The Grady County progress. (Cairo, Grady County, Ga.) 1910-19??, April 16, 1915, Image 1

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11 E OFFICIAL ORGAN OF GRADY COUNTY. yoiM CAIRO, GRADY COUNTY. GEORGIA, FRIDAY, APRIL ,16 1915. Spring Weather and a Pair of Walk-Over I A combination hard to Usat--especially when fitted the Walk-Over way. A big bunch of real satisfaction awaits you in one of our new Spring models. : .. Here you will find everything that any man or young man could want or wish for in the way of fashionable footwear. A glance at our windows will serve to show you the authentic styles for Spring. $3.50 ■Merchandise of Quality” Minutes of last meeting road and adopted. On motion the Chairman was in.- lrucfeifto render such assist inc L ‘ Mr, Cub Miller and family as lie deemed iiweassarv, such assis tance tut to exceed $10 for hnv one month. On motion thcooun y board occupied (lie recommendations of the committees in regard to .i claim for damages by W. S. Pars and therefore refuses the payment of any damage to property to Mr. Pars by use of dirt in building a public road in the Pine Park district. -,y KagawiBfgJB/rolfcC • n. t 'tr.-jaxstmnizav[xs*i 111 t High School Pupils to Me6t. i The seventh annual meet of High School Association of the second congressional district yyjll be held at Thomasville next Thursday and Friday, Cairo will bo represented in several of the contests and -we look for our contestants to bring off the honors., The association was formed seven years ago and is composed of the High schools in this dis trict. Contests are hdd in all branches of study and in athlet ics. , Bring your. Tow hides toR. P. Bennett. He- will pay you highest market price. Langiey--Burns. Married at the residence of Mr. P. H. Herring, Ordinary, on the evening of Apr. l-'lth, Miss Lon Langley and Mr ,R, L. Burns both 6f Calvary, Miss' Langley is the 'beautiful and' accomplished daughter of Mr and Mrs, T;L. Langleyand a lady of many accomplishments and lovod by all who know her. Mr, Burns is an only child of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Burns, of near Calvary, and' is a young man of much promise, - May their pathway be strewn with roses and may peace and prosperity be theirs, is the wish of their many friends, Convention of Tax Assessors §gda Water Advanced. Owing t° the advanced price of sugar, we afejcompelled to ad vance the pripe of §qdq wat§P from 25 aents to 3d cents per doz. ThankingyoufoMratronage In past. ' ■' . ■ . ‘ Yours Truly,- \ Chero Cola'Bottling Co. 1 E. L. VickesV, Mgr. \ Coco Cola Bottling Wk£. \ ' P. L. Bailey,- Mgr. V^ee me before •'selling your Cowhides. I pay highest mar ket price. R. P. Bennett. Judge Jon C. Hart, state, tax commissioner, has called a con vention of all the local boards of assessors to meet in the hall representatives of the state cap itol. next Friday and Saturday foi the purpose of securing a more perfect and equitable adminis tration of the equalization tax The Grady county board composed of Messrs. K. Powell J. F. Forrester and .S. P. Van landingham, and it is quite pos sible that one of these gentle men will attend.' pet after the prizes now- itS Of THE COUNTY BOARD OF J. L. OLIVER S Grady County's Largest Store Members .present: Thos. Wrghr. T W. Faircloth, Henry Mitchell P. Ward, S. J. Norton and Aroli Harrell. On motion it was ore e ed tliut $2.50 road i. Jxes paid by Davis of Pine Park district be refunded to (toy Barvpjk for Will Davis be cause said Will Davis is under road tax dge. On motion the County Board agrees to pay railroad fare of one member of the Tax Equalizers to and from .Atlanta 1 to attend a con vention to be held on the 23rd'of April, provided they can legally pay such expenses. " (I On motion thoroad superintendents are 10eby ordered to issue defaulters summons to all road subjects whpvave not paid their road tax by Saturday night,- April i 7th. Ail defaulters are to be summonsed to meet the county board on tlL first Tuesday in May next.- a ■;:?!