The Grady County progress. (Cairo, Grady County, Ga.) 1910-19??, February 14, 1913, Image 8

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Local and Personal * OUR WEELY BIBLE LESSON | “I wont bytho field of the slothful, and by the vineyard,| of the man void of understand inn; And, lo, it was all grown over with thorns and nettles had covered the face thereof; and (he stor.e wall thereof was broken down. # Then I saw, and considered X it well, I looked upon it and * received instruction. ~ Yet a little sleep, a litteslum- | her, a little folding of the J hands 11 sleep; § So shall thy poverty corneas X one that travelleth, and thy S want as on armed man. 5 --Proverbs 24.30-34. ® »5E3JSCKtCS»Bl HOUSE For Rent. See J. Q. Smith. <» Jesup’s curfew law will go into effect Feb, 17. Wonder what has become of our Spring Hill writer. Mr. Willie Butler called to see his best girl Sunday. Mayor Willie spent Sunday with friends in Thomasville. D. F. Oliver spentadayor-two this week in Albany and other points on the Central, looking after'business interests. Messrs Sam Harrell and B. A. Parker of Whigham, were here for a short while Monday after noon. They were returning from Pavo. R. W. Godwin is now a Cairo freeholder. He has purchased a lot on College street. He will build a dwelling on it during the fall, C. M. Poulk of Macon is the guest of lelatives for a few days. Mrs. W. H. Hood of Thnmas- ville is the guest of Mrs. C. F. Sanders, Mr. P. W. Bussy made a busi ness trip to Lake City, Fla., first of the week. Mr. Wess Jackson of Pine Park was here Tuesday attend ing to business. Messrs. J. M- McNair and Tom Wood spent Sunday with home folks at Camilla. W. M. Douglas of Alma, Ga., is spending several days in Cairo, prospecting for a location. Mr. Joe Higdon of Calvary was mingling with his Cairo friends Monday. Coy Anderson, and Mis Emma Lou Taylor was seen out riding Sunday evening. Well as news is scarce will ring off. Wishing the Progress, and its correspondents much success. D. M. Horn, Inspector for the Southern Cotton Oil Co., head quarters at Tifton, was in Cairo Monday. VELVET BEANS- I will Hull them for you, Buy them from you, Sell them to you. See me. J. B. Wight J. \V. Miller of Miller Bros. Co. made a business trip to Dothan, Ozark and Montgomery first of the week. Two Southwest Georgia papers have changed hands recently. Ross Moore is the new editor ot the Bainbridge Search Light, and Tex C. M. Irwin is editor of the Pavo Progress. J. T. Brantly is the president of the newly organized Board of Trade of Blackshear, John A. Strickland vice president, D. J. McIntosh secretary, and A. P. Davis, treasure. Saturday was scrap day in Cai ro, and Monday was payday, Mayor Willie had a full house and the city did a lively business- That’s all. Poor old Mexico. Her wild war. like, ignorant children have sown her soil with the tares of revolu tion, leaviug only a barren land steeped in misery and ruin. It will take a half century of peace to restore order and prosperity. If you want the best in printing send your order to the Progress. OUR NEW ADS* We call special attention to our new ads in this issue. Miller Bros. Co. the enter r 'Gs- ing stock' dealers, has an r.fc •- esting word, to their n^ny friends. Billie Williams, the ‘‘Grocery Store on the Corner”, tells you about his new stock and asks for a share of your patronage. Julien Ivey of Boston, was a pleasant caller at this office one day recently. Miss Minnie Lawhorn returned to her home in Dawson after spending several days with Mrs. R. A. Bell. Miss Lizzie Ritchinson of Chip- ly Fla. spent a few days in Cairo the guest of her sister, Mrs. Ben McManeus. She left Sunday af ternoon for Atlanta, where she will spend some time. Mr. J. E. Forsyth has just be gun the erection of a neat 5- room cottage on College street. He is building it for himself and will spare no effort to make it convenient and attractive. Ludy Rigsby, the newest law yer in Cairo, is now spending half of his time in town and the other half on his farm. He has an office with Hon. M. L. Ledford, and is doing some business. Mr. J. C. McEarchern, of Preston, Webster county, has recently moved to Cairo with his family. He comes here mainly to get the extra educational advantages offered by the Cairo High School!; M. T. Pullen of Mitchell county an experienced road man, is now with Mr Mathews, superinten dent of the Grady county roads. Be is a good man, and we are glad to know that his family will move to Cairo very soon. Mr. D. K. Ferrill reports that the road gang is out his way, working on the Turkey creek hill reported to be the worst hill in all Grady county. ‘ ‘The road men”, said Mr. Ferrill, “are do ing the best work and more of it than they have ever done before. ’ Mr. W. H. Searcy spent Sun day and Monday at Acree at a house party given by Misses An nie and Bennie Wilder. Miss Lilia Bell left last Satur day for a few weeks visit in Ar lington, Cuthbert. Dawson and Richland. Guess the name of the Cairoite •who killed a wild turkey last Monday ? On account of .the ear ly convening of the Grand Jury he didn’t want his name mention ed. It was fine bird, weighing 15 pounds after it was dressed. A Colquit county widow with twelve children, married a wido wer of the same county with twelve children. Twenty-four children to begin' with. Just think of it! We extend our heart- ish congratulations