The Grady County progress. (Cairo, Grady County, Ga.) 1910-19??, April 04, 1913, Image 8

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GRADY COUNTY PR0GRSS---PACE 8 s S S 2 2 2 W 2 2 M Local and Personal 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 We are special agents for cut flowers and can deliver on short notice. Wight and Brown. 2t Dr. and Mrs. M. M. McCord and Dr. Brawner, of Whigham, were visitors to Cairo Wednesday morning. Dr. McCord left Thurs day morning for New York, where he goes to take a post graduate course in surgery. Phone us your orders for cut flowers. Wight and Brown. 2t Mr. R. M, Jones of near Meigs was in the city last Friday. Clerk of the Court J. M. Mc Nair spent Friday of last week in Tallahassee. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wight spent the week end with relatives in Tallahassee. Wight and Brown can supply you with cut flowers at prices to please you. Your orders appreciat ed. Wight and Brown. 2t Miss Sadie Dixon spent a few days of last week with parents in Ochlocknee. Mrs. Burts and children spent a few days of last week in Thomas ville, the guests of friends, and relatives. Mr. Albert Grifin of Bainbridge visited friends and relatives a few days of last week. When you need a carpenter phone No. 157, call to see or write W. R. Garner, Cairo. Miss Emily English, after spend ing some time with Mrs. T. L. Rushin, left Friday for her home in Eofeton. Mr. H. G. Cannon left Friday for Monticello, Fla., being called there on account of the. illness of his business associate Mr. A. R, Hughes. Mr. Hughes had been very ill with hemoragic fever, but was anounced as improving. Mr. W, A. parr of Calvary was here this week, very much at home among his many Cairo friends. Mr. W. H; Moneyham of Whig- ham district was here Monday. He said that everything’ was drowned out in his beat. Van Hancock of Lime Sink was here Monday and brought a wet report from his neighborhood Mrs. Crosby of Camilla, who has been at Dr. Walker’s san itarium for ten days undergoing treatment, left for her home Mon day afternoon, considerably im proved. A Cairo man sent a couple of alligators to a friend in Middle Georgia the other daiy by Parcels post. Hon. R. R. Terrell of Whigham was here last Monday on legal business. Don’t let us forget that April 8th and 9th are elean-up days in Cairo. The City authorities have set apart; these days as the time when Cairo must be cleaned up and put in sanitary conditions for the approaching summer. This mattfer is important to every citi zen in the town, and all should make the occasion redown to the beauty and cleanliness of the city Where a fellow gets drunk in Cairo-now a days and is arrested, Mayor Willie assesses a fine of $5:00 a'drink. Better stay sober There is no place for the loafer in Meigs now. The public im provements that are being built at this time, and the construction of the railroad from here to the Swift timber, as well as the placing and installing of the big mill at the Bowers still, is giving every one employment that has the least inclination to work. From the general apperance 1913 will mark the greatest growth of Meigs in its h’stroy. Meigs Review The Confederate Veterans are urged to get ready for the big day on the 26th of April. Com mander Clifford is doing his share toward making the day a grand success. But few people perhaps know that route Isjo. one out of Cairo is the first rural route established in the Second congressional dis trict. We learn this through Postmaster Crawford. Andrew T. Taylor wifi be ap pointed carrier on route No. 6 out of Cairo at no distant date, he having made the best showing in the recent examination. Way- inan Bussy and Joe Connell came next, and are in line for future appointment. Andrew Taylor will make a faithful and efficient R. F. D. man. Dr. and Mrs. A. B. Cooke spent Sunday in Thomasville with rel atives. Drs. Cooke and Butt, Dentists in the Davis building, have re cently added a bran new chair to their office, the latest and most modern make of dentists chairs. They have otherwise improved and beautified their handsome suit of offices. The store formerly occupied by the Wight Hardware Co. is be ing repaired for Mr. Feinburg, a Hebrew merchant from Moultrie, who will occupy it as soon as it is ready. Attorney Ira Carlile has moved his office from the Crawford building to the Walker building (old sanitarium) up stairs, where he will be glad j;o see his friends. Mr. A. C. Lewis of the State College of Agriculture, arriveo in Cairo Wednesday mornirg. He came to plant a demonstration field of cotton on the plantation of Mr. J. B. Wight. ATTENTION LADIES. The daughters of