Newspaper Page Text
■ A
Grady County Medicine Men
Have Fish-Fry at Ballard’s
Fine Spread - Royal Hospi
tality - Good Crowd • Dr.
and Mrs. Kincaid, Host
and Hostes?.
A.. %
Tuesday, March 25th, 1913,
will long be remembered by sev
eral physicians and their wives,
and Several others, who were
guests of Dr. and Mrs. J. G.
Kineaid at a fish fry at Ballard’s
The occasion was begun and
carried to a successful conslusion
by Dr. Kincaid of Pine Park,
assisted by his beautiful and ac
complished wife.
Who were there?
Well it was a doctor’s doing
and the medicine men were in
the majority, but the pulpit and
the press were wonderfully and
mightily represented, especially
about dinner time.
Pine Park, the home of Dr.
Kincaid, is only a couple of miles
from Ballard’s mill, Ballard’s
mill is on Barnett’s creek, and
Barnett’s creek is a great place
for fish. Hence Dr. Kincaid
conceived the idea of entertain
ing his brother physicians at a
fish fry. All the physicians in
the county were invited, and all
• were present except five, Dr. A.
B. Reynolds oi Reno, Dr. Webbe
of Whigham, Dr. Maxwell of
Calvary, Dr, Bryant of Grady-
ville and Dr. Belcher of Akridge,
were unable to attend.
Of course no banquet is com
plete without the preacher and
the newspaper fraternity. Bro.
Hart, the Baptist pastor at Pine
Park, Editor and Mrs. Herbert
Wind of the Messenger, and your
humble servant,- were among
the fdrturtate ones.
Dinner was served about 1:30,
and it was a “top notch” picnic
dinner too; plenty of fish, well
cooked, hoe-cake corn bread and
hot, steaming coffee, now if you
don’t believe that there was
some eating going on then and
there, you ask Dr. Warnell and
Dr, Lindsey. .If we are not very
much mistaken they were there
just about that time and very,
very busy.
The ladies present -seemed to
enjoy fishing, but Mrs. Lindsey,
we believe, was the only one to
make a catch, a nice jack fish.
Dr. Arline was also a fortu
nate fisherman, as was Herbert
Mr. Will Norton, an old Grady
county boy who strayed away to
South Florida last years, is at
home again. He came last week
and is going to stay. He has
rented a store at Reno and will
embark in the mercantile busi
ness. He is buying his stock
this week and will open up with
in the near future.
Mr. Norton has many friends
in Grady who will not only' be
glad to welcome him back, but
will also wish him success in his
new enterprise.
We the undrsigned Merchants
of Cairo, Ga., will close our stores
or places of business, at six
o’clok P. M. from April 1st.’ to
August 15th, 1913 inclusive, and
respectfully ask our patrons to
governed accordingly.
Cairo Furniture Co,
M. Rapperport.
Poulk Wight Co.
John L. Poulk
J. L. Oliver’s Son.
Higdep-Herring Co.
T L. Rushin & Son.
F. A. Richter.
J.'H. Spence
Per Miss Green.
C. E. Vanlandingham & Co.
C. F, Sanders.
Roddenbery Hdw. Co.
Wigut Hdw. Co.
Wind. Dr. Arline caught a fine
yearling trout, a good sized
bream and a large channel cat.
Of course there was a game
of Rook after dinner, a four han
ded affair, Dr. Lindsey and Mrs.
Warnell and Mrs. Lindsey and
Mrs. Kincaid being partners.
All the guests heartily and en
thusiastically, voted their thanks
to Dr. and Mrs. Kincaid for a
very pleasant and highly enjoy
able day.
Those present were:
Dr. and Mrs. W. A. Walker;
Dr. and Mrs. Eugene Clower;
Dr. and Mrs. Arline; Dr. and
Mrs. Lindsey; Dr. and Mrs. War
nell, and Mr. and Mrs. Herbert
Wind, all of Cairo. Dr. and Mrs
M. M. McCord and Dr, and Mrs.
Brawner, of Whigham. Dr. and
Mrs. Kincaid, of Pine Park, host
and hostess, and S. R. Blanton
of the Grady Count Progress.
We Pay Interest On Deposits As Follows;'
On time Certificates of 12j months 5 per cent
On time Certificates of 6 ^months . 4 1-2 per cent
-. - Savings Deposits Compounded Quarterly 4 per cent.
We credit our growth to the assistance we have
been able to give our customers. . There are many
ways in which a bank can assist the people of the
community in which it is located. You will find
that our officers take a pleasure in advising and in
structing you in matters pertaining to banking or
other forms of business. '
Pursuant to a call meeting, of
a number of road subjects of the
Woodland neighborhood, met
March the 25th to discuss road
matters, and the following res
olutions were unanimously
. Whereas, we feel that we have
not been fairly treated in regard
to our taxes, and
\» hereas, the roads are still in
a deplorable condition and little
or no betterment now in sight,
Be it resolved’ 1st, that we
will refuse to work the roads or
pay the taxes for same under the
present way of working them.
Resolved 2nd, that everyone
subject to road duty, and every
tax payer of this county is re
quested to meet at the Court
House in Cairo on Tuesday,
April 1st at ten o’clock, A. M. to
help devise some plans by which
the citzens of this county can
have better roads, or our taxes
materially reduced.
This March 25, 1913.
I. D. Singletary, Chairman;
Elbert Sellars, Secretary.
Members Very Attractive
Miss Nellie Bennett and Mr.
