The Grady County progress. (Cairo, Grady County, Ga.) 1910-19??, December 25, 1914, Image 1

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'p68 “IVW. Wood ; for. Life Insurance Go to Tom Wood and Got. Iiiki red UK < FFICIAL ORGAN OF GRADY COUNTY CA:RO, GRADY COUNTY, GEORGIA. FRIDAY, DECEMBER, 25,, 1914. Cfomtmae Gratitude WE review the happenings of this year we wish to thank our patrons for thlir jpatronage. We are grateful for the patronage and confidence of every cus tomer that we have. We wish for each and every citizen in this county the great est possible things in store for them during the coming year. Come in to see us when you come to town; we are always glad to welcome you, and if you are not a custo mer of our bank, open an account with us, and be satisfied with your banking connections. year, I gave thirty-eight presents this Christmas and received only nine letters of thanks.” This seemed dreadful beyond words. And what of the others PM hastened to ask. “Some oi them thanked me when -we next met,” she said oarelessly, and some of them never thanked me at all. You know," she added after a pause, “one of the hardest things to do i. to give thanks graciously. Some people can never do it. It is the dis tinct mark of high breeding. I don’t suppose any one but ■ king or a princess has really the perfeot art of saying ‘Thank* you. It is a mark of good breeding to be prompt and graoious in giving thanks. Even if the gift is a pinousliion and you already have ninoty-nine others, say "Thank you” sweetly, affectionately and in the spirit of Christmas. Do not let twen ty-four hours pass by. without taking sufficient time to write an appreciative, affcotionate little note to every one who has re membered you at Christmas time. Though this may be looked jS U1 ’9 n as a dut y to others, it is far more than that; it is a duty ‘0 yourself, a very real duty, for to be discourteous is to be fl seilisli, and to be selfish is to be outside of many oOife’s keen- 31 est '%££''■■?* a mattcr of . self training, if for no other reason, jt say Tlnyik you ’ as quickly and attractively and sincerely as vou can. ’ * . Business College Continues To Meet With Encouragement MONTEVALLO COAL— .-.-$7.25 TIP TOP COAL.—.— $6.50 EMPIRE COAL:...— I $6.25 NO CLINKERS All these Coals are gu ranteed to give' perfect satisfaction, W. H. SEARCY. Mr. Alton H. Perry reports that notwithstanding the holiday sen on he is meetingwith, much er- ouragement in the establish ment of one of the Southern BUf- ness ColU gos in Cairo, and fron wesent indications he expects- ti unroll the required twenty-fivi itudents soon and open the ceil lege early in .Tmu'rv,'AnpWch tions icr admission to the Colleg. re being received daily from al wtferilje-e imi'v -r. 1.-- rapidly a' jossjble each'iippliofint' is.' bein' , een p^rsouajjy 1 d'Hnite ar anperheiUs made for.him or he- b enter the College. A specie ffer is being made to the firs wepty-five to enroll,; and ; ,it ii- the advantage of an? ne who expects to take a cours< i see Mr. Perry nt once and take dvantageof the special offer t is, indeed, an unusual opportu ity for our young people to ;.s° ure a <i.rst class business educa on right'at home, with but; th< ■•T'ense of going to some distant city. II. G. CANNON. V.-President W. H. SEARCY, V.-President & Cashier W. S. HICHT, President Job Printing Odd Fel.o.vs Elect Officer?. Cairo Lodge, No I. 0. 0. tY, at their regular meeting oi the the night of Dec. 7th electee j officers for the coming year. Mr. C. H. Stewart was elected Noble Grand; Judge W. D. Bat her. Vice Grand; E. 0. Allligord, : secretary and Mr. Frank Mont gomery, treasurer. 1 These officers will be- Instalk d t :e 2nd Tuesday night in Jam - a?y, at which time the -members will enjoy an oyster supper. Strayed or Stolen One white gip setter puppv about 5 months old, with browi spots on back and head. Wu missing from my house abou ten o’clock Dec. 9ih. Finder wil please return to me and receiv. reward. Louis McManeus. Under- the law I am compelled to cloaeThe tax books on December 20th of each year. But on account of the preying financial conditions of the country I am going to continue to collect taxes; at my office at the court house without extra charge to any one for a period of thirty days. This means that I will be comnelled to issue' •tax executions after January 20th, 1915. Respectfully, R.W. PONDER, T.C. FARM LOANS We are prepared to give quick service and best terms to any who may wish to have a five year loan on improved Grady county lands. Loans made from $500 up to any amount. If you will need more money this winter in order to hold cot ton or make improvements on your property, see us before placing your business* Call to see us and bring your deeds and we ? will make you-the best terms possible. Bell & Weathers, Cairo, Ga. Deputy’s Slayer to. Hang; At n- special term of' Siyierio’ ’ourt held this week, Judge E.'E lox, presiding, the trial of Fieri . r ackson, charged with, the mur •'er of Will Griner, deputy slier- ff of Mitchell county, took placf nd the jury brought in a verdict >f guiltv, Jnrfee Cox'then sen tenced the defendent hang a I at Camilla on Jan. 15th, 191f mgaaszagi J. L. OLIVER’S SON Instead of Purgatives People take too many bars! 'urgative pills and tablets; thej v d. temporary relief to be sure b it only temporary. It gets to be a daily habit and that’s bad. ; Lately we have been selling a great deal of a new liquid laxa tive and bowel tonic. The good feature about this article is that it gradually overcomes chronic constipation and makes the use of any purgative unntcessi.ry. The name is CM© Year's Christmas To our Custpmers and Friends: COLDS & LaGRIPP'i 5 or 6 doses 600 will breal any case o! Chills & Fever, Cold & LaGrippe; it acts on the live- bettei than Calomel and does no gripe or ticket.. Price 25c. New has there been a time when the Christmas event stood under so impressive illumination as (t does in this year's Christ- mastide. Che birth of lesus is this year a larger fact for the thought and life of the world than in any year till now. Che phe nomenon of the life of Teeue and bis power (n the world forms the summit question in the thinking of our times. Chough there are some mournful, defections from the divine truth of the manger event, the aggregate state of Christendom exhibits the ever enduring cower of the grace that then and there came to seek and save the lost. N© period _ basever seen such wide circulation and study of the Roly Scriptures as the present, although re cent events have demonstrated the still ejfist- inS need of closer adherence to the divine principle of “peace on earth, good will to men ” Che evangel of a Saviour come thrills more hearts this Christmas than in any other year of this dispensation. Accept Pm best wishes for a very Merry Christmas. . 'Bread is the Staff of Life* % tTAbtys Rthtb/t ALWAYS RELIABLE Sold by WHITE & STRINGER and MITCHELL & WALKER, and GILMORE &MAXWWELL, Snow-Flowei Compound. You will not have to keep on using it. Very likely one bottle vill be sufficient to re-establish lormal conditi ms; Thai' wfiat you want. Foimuia on label—you see ex actly what you are taking. 50 cents and 81.00 a bottle, and ft asts a long time. The Grady Pharmacy THE PENSLAR STORE .We hope the New Year will bring you an abundance of good health, happiness and. prosperity. Wire Grass Feed and Brokerage Company Wholesale Distributors CAIRO, GEORGIA. I L. OLIVER’S SON