The Grady County progress. (Cairo, Grady County, Ga.) 1910-19??, January 31, 1913, Image 8

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We ha> e just received the best car of MULES and MARES ever shipped to this market. In this bunch of stock we have some heavy Brood Mares that will work like mules and alsso raise you a colt. The mules are of a large blocky type and will please you. Come in and look them over. Local and Personal SEED PEANUTS-At Farmers Union Warehouse. J. T. Sellers. Messrs. G. B. and Z. Troluck of Whighim were guests of Mrs. L. M. Maxwell Sunday. . Mr. and Mrs. K. P. Wight and children left Sunday for Atlanta to spend a few days with rela tives. They returned Wednesday. Mrs. R. W. Godwin returnea last Friday evening from Boston where she spent several days with her parent. J. It, Mize, prominent sawmill man of Climax, was here Friday attending to business matters. SEED PEANUTS-At Farmers Union Warehouse. J. T. Sellers. Mrs. J. IC. Searcy and two chil dren, Mabell and James, of Tal- botton, are the guests of Mrs. W. H. Searcy. R. M. Jones and A. C. Mize, two good farmers from north Grady, were visitors to Cairo Friday. Dr. M. M. McCord and Prof. Barber, of Whigham, were among the prominent visitors te Cairo Thursday afternoon. VELVET BEANS- I will Hull them for you, Buy them from you, Sell them to you. See me. J. B. Wight Mis3 Pearl Moore of North Grady is attending the teachers institute this week. Miss Fender, after spending some time with Mrs. Mack John son has returned to her home at Valdosta. WANTED--Velvet Beans at Farmers Union Warehouse. J. T. Sellers. Mr. Bob McManeus came home from Jacksonville, the first part of the week, and will move his family there. Mrs. W. L. Wright and daugh ter Margret are visiting in Och- locknee this week. Misses Annie and Ben Wilder have returned to their home at Accree. Ga. WANTED-Velvet Beans at Farmers Union Warehouse. J T. Sellers. N. A. Coggins is still in jail. He paid the $250 fine last Mon day, and gave a cashiers check on an Alabama bank for his cash bond on two other cases which stand against him. But the bank being asked over long distance phone in regards to the check said they would not pay it. So Coggins was again locked up in default of bail. Mr. Jeff Maloy, was a visitor in town Sunday. Mr. Albert Walker, has return ed home from school. Miss Mamie Bennett is spend ing this week in Ochlocknee the guest of friends. Mr. A. E. Martin and Mrs. H. F. Nash of Chicago are stopping at the Hurst House this week in attendance at the Teachers In stitute. Mr. Dean Christopher of At lanta. nephew of Mr. M. L. Led ford, is in the City for a few weeks, and is stopping at tht Hurst House. We are sorry to learn that Ed- tor Wind of the Messenger is quite ill. He has not been to- his office in several days. We wish him an earle recovery. Mrs. J. P. Faulkner of Pine Park, is the guest of her brothei Mr. Graham Ward, on Bryant Street. Mr. I. L. Lattimer of Pine Park was in the city Wednesday. The Dyson blacksmith and machine shops opened up for business last Monday at the same old stand. As soon as Mr. Horne arrives (Mr. Dyson’s partner in the drug business) he will take charge of the drug store and Mr. Dyson will take personal charge of the machine shop. Mrs. Elizabeth Stewart of North Carolina is visiting her sister, Mrs. I. A, Baggett, at Reno. Miss Katherine Brown is spend ing some time .with Mrs. F, M, Brannon at Gainesville, Fla. Mrs. D. O'. Alligood is ths guest of relatives in Moultrie. Mrs. A. E. Elliott spent a day or two in Moultrie with relatives first of the week. Mr. Billie Williams has opened up a stock of groceries in the store recently vacated by Mrs. Spence, the milliner. He will carry a complete line of staple and fancy groceries. Boykin Harrison, banker at Coolidge, was in Cairo Monday looking after his farming inter ests. A Cairo syrup dealer received this week an order for Georgia Cane syrup from a gentleman at Monroe, Washington, right on the Pacific coast. Verily, the fame of Cairo syrup has gone yonder. Mr. M. J. Harrell of Quitman was a visitor to Cairo Saturday. Euart Twitty and his sister, Miss Holly Twitty, of Pelham, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Searcy, Sr., Sunday. Miss Mary Newton of Jackson, Ga., will arrive in Cairo next week to spend some time with Mrs. Waller Wight. A nice rain Sunday night fol lowed by cool weather, was heartily welcomed by'the people of this section-especially . the farmers. There is abundant evidence to prove that corn is going to be very scarce and high this year. Better nurse the oat crop care-, fully. A. M. Hartley of Pleasant Grove section, was in town Mon- lay. He said that there was a general complaint of spoilt meat among the farmers due to the warm weather. D. P. Ward, one of the best farmers in Grady county, was here Monday att nding to busi ness. Mr. Merchant, had you thought of it? You can talk every week to SIX THOUSAND READERS if you’ll talk though the columns of the Grady County Progress. Nice audience, don’t you think. Mr. W. II. Searcv, Sr., made a trip to Donaldsonville and Iron City Tuesday. On Friday afternoon