Jesse Owens of near Whigham
were united in matrimony last
Sunday, Judge T. J. Mills per
forming the ceremony.
We join their many friends in
extending congratulations.
Now Boys Let Us Get Busy
and Make a Good Showing
and Get a Prize.
1,- For the best showing by an
Revival services will begin at
individual boy in the • county on the Babtist church on the first
all four points. Sunday in April. Dr. Ragsdale,
(The four points refered to the pastor? so announced some
1st Largest yield;
2nd, Largest net profit;
3rd, Best written report;
4th, Best arranged exhibet.)
A schollarship to the short
time ago, and is makingprepara-
tiones for a good meeting.
He will have help both in
preaching and singing, and the
meeting will be interesting and
profitable. Everybody will find
course at the State College
Agriculture next January.
Given by |Wight Hardware
Company $30.00
For the girl making best show
ing in [the county on all four
of a cordial welcome to each and
every service.
Some interesting advertising
announcements are to be found
A scholarship to the short * n fc bis paper, and they are wor-
course at the College of Agicult- they of your reading,
ure next January, | Miller Bros. Co. talk about
Given by Dr. Graham$30.00 matrimony and buggies.
2,-For the second best show-i The Wight Hardware Co.,
ing in the county by a boy on all having moved, are telling you
four points, j about their new quarters and
Trip to the State Corn Show in some other interesting facts.
Atlanta next December, | Wight & Brown, the Rexall
Given by Farmers and Mer- Druggist, have got the base ball
Miss Lula Mae Connell of Reno
spent Wednesday afternoon in
Cairo with friends.
You Know This is True
How do you like to be deceived?
Many a time you have bought
a package of medicine that look
ed like a great big money’s
worth. Then wnen you got
home and took off the wrapper
or carton you found—what?
Just a slender
, long-necke bot
tle with all the sides deeply sun
ken-containing about half what
you would naturally expect from
the size of the package.
Even if the medicine was good,
yon didn’t like the trickery of it,
did you?
Wish you’d ask us to. open any
chants Bank $15.00 fever and wants the boys to see
For the girl making second their line of baseball accessories,
best showing in the county on all) The Trulock Hardware Co.,
four points, j Whigham, believe in farming
Trip to the State Canning Club with improved implements, and
Show in Macon in October.
Given by Cairo Banking Com-
they have a talk on that line.
Another substantial and en-
pany__ ■ $15.00 terprising Whigham -firm joins
3rd,-For the third best show-1 the ranks of our advertisere
ing by a boy in the county on. all this week, Chapman Logue
four points, (Hardware Co., and they are tell-
A Berkshire pig to the value j ing you about Steel Fence Posts,
of. $10.00 Screen doors, etc.
Given by Dr. VanDuzee and
Mr. Willims.
For the third best showing in
the county by a girl on all four
A Canning outfit to the value
of $10.00
Given by J. M. McNair.
4th,- The District that will
make the best exhibit at the
County Contest this fall, count
ing the greatest percentage of
Boys and Girls enrolled who go
through as well as (the looks of
the exhibits,
An Agricultural Library to
'belong to the schools of the dis
trict winning to the value of
*»’ $25.00
Given by^-,(Walker and Citi
zens Bank.
‘Make Our Bank Your Bank”
package and show you the hon
est bottle they use all through
the line. There is no deception.
You get all you expect for’ your
money. The Penslar policy is to
play fair; to ^ive full value; to
refrain frop any deception; TaJjK
say plainly whajjjkny remedrfwnT]?
do, but without exag^filp and
let you know ;exj%lyP / w^P'. you
are using. The fornftla is on
. the label. f *:
f This sort of rugged old-fash-
| ioned squareness in every little
| detail is bound to mean that the-
Penslar Remedies themselves
j are of the highest quality—and
| that is why we spend our own
money to recomend them to you.
We know they are the,finest that
money and skill can produce.
Remember—its Penslar.
5,.- For all other boys and girls
not otherwise receivieg a prem-
Dr. and Mrs. M. M. McCord,
and Dr. and Mrs. Brawner, of
Whigham spent a short while
in Cairo Tuesday afternoon.
Messrs Lesley Powell and Char
lie Knight spent Sunday in Bos
ton. Charlie says thei e are more
pretty girls in Boston than in any
other town on the globe. He’s
trying to get a job in Boston.
ium who will make an honest
effort, stick through to the end
and furnish a written report of
their efforts with an exibit , at
the County Contes, some recog
nition in the way of a-premium,
the amount pending upon the
atqount that can be secured for
this purpose.
T. Crawford,
J. E. Forsyth,
Thomas Wight, V-president. Cashier
Grady Pharmacy
bank j
We Pay Interest On*Deposits As Follows:
On time Certificates of 12 months 5 per cent
_ * On time Certificates of 6- months 4 1-2 per cent
Savings Deposits Compounded Quarterly 4 per cent
r If you have some money on hand that you would like to
' place in a good strong bank, we would be glad to have ■ you
place same with us, we will be glad to pay you interest ac
cording to the above scedale.
This bank always conducts its business absolutely on a ba
sis of conservatism, and at the same time we always en deavor
to give our patrons liberal treatment.
If you are not a customer of oqrs we .will be glad to have
you open an account with us, and' be satilfiied with your
Banking Connections.
W. S. Wight, Pres
H. G. Cannon, Vice-Pres. W. H. Searcy, V.-P. & Cashier.