The Grady County progress. (Cairo, Grady County, Ga.) 1910-19??, March 14, 1913, Image 5

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ORADY COUNTY PROGRSS—PACE 5 1 i * Next week we will move our entire stock of Hardware to the store house formerly ocupied by Wight Bros, Co. Will have ev erything moved by Saturday the 22nd inst. While we are mov ing will take care of all our cus tomers and all orders sent to us will be filled Promptly. Very Truly Wight Hdwe. Co. wL A great word with greater meaning. But what we want to say just here is that we have a lot of satisfied customers —but we want more. Trade Here And Be Satisfied We Satisfy you in the quality of our Goods. We carry nothing but the best. We Satisfy you with the care with which we fill your orders. We Satisfy you in the promptness of delivery. We Satisfy you in the matter of prices. If you are not a Customer we want you to be. • WHITE & STRINGER P. S. Finest line of FRUITS in the city. THE PEOPLE’S MARKET M. A. Perkins Mgr* Phone, No. 36 We want a share of your Business, we guarantee First Class Service to ev ery customer. We carry onlyithe very BEST MEATS FISH and OYSTERS every TUESDAY and FRIDAY r * Call No. 36 when you want it quick * J. M. SELLERS W. S. MCDANIEL X I SELLERS & McDANIEL 1 ATTORNF.YS- AT-LAW | S Office in new Davis Building 5 52 Broad'St., Cairo, G;. Jf APPOINTMENTS GRADY CIRCUIT Pearce Chapel 1st. Sunday- 11 A.M. and., 7P. M. Tired Creek 1st. Sunday 3 P.M. Spring Hill 2 Sunday and Satur day before. Greenwood 3rd. Sunday 3 P. M. Centenial 4 Sunday 11 A. M. 7 P. M. C. B. G. Johnson. P. C. CHURCH DIRETORY. METHODIST CHURCH (Cor Broad and Ochlocknee Streets.) REV. W. L. WRIGHT, Pastor Prfachimr at 11a m and 8pm every Sunday, Sunday School, 4 p m- J, B. Wight. Supt, Prayer Meeting every. Thursday evening at 8 o’clock, Epworth League Devotional Meeting overy Tuesday evening, 8 o’clock, League Hall. Women's Missionary Society meets at*4 p m Morday after first Sunday, at the church. Sunday school teacher meetings at 8 pm wed lieaday after first Sunday, at Epworth League hall ' ' St Edwards meotingat 8pm Monday after flrslt Monday, at Pastor’s study,, Public .cordiaijv .invited attend ali devotiona services, FOR SALE - Old papers, 25c the hundred. County Correspondence SOFKEE ITEMS We are having gome rainy weath er utthis writcing. Mr. and Mrs. Cab Maxwell past through our cumunity Saturday evening. Messers M. J. and J. M. Harrison made a business trip to Cairo Thurs day. Miss Omer Faircloth spent the week end with her sister Mrs. Oliver Lee. v Oliver Lee and wifa spent Thurs day night with their latter’# paronts, John Faircloth and family. Mrs. W. , H. Harrison , visited Mrs. J. M. Harrison Tuesday even ing. Norman Maxwell and Jesse Mil ler attended court in Cairo last week. Miss Carrie Auty, after teaching a flourshing music class at Bethel, returned home Saturday. Charlc Fondtean, wife and sister, Miss Eddie McLeod of Bainbridge, visited their brother Mr. Trfady Mc Leod recently. Irron Moore attended court in Cairo, last week. John Harrison made a business trip to Reno, Tuesday P, M. Miss Candis Harrison of Reno spent Satuaday night and Sunday with home folks. Mr. and' Mrs. John Harrison spent Monday P. M. with his fath er, Mr. M. .T., Harrison and family. Mrs. Hardie Harrison spent Tuesday P. M. very pleasant with Mrs. J. M. Harrison. . Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Bryant past through jbflr comuiiity Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Harrison at- tended .preacthi-ng at Sofkee Sunday. G.W. Stallings and son John past through this section Friday evening. • ' J. R. Sanders and\vife, and Cal vin Kelley autoed through our sec tion Friday evening. Mr. M. J.-Harrison made a pop Call to Whigham Friday a. u\ Mr. Nathan Maxwell and wife at tended preaching at Sofkee Sunday. Wishing the Progress much suc cess. ' . Red Bird. RENO RUMBLINGS John Garland is very sick at this writing. Miss Candis Harrison spent Sat urday night with homo folks. When in need of Baby caps call at Miss Candis Harrisons. Mr. M. J. Harrison was io Rono Saturday p. rn. I am listning for the weddig bells to ring around Reno. , The singing at Bethel was well attended Sunday. Miss Carry Autrey’s music school, was out Saturday at Bethel, she had been teaching for a month. The entertainment, at Mr. Ham. ets last Friday night was greatly enjoyed, There will be a Box supper at the Faircloth school house on Friday night befoie Easter, March, 21, everybody is invited to attend. Miss Candis Harrison will have her millinery opening on the 15, 16, and 17 of March, call and get your Easter hat, she has a nice line. Some people think Reno is dead t but it has take a start to build and in 10 years from today it will be, a town. The people are getting ready to plant their crops. Miss Addie Bryant and Mr. Cal vin Keii.ton was on the streets of Reno Saturday p. m. Guess who that was got disap pointed Sunday p. m., rained so be did not get to go see his best girl. Mr. Kedar Connell and hie best girl was out riding Sunday