Newspaper Page Text
The Grady County progress
VOL. 5
See Ottr Mew
Spring Goods
• 7 - ■ Y v3m-nw*>
Straw Hats Low Cut Shoes
for men women and chil
dren—-New styles in Arrow
collars E. & W. shirts—Neck
ties and other furnishings.
Drop in and let us show
you while the lines are com.
Higdon-Herring Co.
Merchandise of Quality.
Grady County’s Largest Store
Tne- March term of the supm-
mr court convened Monday rttorn-
mg. Judge Cox within a few
momenta after his arrival hud
things in working order. Jack
McNnir out efficient clerk of the
■ourt. was nt hfti pluco with ull
.p-per-* awl docket.t ready and
ShdriffCarr was on hand with
his cm r; bailiffs mirk- for action.
•Judge Cox: appointed Col. J. S.
'Voathtta tulieimr pro uni
nd requested the.grand jury to
The St:;le vs B. G. Barrel
True Hill Misdemeanor.
The State vs William Blunt, 5 rue
Bill Minder,
The State vs Mrs. ,J; L. Balds
True Bill Arson.
The State vh A. W. Cartel.
True Bill Anion.
'''tie Slate vs Mobley J tines, no
bill simple Larceny.
The State vs D ndy Jones, n
Mr H. B. 'Funderburde of
Bainbridge was a visitor last Sun
Mr. S. Steyerraan of Thomas-
ville, was a Monday visitor.
Mr. Gordon, McElvey of Whig-
ham, attended Superior Court,
here the first of the week,
Mrs. W/S. Wight and little
daughter, ixiuise, -spent a few
days duriny the the week with,
friends in Baiubridge.
Messrs. J. B. Wight and Slater
attended the Preachers Institute
at Metcalf , one day during the
past week.
Every citizen of Grady county
is vitally concerned in the legal
IIadvertising of the County. This
paper is the OFFICIAL ORGAN,
for the Sheriff, Ordinary and
Clerk and Board' of County Com-
- missioners and is the BEST and
ONLY REAL newspaper pub
lished in the county of Grady.
Get your name on our list. .
Miss Ivy Bussey accompained
by her sister, Mrs. G. G. Jack-
son of Donaldsonville returned
home Monday from a few weeks
visit in Donaldsonville.
Dr. T. J. Arline who nas been
sick for several days with La
Grippe we are glad to note i
Mrs. W. G. Baggett who has
been in a sanitarium in Atlanta
sor several weeks returned home
Tuesday-. .
Hon Roscoe Luke, of Tho r as-
ville attended court here -jdui i g
the week.
Col W. M. Harrell of Bain-
bf-idge is among the Legal
lights here this week.
The cleaver John K. Godwin
the wheel-horse of Spence dis
trict was a visitor hdr« this week.
Ever.vboby knows the genial John
K. He numbers his friends by
his acquaintances. '■$ •
retire to th*- r room and eRqtjLarceny
their forohian. They *o<ui re-'
turned to their seats in the court
.mom and announced that tiny
has elected Hum \Y. S, Wight to
serve as fot’etnan. As hooh ns
they were sworn Judge Cox de
livered his charge to them. . The
charge tu the gaand jury wob
said to be the most complete ar.d
strongest charge ever delivered,
to a Grady county jury. His
charge made every citizen who
heard it feel like there was a
grave responsibility resting upon
every citizen. The charge tend-
edtowards the elevation of eit-
zenship. In other words Judge-
Cox think that as Georgia is
known as the Empire state of
theSo^th tljat we should eneav-
or to have it known as the Em
pire State in the highest order of
Grady is one oT the younger
ceunties of Georgia and every
citizen should do his utmost to
keep down any thiqg and every
thing which would reflect upon
our standing as good law abiding
citizens. It is extremely un
fortunate that the people of a
county or a community are judg-
djand classed by the actions of
the lower element of its people.
Just a few bad people in a coun
ty make the ugly record of the
county, or community in'which
they live. If our state laws were
enforced with as much certainty
as-the federal laws are enforced it
would have a strong influence
towards making better citizens
Statement of the Condition, of
The Farmers and Merchants Bank
catcd at Cairo, Ga., at the clcse of business, Feb. 27,
Demand Loans.,—.-$ *•$$£•
Time Loans.
