The Grady County progress. (Cairo, Grady County, Ga.) 1910-19??, January 10, 1913, Image 3

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FOR FRUIT OR SPICE CAKE Young Housewife May Bo Interested in This Confection, Which Is Really Delicious. ! Materlais—Drown dU gar, lo.; mo- lasses, %o.j pastry flour, 3%c.; sour lc -l seeded saisins, 1 lb.; melt ed butter, l t.; allspice, 1 tsp.; dnna- mon ’ 1 ts P-l cloves, % tsp.; baking powder, l tsp. 1 c . cup; t, teaspoon; tsp., table- spoon. All measurements-level, flotir sifted before measuring. Utensils—Paper bag, wire calte cooler, mixing bowl slotted wooden apoon, measuring cup, teaspoon, table spoon, cake pan, chopping, bowl, egg beater and Hour shifter. Chop the raisins or cut them Into small pleceB. Beat the cream until very light, then add the sugar and beat very well again. Put all the dry Ingredients together Into the sifter; (using a little of the flour to mix with the raisins). Add the molasses and butter melted, and beat well. Mix the raisins well through the dough. Line the cake pan with greased paper, turn in the dough, set Into a paper bag 'which Is already on the wire mat and bake In a slow oven one hour. Or u small hole may be made in the top, and the cake tried with a tooth pick or clean straw. Remove from the oven, tear the paper off the top and allow , the cake to cool on the cake cooler. ‘ Fruits—Oranges, grape fruit, grapes, apples, lemons. Vegetables—White and sweet pota toes,_ Hubbard' squash, turnips, white and yellow carrots, white, and red cabbage, parsnips, onions, lettuce, oyster plant. Extras—Tomatoes, fancy melons, Brussels spr’iutu, string beanB, rad ishes, wax beam,, egg plant. HE KNEW WHAT TO AVOID If Knowing Human Nature Would Do It This Man Would Have Made Good Preacher. "Dr. John Hnynes Holmes, who preached a Bull Moose sermon to President Taft the Sunday before elec tion day, isn’t like Washington White,” said a member of Dr. Holmes’ Church of the Messiah in Now York. "Washington White was an aged hod. carrier. Laying down his paper one evening, ho said to his wife over his spectacles: " ‘Martha, I believe I’d mako a preacher. Listen, now, and I’ll give you. a sermon.’ The old man then stood up to the table and bellowed out a vigorous dis course on the wickedness of the Idola ters of the Orient. “His wife said at the end: “‘A good enough sermon, Washing ton, but you’ve told us all about the sins of the foreignerss and nevor a word about the sins of the folks at home here.’ " Ha, ha, ha, I understand preachin’ too well for that,’ laughed the wild old man." CRANBERRY SAUCE AND JELLY Best Way to Prepare Them for Those Who Like This Condiment With Their- Birds. Cranberries are in the market now, and there ar-- many who prefer their tart sweetness to any other sauce with birds, Bays a New York Sun writer. They are best when Jellied, and should never be sent to the table in any form- without being strained free of skins. An excellent way to jelly these berries so that their deli cacy and crisp flavor shall be pre served Is the following: Pick over and wash two quarts of cranberries; put them in a' saucepan with cold water. Stew the fruit over a slow fire until it may be pressed through a fine sieve. To each pint of the pulp add a pound of fine white Bugar; then-place over the fire to boil, stirring briskly for about fifteen min utes or until the jelly thickens on a cool saucer. Then pour in molds and - let It stand till firm. This jelly is also an ideal accom paniment for the broiled or planked spring turkey or guinea fowl. The birds ate at the*lr very best now when they are small and young. They should be well buttered and bits of bacon pinned over them for either planking or broiling.. Very hot plates and plenty of best quality butter are necessary for the perfect service of birds. HEAD A MASS OF PIMPLES Hyattsville, Md.