p, m. Bliie Eyes. , Our Town Is Good This is a good town. Let us get all the good„out of it we can. The way to get the good out of land is to improve it. The way to get the good out of a town is to develop it. It is a poor farm that is all pasture, it ought to be worked. He is a poor farmer who is content to take merely what nature sends. . He is a poor citizen who is willing to let the town shif for its self, taking on ly such benefis as come without labor. The man who is satisfied to harvest merely what comes up will have to 1 live on a diet of weeds. — Ex. PINE FOREST Tho singing at Pino Forest, last Sunday was well uttonded. Mesrss Wilkes, Soigler and Smith were tho leaders and the singing wns much enjoyed. Miss Weltha Curry was called to • tho bedside of her little brother, who was ill with pneumonia, one day last week. Misses Trudie Wilder and ‘ Osio Watts of Oakgrove attended tho singing Sunday. Miss Rosa Sutton was a visitor to Pine Forrest Sunday. The singing at the home of Mr OF Sadler Thursday night was much enjoyed. Mrs Frank Proctor of Cairo spent last week with her parents, Mr and Mrs John Meadows. * Mrs Donnie Wade of Dixo is the guest of her parents, Mr and Mrs W R Sadler, this week. Messrs J L Wilkes and M C Smith of Pleasailt View were wel come visitors at the home of Mr J A Christie Saturday and Sunday. Quite a crowd of youug folks en joyed a call at the home of Mrs B H Pope Sunday afternoon. Blue Bird. News From Council Chamber Council met in regular session Tuesday afternoon, Mch. 11, 1913, Mayor Willie presiding. Alderman Poulk. Baggett, Clower, Hurst and Miller pres ent. Minutes read and ap proved. Petition asking for new street north of A. C. L. R. R. was re- fered to street committee. Total cash fines for Feb. were $81.00 Total recipts for Feb. W. & L. $746.83 Total Disbursement Feb. W. & L. $642.35. It was manifest at this meet ing that the A. C. L. Railroad is paying, SlO-per month for lights, on a flat basis, and burning from $25 to $30 worth of lights per month, and the Water & Light Commission was instructed to confer with the Railroad and se cure full value for current con sumed. The fire department’boys asked for a part of the City Hall for the purbo:e of arranging a “Jim” room, and the matter was post poned until the jail matter was finally settled, Town is without a pound. This matter was discussed and the street committe was instructed to act on same. Motion carried that Ordinance Committee draw ordinance reg ulating the running of Motor cicles on Broad, street. It is more than probable] that the Council will request £the A. C. L. Road to erect a ^bridge across their road just below the water tank, which will mean an overhead bridge on the street crossing the road at that point. These minutes are unofficial and published only as informa tion to the public. CLEAN UP DAYS The Council set apart * April 8th and 9th as clean up days for Cairo. Every citizen will be re quired to clean up all premises and put same in fgood shape. The town carts]will haul,)!away all trash. Further and official announcements will be made, CROSS ROADS DIGGINS Hurah for corn plantii g, it is the go in this section now. Mrs. Misourio Collins visited Mrs. Julia Collins Satuday p. m. Tho Perlew and singing given by Mr. and Mrs. Janies' Hanunett last Friday night was highly' enjoyed by all who were present. Mr. and Mrs. Billie Rehburg vis ited Mr and Mrs. Wiley, Gainey Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Riley Collins visi ted Mr. and Mrs. O- B. Collins Sunday. Miss Katie Dixon visited Mrs. 0. B. Collins Sunday. Misses Dollie Stalling and ^.lico Barrett of Pin Hooks was in Reno Saturday shoping. Mr. and Mrs. Johnie Bob Gai ney of Amsterdam visited their parents Sunday, Mr, and Mrs. Robert Gainey. O. B. C. • WANTS HIS BACK BROKEN. Oiv> Thousand Dollars to Successful Surgeon, Says Ossified Man. Omaha.—Frank Worden of Colfax la., will give $1,000 to any surgeon tn tho United States who will break his hack with anything short of n sledge hnmmer. Worden spent a week In Omaha and was seen by n number of physicians, but when he left the city he cnrrled his $1,000 with him. Worden is an ossified man. He is a farmei;. With the exception of his eyes, tongue and arms from the elbow di*wu ho is one Huge piece of bone, without n joint or binge of any kind. His body is as hard as stone and as rigid as a piece of steel. He cannot laugh; be cannot even smile. • r Eighteen yenrs ago. Worden awoke one morning with n stiff neck. There wns no pain, but lie could not move bis bead. He paid no attention to It at first. But the affliction grew worse. When Worden felt bis jaws becoming set lie placed small wedges of wood between tjls teeth, and In that position the lower portion of his face became rigid. In time the wedges wore removed nnd the teeth were left about half an Inch npnrt. Through this aperture lie Is fed liquid food. Ho cannot mnsti- cate. Gradually the hardening affected his body, Ills limbs and then'his feet. In eight years Worden’s feet and ankles were as rigid as stone. ' ......