Overdrafts secured...;•■•
Overdrafts, unsecured ...... NON -,
Bonds an& Stocks owned by tiw Bank
Banking 'flfhuBe.. — . — --— 4,2^.36
Furniture And l ixuir^s.-r 2,o2U.10
Other Ucal'Estate-..——
Due from und Bankers
in this State —
Due from Bum.a and Bankers
in other States 0?J8 ooY" ’ 9
) 8,840.0.’
r-n-enev ,2718.0a )
Gold..-. 2-10.00 (
Mtver, Aiekels, etc 1992 lo l
Cash .Items. 1705.71 >
Clearing House None
Advances Cotton ... None
Profits and Loss . . .None
Other Resources. .. N° m ‘
Capital Stock. Paid in.... _„_.S3i},000.09
•surplus Fund Nona
Undivided Profits, less Current
Expense-, Interest and
Taxes paid ......-D — .--- 5,380.10
Due to Banks anil Bankers in this
State . ...... —None
Due from Banks and Bunkers in othar
States None
Due Unpaid Dividends 190.0u
iniividnal Depoiits
Subject to Cheek 50,592.51
Savings Deposits..16,905.20 Tot82.2C9.73
Deniund Certificates. None.
Time Certificates.. 14,761.96
Vitified Ctiecks;NCN S
Casliier’s Checks . 905LP3
Due to Clearing House Sun
Notes and Bills ltedi-irounted .. .no .0
Bills Payable, including Time
l erlilii-.ates representing Bor
rowed Money ....none
Other Liabilities Itemized none
Total....—-——-- $113,635.41
Total:.’ - -$118,095,4V
STATE OF GEORGIA—.rady County.
Before me came J. E Forsyth Cashier, of The Farmers'ante
Merchants Bank, who being duly sworn, says .that the above anc,
foregoing statement is a true condition of said Bank, as shown by
the books of file in said Bank. ^ ^ Caflhier>
Sworn to and subscribedbefore me, this 8th. day of Dec.
L M. Ausley, N. P„ Grady County, Ga.
Monday’s Business
Pedie Cumbie vs. Charles
Cumbie, Libel for Divorce, M. L.
Ledford for plaintiff and L. W.
Rigsby for Defendant, Divorce
granted to both parties.
Court took a recess from 12-30
until 1-30 p. m. at- which time it
met and disposed of the following
Ases. , T -, •
Minnie Neal vs. Ira Neal Libe
for Divorce, J. Q. Smith, for
Plaintiff, First verdict by jury.
Eva Harrison vs, A. J. Harri-
-on, Libel for Divorce,' First ver
dict by jury,
H. S'. Harrell vs, Leila Harrel',
Libel for Divorce, P. C. Andrews
or . Plaintiff, First verdict by
W. T. Crawford vs. R, L. Nich
olson, Sheriff. N. C. Dixon,
R. G. Bell, Ira Carlisle, and J. Q.
Smith, and Roscoe Luke for Plaff.
G. G. Bower and K'.R. Terrell for
Defts. Case withdrawn the abov<-
case was an injunction.
Mrs. A. L. Sanders vs. R L
Nicholson, Mrs. N. C. Dixorb et,
il Injunction & etc. Same attys
as in above case.
Tuesday’s Business. |
Sam Lairy & Will Ross, vs
Sam Bishop, Appeal from Ordin-
fti-ys court, tried by jury mis
trial declared, Bell and Weathers
and Roscoe Luke for Plaintiffs
and R. R. Terrell and S'. P.
Cain for Defendant.
Li icoln Trust Co, vs I. P.
Chapman, Appeal from Justice
court, heard by the court Judg
ment in favor o£ the plaintiff.
J. C. Halle and John R‘ Wilson
tor Plaintiff and L. W. Ri gsby
^or Deft.
The-Sure vs Oit/uiia Jones, i.o
bill ttmiple Larcen-'.
The Slate vs Sam Dees on
bill Burglary.
The Suite vrt W. H. Fluydj
True fc!iil„. Lurceny Irout in,:
The Court, took recess from 12-
30 until I 39 p. M.
The State vs Warren Rosier,
True Bill Burglary.
The State vs J. A. Melvin.
True Bill. Cheating and Swindl
J. G. Ragans vs Walter Davis
Complaint for land, Ledford
and Luke for Deft, Theodore
Titus for Plaintiff, Verdict and
Judgment for Defendant.
W. A. Horton vs S. P. Van-
landingham, Suit for Damages,
Bell and Weathers and J. Q,
Smith for Plaintiff, J, R. Sing le'-
tary for Defendant.ludgment for
Plaintiff for $100.00.
Court, took a recess from 5 p.
Tn. until fe-30 Thursday morn in*.
Thusday’s Business.
