The Grady County progress. (Cairo, Grady County, Ga.) 1910-19??, March 14, 1913, Image 6

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Official Organ of Grady County, ft, l;. BLANTON, Editor & Publisher One Dollar Per Year, In Advance Advert, ivfi Rates Reasonable and Made Known on Application. ■ Entered at Cairo, Ga., Postofilec as Second (’lass Mail Matter. The inauguration is over and --we were not there. It wasn’t the “blight of seni ority” that got Ssnitor Bacon. It was politics-dirty Senatorial politics. We hardly thought that Wil liam Jennings Bryan would ac cept any position less than the Presidency itself. But he did. Come to the smiling Southeast. This is a fine time of the year for begining investments it the Southeast. Industrial Index. The Webb liquor law is a fake of the first water. Boose comes right on as of yore. The ship ment to Cairo are not curtailed in the least. The White House is to be on a prohibition basis under the ad ministration of President Wilson. The'wine, which moveth itself aright, will not have place there in. , Positive, ill; comparative, pill; superlative, bill -Atlanta Journal. The Journal man has evidently been ill and has seen a doctor’s bill. This pie seeking busines is a disgusting work. It’s the greedy, professional spoil-hunter that win?. He’s always on the job, with face elevated, ears backed and a hungry look. Tillman of South Carolina likens the Democratic office see kers in Washington to “wild asses of the desert.’/ Ma'oe so. But how long has old Tillman been at the pie counter. We are not after a post office, but we want to drop just this one word to the administration. It was announced that all of Taft’s appointees would- be al- lowe d to hold over until their commissions expired., Hundreds and thousands qf these will then hold over for FOUR YEARS MORE, or until another presi dential election comes. Then and in that case, how on earth can you enthuse the boys for an other political battle? Probably the Democratic pie distributers hadn’t thought of this. In a bat tle enthusiasm is everything; and nothing enthuses like a good piece of pie. You can put that in thy pipe and smoke some more. YOU WILL NEVER BE SORRY For living a pure life. For doing your level best. For looking before leaping. Fpr hearing oefore judging. For being kind to the poor. For thinking before speaking. For harboring clean thoughts. For standing by your principles. For slopping your ears to gossip. For being generous to an enemy. For asking pardon when in error. ‘ For being square in business dealings. For giving an unfortunate per son a lift. For promptness in keeping your promises. For putting the best construct ion on the acts of others. —Ex. GRADY COUNTY PROGRSS-PACE 1 We Have Opened up a new Press ing Club around in the City Bakery, and would appre ciate your Pressing- and Cleaning. Quick Service and good Work Guaranteed Thanking you in advance for your Business. Ira Hancock, Mgr. Phone - - No. 197 DQNT BUY Dp not/buy second hand or worked over Pianos, but buy from D J. Ploodwortli, representing the LARGEST MANUFACTURS in the UNITED STATES, and have Pianos shipped DIRECT from the FACTORY to the HOME assuring NEW PIANO’S of HIGH GRADE and at the same time eliminate.'‘the “MIDDLE MAN’S” profit*. Sold on very Easy Terms. Write or call on me when you want a Fine Piano. D. J. BLOOD WORTH, Salesman, CAIRO, .'