the Confeder acy, and all the good ladies who feel an interest in the Memorial Day exercises will oblige me very much if they will meet me at the Court House on Friday evening April the 4th, inst, at 3 o’clock P. M. for the purpose of arrang ing a nice programe for the occas ion. Hon. H. D. D. Twiggs, of Savannah, has been invited, and have acepted the invitation to deliver the address on Memorial Day, April the 26th, inst. Judge Twiggs, is well known as Georgia’s leading orator and the members of Camp Grady is exceedingly anxious to have i nice programe and a large atten- dence upon this occasion, We just cannot do anything without the kind assistance of our good ladies. Therefore I do trust that everyone of the ladies who can possibly do so will be present Friday evening. • Trustingly, ... Jno. W. Clifford, Commander Camp*Grady. U. C. W Appetizing Tonic being the most reliable one we know of. Yon have a right to know what is in it. Here it is In each ounce, 20 minims Tinct’ Gentian, 15 grs. Dandelion; 36 minims, Dilute Phosphoric Acid, with. Aromatics. Anyone who konws will tell you that you couldn’t find a better formula to tone up the stomach and coax back your old-time appe tite. Yet it is so pleasent a child will take it. This Penslar way of put ting the exact formula on the label is a mighty sensible way-we know what we are recommending you know what you are getting. Every Penslar label is a certifi cate of Quality, Purity, and Sat isfaction. Shall we send you a dollar bot tle of Penslar appetizing Tonic? THE PENSLAR STORE Grady Pharmacy DID YOU WANT YOUR BREAKFAST? Fully half the people in this town who, are over thirty years old don’t care for their breakfast. They nibble a bit of toast, eat an egg, drink a cup of coffee and are glad when it is over with. And at noon they are not hungry either. At the evening meal they may feel a little more like eating, yet still not have a genuine appetite. Of course when you feel that way you can’t feel strong—vigor ous—at yourjtop-notch best; so the thing to do is to tempt your appetite back with a real appe tizer— Legal blanks of all kinds, timber leases, realty con tracts, bill of sale, at the Progress office. Lowest prices. MEAL FOR BREAD AND WOOD TO BURN. Seasoned Pine When you want fresh ground corn meal come to my mill. And when you want wood come right along to the same place. I seli both meal and wood. A square deal to every one. Mill in rear of old barrell factory. . J. W. Cannon. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Services the Second and Fourth Sabbath,, 11 a. m. and 8 d. m Sabbaths school, every Sabbath, 10 a. m. B. R. Anderson, Pastor OLD PAPERS When you need old papers call at this office. We nave millions of them. 25c the hundred. Wanted Eggs’ Eggs! Eggs! Bring me your eggs, chickens and all kinds ot country produce and receive 'the highest price for same. F. A. Richter, ‘The Produce Store’’ Factory Agent Coining The Factory Agent and Salesman for The Ohio Varnish Co. will be with us on next Tuesday and Wednesday the 8th and 9th, to demonstrate the usese of CHI-NA-MEL Which is one of the best Var nishes for Floors, Doors arid Furniture. He will alsa give away Free Samples of these Varnishes, and we ask all the Ladies to call at qur Store any time dur ing the Two Days above named and get a Sample Can and try it. We carry it in stock m all collors and can fill Orders Promptly. Our Pnone is No. 48, same as at the old store. Wight Hdwe. Co. 111111:1111 ^ s BASE BALL Goods jl f Are The Best. M _ We have a full supply of, Balls, S __ 11 Bats, Mits and Gloves. ii H I § WIGHT & BROWNE. § an The Rexall Druggists. ^JilIB!=l|||l = 11191=11111^ We Guarantee Rexall and Nyal Remedies to Satisfy. Nunnallys Candies always Fresh. Agents for Cut Flowers. J. M. SELLERS W. S. MCDANIEL | SELLERS & McDANIEL a ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW j Office in new Davis Building 3 Broad St., Cairo, Ga. f Elder Hurst returnrd Monday morning from Iron City, where he had a fine meeting Sunday. FOR SALE - Old papers,, 25c the hundred. CHURCH DIRETORY. METHODIST CHURCH (Cor Broad and Ochlocknee StreqU.) REV. W. L. WRIGHT. Pastor Preaching at 11 a m and 8 p ni every Si r day, Sunday School, (pm. J, B. wight, Sup- Prayer Meeting every Thursday ovu ing i o’clock, Epworth League Devotional Meeting -cv Tuesday evening, 8,o'clock. League Hall. Women’s Missionary Society meets at 4 p Monday after first Sunday, at the church. Sunday school teacher meetings at'8 p m \ neaday. after , first Sunday. a* Epworth Lea hall St Edwards meeting at 8 p ni Monday after fi Mdndny; at Pastor’s study. Public cordially invited attend alt devoti services, * " i.