■ ■ ■ St On motion it was ordered that. $5.00 roaf^ax for Moses Huntley and Hugh Jonson be refunded ,'[ ii Wight on account of these mien being overage. i; On motion it was decided that, the public road running from Horse (Ireok on the lower end cjf the Hawtikorn Trail southeast of the Florida lino be discontinued and in weulhereof the board agrees accept and maintain a road from Hors®! Creek running south 1 west through 'lands of Jl. G, Maxwell, T. M. Maxwell and. G. H. 1 Butler to intersect the Cairo and Goncord rpad in Grady county neat the residence of Mr J B Ferrell, ; On motion.the chairman is-instructed to furnish a stone post .to government authorities for the purpose olestabiisliing a true tne* idiari line for Grady county. j On motion it was decided that J M. Millm- ,t Sons b. ing tiie low est bidder that tqe building contract of the: storage room for the county he awarded them at a price of c-30U for the jib complete, all material furnished as per specifications'. On motion the cpmmitteeof T \V Fah-eith, Henry Mitchell and the Chairman were appointed to in vestigate the matter of reducing the court house expenses, the care of. them-ards, etc, and to make such recommendations as thoy deem bestKalthe next regular meet ing of thq'board. On motion the chairnuVwas.instructedfto appoint a committee to investigate and settle qll the bills and expenses of Jack Johnson who was shot and later declared a lunatic; committee appointed T W Faircloth, S J Norton and the chairman. On motion the following bills were approved and ordered paid. W,M Walker commissions on road tax Duncanville dist . SB 25 “ cutting tree from road " “ 50 R J Brinson coqts on road tax Lime Sink dist .... . 20 00 mad -work Lime Sink dist• 4. .G. 10 ffj E L Maxwell ■' • ' Higdon .44 .75 U5 lumber for bridges by convicts . _ . 5 13 com9 on road tax Higdon dist _ 55 00 J H Collins “ So Cairo “ 55 00 B H Belcher “ Whigqam.dist — ...27 00 R B Belcher “ No Cairo ::0 80 ’• work on roads " “ 3 50 T E Willis V B Cave “ A —.18 05 R E Clay corns road tax Pine Park dist _ __ 32 50 J T Booth work on roaas Reagan 5 00 “ .corns “tax “ “ _... — 36*75 W M Prince com “ No Cairo dist—.— 59 25 C H Mize road work Spence dist... 5 00 D P Ward, 1 day extra as commissioner _____ 3.00, Thos. Wight 7 days extra as commissioner.....j........ 21 00 S J Norton 3 1-2 days extra as commissioner..... 10 50 Arch Harrell, 8 days extra as commissioner... ___.G 00 T W Faircloth 3 days extra as commissioner __..9 00 Henry Mitchell 3 days extra as commissioner ... 00 Henry Mitchell qU and potatoes for convicts ...........130 S J Norton road work, Spence and Blowing CaVe districts..... 8 40 Poulk-Wight Go., supplies for poor farm™ 2243 Poulk-Wight Co, food and freight.for county mules’... 23 60 W J Willie salary for Jau. Feb. and Mar. as. Corns. Atty 30 01 Reddick^Collins hay for mules 6 56 New shoes to go with new raiment-«-all ready to be shown. Fashions that are approved by style experts. w/ftfe We earnestly request the op / portunity of showing you the newest, most beau tiful lot of Spring shoes we have ever stocked. J. L. Oliver’s Son, Cairo, Ga. Cairo Woodmen to Athens. As delegates from the local lodge. Messrs. 1. D. Lewis and ,7. T. Sellers, left Monday night for Athens to attend the biennial session of the head camp of the M we erroneously stated. City Court to Convene Monday. . The* April term of Cairo City Court will convene here next Monday instead of last Monday Geor- Woodmen of the World in gia. ' . j ■ There are about 806 camps of this fraternal order in Georgia with between 25,000 and 30,000 members and the camp here is very strong. Wilkes Bros., hay for mules F A Belcher, hay for mules...; IsSdore Hughs, 5 days work with repair gang Jno Wesley 28 .....9140 .A—4 80 5 00 28 00 ' 26 00 , ' 27 00 18 On I DO ,5 50 : 3 00 .213 .22 50 .56 00 i. 13 20 Fresh Meats Always* Fi;esh Stock on Hand ■ Quik Deliveiy Efficient Service I will pay, highest market price for green Cow Hides. R. P. Bennet: The new court officials. Judge W. J. Willie and Solicitor Ira Carlisle, will assume their duties at.thi3 term and they have per haps the largest docket in the history of thecourt to “break in” on. We predict that the business of this court will be dispensed more quickly, fairly and , impartially I than ever before. Standard Oil Co., gasolene for county... 