The Grady County progress. (Cairo, Grady County, Ga.) 1910-19??, February 28, 1913, Image 5

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W<? beg to announce that oh and after January 1, 1913, we .will pay interest on deposits as fellows: Time Certificates of 12 months - 5 per ct. Time Certificates of 6 months 4 1-2 per 'ct. Savings Deposits, compounded quarterly 4 per ci. CITIZENS BANK CAIRO BANKING CO. FARMERS & MERCHANTS BANK A great : wdrd with greater meaning. But what We want to say just here is that we have a lot of satisfied customers —but we want more.. Trade Here And Be Satisfied We PINE FOREST Tlio sing was well attended Sun day afternoon and all enjoyed the goo'd singing. Mr. Barrett did not come. Mrs. B. H, Pope attended to business in Cairo Monday. Quite a lot of our young people attended preaching at Union Sun day. Among those, that wentWere: Misses Mattie, Mamie, Christie, Bertie and Dollio Banks and Myr tle Smith. Miss Weltha Curry and Tom Mil ler were out driving Sunday after noon. Mrs. Bill Smith spent the week with her father, Mr. J. J. Ragan.. Mr. Prince and family of Spcneo, came out to the sing Sunday'. sirs. D. P. Belcher, who lias been on the sick list, is; slowly improv ing. RENO RUMBLINGS Well nsil have iieen absent for sonie time will Como again. Preaching at Reno was well at tended Sunday« Dr. and Mrs. A. B. Reynolds spent S.unday with their 'parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Maxwell. Mr. Arthur Miller and Miss Mat- tie Maxwell were out riding Sunday afternoon. Perry Rehburg spont Sunday with. Marvin Clictt. Mr. Eugene Gainey and Miss'Alt- lac By Ian wore .out riding Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Rehburg at tended preaching at Reno Sunday. Mr. Calvin Keaton and Miss Mat- tie Lou Mitchell attended preach-, ing Sunday. Mr. Lonnie Barrett and sister, WepSatisfy you in the quality of our Goods, carry nothing but the best. We Satisfy you -with the care with .which we your orders. We Satisfy you in the promptness of delivery. ; We Satisfy you in the matter of prices. If you are not a Customer we want you to be. WHITE & STRINGER Finest line of FRUITS in the city, nest two Weeks we will make SPECIAL prices on the fol lowing articles, as we want to close them out before we move to our jiew store. ^Iiss Name, attended .preaching ■ Mrs. Sam Levar and Miss Alyce' Sunday. • '. * ■ Cook wore slioping in Akridge Mon day afternoon. Mrs. G. W. Davis spent Sunday with Mrs. Barwick in Akridge. uiss'Weltha- Curry spent Monday night with home folks. Misses Mattie and Mamie Christie v ere shoping in Akridge Monday afternoon. \vr. and Mrs. Amos' Hartley tended the sing Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Sadler spent the day with Mr. and, Mrs. John Meadows Sunday. at- Misses Maggie and Mollie Rainey attended preaching here Sunday. Jay Bird. CALVARY Wo are having weather iiow. ITEMS ' some pleasant The farmers are busy planting, they will soon be ready to plant corn. Mr. Raymond Darsey. of McRae- villo, was in Calvary Monday. ■ Mr. and IMrs. Emmett Sadler were shopping in Calvary Saturday. Mr. Billie James of Swamp Creek Mr. and Mrs. Jessie Sadler atten- ^ section, was in town Monday. Quite a large crowd attended Sab t bath School Sunday, at Calvary I believe our Sunday school is j, realy going to improve, we had PLEASANT GROVE Trenching was well attended Sunday. Mr Ilardie Cook and. Miss Clam Hester Were at preaching Sunday. / Mi' Lee Hester and Misses. Tessio and Velma Mott came to the sing Sunday, Miss Alice, Cook dined with Miss Susie Wilcox, Mr J. D. Sadler and wife woro visiting their parents, Mr and Mrs J. J. Wilcox last week. Mrs Ragan, Mrs Maddock and Mi's Itolings visited Pleasant Grove school Friday afternoon and heard some good recitations by the pupils. Mr Miller and Miss Weltha Cur ry were out riding Sunday. Mr Ira Ragan, was at Sunday school at Pine Forest Sunday. Mrlwand sister, Ida, dined with Miss Wilma Swann Sunday. Mr Mars hell Hester and wife, dined with Mrs C. W. sftpith Smi- dny. . Mr and Mrs Jesse Sadler came to preaching Sunday. Miss Annie McClelund came to the sing Sunday afternoon. A. No. 1. j •_ ded preaching Sunday. at