The Grady County progress. (Cairo, Grady County, Ga.) 1910-19??, April 04, 1913, Image 5

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GRADY COUNTY PROGRESS-PAGE 5 ^lllll DO YOU WANT TO GET MARRIED? IF SO II i. . • 5 Buy a Buggy from Miller Brothers Company g jj because they demonstrate your good taste and jj § sound business judgement. ' § || IF SO FORTUNATE AS TO BE MARRIED ALREADY a You need one of these same Buggies because of its comfort and ~ j| wearing qualities. There are more married men, and those that want? U to be, riding in MILLER BROTHERS Buggies than any other, because | | 5 there are more of their Buggies sold than others. — II t hey are Sold under a Positive Guarantee on || Terms to Suit ' • § g See Us the Buggy Men at Buggy Headquarters, g 1 Miller I CAIRO, GEORGIA. § §Miail=ilIll==illll=lilll=llltl=il|ll=illll=lllli=»llll=il||i=iii I weather We are having this writng. • .Mrs Mable Saddcrs of Decature spent the.week end with her sister, Mrs J M Harrison. Mrs Oscar Harrell and daughter Mcrvin spent Saturday, and Sunday with her daughter Mrs IT. M Har- . rison. Mr C D Harrison spent Sunday with Mr P D Harrison. i'v':';. & Dr W A Walker was called to the bedside of Mrs J M Harrison Friday afternoon. Mr and Mrs Callie Cloud and Mrs Joe Strickland visited relatives and friends in Sofkee Sunday. Tim Jones and Claud Nicholson called on Misses Permelia and An nie Harrison Sunday. Mr Hardy Harrison is all smiles, it’s a boy. / ■ Mr John Kelly attended the par ty at Mr Ben Harjison Friday night. Mr and Mrs Cab Maxwell and little sister, Nellie Smith were in our community Sunday. George and will Miller were in our community Friday. Red Bird. When you want good printing on paper at right pirce. call on the Grady County Progress. Lhe minutes of the mass meet ing Tuesday and the resolutions adopted were received by us too late for publication. Some of the resolutions were practical, and some were not. The last act of the meeting was to vote Dr. Olower its thanks for his ser vices. PINE FOREST Mr S J Horton attended to business' in Cairo Thursday of last week. The people, are very busy planting their crops through here at this time. M P Maxwell attended to busi ness in town one day last week. Mr G Maxv/ell has returned to his home in north Grady after spending a few months in west Fla. Mr Lee McKncwn attended the picnic at the Lime Sink Sat urday last, but says he was too late. Miss Jessie Kelley of near Cli max spent last week with Mr and Mrs J R Griner. Among those who attended services at Concord Sunday night, were Messrs Gordon Hor ton, Henry Horton and Lee Mc- Known, they report a good time. The general meeting at Live Oak was not attended by so many people on account; of the bad weather. Mr Harvie King and Misses Edna Barineau and Rollie Lar kins were out ^driving Sunday evening last. Wonder what have become of our correspondents, wake up, lets make the Progress interest ing to its readers. Only One. VELVET BEANS. My own growing $2 50 bushel. J. B. Wight. per Here 1 come again, 1 was to busy last week to write. Sunday school was well attended here Sunday p. m. / Miss Eliza Ada ms returned to Altha, Fla. last week after assist ing Mrs B IT Pope through the millinery rush. - B M 'Merritt was a visitor at Pine Forest Sunday. Mrs G W Davisus very ill at this writing. Miss Myrtle Smith and Perry Banks were out riding Sunday. Tom Miller was out riding Sun day p. m. Tom why did you not-, have your girl with you? B M Merritt escorted Miss Wel- tha Curry home Sunday afternoon. Mr and Mrs Jones 'spent the week end with Mrs Bill Smith near Meigs. Blue Bird. the judges, not being ablqjto reach a decision, it will be discussed again. Sam, COMING TO CAIRO Associated Doctors Specialsts Will be at the Hurst Hotel Monday, April, 7th, And Will Remain ONE DAY ONLY tines, liver, malaria, ( blood,' skin, nerves, heart', spleen,' kidneys, or bladder, rheumatism, sciatia, dia betes, bed-wetting, leg ulcers, weak lungs, catarrh, partial loss of hear ing, ringing in cars and those af flicted with long’ standing, deep seated chonic diseases, that have baffled the skill of the family phy sician, should not fail to call. According to' their system no more operations for appendicitis, gall stones, turners, goitre. They were among the first in America to earn the name of “ Blood leus, Sur geons,’’ by doing away with the knife, with blood andjwith all pain in the successful treatment of these FARM LOANS We are prepared to negotiate five year loans on improved i farm property in Grady county.! We can offer attractive terms,! especially on large loans. We I shall be pleased to have you cal and investigate our proposition. Bell & Weathers CAIRO. GA. Remarkable Success of These I dnngorpus diseases. Talented Physicians in the Treat ment of Chronic Diseases. OFFER THEIR SERVICES FREE OF CHARGE We are publishing this week for the benefit of our readers | t ie alternative,’ road Jaw. Read it, then read it again, so you will' know, what the law really is, * The Associated Doctors licensed by the State of Georgia for the treatment of deformities and all nervous and chronic diseases of men, women and children, offer to all who call on this trip consultation examination, advice free, making no charge whatever, except the cost of medicine. All that is asked in return for these valuable services is that every person treated will state the result obtained to their friends and thus prove to the sick and af flicted in every city and locality, that at last treatments have' been d iscovered that are reasonably sure and certain in their effect. These doctors are considered by mar.y former patients among Amer ica’s leading stomach and nerve specialists and are exports in the treatment of chronin diseases : and so great and wonderful have been their results that in many cases it is hard indeed to find the dividing line between skill and miracle. >■, ■- Diseases of the stomach, intes If you have kiducy or bladder tiVnible, bring a two ounce bottle of your urine for chemical analysis and microscopic .examination. Deafness has also been cured in sixty days. No matter what your ailment may be, no matter what others have told you, no matter what Experience you may have had with other phy sicians, it will be to your advantage to see them at once. Have it for ever settled in your mind. If your case is incurable they will give you such advice as may relieve and stay the disease. Do not put off this duty you owe yourself and friends or relatives who are suffer ing because of your mckess, as a visit at this time may cure you. Remember, this free offer is for this date only. Married ladies must be accom panied by their husbads and minors with their parents. Advertisements. . -T: -■ r ) I ■. . r ■ : ' ' . A.;.; -.' :• A; That vacant lot between the depot and Central avenue, is to be turned into a park. The ladies’ societies of Coiro have gotten permission from the rail road to use the grounds for this purpose and will proceed at once to beatify the lot with flowers, shrubbery, etcr We congratulate Ciiro, and make our best bow to ,the ladies. .