The Grady County progress. (Cairo, Grady County, Ga.) 1910-19??, September 19, 1913, Image 2

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Grady County Progress Slaughter Deer and Wild Turkey It develops that reports of the recent violations of the same law in this and Grady county are not without foundation, as sev eral depredations have been re ported of parties having preserves. Deeij have been found dead in some of the swamps and horns, and in some instances pieces of butchered meat have been discovered. Tracks have been found leading into preserv es, and evidences shown that the hunters have put in their work This is particularly the case down near the Grady, county line and across in that county. One place which is well stocked with deer had suffered from these de predations and the owners are making every effort to find the lawless parties who have violated the game law and laid themselves open to prosecution if discovered. Both deer and turkeys are very plentiful here this year and it is expected that the hunting will be very fine and parties who have so little respect, for the law as to try to destroy them out of season will undoubtedly be reported if found.--Valdosta Times E F WELL, WE GUESS YES Statesboro, Ga., Sept. 16— It is generally conceded that F. E. Field of Statesboro will be the champion cotton raiser in Bul loch • county, if not the state of Georgia, this season. Mr. Field has two acres planted in a very prolific variety, i§ the opin ion of Mr. Field and many others that he will nake five bales on the two acres. Mr. Field says he counted the bolls on some of the stalks which were over 300 forms Mr. Field, it is said, will save every seed from his two-acre patch and plant his entire crop with this variety next year, in which event there is no telling how much cotton he will be able to make. There is a large demand for cotton seed in Statesboro, but it is not likely any of these will be put on the market for crushing purposes. Boll Weevil Scouts Back From Louisiana How Cost Of Living Continues To Mount iT°T 01 w”e have returned from meeting the Washington, September 14.— The cost of living on June 15 was approximately 60 per cent high er than the average between 1890 and 1900; more than three per cent higher than it was a year ago and nearly 15 per cent higher than it was two years ago. Investigations of retail prices In 40 cities conducted by experts of the bureau of labor show prices practically at the same level as last November when the high records of the last quarter cen tury were reached. Fourteen articles of feed were investigated, and compared with the average prices between 1890 and 1900. Every one except sugar showed a marked advance; bacon which led in the soaring, went up 1265 per cept. Athens, Ga., Sept. 16.—The Georgia boll weevil scouts from the State College of Agriculture pest in active operation on the plantations of Louisiana. The party was sent out by the feder al government, J. Phil Campbell, special agent in charge of dem onstration in this state, taking twenty-five of the demonstrators from the southwest part of the state and accompanied by sever al from the college. The state agricultural commissioner and state entomologist were with the party for several day. The college men say that after visiting the fields and examining the methods employed to fight the destructive weevil they'find that the plan suggested by the farm demonstration department of the bureau of agriculture of the United States- is the only practical method. JUDGE JONES DENIES OLIVERJABEAS WRIT Albany, Ga., Sept. 13.—Judge Clayton Jones, of the City Court, this afternoon decided that A. B. Oliver, banker, swindler and general Get-Rich-Quick-Walling ford man, and L. C. Harding j were one and the same, and ac cordingly denied a.writ of ha beas corpus sued out by his law yers in an attempt to prevent authorities from Mississippi from taking him to that state, where he is wanted as an escaped con vict. ‘No sooner than the writ was denied than officers from Missis sippi presented a requisition from Governor Slaton allowing them the custody of the man. He was then placed in an automobile and rushed to the Alabama line. SIDE DEGREES AT NEKT MEETING OF LODGE The Cairo Lodge, F. & A. M. at its next regular meeting on the 4th Friday night, will confer several side degrees of that Or der. The E. A.* degree will also be conferred. All members of the Lodge and all Masons in good standing are cordially invited to attend this meeting. I am offering my residence for sale sit a bargain. One-half cash, balance easy terms. R. C. Bell. PAWNS HIS LEG FOR A Valdosta, Ga., Sept. 14.—Val dosta has been infested with maimed and ’ crippled “hoboes” for the past three weeks. On al most every corner they have been asking alms. Last night two or three of them became intoxicat ed and the policemen arrested them. A one-armed hobo and a one- legged one had a frolic on one of the side streets and the onearmed man wanted to whip anybody who came along. The one-legged- man pawned his wooden leg for a bottle of near beer and was having all manner of fun jump ing on one leg. Mr. W. E. Coleman 1 has just returned from Milton, Fla., and gives us an account of the de vastation by the boll weevil in that county.* He says that it will take ten acres to make one bale of cotton, and then the matterisin doubt. Our folks had better get ready for this little destroyer, he is coming and trouble is coming with him. HEALTH, APPETITE, POCKETBOQK. Three Important Items in the fact of living. Fresh, Pure Goods Conserve Your Health, and you get them Here. Things Good to Eat and Tempting to the Ap petite—you get them Here. And the Price—it’s Right and doesn’t bear heavily on yOur Pocketbook. WHITE & STRINGER “The Leading Grocers” A New Market with Some thing Good to Eat. TO f’HE PUBLIC: I have purchased the business formerly known as the “Peo ples’Market” and have opened up for business. I want your trade. I am an experienced market man and will give yon the very best that money can buv of native products. I shall fill your orders promptly and correctly, just as you want it filled, and I ask you to put me to the test. Come in and see us and let us get a cquainted. [toys and Tobf Dolher MpamMjjBMaHBgipaBpBBB«BaaaaB, ? We know you want to be well Dressed. We can do that thing for you in the most up-to-date way. The swel- iest line of Suits, Shirts, Blouses, Hats, Etc. .Everything Up-to-the-Minute. Thomasville, 8 Get in the $1,475.00 Popularity Contest H. K. CLARK, Cairo, Ga. Phone No. 36. S|t=ii9ii=gt9ei=ii9B!i:iti * SMOKERS I SMOKE 1 TA-CA Cigars, 5c. and BERGANOSTES Cigars, 5 & 10c 5 Try them, They are the Best || for the Money. S Remmber, we are always headquar ters for the Best in Drugs. The Rexall Stores are America’s Greatest Drug Stores. WIGHT & BROWNE. lljrTlie Rexall Druggists.