Cairo Guano Co vs Haves Jones
Affidavit Bond And Attehment ,
L. W. Higsbv, for Plaintiff and
Ira Carslile, Judgment direct
ed tor defendant.
Citizens Bank vs Mrs. W.. L.
Fambrough, Suit on note, R. C.
Bell Roscoe Luke and J, Si Weath
ers for|ntifE-, J. Q. Smith
for Deft. Judgment for plaintiff
State vs C lower Howkins.
charged with burglary, Plead,
guilty and put on probation 12
months in gang: and (5 rnos. in
jail to. be relieved of same on
payment; of costs and good be-
havior. for IS months.
State vs Arthur Williams Bur
glary Pleads guilty, sentencedio
4 years in the penintenitary
. State vsSa'm Green, Assault
with intent, to murder. Ne Bill.’
State vs Jes-tie Washington
Rope no bill. -
State vs James Elij*; wf-
•vhiying, no bill...
S. tate vs C. «. Malden,, sinapl
Lircen'y, no bill.
T. F. Dyson vsT. S, Copeland
Appeal from justice court with
drawn .by plaintiff.
State vs Dan Frazier.' Larceny
from the house, Found guilty by
i jury and sentenced to chaii-
gang for 12 mos. or pay a fine of
$•20.00 ] -
State vs Roy Sadler, being ii
toxicated at church, found'guilt;
and put on probation for 18 mot
and pav a fine of $20.00
State vs Watton Tuggle, bein;
intoxicated at church, plead
guilty, fined $35.00 and put oi
probation for 18 months.
State vs Watson Tuggle/dis-
turbing devine Worship, No
Court took a recess here from-
5 p. m, until Tliursday morning
To be Continued in next weeks
sage of the Progress.
New Styles
Time for “glad garments’’ to meet tlje gladest
of Seasons, time to flash that bright Spring
morning exubernnee in pour dress.
Your Easter jpothes
We have in stock the famous Mitchell
Stean line of ready made clothes in serges,
crush palm suits.
Tailor made Clothes
We have represented The Columbia Tail
cring Co. lor 8 years and if you have not al
ready given us your order for your Spring suit
eome in and make your selection for delivering
bejore Easter..
J. L. Oliver’s Son,
Cairo, Ga.
Pay Your g«t>scription
Applications tcceived for loans from $100.00 to.Sl.aOOO.OO, on
improved apd unimproved town property and fa*m’ laird 5. Ihf.6r-
est 8 per cent straight. Interest payable annually or-semi-annual
ly.’ Time, -one tp' tqn; years. Applicants for lpaJs \vfl) please give
lieserlptioii, loc'abiiiri'i’and valuation of"property.offered as security
for loan.’ State. improvemehts and valuation of Sanieft;,.--.; .
Wo want County representatives to recieve, applictitions for
loans, appraise property, and serve’as.our exclusive repi-esehtative.
Attorney:or reab.estaiD rtiatv preferred. Applicant's for loans, and
applicants.for agencies pu.stjti-vdly required to iurntsh at least two
character inferences and forward postage, live 2c stainus. for ap
plication blanks, Tull particulars, and prompt.reply.Write South
ern Office, Southeastern Mortgage Loan Assii;’, Fourth Nat’l Bank
lildg., Atlanta, Ga. . . .
sobims ■■ ■■ ,, ..
git izu:.N r s ba:nk,:Mi ro, g a
Published under call from State Bank Examiner at close of busim s=
• Ft-b.:27 th, 1915.. '
§50,00 .00
Loans & Disc;. $173,391,07
Banking House,
', P urnijtpre ard
Cash in vault
iiiid uue from
Capital Stock
Surplus and Un-
Unpaid Diviqens - 100.00
tlive- 1 p-.-nts 22,710.79
Certified Checks 4.SO
Cashiers Checks 38*1 3°
Deposits 171,153.02
Borrowed Money NONE
Before me came Wh. Searcy, V. P. & Cashier uf
Citizens Bank who being- duly sworn, says that tlie ab >ve
ind foregoing statement is a true condition of said Ba tk,
is shown by the bcoks of file in said Bank.
Wh. Searcy. '
Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 27th day
of Feb, 1915. iSf •/
- L. C. Powell, N. P., Grady County, Ca
If you want-A safe place to Deposit your money
lank is that place.
Call in to see us, We appriciate your patronage
W, B. Wight, Wll-Sciu'c.v, H.-.G. C;unum
President*. ./ V. 1’. A; Cashier . Vice Pres