The Grady County progress. (Cairo, Grady County, Ga.) 1910-19??, April 10, 1914, Image 1

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THE OFFICIAL ORGAN OF GRADY COUNTY. VOL. 4 CAIRO, GRADY COUNTY, GEORGIA. FRIDAY, APRIL, 10 1914. NO. 37 ip GOV. SLATON 10 MAKE flACE FOR SENATOR 'Atlanta, April 4.--Gov. John M. Slatontonight announced that he would make the race for the United States Senate to fill the place made vacant by the death of Augustus Bacon, after learn ing that Senator West, Who fills the place by appointment, hud is sued a statement to the effect he would not be a candidate. SENATOR WEST WILL NOT RUN Atlanta, April 4.--Senator, W S. West gave out the following interview this we?k. decling to run for the United States Senate: “Fully persuaded that my can didacy before the people to fill the unexpired term of Senator Bacon in the United States Senate does not meet with the entire approval E- „ , . . rt , .. ..., Horserace opep to all plug On May 1st and 2nd there.ynM No - e hoCSeg allowed . be a Horse-Swappers and Fid dlers Convention pulled olf in Ca ! ro - , ...! Trotting horse. Blue ribbon. A great number of prizes will N 0 regular race horse admitted. ■ awarded to the people, and His decision was announced af- ,of South Georgia, and knowing, ter holding an informal confer-j too, that'without the. practically e’nce with a number of his friends; unanimous indorsement of this for sometime at his executive of-1 section—apprehending that other flee in the Capitol. . , candidates from the “wiregrass” Entering the reception' room, section will enter the field, ren where the reporters were assem bled awaiting his statemi nt, he said: “Well, you can state for me that I have decided to make the race for the v unexpired terjn. of the late Senator A. 0. Bacon.” Only a few minutes before this announcement Senator W. S. West, on the eve of his departure to Washington .to resume his, du ties there, had met the newspa per men .and had told them he ‘ would not be a candidate.. The withdrawal of Senator West and the • announcement of the Governor did not come in the nature of a surprise. Frida-y.Gov. Slaton-stated) that his decision de pended upon Senator West and that if the senator ran he would not be in the race and that he would give the South Georgian his support. Senator West decided today, however, that he could not get the united support of the sputh- ern part of the state and under .. the. circumstances, he could not expect to run* Without quitting his duties at the. Capitol and devoting his entire attention to his race here. Senator West has always been noted for' sticking to his , post and he felt that the situation at Washington was such that he could nor spare, enough time for his campaign in Georgia. In his statement tonight he said that he did not make the race mainly be cause he lacked the support of South Georgia. Gov- Slaton declared that he hac no formal announcement to make at present. Later on he 'would make a statement covering his position, he said. WANTED / " * Hens, Hens, Hens, Eggs and Bacon'. I always pay, the high est cash price for all country produce, Bring’me all your country produce and-receive the highest cash price for same. . F. A. Richter, The Produce Store dering the situation still more complicated—to sueceed would require the greatest effort and my presence much of the time from my duties in Washington, I have come to the conclusion noi to enter the race. “This is no wail of Jeremaid sent up because many of the peo ple of South Georgia seem reluc tant to unite in my support. They have their preferences, and un der a free democratic representa tive government, must maintain tha right to exercise them. Yet I wish to say, without -reference t6 myself, that if South Georgia is ever to fill with any of her fa vored sons the high places in the state the people must get togeth er. They should'remember, too it takes time td grow statesmen. “South Georgia is a great sec tion with marvelous.possibilities, and I trust the people will.-be equal to the great destiny that seems to await them. In declining to enter the race for the Senate I wish to say I have, made no promise that influ ences me in arriving at this con clusion. “I take this occasion to express my deep appreciation to the peo*- pie all over Geoi gia for their gen erous offer of support.’ be fun of all kinds will be had The merchants . and business men of this city are behind the movement and this alone insures great dime for.everybody at tending. Many interesting con tests will be held 'among th$m being: v Prizes will be awarded as fol lows: The best fiddler,' One making the most horse trades during the day One making the 'most pur chases from merchants. . List of merchants t6 be published later. Foot race for boys. Potato race for hoys. Bicycle race for boys. Apple eating contest Cracker eating contest. WANTED Hens, Hens, Hens, Eggs and Bacon. I always pay the high est cash price for all country produce. Bring me all your your country produce and re ceive the highest cash. price for same. F. A .‘Richter, The Produce Store. FOR SALE--One . horse and buggy. Apply at this office. A. W. Miller, Local Agt., for Ford Cars. WANTED—Home grown hay for county mules. See Thomas Wight or W. C. Matthews. For Sale or Rent, One Organ in gfiod condition, apply to Mrs Rntherford, Cairo, Ga. FARMERS & MERCHANTS BANK CAIRO, GA. MONEY in your Pocket Earns NOTHING If DEPOSITED in the Farmers & Merchants BANK It Grows. MAKE OUR BANK YOUR BANK • W. T„ Crawford, Pres.' Thos. Wight, V-Pres. J, E. Forsyth, Cashier. 1.102. Slow, nn: e Fastest ox to Le ro le. Fiddlers contest. CO fiddlers w.11 compete for handsomepuise. Dcfll contest. • Handsome priz’d given to the girl /-bringing best dressed doll. Contestant must bring doll in person. Nail Driving conte tt for ladies. Hammer and nails furnished h.\ the county. Auction sale 'free. You cun have your horse or uiu'esold ai auction free. Auction ?r furn ished. A n y .further information cheerfully furnished by J. A. Powell, J \V. Miller, R. L. Nicholson, B. M. Johnson, W. E. Oliver, * i Committee. HOLMAN-McCASKILL A marriage of considerable in terest to Cairo people was that of Mr. K. A. McGaskill to Miss Ruby Dell Holman in.Bainbridge ori Wednesday evening at 8:30 clock, the Revi Mr.; Ward, pas tor of the Presbyterian church performing the cerejnony. The marriage occurred at the Pres- byteiian church. Mr. McCaskill is a brother of Mrs. M, J. Ausley of.this city, and is well known and liked ere. • Mrs. McCaskill is a charming and accomplished young lady ot that city, and has hosts of friends Who wish for her continual hap pi ness. A number of Cairo people at tended the wedding among them being: Mrs. M. J. Aus ley and son. L. M. Ausley, Mr and Mrs. A. L: Plowden.and Mr, and'Mrs. A. C. Kelley. Springs For Automobiles have put in a stock of SPRINGS for the following cars, Buiclt, Cadillac, E. M. F., Ford, Flanders, Maxwell & Studehaker. When you need a spring call on us. We carry also a stock of Ajax. United States & Michehn tires and tubes, and a line of Automobile Supplies. Give us a call. Our prices are ight. Wight Hdw. Co. 1 FOR AUGUST 18TH m AWAY This community was shocked The 26th day of April (Memo rial day) being Sunday,, there fore the Memorial service has been postponed until Tuesduy the 28th inst. All members of 'ust Friday morning ta learn of ,, . ‘ , , .. che death of Mrs. J D. Wimber- C T P Grndy § tal [ e due *$ C . e and govern themselves accora- •y, which occurred at two o’clock Friday morning. Mrs. Wimberly ingly. Evjery member of the most respectfully ni , "“r camp is most respectfully re- was only ill three or four days . .. , , , „„ j t u ■ .. , quest) d to he and appear here at and some of her intimate friends u ..ere in Cairo never tha, she w.s '#**!« , . he . ill until Unheard of her death. Hr As-soon 'as,the sad news was ’ known several of her good friends immediately went out to her! home, which is near town,' to render what assistance they pos sibly could. Mrs. Wimberly was! Adjutant. Commander. Card of Thanks. The family and relatives of the a most estimable lady and was Albert McRorV would express greatly love by her large circle of their hearty thanks to. their friends. Mrs. Wimberly’s death many friends who showed them is indeed a sad occurence and such excellent kindness in their brings a double sorrow upon her recent bereavment. May Heav- children and near relatives. The ! en’s choice blessings abound to m Web, sad condition of Mr. Wimberly, who very recently was sent to the Sanitarium; cofipled with the death of Mrs. Wimberly makes tlie berenvement almost unhear them every one. STATEWENT OF THE OWNER- • SHIP, MANAGEMENT, C1R- ULATIGN, ETC., RE QUIRED BY ThE . ACT OF AUG UST 24, 1912, of The Grady County Progress, published weekly at. Cairo, Ga.. for April 1st., 4914. Editor, Z. V. Blanton Cairo' Ga'. Managing Editor, Z. V. Blanton Cairo, Ga. Business Managers, ZrV. Blaiiton Cairo, Ga. Publisher, Z. V. Blanton Cairo, Ga. ' Owners:—S. R. Blanton Cairo, Ga. Z, V. Blanton Cairo, Ga. Known bondholders, wort- agees, and other security.holders; holding i per. cent of total amount of bonds, mortgages, ot* other securities: Progress Pub lishing Co. Cairo, Ga. Z. V. Blanton. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 9th, day of April, 1914. L. M. Ausley N. P. Grady County Ga. My commission expires Aug ust 25th, 1915. The only customers of this store who have chapped hands are those who haven’t tried Penslar Almond and Cucumber Cream—it’s .the finest thing you ever saw to keep the skin soft and smooth. 25 and 50 cents a' bottle. . The Grady Pharmacy, The Penslar Store A Card of Thanks. We the undersigned take this a ble'for t h e"" "c h il dreri °an d * * those ™ e , thod expressing our grati- who were dear-and near to this * udeand thanks to our excellent family. Messrs. Wal- • 1 friends and t ! e, « hbor ? in 30 kind ' ter and Lucious Merritt, of Cairo ‘v aiclmg us m nursing and in and Monroe Merritt, of Pelham, other wa/s helping us during- the are brothers and Mrs. Poe, of ^ekness and death of our dear this county, a sister of Mrs. Wim- and mo . ther ’ and may G ° d 3 l )erly richest blessings rest and abide with each and aft of them is our How grief stricken Mr. Wim berly will be when his mental condition will permit this awful news imparted, to him. Every one who know this 1 good family will join the Progress in extend ing, heartfelt sympathy to this sorely afflicted family. WANTED Hens, Hens, Hens/ Eggs and Bscon. . I always pay the high ess cash price for all country produce*- Bring me all your country produce and. leceive the! ighest cash price for same. F. A. Richter, The Produce Store. FREE—From now until Easter we will. give a 25c chocolate eaiter egg with each pound of Guth’s chocolate. Price 80c. Wight & Browne. Atlanta, April 5.—The State Democratic primary will be held on August 19th. The State convention will be held in Macon on . September These were the decisions were reached by the State Exe cutive Committee at its meeting here today. What was expected to‘ be a short session developed into a long wrangle, soon after the meeting was called to order, over a resolution that gave en dorsement to President. Wilson’s policy of the canal tolis repeal hill The resolution was finally adopted by a vote of -27 to 4, over the vigorous protest of J. Rufe Hatchens, of Rome. The committee was not able to take up the question of the., con- va-ition and primary until after I one o’clock. I * The-unit rule was adopted-. Special for, Easter.' Chocolate covered easter eggs filled with creamed nuts and- fruitsj 5c to $1.00 each.. Wight & .Browne, FOR RENT—Five room resi dence for refit. Apply to W. A. Walker. Guth chocolates are the finest made,. Try a box for 80c and get an easter egg free. Wight & Browne. ‘ ‘Finest thing I ever used on my face,” says one en thusiastic girl apnut Penslar. Buttermilk Cerate. Some, how we suspect you would say the same if you tried it Yes, it is. made frortf pure buttermilk and it does great deal for the. complex ion.. Price, 50 cents. -The Grady Pharmacy, The Penslar Store prayers. Signed, A. L. Wamble and family. ' For, sunburn, • we can tell of several things that give quick and pleasing relief. For example, Penslar Al mond and Cucumber Cream is a delightful liquid applica tion, not sticky, not greasy. Then there’s Penslar Butter milk Cerate that has all the convenience of a “vanishing” ■ cream with the splendid prop erties of buttermilk as a skin tosic. Ask us about these when you come in. The Grady Pharmacy, The Penslar Store. Keep advertising and adver tising v/ill keep YOU. Don’t Forget Morris Pincus Big Easter Sale IN Whigham, Georgia. GOOD BANKING CONNECTIONS Have you ever thought what advantage GOOD BANKING ' CONNEC TIONS would give you in handling your business. Thu OFFICERS of this hank are ready at all; times to give you their assistance ih any mutters that come before you, and to help you in every way possible for them to do so. Tlie advantages of a cheeking account are numerous, you will find it safer to pay ail your bills by check oh this bank, we keep rect record of all checks that'are drawn on our bank tpid if at any time during the years to come you should want to know anything ah check tlujt you havetdriiwn on us, our records will give,you this tion. . , ' Come to see us when you are in town—Our Bank always welcomes you and it matters not whether your account is large or small you will always receive courteous treatment at our hands. CITIZENS BANK W. S. Wight, President Hi i »