—“My little boy was taken with an itching on the scalp. There was an ashy place on his head about the size of a ten-cent piece, and the, hair was falling from this place by the roots. In about ten days all over his head were these ashy spots, which looked like ringworm, but were porous-lilte. The itching and burning made him scratch a great deal. His head had gotten so that it was just a mass of mattery little pimples all heaped on each other, and when I took off his night-cap, the hair and flesh came off at the same, time. I really thought he would lose his whole scalp. He couldn’t sleep for five weeks, it would itch and bum until I thought he would go into convulsions. “I used different soaps and salves to no satisfaction. Then I decided to use the Cuticura Soap and Ointment. Finally I noticed he begjin to sleep all night. I used one cake of Cuticura Soap and one box of Cuticura Oint ment and he was entirely cured. He has a better growth of hair now than he had at first." (Signed) Mrs. Ida S. Johnson, Mar. 26, 1912. Cuticura Soap and Ointment sold throughout the world. Sample of each free, with 32-p. Skin Book. Address post-card "Cuticura, Dept. L, Boston.” Adv. Miss Black—Mr. Brown, does you know whut a bird of paradise is? Mr. Brown—Well, of co’se I doesn’t know fob sure, -but when I gits ter de nex’ wdrl’ I wouldn’t be a bit surprise tor dlskuvah dat it was a Bpring chick en. If your appetite is not what it should be perhaps Malaria is developing. It affects the whole system. OXlBlNE wilj clear away the germs, rid you of Malaria ana generally improve your condition. Adv. Rather Strenuous. "Did they kiss and make up?” “Yes, and after , they kissed, Bella had to make up aagln.” HIb Sort. "I know a cabman who writes poe try.” "Then he must be a hack writer.” Defending Mother. "Papa, mamma says that one-half the world doesn’t know how the other half lives?” “Well, she shouldn’t blame herself, dear, it isn’t her fault” Why Girls Postpone. Nell—Isn’t Alice soon going to marry Jack? Belle—I don’t know. She says she hates to give up. the dollar and a half shows for the ten-cent moving pic tures. Up and Doing. / Not all city folks are as ignorant of the farmer’s surroundings as the far mers sometimes suppose. This was evidenced by an incident in the stay of a young New Yorker on a New Eng- *ttnd farm. “Well, young man,” said the farmer to hid boarder who was up early and looking around, “been out to hear the haycock crow, I suppose?” And the sly old chap winked at his hired man. The city man smiled. “No,” Bald he suavely, “I’ve merely been out tying a knot in a .cord of wood.”—Judge’s Library. Squash Pie .Filling. One cup of stewed squash, ohe-half cup sugar, two eggs and milk enough’ to. fill a pie plate. First line a pie plate with crust, then beat eggs and sugar together, adding squaBh and milk, seasoning with. cinnamon, nut meg and allspice to suit the taste. Bake about 40 minutes in a moder ate oven. Tart Pies. v Make a rich pie crust, cover a deep pie -plate and bake light brown in a quick oven. Slip onto a fancy plaFe. When cool fill with sliced bananas, or anges, strawberries or any fruit that needs no cooking, cover with whipped cream sweetened and flavored. Good Hints. To prevent the gas oven from get ting on fire when broiling put some wa ter in the drip pan. Have you a wire frying basket? Put your tomatoes in it the next time they are to be skinned and plunged into a deep .kettle of boiling water. There is no .danger by this method of getting them water-soakecl. Keep milk, butter and eggs all close ly covered, on one side of the refrig erator, and reserve the other for vege tables, leftovers from the table and other odorous provisions. Planked Eggs. Arrange on a plank a mixture of shopped chicken, corned beef or looked tongue, with an equal quantity sf fine bread crumbs. Add enough -ream or soup stock to moisten. Sea son with salt, pepper and paprika. Make depressions with spoon in the mixture and place them on as many poached eggs as there are persons to be served and brown slightly in oven. DucheBse: potato border can