The Grady County progress. (Cairo, Grady County, Ga.) 1910-19??, January 10, 1913, Image 5

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J To the Public: We beg to announce that on and after January 1, 1913. we will pay interest on deposits as follows: Time Certificates of 12 month's - 5 per ct. Tims Certificates of 6 months 4 I -2 per ct. Savings Deposits,' compounded quarterly 4 per ct. CITIZENS BANK • CAIRO BANKING CO. • FARMERS & MERCHANTS BANK J We Salute You, .Friendsand customers,and extend a cor dial New Year’s greeting to everyone. IglgFor your kind patnonage in the past we ^thank you and trust that we shall continue To have the pleasure of serving you. WE WANT TO SERVE YOU. WHITE & STRINGER LEADING GROCERS J •jnra&s [i We expect to move our Stock of Hardware pearly m the Spring to the store formerly ocell i' pied by Wight Bros. Co. and want to close out < a s much of the stock as possible for < CASH before we move, and in the interim will Jjjpl no. goods on fall payments. . Farm Implements on Easy Payments : : , We have, however, a few Stalk Cutters, ►Disc Harrows, Guard Harrows, Cultivators, Stoves, Sewing Machines, Wagons, Two Horse , Plows, and one Mowing Machine which we will sell on easy payments in order to close them out before we move to our new place of business. We Can And Will Save You Money On HARDWARE When in need of anything in the.Hardware Line it will pay vou to call on us and get our prices before buying, as we are certain that we can save you money on anything in. our line for cash. - We must ask all our friends who owe us past due accounts, and notes to come in and set tle at once as we must close up all these now. Thanking our friends for past patronage and hoping for a continuance of the same, and wishing for all a prosperous New Year, Yo\irs respectfully, m Wight Hdwe. Co. Legal Advertisements. CITATION GEORGIA-- Grady County: The returns of the appraisers sotting apart twelvo months Support to the family of Oubol Dokle. deceased, having been filed in my office, all persons con cerned are cited to show cause by the 3rd day of February, 1913, why said application for twelve months support should not be granted. This Jan. 6, 1913. P. H. Herring, Ordinary. I CITATION GEORGIA-Grady County: To Whom it may concern, Mrs. J. A. Delcle having made application to me in due form to be appointed permanent Administratrix upon tho estate of Cabel Dekle, lute, of said county. Notice is hereby given that said application will be heard at the regular term of the court of ordinary for said county, to be held the first Monday in February, 1913 Witness my hand and official signature, This Jan. Cth 1913. P. .11. Herring, Ordinary. CITATION GEORGIA-Grady County: E. P. Knowles having made applica tion to me in due form to bo appointed permanent administrator upon the es tale of D. W. Knowles, late, of said county. 'Notice is hereby given that said application will. be heard at the regular term of the court .of ordinary for said county to be held on the first Monday in February 1913. Witness my hand and official signature, This Cth day-of Jan. 1913. P. H. Herring, Ordinary. CITATION . GEORGIA-Grady County: R. H. Gray, guardian of Otis Gray, has applied to me for a discharge from his guardianship of Otis Gray, this is therefore to notify all persons concerned to file their objections if any they have on or before the first Monday in Feb ruary next, else It. H. Gray will be discharged from his guardianship as ap plied for, This Jan. Cth 1913, P. II. Herring, Ordinary. CITATION GEORGIA-Grady County: W. H..Moneyham haying made ap plication to require titles to be executed to him to certain land described in bond for titles thereto attached pur porting to be signed by E. F. Richter, late of said sounty, deceased, the said application alleging that said land has been fully paid for. All parties con corned are hereby notified that said uppiication will be heard before the court of ordinary for said county on the 3rd day of February 1913, This Jan. Cth 1913. >. P. H. Herring, Ordinary. J. H. MITCHELL The Old Reliable Baker and Grocer, Any Thing You Want to EAT Also Candies, Cigars and Ice Cold Coca Cola J. H. MITCHELL THE GROCER AND BAKER ;nsbo:i^:^ 20S SHERIFF SALE GEORGIA-Grady County: . Will be sold at the court house door in. said county on the first Tuesday in February, 1913, with in the legal hours of sale, to wit: all that certain tract of two acres on lot 40, in 19th District. Grady County, Ga.; commencing at the West prong of Mill Creek at N. E . Corner of lands of Hat tie Temple, thence South along the land of Hattie Temple two acres deep, thence due East one acre to land sold to Ferrell Broth ers, thence North along said land to said Mill Creek, thence up said creek to starting point. Also part of lot 40 in 19th Dis trict, Grady County, Ga., begin ning at S. W. corner of Penny Bryant’s land, running South 41 feet along land of Hattie Tem ple, thence East 70 yards, thence North 41 feet, thence West along lands of Penny Bryant to start ing point; containing 1-5 acre more or less, with" improvements thereon, said land levied on as the property of Penny Bryant to satisfy an execution issued on the 13th day of Dec., 19i2, from the 753 District G. M. .Justice Court in said county, in favor of of P. W. Bussey, ag unst John Riles and Penny Bryant. This 8th day of Jan., 1913, R. L. Nicholson, Sheriff, Grady County,. Order io Sell. Georgia, Grady County: