The Grady County progress. (Cairo, Grady County, Ga.) 1910-19??, April 04, 1913, Image 6

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Mifj* - f*rA*W ■ ' ' GRADY COUNTY PROGRESS—PAGE 6. GRADY COUNTY PROGRESS Official Organ of Grady County, 8. It. BLANTON, Editor & Publisher One Dollar Per Year. In Advance Adverting Rates Reasonable am Made Known on Application. Entered at Cairo, Ga., Postoffict as Second Class Mail Matter. Twenty Tests Of Prog ress For Your Count} 1. Is every county boy anc girl in your county getting a six- months school term? 2. Have you a county super intendent of education giving his whole time to the work? 3. Have you voted road bonds or a road tax? 4. Have you a county superin tendent of health employed for ' all his time? 5. Does the Farmers U nion or any other farmers organiza tion cover your county? 6. Have you a good county fair? 7. Do you select for your county officials the men who will help the county forward fastest instead of the men who serve the party rfiachine best? 8. Are your churches gaining in strength and influence and the people .in temperence and morality? 9. Have you properly support ed farmers, institutes, and are there institutes for farm women as well as men? 10. Have you corn clubs for the girls? 11. If you are in the tick-in fested territory, are you doing anything to eradicate the ticks and get out of the cattle quar antine? 12. Have you shown sufficient interest in the Farmers Co-oper ative Demonstration Work to get its advantages for your far mers? 13. Have you rural free deliv ery everywhere you might have it? 14. Has every school in your county a good library. 15. Can your boys anb girls get the advantage of a good high school near them, without leav ing their home communities? 16. Are you co-operating with the State in the fight to exter minate hook-worm disease? 17. Is there a good rural tele phone system covering the country? 18. Are you supporting a wide-a-wake county paper—one that is more interested in the partisan polities—and are your farmers taking the best farm papers t 19. Have you abandoned the- old fee system of paying the county officers? 20. Are your citizens and your Board of Commissioners willing to go down into their jeans and produce the necessary money, economically adminstered, to secure these profitable forms of progress? These are 20 tests of progress. Let 5 represent “good” in each case, then take the score and see how much your county lacks of grading up to the desired ICO mark. Perhaps your county paper may-be willing to discuss the program and let the reader jbin in plans for remedying de ficiencies.—The Progessive Far mer. We are publishing this week for the benefit of our readers the alternative,’ road law. Read it, then read it again, so you will know what the law really is. MATION NEEDS MUHE CATTLE. Demand For Moat Shown by Big Changes In Export Figures. Washington. — Thu dee run no In tbo neat supply available for exportation s Illustrated sharply by the February •sport figures. Just complied by the •tatlstlcal division of the bureau of itreigu and domestic commerce. They Imw the number of cattle exported in lie eight months ended with lust month as 12,05(1 head against 270,‘Jib head in the corresponding months or itioT and the quantity of fresh beef ex torted as <1.700,0-17 pounds against 175,* -1 id.010 pounds in the same mouths. That this shortage In the exportations s due in part at least to an actual re- htetion in the number of cattle In the United States Is evidenced by the fact that the total number of cattle on farms, according to figures of the de partment of agriculture, on Jan. 1 last was only 511,527,000 against 72.5Z-J.000 on .l;ru. 1. 1007. Still another evidence of the demand in the Lulled States for an increase in its cattle supply is found in the ligures of the department of commerce, which show an enormous increase in tb£ im portation of cattle, the number import ed into tit? United States in the eight months ended with Inst month being 222.000 head against 12.513 head in the corresponding months of 1007. The table which follows shows for the years 1007 and 1013 the number and value of cattle on farms in the United States, of those imported, of those exported and the quantity and value of rrustt licet exporteu. tue ug ures relating to the eight mouths euded with February of the years named: CATTLE. 1907. 1913. Number on farms Jan. 1. No. Imported,,it mos.... Vnlue Imported, 8 mos.. No. exported, 8 mos— Value exported. 