Feb. 7th at 8.30 o’clock all the children who will be interested in the work of the Loyal Temperance Legion are requested to meet i n the school auditorumn, at which time the L. T. L. will be re-organ- nized. Mothers please send .your children, we will teach them things that will do them good now, and in years to come. Neckless with cross on it, chain lied together; lost between Dr. Arline’s and Mr. Dess Oli ver’s. Also, bracelet, lost some where in town in last two weeks. Finder will be liberally re warded. Leave [at Progress office. THE SCHOOL TEACHERS Mr. A. L. Kelley, of the Kelly-' Olark'Lumber Co’., made a trip to Dothan last Tuesday.; The Progress, on account of the press, of business and the scarcity of help, has been unable to attend the Theachers Institute holding this week in Cairo. We wanted to be there; we wanted to get acquainle wit the teachers of Grady County, and to give to the prceedings this week the prominence the work is entitled to. But' circumstan ces and conditions forbid. RENO LOCALS. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Rehberg of Reno, spent Sunday with the latters parent, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Gainey. M. J. Harrison was in Rono Sat urday. Miss Lilia Davis is spending the week with her cousin, Miss Maggie Roll berg. * Miss Lilia Harrison spent lust week with her sister, Miss Candis Harrison. Mr. Pi liens of Wlfigham was here Saturday. Mrs. Anuie Maxwell spent Sunday with Mrs. Sasser. Mr. Jim Maxwell visited friends at Calvary Sunday. J. C. Harrison of near Meigs was the guest of his father Sunday. Our farmers arc very busy now, preparing the land foi another crop. There is nothing of real interest happening hereabouts, so a person al mention of comers and goer: is about all we can get. Miss Cat.dis Harrison is selling millinery very cheap now in order to make room for spring stock. Come and see her bargains. “Blue Eyes” CROSS ROAD DIGGINS Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Hinson, Mr. Steve Barrett and family spent Saturday night and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Berry Lee near Sofkee, Ga. Mr, and Mrs. 0. B. Collins spent Saturday night and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Shirley. Bad weather on pork, nearly everybody’s meat is spoiit in this section. Well we have heard that the road machine is coming'on down our road, the old Hawthorn trail, that sounds good to us I reckon,. for we need the work. The dinner given by Mr. and Mrs. John Lee was very fine and enjoyed by a larg crowd. Mr. Miles Whitfield went over to Thomasville Saturday to get a piece of his machinery fixed that belong to his saw mill. All that have’nt subscribed for the Progress, while you are in town step down to the office and subscribe, and get a paper that is worth leading; it might pay you or save you something. Well, collard crops in this sec tiori is as good as I have evei seen so far. Wishing the Progress and its new Editor and readers all the good that life affords’ I ring off 0. B, C. Look out for the particular; about our W. C. T. U. rest room, next week. PLEASANT GROVE Hardy Cook and Mins Lillian Ponder attended-the i?ing Sunday. Mr and Mrs Frank Ragan were guests of their mother, Mrs B 1’ Cook, Sunday. ■’ J J Wilcox attended to business in Cairo Tuesday. • The Sunday sohool at this place- has been reorganized ftr.d is progres- sitig splefididly. There \ ill bo a singing at this- place every 2nd Sunday evening led by Prof. G B • Barrett. Every body cord (filly invited to come and bring somebody with them. G B Barrett and family dined with Mr and Mrs w P Ragan Sun day. Miss Sanimie Hartley is attend ing Meigs High School; and we -a)l wish her success in her work. CALVARY PERSONALS Our farmers are glad to see this cool weather so they can suve pork. B. I. Bird of McRaeville was at tending to business here Monday. Miss Lola Harrison of Pinehill section was the guest of Miss Min nie Beckwith Sunday. Ruben Smith of Magnolia section was here Saturday. Misses Nealie and Leo Langley shent the day Sunday with Jiciss Lillian Overstreet. Quite a largo crowd attended ser vices at the Methodist church Sun day. Rev. and mis Anderson spent the day Sunday with air. and Mrs. Joe Higdon. VV. 0. W. Resolutions Calvary Camp No. 585 in extra session, Jan. 24, 1913. - Resolved 1st, That We realize the fact that the ladies were very kind ■md hospitable in preparing a very nice and bountiful supper for, ourr lodge on Jan. 15th. Resolved 2id. that we extend to the ladies who took partin this sup per, our grateful appreciation and mr sincere thanks for their presence with us. • Resolved 3rd.' that a copy of these resolutions''lie entered on our min utes and published in each of the Cairo. papers. By order of the lodge W. J. Allen* C. C. Allen* C. R. Oats, Committee. W. C. T. U. is planning to 3rect a sanitary drinking fountain near the depot, for the benefit-of :he public. Come out to the League next Tuesday evening, at the League Sail at 7.l5*J?rograms are good* md you will be glad you came. Iring some oie with you. Terms to Suit. THE NEW SALE STABLES OF CAIRO MILLER BROS. COMPANY i.jIS