to that cou ple. —PEG AN TREES. In clearing a part of my nursery of trees, I have one hundred or more first class budded trees of different varieties, two to six feet high, which go at 25cts. each while they last. All are first class trees. J. B. Wight. The Cairo fishing club held its first meeting this week at the shop of Mr. Oss Odotn on Central ave nue. Mr. J. W. Clifford presided and Mr. Kadar Powell acted as secretary. They discussed qustions important to the club, among other things, what affect the Webb bill might have in the matter cf securing bait, ’jtm, f a ,, 1 m STRAYED One Jersey bull, dehorned, be longing to J. B. Wight. Any in formation leading to his recovery will be greatly appreciated, J. B. Wight. D. J. Bloodworth, the piano mrin. talks trade to you in an in teresting way in a neat little ad. Stanfill & Son., liverymen ask for your attention a moment. F. A. Richter is advertising for chickens and eggs. The Georgia Oil & Fertilizer Co. J. J. Coppage, agent, want to sell you their old reliable goods. See their adv. We may live without, con science and live without heart; We may live withot poetry, music and-art; We may-live without friends, we. may., .live without fads, • . But business today cannot live without ads. THE NEXT ATTRACTION We hope lhat our readers and friends will not forget the firms who advertise in this paper, You are going to trade somewhere; our advertisers will treat you right; they will give you a square deal every time. Mr. B. M. Barrow of Fort Mead, Fla., is the guest bf his brother, Mr. Eillie Barrow. The next regular number of the Alkahest Lyceum entertain ments will be given at the Cairo High School Auditorium oq next Wednesday evening, February- 19, at 7:30 oclock. Edward S. Elliott, monologist, will be the eiitertainer and will give of mod ern plays. Mr. Elliott comes- highly recommended by the Alka hest, people and his more than 20 | years experience on the stage in sures the people that they will hear something of unusual merit- Mr. Elloitt ranks high among en tertainers and is regarded as one bf the very best attractions sent out by the Lyceum Course. Re member the date Wednesday, February 19th, at 7:30 o’clock P. M. Cairo High School Building- MARRIED • Mr. E. II. Stringer of this city and Miss «Sofa Strjckland of Whitesburg, Ga., were quietly and happily united in the holy bonds of matrimony at the Pres byterian parsonage in Thomas- ville last Sunday afternoon, Dr. McCarty, paster of the Presby terian church, performing the ceremony. The groom is a prosperous voung business man, highly res pected arid of a splendid family. His bride is are accomplished young lady and is very popular among a large circle bf friends. The Progress joins in congrat ulations and good wishes. Mrs. A. B. Cone of Boston, accompanied by her mother, Mrs Barrow, are the ' guests of her brother. Mr. W. B. Barrow. The Progress has been asked to call attention to' the road at Brumley creek. From all accounts the crossing at this place is some thing fearful and demands im mediate attention. Mrs. J. L. Poulk has been spending a week in Atlanta, the guest of relatives and friends. Stanfill Son W. D. STANFILL H. D. STANFILL Liverymen and Public Draymen The best services at the lowest possible price. want your business. TELEPHONES: RE8IDENCE193 STABLES 218 Let us serve you. We Plow your garden too Mrs. Wethington, after a visit to her daughter, Mrs. Mack Poulk, returned Wednesday afternoon to her home in Thom asville. ill OIL 8 FERTI LIZE!) comm All kinds of High Grade Ferti lizers and importers of High Grade Potashes, Acid Phosphates and Soda. We are the Old Reliable. You Kiow Our Goods, See ua be fore buying. J. J. COPPAGE, Agent Col. C. A. Vanduzee left Mon day for St. Petersburg, Fla., on a short business trip. Dr. A. P. Taylor, of Thomas ville, who has been the South Georgia representative on the State Board of Health, has re signed. Dr. W. A. Little, of. Thimisville, has been appointed to fill the vacancy. FAMILY RE-UNION There was a faimily re-union at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. F.' , Sanders <Monday, which proved to be a most enjoyable occasion. Besides the pleasure of the guests, a turkey, dinner was an attraction alluring and tempting. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. M.- F-. Sanders, father and mother of Mr. C. F. Sanders; G. R. Sanders, W. San-, ders, H. A. Sanders, and M. T- Sanders, brothers; and Mrs. But ler and Mrs. Gainey, two mar ried sisters. H. G., Turner of Gillmore and Turner, spent several days in At- anta this week. Dr. Robert Harris preached at Barwick Sunday, returning home Monday afternoon. Get your cane in the ground— get it in quick. Reports come ta us that it is'rotting very fast. 1 DONT BUY Do not buy second hand or worked over Pianos, when you buy from D. J. Bloodworth, representing the LARGEST MANUFAOTURS in the UEITED STATES, and have Pianos shipped DIRECT from the FACTORY to the HOME assuring NEW PIANO’S of HIGH GRADE und at thesame time eliminate the ‘•‘/MIDDLE MAN’S” profiit. Sold on very Easy Terms. ■ \yrite .or call on me when you want a Fine Piano. D. ,.I BLOODWORTH, Salesman' CAIRO, .'. GEORGIA !!! Notice !!! E gg s Eggs Eggs® -WANTED-- m Bring me your Eggs, Chickens | and all kinds of country produce and receive highest prices. We bay cash at all times for Chickens and Eggs. Fi A. Richter “The Produce Store”