Pleasant Grove; good crowd Sunday, quite :v lot of the fathers and mothers were- out. And Bro, Jones gave us a good talk on tht lesson. Mr Tom Miller was in Akridge Monday afternoon, seems to me that there must he some attraction in Akridge. There will be an all day sing-at Pine Forest second Sunday in March, everybody is invited to come and bring a well filled basket. Blue Bird. Master Charlie Beckwith and Wil lie McNair, visited relatives in Swamp Creek section Sunday. Miss Leo Langley spent Sunday night with Miss Lillian Overstreet. W. M. B- For good shoes-shoes that wear well, fit well and look well, we can please you every time. And the price is so low we just hate to mention it. Come and find out. Gilmore & Turner. CROSS ROADS DIGGINS Miss' Mollie Gainey of Golden Rod was visiting her parents Sat urday and Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Gainey in this Section. Mr. Robert, Dixon and family were visiting Mr. and Mrs. Na than Hinson Sunday. 0. B. Collins and fomily visi ted Mr. and Mrs. Tom Shirey Sunday. Miss Estell Collins, returned from Donaldsonville last Satur day after two weeks stay. Mr. Eddie Whitfield and Miss Eva Dixon went to Sentenial to preaching Sunday. Mr. Alvy Rehburg escorted Miss Effie Gainey to Sentenial Sunday. Come again boys. Wishing, the success lam. Progress much 0. B. C. THE STEADY SUBSCRIBER WHO PAYS IN ADVANCE How dear to our heart is the stead} subscriber, Who pays in advance at the - birth of each year, Who lays down the' money and does it quite gladly, An (Beasts ‘round the office a halo of cheer. He never savs, “stop it, I cannot afford it, •I’m getting more papers,noSv than I can read,” But always says, “Send it, the family all like it—r In fact we all think it .a lielp an|l a need.’-' How welcome his check when it reaches our sanctum, How it makes our pulse-throb :and our hearts dance. We outwardly thank him and inwardly bless him, . The steady subscriber who pays in. advance. • j We have,also one Mowing: "-Machine'■which- will sell at a, Dpxgam. ... I IF IN NEED OF ANY OF THE ABOVE GOODS' Get our prices before buying elsewhere. Wight Hdwe. Go. Mrs. R. P. Doss of Thomasvilie died Monday n igh t: after ah i 11- ness of some weeks. She was, well-known and had,many friends in. Cairo. - The street gang, has been doing some good work on North, Broad street this week. (Let the, good work goon and on and on. Dr. Robt H. Harris will fill the pulpit of the/f jrst Bgbtist church at -Eoston.Sunday both • morning and evening. __ % Mrssrs. P. C. Andrews antf Owen Davis who spent Monday at Amonia lake, bring back a wonderful report of fine fishing in that quarter. Bring your hens to F. A. Richter for highest prices. Postmaster Crawford, W. E. Dilleshaw of route-5, L. B. God win of route 6, and John Powell, enjoyed a fish fry^on the river last Frjday night . They not on ly caught all the fish they wanted, to eat there ./md then, but got, enough to Mr. Dil leshaw got more than his share; he caught an eel, but the funny part of it was, he thought he had caught a snake. Mrs. Laura Iverson of Dublin is the guest of Mrs. R. L. Vanland- ingham. Mr. C. W. Simmons of Enter-, prise, Ala., spent a day or two in Cairo first of the week. Bring your hens to F. A. Richter for highest prices. / LOCAL ITEMS The heart of a man is apparent in his love for children. We no ted Chief of Police, Allen Horton with ten bright little fellows out riding Sunday afternoon. Dr. B. Williams and Mr. P. B. Horton of Pelham were visitors to Cairo Sunday. . Mr. W. H. Searcy returned Monday night from a business trip to Gainesville, Fla. All'the. banks observed Monday as a legal holiday,, and . quite a lot of people knocked at the d; or in vain.. * - FOR RENT--One 6-room cottage m front of Public School built!- ing!; Good barn, 3 stalls and buggy liouse; . Large patch and gat'den." Price $1.0 per month. Apply to Miss Missourie Brown, or phone 26, J; 0. Stanland of Thomasvilie cam e over Monday to accept a position with J. P. Maloy & Co., Naval Stores operators near Cai ro: Mr. Stanland is well and favorably known in.Cairo and we are glad to welcome him as a citizen. WANTED—Syrun. F. A. Richter. j' : K 5 • 1