8 -it) J. M. McNair Superior court services Jury scrips etc 45 30 Farmers arid Merchants Bank, for bills paid in March 1.46 57 J M MtNair envelopes and freight on supplies for C SC.......3 14 Ira Higd&n mule feed for county..'. 816,73 Wight and Browne, seed and regulator for poor farm..60. Wight & Browne, medicine etc. for convicts LV8 46 Wight Hdw. Co., boiler sifter for poor farm.— 1 25 Wight Hdw. Co., tools & equipmonts for convicts. 120 53 Poulk : Wight Bo., supplies for convicts .. .625 08 Roddenbery I-Idw. Co., lumps, dusters and hose spray for C II 5 20 R.L BENNETT, The Grocer Mellie Ro9S Manual A ess'v \ Jno. Heavy Strickland 1 Robert llill 5 1-2 A C*F Cone balance on February guarding salary. B M .Johnson Postage fJr-county..7,........ ....... Wight I-Idw. Co., for shoeing mules by Mobly ..... Poulk-Wight Co., cash paid guards in March W W Mobley repair on equipments for convicts.. D R Collins corn, fodder, etc., for mules L5510 PH Herring postage and express on antitoxin 53 W A Carr turn keys to court services 1... ......41 40 YV H Hudson -feeding prisoners in jail Feb. Mar ... 174 65 WB Brown work on bridge north Cairo Dist............ 3 50 Foote and Davies Co., Execution doe’et for C. (A* 19 /6 FJ McKown. Superior court Jury Scrips *. 32 00 E J McKown, pd. Dr. Walker for Mod. s.erviqes. by Sup. court 2 00 E. J. LcKovvn, expences Lqpafic Jack Johnson —.36 53 M Johnson, Fire Ins.qvapce-premium on, court house.—..122 40 Wight&Seatcy - v “• 118 80 Crawfpj'd fa Fossyth “• '.*■■ “ “ “.A —118 80 "armon Davis, cutting tree from road Pine Park Dist 35 W Sanders road work, Whigham Dist. 1 ...'.6 50 A Smith, .hay for mules ........15 53 . ,oy Barwiok, road tax refunded for Will Davis P P Dist. ....2 50 G W Connell, commission on road tax, Spring Hill Dist...;.21 00 G W Connell, road Spring Hill Dist • 3 00 j B Wight road tax refunded for Hugh Johnsoti&Mose Huntley 5 00 B R Reynolds, road work Whigharh Dist 5 00 Mrs. W. B. Roddenbery flowers & shrubbery for C H yards..5 75 J A,Reynolds, washing and extra work at poor farm .—3 75 H *1 Hart, auto tire & repair,on equipment for Convicts..-.-.24 20 Cairo Ice &.Botl. works coal for jail 4 84 Mrs. JM,Bell feeding superior cour.t jurist.. 0.50 City market beef fish for poor faro;>,..._ ... ——2 75 Citv Market, beef & fish for convicts.. J W Clifford sharpening saws for county Happ Bros, convict clothing t— J M Sasser hay for mules L Roddenbery Hdw. Co., snatch block for convicts BH McManeus, repairsatjail L W Rigsby salary as probate Judge for Mar,.. Wire Grass Feed and B Co., mule feed for countv Mitchell and Walker cotton seed meal for ppor farm .16 54 ..1 00 .72 00 . 13 GO ... 8 00 .. 12 50 . 36 26 ...1 GO W J Willie; City Court cost on convicts to be divided between Solicitor, sheriff and Clerk of . court.. . J A Harrison feeding county mules — Wm A Lee road work, Ragan district.. ....: T E Willis commission on road tax, B C district — . Poulk-Wight Co. clothes for lunatic On motion adjourned. • Thos. Wight, chairman, T. W. Faircloth, S. J. Norton, D. I’. Ward Arch Ilarroll and Henry Mitchell. ^ B. M.'Johnson. Clk.. 40 00 .2 30 6 25 45 36 .4 00 UlVjr IMHt,nVb UGC, l».l ,U1 *b*rnifc.l ......... . ..... ...... | City of C$iro water & lights for housd. s^d jail —- 23 85 H W Maxwell corn for mules ABSOLUTE SAFETY When you have money deposited with us you can always rely on l!,c fact that your mbney is safe at all limes. We observe the laws governing banks, and always conduct our business on safe and sound business principles. Our officers and Directors are men with business experience and pur policy is always SAFETY FIRST. We offer you an absolutely «afe place to deposit your Money. ' Citizens Bank,Cairo, Ga W.'S. -Wight, Pres. W. H. Seafcy, V. Pres. andCashier H. G* Cannon, V. Pres'.