To the Hon. Frank Park, Judge of the Superior Court of said County: Tho petition of Edward H. Alford. Jr., respectfully shows: 1— That he is guardiap of Helen A. Al ford and Marion A. Alford, minors, each of whom is more than iourteen years of age; petitioner having been heretofore duly appointed as such in the State of Florida, but, nevertheless, having lately complied with section 3116 of the Civil Code oi Georgia of 1910 by filing with the Clerk of the Superior Court of said county of Grady, an authenticated ex. amplification of the order of the County Judge of Leon County, Florida, appoint ing your petitioner ns such guardian, as well as un authenticated exemplification of the letters of guardianship issued to him pursuant to said appointment; and also by filing with said Clerk of said Superior Court the bond required under said section of said Code, thereby be coming authorized under the laws of Georgia to make this application, which is made and presented in petitioner’s representative capacity as guardian aforesaid. 2— Your petitioner desires to sell for re-investment the followiifg propel ty of said minors, to-wit: A 2-6 undivided interest in nil of tho pine timber suit able for either saw mill, cross lies or turpentine purposes, on the following lands, situated in tho 18th District of said county of Grady, to-wit: lots Nos. 189-212-213-228 and 263; and also upon all that portion of lot 188 in said district and county that the children of the late Mrs. Mary Walden Alford, deceased now have title to. Said timber, to be conveyed ttuder a lease for the period of seyen years from January 1, 1913, or for such other period, longer, or shorter, ns petitioner may deem advantageous to said minors, said tracts containing In ( tho aggregate 1,600 acres more or loss. 3— There is very little cleared land upon the lots aforesaid, and said lands are yielding no income; it is wise and for the best interest of said minors that said timber be. now sold for the purposes aforesaid, while there is a good market for the same, and in order that said land > without the loss of said timber may de cleared for farming purposes so that the soil itself may yield some in come for the benefit of said Wards. 4— Petitioner prop oses to invest the proceeds of said sale in capital stock of the Citizens Bank of Cairo, Georeia, a conservative, safe and prosperous bank ing institution, which yields to its shareholders liberal dividends each year, but petitioner prays the authority to invest the proceeds of said sale in tho stock of Borne other corporution.orinany other property that he may deem proper and most beneficial to his sail wards. 6—Petitioner desiies the power to sell said property at private salejto fix with the purchaser snch terms, and to make and execute Such instrument, lease or other contract as he may deem proper in the transaction. Wherefore, your petitioner prays for the power and authority to do and per form the acts and things above men tioned. Edward H. Alford, Jr. Guardian as aforesaid. Sworn to and subscribed before me in the County of Leon, and State of Florida, thie 12 day of December 1912. John C, Barnett, Notary Public, State „f Fla. (seal) Com. expires Mch. 1914. Georgia, Grady County: Af terfour weeks notice pursuant to section 30(16 of tlje Civil Code of 1910 of Georgia, a petition of which the forego ing is a true and correct copy, will bo presented to the Hon. Frank Park, Judge of tho Superior Court of said caunty, at Sylvester, Ga., at Chambers on the 11 day of January, 1913. Edward H. Alford, Jr. Guardiun aforesaid. In the District Court of the Uni ted States for the Soutwestern Division of the Southern District of Georgia. In the matter of Chas. J. Coggins, doing business in name of N. A.' Cog gins, and individually, Bankrupt IN BANKRUPTCY. To the Creditors of the above named ■ bankrupt. Notice is hereby given that the Trus tee of the estate of said bankrupt has made a report as such, and lias been ordered to sell the property which 13 hereinafter briefly described, and- that he will sell the same at public out-cry' to the highest bidder for cash, before storehouse door of bankrupt at Cairo, Ga., within legal hours of sale, on Jan uary 16, 1913. The following is-a brief description of the property which will be offered for sale: Entire stock of groceries, fixtures etc. At Valdosta, Georgia, this Jan. 6,1913. JAS. F. McCRACKIN, Refereein Bankruptcy NOTICE GEORGIA-Grady. County; By virture of an order granted by the Ordinary of .Grady County, I will sell before the court house door in Cairo Ga. during the legal hours of sale, on the First Tuesday in February 1913, all of lot number 112, all of lot number 111 East of the Public road, bo th tracts containing 265 acres. One House and Ix>t in Wliigham, Bounded West and South by Broad street, East by Hand, North by A/eEloy, about one acre. Sold as the property of Tobitha Clark’s Estate for a division. Terms Casli. H. K. Clark, Administrator. Dr. A. F. Christopher, who recently moved from Cairo to Waycross, was hapuily married on last Monday evening to Miss Fannie Bridges of Millwood, Ga. ‘The doctor has many friends in Cairo and Grady county who will join us in wishing him much joy APPOINTMENTS GRADY CIRCUIT Pearce ChapeMst. Sunday 11 A.M. and, 7P. M. Tired Creek 1st. Shnday 3 P.M. Spring Hill 2 Sunday and Satur day before. ■ Greenwood 3rd. Sunday 3 P. M. Centenial 4 Sunday 11 A. M. 7 P. M. c. B. G. Johnson. P. C.