The Grady County progress. (Cairo, Grady County, Ga.) 1910-19??, October 17, 1913, Image 2

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lore New goods daily to sell Compare prices in our win- get a Wonder Bargain. look at our windows. Big Bargains For Saturday and Monday. »||||S»l(|l=ll||lX= 11111= mil 'He / GRADY COUNTY PROGRESS-PAGE THE NEW DRUG STORE ON THE CORNER Is where you can get what you want. In Drugs we have a line that is particularly FRESH and 'NEW. We carry the best that money can buy in all lines. Our Drinks are made from the popular True Fruit Extracts. Our Ice Cream is the Well known “WOOD’S VELVET the best that is made anywhere south of Atlanta, and as good as can be obtained anywhere. As a whole we believe our entire fountain supplies are as pure, as cleanly and as sani tary as particular pains can make them. Our Candies are the BEST—JACOB'S CHOCOLATES—made last night. Our Cigars and Tobaccoes Speak [for itself. Our Toilet articles are comprised of the well known Colgatete and Azurae Lines. Come in and see us. when in town. DIXIE DRUG COMPANY (The Reliable Drug Store On The Corner) Whigham, Ga. Your earning cancity ought to enable you to do more than just make vour living. You ought, to save money. Then having wived, the next thing is to set your surplus .to work safely and profitably. The best'way fcr you to insure a steady, reliable incomo from your savings is to secure a CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT iu the BANK OF WHIGHAM, WHIGHAM, GA. one of the strongest in this territory. Thes; Certificate s are issued in any amount, and they hear 0 per cent if left twelve months. 5 per cent if left six months." 4 per cent if loft three months. They are payable for their faco value at any time under ordi nary eondi tions. You are earning now but your earning capacity CAN’T LAST FOREVER Now is the time tcTfund some of your capital. For those with funds already accumolated, firms with largo reserve, those having charge of estates awaiting investment, there is no better way to employ money. Certificates of deposit in this bank are safe—assets of over $175,000.00 guarantee that—and 6 per cent is a profitable inter est return. Depositing money by MAIL with a strong financial . institution like the BANK OF WHIGHAM can be done safely and with en tire satisfaction. It is a convenient way to do banking business. Write us fur any information you mav desire BANK OF WHIGHAM, Whigham, Ga. O. B. TRULOCK, President. E. M. SMITH, Vice-Prest. E. R. STAPLETON, Cashier. O. C. SPENCE, Vice-J’rcst. P. P; Perkins, Asst. Cashier. Messrs Edd Brinson and Bus ter Miller of near Cairo was in this section Sunday p. m. George Crawford who is ait- tending the Agricultural College at Tifton, spent Saturday and Sunday with home folks. Lost Watch Hunting case, gold, No. 12 size, about a week or ten days ago. Lost somewhere in or near town. Liberal reward will be paid for it’% return to this office. CURRENCY REFORM NEXT TO TOTARIFF. HOLD MONTHLY MEETING While there was unanimity on tariff revision, widely divergent views are held by Democratic senators on hanking reform. A strong desire for a single bank with branches, under govern ment control, instead of a regional reserve system of banks, has made its appearance in formal discussion. Other charges of a far reaching character are being suggested and it is regarded gen erally as doubtful if a bill satis factory to the Senate Banking Committee can reach the floor of the Senate before the middle of November. At the White House there is a confidence that the' bill will be passed this session, or be placed on the statute books before the first of the year. The President wanta-thorough consideration of the currency bill and any improve ment that the Senate can make upon the measure as passed by the House will be welcome. His disposition however is to strong ly oppose any undue delay. President Wilson believes a gen eral decrease in the cost of living, that will be felt by the rank and file of the country, is not along dependent on tariff revision but upon prompt reform of the na tion’s monetary of the antitrust laws. The President’s views of the effect of the tariff is in accordance with expressions from Represen tative Underwood and other dem- ocroatic leadeis that while redue tions in some cases will be im mediate, the general benefits will not at once be apparent. Even though the tariff laws might bring many imports into this country at low rates or free of duty, the evils 1 of price fixing, underselling and other discrim inations in restraint of tiade might, in the President’s opinion defeat the fruits of tariff reform Another essential to free com petition, in the President’s view is freedom of credit. With the concentration of credit in what the President described as an “inner circle” even the benefits of the trust regulation and tariff reduction can be withheld from the consumer by the stifling of enterprise. i None of the administration leaders entertain the idea that the tariff will have any adverse effect. On the o„ther hand they have pointed out that an elastic financial system is now necessary more than ever. As soon as the December ses sion opens, the adminstration will begin to center its attention on the anti-trust programme. There is no intention' at the White House to draft the administration measure. What is expected to happen is. that the members of the House Judiciary committee and the Senate Committee on Interstate Commerce will confer early with President Wilson and discuss the subject informally. The President hopes that before the anti trust bill is launched there will be a common agree ment on it in the committees. SMKw ' 'Tuesday was the regular meot ing of the County Commission ers, and they had a busy day. | As usual, the bills' were piled. mountain high, and required careful auditing; and there was a bunch of other business. About the biggest undertak ing 3ince the building of the big bridge over the river near Pine Park, is now about to be under taken by the Commissioners, that of building a steel bridge across the Ochlocknee at the Walden bridge. The plans for this bridge are all perfected and the Board is at this time asking fcr bids. The plans show the latest perfection in steel bridge construction, and that the Eoard has studied well ever detail and angle of the mat ter. This bridge will cost in the neighborhood of $3,500. The county bridge gang will build the approaches, and only the steel construction work will be con tracted. The road work is progressing as fast as possible, but there are still a lot of kickers to make it interesting to those in authority. Skilled Workmnship can produce. They are Shoes of Known Reputa tion. You take no risk when you Buy Shoes at this Store. We are always glad to see you and show you our line, A. B : g Difference. On September the 25th last year Gtady county had ginned 1634 bales of cotton. On Septem ber the 25th, 1913, there had been ginned in Grady county 2,760 bales. This report shows a difference of 1,226 bales in favor of this year. Now, this doesn’t mean that Grady county is making more cotton; it only means that the crop is being ginned faster than last year. The real fact is that the crop is just about out, not only in Grady couty, but through out southern and southwest Georgia. AUTRY’S SHOE Georgia.Florida Fair Valdosta, Ga. November 4-5-6-7-8. *- The Greatest Display of Agri culture Products and Live Stock that will be made in South Geor- a gia this year. DISTRICT CORN(iLUDSHOW THOROUGHBRED BREEDING STOCK. Latest and most thrill ing free acts day artd night, Horse racing and open'air per formances. CIRCUS AND FULL MID WAY OF AMUSEMENTS. TuREE BANDS. Reduced rates via ATLANTIC COAST LINE. For information address J. M. Ashley, Secretary. I WONDER SALE? A BE POLLER’S Department Store. 5 We are getting in more s at Wonder Prices, s dows, you will sure