced me to scratch tfie scabs off and the hair would come out with them. Upon my face and body, the sores, would get inflamed and they disfig ured my face. It was worse where my clothes irritated them. The erup tion was a yellowish watery ' kind, sometimes bloody. In warm weather it was so bad I was not able to work on account of the raw irritating sores on my head and body. “After trying various medicines without relief I tried Cuticiira Soap and Ointment. After using four cakes of Cuticura Soap and four boxes of Cuticura Ointment and - one bottle of the Resolvent I whs entirely sound and well and have been for eleven years.” (Signed) W. H. Williams. Mar. 19, 1912. Cuticura Soap and * Ointment sold throughout the world. Sample of each free, with 32-p. Skin Book. Address post-carsLUCuticura, Dept. L, - Boston." Adv. ... . Good Job. “Now,. Johnny,” said, tile teacher after she had explained the meaning of the .word; “I wish you would write a sentence containing defeat” ’ After a struggle which lasted ■ for about . . twenty minutes Johnny an nounced that ho was ready to be heard. ; - - “Please read your composition,” the teacher directed. . "When you git shoes dat’s. too tite,” Johnny read,- "it’s hard on de feet.” ' Plain Facts. "Men are a lot of four-flushers." "How now?” “They tell a girl that all they want is to .bask forqver in the sunshine of her smile. And after marriage they, expect her to cook, mend clothes, keep house and do an endless lot of plain harci work,” jjj This is a Duke’s Mixture Umbrella _ Whether you smoke Duke’s Mixture in pipe or cigar- ette, it is .delightfully satisfying. Everywhere it is the » ‘ choice of men who want real, natural tobacco. • Mi In each 5c sack there arc one and ' a half ounces of choice Virginia and North Carolina tobacco—pure, mild, rich—best sort of granulated tobacco. Enough to make many good, satisfying cigarettes—the kind that makes rolling popular. And with each sack you get a present coupon and a book of cigarette papers free. Get an Umbrella. Free The coupons can be exchanged for all sorts of valu able presents. The list includes not only smokers’ articles —but many desirable presents for women and children— umbrellas, cameras, toilet articles, tennis rackets, catcher’s gloves and masks, etc. During December and January only we will send our illustrated catalogue of presents , FREE to any address. Ask for it on a postal, today. Coupons from Duke’s Mixture may be assorted with tags from HORSE SHOE, J.T., TINSLEY’S NATU- “ ‘ LEAF, GRANGER TWIST, CLIX’ • CIGARETTES, and other tacs or coupons issued by us. Premium Dept. utZSfct! Exception. “You can’t put water colors in .an oil painting.” - "You can, sea blue, can’t you?” It’s a genuine surprise party if any one has a good time at it. WinSiow’s SoothlngSyrup for Ohildret softens the gums, reduces inflamma tion, allays pain,cures wind colic,25c a bottle.W*. If one gave voice only to' one’s thoughts one wouldn’t talk bo much. Quick cut off, operated by the foot. Discs ad^ justable in everyway. St. Louis, Mo. jfa SPARK'S VICTOR PERFECT FEED Fertilizer Distributor A great labor saver. Perfect force feed commercial fertilizer distributor. Distributes any; quantity. Guaranteed right or money back. Write for descriptive circular. Price $12.50 / ■ Delivered Hartsvllle Implement Go., Harisvflie. S. G.' Perspicuous. Perfcy’■ (just introduced)—Ah! So, you’re’-the chap who makes mud heads? Sculptor—Not all of them. For SUMMER HEADACHES Hicks’ CAPUDINE is the'.best-remedy- no matter what- causes them—whether from the heat, sitting in draughts, fever ish condition, • etc; 10c., SOe-and BOo pfcr bottlo at medicine stores. Adv. “Every ’woman should have - an aim in Ufa. even if she can’t throw a stone with any degree of accuracy. PERFtCT HEALTH.TW"*^ Tutt’s Pills'keep the system In perfect order* They regulate the bowels and produce A VIGOROUS BODY. Remedy for sick headache, constipation, T;iko GRILL Tho formula __ . ... showing itis simply „ form, and tho most effectual form. For grown people and children, W cents. Adv. “ Only a poor love letter can be spoiled by weak spelling. Dr.Picrco’s Pleasant Pollots regulato and invig orate stomach, liver and bowels. Sugar-coated, tiny granules, easy to take as candy. Adv. Borrowed money often causes a total loss of memory. FOLEY KIDNEY PILLS Are Richest in Curative Qualities FOR BACKACHE, RHEUMATISM, KIDNEYS AND BLADDER WHY INCUBATOR CHICKS DIE Write for hook Baying young chicks. Send na names of 7 friondB that use incubators and get- bookfree. Raisall Remedy Oo., Blackwell,Okio. to order° Pennants,Sofa Pillows^ Glass Pios for Collcgo Class and CLub use, In any design <to- i»a, lv « r a” Films Developed FRfe Velvet Iienn Seed—Book orders now white •made Feb,' Price will KILGORE SEED CO., Plant t planting t City, Fla. W. N. U.. ATLANTA. NO. 50-1912. Booause of those ugly, grizzly, gray hairs. Use LA CREOLE” HAIR dressing, price. $i.oo, retail.