be placed around if desired. Garnish with pars- Regular practicing physicians recommend and prescribe OXIDlNE for Malaria, be cause it is a proven remedy by years of ex perience. Keep a bottle in the medicine chest and administer at first sign of Chills and Fever. Adv, Equivocal Reply. . A nonconformist dergman in Man chester is chuckling over a letter he recently received from the vicar of a certain parish. He had written to the vicar asking for permission to con duct a funeral in the churchyard. "He immediately sent me a' most courteous note,” the nonconformist clergyman says; “but I could not help noticing that it would be possible to give to his word a sinister meaning. The note, ran: ‘You will, both to morrow and at any other Jtime, be most welcome In our churchyard.’ ”— London Tit-Bits. Accounting for It. ' “What makes Jaggs so chesty?” "The only thing I can think of is that he lives in a house with a swell front." Cold Reception. “You found nobody at home you say?” “No; even the furnace had gone out.” It will probably take the average man a long time to get used to being an angel—if he ever gets a chance, State Aviation SchooJ. Guatemala has opened an aviation school. A scientist has discovered that the onion is a cure for love. Too Cold for Baths. Dr. Xene Y. Smith, a medical in spector in the Muncie (Ind.) public schools, tells this story of his experi ences in examining pupils. "When were you bathed?” asked Dr, Smith of a hoy of seven or eight years “Bathed?” queried the child;'' “Why, don’t you know this is winter?” ALCOHOL-3 PER CENT Avegelable Preparation for As - similating iheFoodandRegula- ting the Stomaclis and Bowels of Promotes Digestion,Cheerful ness and Rest.Contains neither Opium.Morphine nor Mineral Not Nabc otic Jfropt c/OM DrSAWSUmffE/} 7\i/ryAin Sud - Mx.Stttna Rnhtllt Salts -• SttJ * fVpptrmint - ftiCarionaUSt<i<\ * hormSetit - Clarrfitd Sugar Winkryreen Flavor* A perfect Remedy forConstipa lion. Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea, Worms .Convulsions .Fe veri sh- nessand LosS OF SLEEP. Facsimile Signature of The Centaur Company, NEW YORK. Over Thirty Years ^Guaranteed under the Foodanj} Exact Copy of Wrapper. Qualified. “Was your son one of the popular boys at college?” “Yes, Indeed. He was elected cheer leader three times.” - “And what Is he going to do now?” “He is considering a fine offer to call carriages for a leading catering firm.” PAR BETTER THAN aUININE. Elixir Bubek cures malaria where quinine falls, and it can be taken with Impunity by old and young. "Having suffered from Malarious Fe ver for several months, getting no re lief from quinine and being completely broken down In health, ‘Elixir llnbek’ effected a permanent cure.”—William F. Marr. Elixir Ilabck, 50 cents, all druggists, or liloczeWskl & Co.,Washlngton, D.C. Adv. Too Many Amateurs., Dr. Woods Hutchinson, at ’ the Twentieth Century club In Boston, condemned baked beans. “We hear a lot,” he said, “about the raw vegetable cure, the starvation or fa^t cure, the fruit cure and what-not. These things, no less than baked beans, are bad for us unless they are recommended by an experienced die tician. “There are too many amateur die ticians—and we all know the ama teur. “An amateur photographer was showing me some‘snapshots of Italy. ” ‘And these leaning buildings, what are they?’ I asked. “ ‘They are some buildings In Fisa,’ he‘ replied. ‘That perfectly straight one near them Is the famous leaning tower.’ ” Dangerous Remedy. ^Give the patient a little liquor, why don’t you?” “Can’t; It would set him crazy. He has water on the brain.” As a summer tonic tljore Is no medicine that quite compares with OXIDlNE. It not only builds up the system, but taken reg ularly. prevents Mnlnrin. Regular or Taste less formula at Druggists. Adv. . _ Banquets. “Pa, who do people have banquets?” “For the purpose of giving men who do not get a chance to talk at home a chance to talk away from home.” Mro. