The Grady County progress. (Cairo, Grady County, Ga.) 1910-19??, February 28, 1913, Image 3

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|«iiii«iiiii—uni,—ihim—-iii(i=iiin=iiiii=uiii=i!iii—uiit^iisn^ IBuiggIeSS!f jj I For 30 days, or while they last, we will offer special inducements on all Buggies brought over from last season. This is to make room for a car of buggies now being made for us at the factory. OWING TO LAST SEA SONS GOOD BUSINESS we have but few of these buggies to offer. We carry a nice selection of sh ies. Get yours .while they last. All buggies sold under a POSITIVE GUARANTEE. Terms to suit. ii j \ mm m \ . a - m Yours For The" Square Deal, Miller Bros’ QzsnssKKi $ w w 6) QgfiBnaBBoa Qsaszmara 13 S3 y SI 0 cBEEiams § $ K 9 ft JCTPamr U |{ J b&szsss SBBMPBBM A jfj jp j?i EaaKTSJUW £ ES*H21.E!t?M ^ m (3 fll GHSEKr3StuIl srimignrai @ S 5s o $ B—BHBnap BBBBnBBBBBOBBII 8§t s 3BE m. A NEW FIRM! With New - Goods. TO THE PUBLIC: I have opened up a line of Staple and family groceries in tha Walker building, on the corner, E very item in the stock is absolutely fresh, and pure. Every time you come here to trade you will get goo^s that will pass the pure food in spection agd you will get the very best prices that can be made. I will greatly appreciate a share of your business- BILLIE WILLIAMS “The Grocery Store on the Corner” DEEE3G We save you Time and Money on Wall Paper Largest and best selected Stock in South Georgia SAMPLES AND PRICES ON REQUEST Phone 251 JAMES H. BROWN, Thbmasville, Ga. HAS HAD NO SLEEP FOB TWENTY YEARS Harvard Prefesssr Takes Best In Twilight State. , Boston.—A Harvard professor who has not slept-for twenty years, bat has taken his rest in the “twilight state” is the subject of investigations by tbe pyschologicnl laboratory of this university and the State Psychopathic hospital. The “twilight state." in which the subject retains consciousness of all that goes on about him. is declared to tie a scientific relaxation more satis fying than sleep and restoring the bodily vigor in about hall’ the time re quired by sleep. While the identity of the Harvard professor is kept se cret, Professor Hugo Muiisterberg, di rector of tiie psychological laboratory at Harvard, who is a personal friend of the sleepless .educator.'lias made a close study of his ease. Professor Munsterberg said Ids experience show ed that it is scientifically possible to sleep without oomplete loss of con sciousness. To assist iu experiments at the State, Psychopathic hospital on the “twilight state" a special easy chair lias been constructed. It is described as a device to aid subjects to relax “as completely as a gallon of molasses on a slab of cold marble." MUMMY HAD AN AFFINITY. Letter Tells of “Unrighteous Love” In Egypt 222 B. C. San Francisco.—Through the finding of a love letter on the withered breast of a mummy in the Golden Gate park, uiusemn It was established that affin ities reigned and scandals flourished in the days of the Ptolemys in Egypt. The missive fell out of the mummy's case ns it was .being placed in a new Collin. Translated it reads: Oh. my Golden Poppy, long are the days when 1 see thee not! My heart is sick with love for thee. Carefully guard our unrighteous love. The womnn died in 222 B. C. with the letter clutched to her heart. ' PLANES IN ARCTIC WORK. French Expedition to Franz Josef Land Will Ca^-ry Two. Paris.—An expedition supported by tiie French government is being orga nized to undertake exploration work ill I lie region of IS.inz Josef Land. Tiie leader of .the expedition is Jules de Payer, whoso, father discovered Franz Josef Land in August, 1S73. being in command of tiie ship Teget- lioff. which was sent oat under the auspices of tiie Austrian government. The ship was lost in tiie ice on,the re turn journey, and tiie <*rew had to march 440 miles to Nova Zambia in tiie face of great difficulties. Thu land then discovered lias since been visited by Leigh. Smith, Freder ick, Jackson, the Duke of tiie Abruzzi. tiie Due d'Orlenns. tiie Prince of Mo naco, Ziegler. Fiala and Nansen. They, however, left unexplored tiie more dis tant northeastern region, including Zieliy Lamb ami its group of Islands. It is in lids archipelago that I lie French explorer purposes to establish ills headquarters. During the winter the explorers will carry oat astronom ical and jitlier scientific work, and dur ing the'Slimmer maps will lie made, currents studied and biological and geological surveys made. Two aeroplanes are to be taken by the: expedition. CHECK FOR SHAKESPEARE. “Bard of Avon” Has $30 Coming to Him. New York.—If William Shakespeare or Ids shade will call at Columbia uni versity lie will find a check for S30 awaiting him. It arrived in an en velope. addressed' to the registrar. There was a letter, but tiie registrar neglected that and scanned tiie check. It wall drawn oil n Brooklyn bank and payable to Shakespeare. The reg istrar rushed into tiie bursar’s oliice. hut that olHclnl ‘didn’t know how to get Shukespetire to indorse the check. Then the. registrar, reading the let ter, found it was from u youijg wom an who had registered for n coarse in Shakespeare and had sent tbe cheek for a tuition fee. Misses Barret, Ansly and Har ris make fine team of jolly rol licking girls out for a good time and trying to get married. It suits them. POLES ONCE ON EQUATOR? Flammarion Discusses a Discovery by the Scott Expedition. Paris.—Camille Plammarioii. (he cel ebrated astronomer, discussing I he statement that the" Sifytt expedition found evidence that the south pole had twice been a temperate zone, said: "The evidence evidently relates to tiie discovery of fossils of fauna and flora such as have already been found in the* arctic regions. These are taken by one school of theorists as proving that the poles oiiee occupied the posi tion of the equator and enjoyed a warm climate, while tiie two opposite points, now on tiie* equator, wore frozeii poles. "The theory is that the obliquity of the earth, which, us every one knows, travels around the sun at aii angle of 23 degrees, is liable to great variation. Thus from time to time during (lie millions of years tiie earth lias existed tlm poles have changed from place to place on the earth’s surface. "But tliis is only a theory and one which the exact science of astronomy does not so far support.” GOATS TO CHEAPEN LIVING. Cattlemen Declare Meat |3 as Good as Beef and Less Costly. El Paso,. Tex.—El Paso people and nil other people in these United States- who complain of the high price of beef in tlie retail markets should eat more goat meat. "It is eliuuper’aiid just as good when properly prepared and pro perly cooked,’’ is a remark which is hoard in cattle circles at times and one which is becoming more frequent. "Cattle prices are going to conio down .with a crash pretty soon if these continued sky high figures are. not checked, because the people will quit buying beef,” is unotlier remark heard at times.” “Goats—eat goat meat.” says the goat man. On the Kansas City mar ket a few days ago a bunch of 390 New Mexico yearling sheep, which nv- erfiged seventy-nine pounds, sold for $.7.35 a hundred. On tiie same day iu the same market n shipment of 124 goats, which averaged seventy-four pounds, sold for $3.10' a hundred. You should hear Miss Zant sing Amazing Grace with her Bub . just as they retire.