. GEORGIA NOTICE OF ELECTION Georgia-—Gradv county. To the qualified voters of the Town of Fine Park, Gut By order of tho Mayor and Coun cil, as' provided for in section 27 of Town charter and amendments thereto, an election will be held in the Town Hall of Pine Park, Ga. Saturday, the 8th day of March, 1913, for the purpose of ei tablish- ing a Public School System for the Town of Pine Park, Ga. T. M. RED, Clerk. ^ ■ UOR RENT—One 6-room cottage in front of Public School build ing. Good barn, 3 stalls and buggy house.' Large patch and garden. Price $10 per month. Apply to Miss Missourie Brown, or phone 26. . FARM LOANS We are prepared to negotiate five year loans on improved farm property in Grady county. We can offer attractive terms, especially on large loans. We shall be pleased to have you ‘cal and investigate our proposition. Bell & Weathers CAIRO. GA. J. R. SINGLETARY, ' Attorney-at-Law. Cairo, - - Georgia. Fees Reasonable. Practice in Super ior Court, Court of Appeals and Sup reme Court. Office: Judge’s chamber, Court Hous p. C. ANDREWS. Attorney-at-law. CAIRO, GA* Office in Richter & Rnsliin Building. IRA CARLISLE, LAWYER. CAIRO, ... GA.. Careful and prompt attention given to all legal matters entrust ed to my charge. W. J. Willie Attorney-At-Law Will practice in all Courts, State and federal. Collections a specialty. Office in L. B. ’’dwell building. Phone 73. - - CAIRO, GA For Clean Towels And Sharp Razors Go To ~ W. H. P. Oneal’sf s Barber Shop | | South Broad Street, jj f Cairo - - Ga. § We save you Time and Money on . Wall Paper ’ Largest and best selected Stock in South SAMPLES AND PRICES ON REQUEST Phone 251 JAMES H. BROWN, Thomasville, Ga. BLACK-SMITH and MACHINE SHOPS Is now running in full blast. Our reputation for High-grade Service is Well known through out this section. We know how to do your work and we do it like it ought to be done, every Job large or small. SATISFACTION Guaranteed V e Solicit Your Business T. F. DYSON ft EXCURSION EATES VIA Atlantic Coast Line Railroad •‘The Standard Railroad of the South” To ELBERTON, GA. - Annual Convention Georgia Sunday School Association - ■ Tickets On Sale: April 20th- 21st- 22nd- 23rd Final Limit:- April 30th 1913. To RICHMOND, VA. - Fourth Biennial Convention National Board of the Young Women’s Christian Associations of the U. S. of A. Tickets On Sale: .April 7, 8 and 9.- Final Limit: April 23, 1913. *To RICHMOND, VA. Conference for Education in the South. Tickets On Sale: April 13th and 14th. Final Limit: April 23, 1913. To St. LOUIS, jyio. - Southern Baptist Convention- Tickets On Sale:- May 9,10, 11, 12, 13 and 14 Final Limit: May 27, 1913. To Atlanta, ga. - General Assemblies:- Presbyterian Church in the U. S. A.; Uniteu Presbyterian Church of- North America; Presbyterian in the U, S. Tickets On Sale: May 12, 13, 14, 15,19 and 20th. Final Limit:- June 10th, 1913. To SAVANNAH, GA. - , _ Grand Lodge of Georgia -1. O. O. F., Tickets On Sale:- May 26, 27, 28 and for trains sched uled to reach Saynn'ah before noon of- the 29th. Final Limit:- June 2nd, 1913. For further information, apply to any Agent - A. C. L. R. R. . .11 | i ATLANTA, BIRMINGHAM & ATLANTIC The Standard of Excellence in Service Double Daily Passsenger Trains between Thomasville and Atlanta Night Train Service Thomasville to Birmingham Trams leave Thomasvill 7:0 A. M. - 7:30 P. M. Arrive Atlanta 7:10 P. M. - 6:30 A. M. Birmingham 11:50 A.M. Train leaving Thomasville 7:30 A. M. conects at Manchester with train for Talladega, arriving that noint 9:05 P. M. Pullman Electric Lighted Sleeping Cars on night trains Thomasville to Atlanta See that vour ticket reads via the A. B. Sc A♦ R. R. j'- W. H. LEAHY, General Prssenger Agent, Atlanta, Ga. = — ir=ii -ir=iF= & Abstract Co. BROKERS IN GRADY COUNTY FARM AND TIMBER LAND \ ' ^ t IF YOU have any Farm and Timber Land , for Sale list it with us. We are in touch' with home seekers in North and Middle Georgia and in other states who will be pouring into Southwest Georgia, looking for homes, in the next few months. They have the cash to buy what they want, and if you want to sell your farms we can put you next. Write or call on JOHN R. SINGLETARY or J. C. McEARCHERN • OFFICE IN COURT HOUSE Our Job Department is complete.