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup for Clilldrej teething, softens the gums, reduces inflamma tion, allays pain, cures wind colic, 25c abottlc.Adv, It takes a romantic woman to ar range for’the marriage of her children before they are born. ITCH Relieved In 30 Minulei. Woolford's Sanitary Lotion for all kinds ol contagious Itch. At Druggists. Adv. But a tip doesn’t always come to the man who waits. TO DRIVE OUT MALARIA „ AND BUILD UP THE SYSTEM Tako tho Old Standard GIIOVIS’S TASTBLESS CHILL TONIC. You know what you aro taking. The formula Is plainly printed on ovory bottle, showing It Is simply Quinine and Iron in a tasteless form, and tho most effectual form. For grown peoplo and children, 50 cents. Adv. A Good Plan. “Sprlnghill is a man who never tells his troubles.” “How does he manage to get along?” “He puts theqa to sleep with the anesthesia of optimism.” As a summer tonic there is no medicine that quite compares with OXIDlNE. It not only builds up the system, hut taken reg ularly, prevents Malaria. Regular or Taste less formula at Druggists. Adv. I will not he concerned .at other men’s not knowing me; I will be con cerned at my own want of ability*— Confucius. For SUMMER HEADACHES Hicks’ CAPUDINE la tlie best remedy- no matter what causes them—whether from tho Heat, sitting in draughts, fever ish condition, etc. 10c„ 25c and 50c per bottle at mediclno stores. Adv. Misleading Expression. “That fellow yonder has a very va cant look.” “Yet I know he’s full.” ' Dr. Fierce’s Pleasant Follets ouro consti pation. Constipation is tho causo of many diseases. Cure the caUBO and you oure tho disenso. Easy to take. Adv. It’s easier to persuade a man to stand alone than it is to induce him to stand a loan. The Wretchedness of Constipation Can quickly be overcome by CARTERS LITTLE LIVER PILLS. Purely vegetable —act surely and jently on the liver. Cure Biliousness, Head ache, Dizzi ness, and Indigestion. They do their duty. SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE. Genuine must bear Signature FREE TO ALL SUFFERERS chronlo weaknesses, ulcers,skin eruptions,pi Iob,Ac.,, wrlto for my FREE book. it, Is the most Instructive medical book over written. It tells all about these dlaoaaoB .-hi,. French 1 _. andyoucandooidof your ailment. Don’t solid a cent. It’S FK1SM. No “follow-np"clrcu]ars. DrXpI Co., Havorstock ltd., Hampstead, •XcCloroMed. ' London, Eng, T - PARKER’S Cl t cnK« A IS'.lE^nc?^ iW La I Prociqtes » • luxuriant growth. 50a ami 61.00 nt Prugtrlnfa. Jlof, usually remote swel ling and short breath In a fow days and ontlro relief in 16-46 days, trial treatment 2T1U2E. DK.UKKKN8HO.NH, Box A. Atlanta,Ga. WHY INCUBATOR CHICKS DIE Write for book saving young chicks. Send us names of 7 friends that use incubators and get book free. Ralsall Remedy Co.. Blackwell, Okla. Velvet Bean Seed—Boqk orders now while price Is right. ,2.50 per bushel. Deliveries made Feb. Prlco will double at planting time. KILGORE SEED CO., I’lant City, Fla. W. N. U., ATLANTA, NO. 51-1912. New Times, New Things The old fertilizer formulas are giving way to .the new. At everyfarmers’ meeting »one subject should be the fertiliser formula that will furnish a balanced ration to the crop and keep up the fertility of the soil. To do this the fertilizer should contain at least as much as Phosphoric Acid. Our note book has condensed facts essential in farmers’meetings and plenty of space to record the new things that you hear. Let us send one to you before your Institute meets. A supply of these is furnished by request to every institute held in several states. We will be glad to send a supply delivered free of charge to every Institute, Grange or Farmers’ Club Officer on request. It contains no advertising matter. German Kali Works, Inc., 42 Broadway, New York Mon.Jnock Block, CUugo Witney Bank Bldg., New Orleau Buk A Trait Bid.., Sannuh If Y.owrs Is fluttering or weak, use “RENOVINE." Made by Van Vleet-Mansfleld Drug Co., Memphis, Tenn. Price $1.00