8 mos.. $21,622,200 FftiCSM BEEF. Pounds exported, 8 moa. 175,800.049 Value exported 310,310,098 73,534,000 56.537.000 13,513 322.000 3271,892 33,670,000 270,210 DUCKS THE MARRIAGE. Bridegroom to Be Hides In Haystack For Thirty-six Hours. Springfield. 111.—After having re mained In concealment In a haystack near his home for thirty-six liortrs and having been mourned as dead, after searchers had scoured the country for him, Medford Crnlkshank, who mys teriously disappeared on the eve of his wedding to Miss Mao Ilall. appeared at Ills home south of this city. ITe says ho can remember nothing. It Is believed he suffered temporary mental aberration, duo t.o worry over imaginary physical Ills. His fiancee received him with Joy. Elk For Oregon Forests. St. Anthony. Ida.—A carload of wild elk from Wyoming passed through here for^loseph. Ore. The shrpment Is In charge of n deputy warden from Oregon. The elk are all young, and the men In charge say they are even better than the herd received Inst year in Oregon. They will be placed in the big pasture in Oregon. A great word with greater meaning. But what we want to say just here is that we have a lot of satisfied customers —but we want more. Trade Here And Be Satisfied We We Satisfy you in the quality of our Goods, carry nothing but the best. We Satisfy you with the care with which we your orders. We Satisfy you in the promptness of delivery. We Satisfy you in the matter of prices. If you are not a Customer we want you to be. WHITE & STRINGER P. S. Finest line of FRUITS in the city. When They Come We are not afraid of a visit from the Pure Food Inspector. Our Stock—every item —will bear inspection of the most rigid kind. This is one reason why you should trade here. You take no risk. Another reason is that you can select your Groceries and Meats from the big gest aud best stock in town. And still another reason is, the price is always right. A FINE LINE OF CANDIES AND FRUITS OF ALL KINDS. Our phone is No. 16. Use it freely. It’s a pleasure to serve our friends and cus tomers. EXCURSION EATES VIA Atlantic Coast Line Railroad • ‘The Standard Railroad of the South” G. D. REDDICK ATLANTA, BIRMINGHAM & ATLANTIC The Standard of Excellence in Service Double Daily Passsenger Trains between Thomasville and Atlanta Night Train Service Thomasville to Birmingham Trains leave Thomasvill 7:0 A. M. - 7:30 P. M. Arrive Atlanta 7:10 P. M. - 6:30 A. M. Birmingham 11:50 A.M. Train leading Thomasville 7:30 A. M. conects at Manchester with train for Talladega, arriving that noint 9:05 P. M. Pullman Electric Lighted Sleeping Cars on night trains Thomasville to Atlanta See that vour ticket reads via the A. B. Sc A* R. R. W. H. LEAHY, General Prssenger Agent, Atlanta, Ga. There are only two kinds of Au tomobiles, Ford and Can’t offords Price $650 and 6575 Delivered Completely equipped. Logan Auto Exchange, Thomasville, Ga. tf. Ford Automobiles cost less to run than a Horse and Buggy. Five Passenger Touring Car $650 Delivered. Logan.Auto Exchange Thomas ville, Ga. tf. To ELBERTON, GA. - Annual Convention Georgia Sunday School Association • Tickets On Sale: April 20th- 21st- 22nd- 23rd Final Limit:- April 30th 1913. To RICHMOND, VA. - Fourth Biennial Convention National Board of the Young Women’s Christian Associations of the U. S. of A. Tickets On Sale: April 7, 8 and 9. Final Limit: April 23, 1913. To RICHMOND, VA. - Conference for Education in the South. Tickets On Sale: April 13th and 14th. Final Limit: April 23, 1913. To St. LOUIS, MO. - Southern Baptist Convention- Tickets On Sale:- May 9,10,11, 12, 13 and 14 Final Limit: May 27, 1913. To ATLANTA, GA. - General Assemblies:-Presbyterian Church in theU. S. A.; United Presbyterian Church of North America; Presbyterian in the U, S. Tickets On Sale: May 12, 13, 14, 15, 19 and 20th. Final Limit:- June 10th, 1913. To SAVANNAH, GA. - Grand Lodge of Georgia - I. O. O. F., Tickets On Sale:- May 26, 27, 28 and for trains sched uled to reach Savnnah before noon of the 29th. Final Limit:- June 2nd, 1913. v For further information, apply to any Agent A. C. L. R. R. Cairo Real Estate & Abstract C©« BROKERS IN GRADY COUNTY FARM AND TIMBER LAND IF YOU have any Farm and Timber Land for Sale list it with us. , We are in touch with home seekers iri North and Middle Georgia and in other states who will be pouring into .Southwest Georgia, looking for homes, in the next few months. They have the cash to buy what they want, and if you want to sell your farms we can put you next. Write or call on JOHN R. SINGLETARY or J. C. McEARCHERN OFFICE IN COURT HOUSE "A