The Grady County progress. (Cairo, Grady County, Ga.) 1910-19??, May 14, 1915, Image 1

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VJL. 5 -i I V f FACIAL 0K 3AN OF GKV.JY COUNTY; CAIRO, GRADY COUNTY. GRORGIA. FRIDAY, MAY 14. 1915. NO-51 ENtXEIXSQaB you’ve £ is mere Clothes especially designed for young men with style that was hereto fore confined only to high priced garments. Bat style is not everything. . You want wool fabrics; good tailoring'—by fia-ml where essential;—dependable linings. You get till this and more in Frat Clothes. • the “more” is true service you will get in wearing these good clothes. All-prices prevail • Greatest strength at $10 to.$25 . $58 and $20 ise of Quality ” t\ -'7. wtrrsrrrxnmai^a. , ssxaixsHazacaxa THIS-I8 A Blfi DM FOR ALL IN CAIRO. To,day, Friday, is a big day tor Gniro as the three .Sunday schools n o-holding their annual picnic and the Masons have joined in wish them , . mi.oj.v ihiium, iiiuiuiiiem,. larmcr.-: he Grady ( ounty Masonic con- • m et a | the Court House last Tucs- vention meets here today and tho| r j 0v wording. The meeting was presence of Grand Worshipful called to order by Mr. WaYd who Master Ihllnrd and other promi- nl(u]e a Rho) . t ttilk as to the reason Look Ice Users ! Ice was high, now ’tis reason able, account of Cliero-Cola Ice and B >ttling Works now handling it. With your patronage it will continue to be low, without it, it will go back up. Motto: Help yourself by buying from Tickets for Sale by Wagon or Office—Phone 144 Whigham items. Mr. W. 1j. Perkins of Trinity section was in town Tuesday Dr. Hollingsworth, of Meigs, was called home Sunday to the bedside of his father, Eld. Wrti. Hollingsworth, who was quite siclc .hot we are glad to say is much better at this writing. Judge Willie, of Cairo, was here Tuesday. Mr. Donald I'eaco, of Folkston is spending a few days with homefolks. Mrs. B. A. Parker shopped in Thomasville last Friday. Mr. Lester moved last week from the Quitm house to the Dr. McCord house .recently vacated by Dr. Daniils. Mr. and Mrs. Lenhnrdt will occupy the one va cated by Mr. Lester. i Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Patter- TavIoV- Association to Mrot. Tbcmfion meeting of the Tav or Association will conveneAvith the Capel church on the fifth Sun day and Saturday before in May. The following interesting pro- grata has been arranged for Sat u: day, May 29th: Morning Session. , Song. Prayer. Devotional—-Mrs; J. M. Prjnce. Report from District Secretary. Sermon atll o’clock—Need of |,Missions by Rev. A. T. Hart. | Dinner. | Afternoon Session. I Chrislian'ty as an Active Force 'Mrs,<J. L. Mauldin, i Relation of W. M. H. to Chur —Mrs. W. H. Robinson. Our responsibility to the P.oys son, of Patterson.s Still, .spentI ^'. l * 8 ‘ 'A 1 "" V t* Tuesday here with his mother. 1. T. hett. • G ,• • Giving.—Miss Rochelle Morri- Miss Eula Connell left Friday to spend some lime in Boston and Barwick. Statement of the Farmers & Merchants Bank as shown by their books on May 1 st, 1915. (State Depository) Assets of the Bank Money which we. have loaned $96;787.49 Our Banking House and Fixtures^.... G.777.45 Cash in our vaults or deposited with National Banks.- 24,525.99 Total Assets 128.090.93 ' Liabilities of the Bank Capital Stock $30,000.00 Undivided Profit... 5,229.09 Amount of money we have on deposit... 87,861.84 Money borrowed from other banks 6,000.00 Total Liabilities 12S,090.93' Above we have set forth in a plain, concise man ner a'statement of our bank on May 1st, and we call your careful attention to same, and upon its strength solicit your business. If you wish any further infor mation it will be cheerfully furnished. We have pub lished a small booklet entitled “Banking Made Plain,”' and would be glad for you to call and-'get a copy of same. It is interesting and thoroughly explains the principles of banking. • -' ^ “Make Our Bank Your Bank” . I \W. T. Crawford, President. . Thos. Wight, Vice-President. J. E. Forsythe,: Cashier. B. R Mr. and Mrs. Coley, have mo\- ed to the O. V. Chapman • house. Rev. Christopher filled .his ap pointment at Calvary Saturday and Sunda£\ Miss Lena Belcher spent Fri day in Thomasville with her aunt Miss Amanda Neel, and her cou sin, Mrs. A. A. Riley. Miss Vera Harrell, of near Ca milla, is spending a while with her sister. Mrs, R. R. Webb. Mr. M. T. Sanders, of' Cal vary, spent several days here-since our last writing. Mr. Monroe Jones pnd d.augh ter, Miss Rosa, Of Orange Spring section, were in town Tuesday. Mr. spent Friday in Cairo. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Maxwell, Mr. Emery Mobre and sister,Miss Miss Mittie, and Miss Worden, of Swamp Creek section, came up Maxwells’s new car.Satur- day Bveniug. . Miss Jetvell Dekle, of Cairo, spent Saturday and Sunday with her sister, Mrs. A. L. Harrell. • . Miss Willie Moore returned home Saturday, having finished h ;r school at Fort Gaines. Aimes-of Union. —Mrs. Pope. Do wo need a W. M. S?—Mrs J. W. Cannon. Adjournment. • Sunday. The sermon on Sunday will be preached by Rev. N. C. Wilks. There will be' dinner on the grounds and everybody is invited to come with well filled .basket. live pram tVA3 ILL ATIEIED. Pursuant ; to requi st of County Farm Demonstrations P. II. Ward which was published in the Prog ress last Week, ’about thirty of Grady's most prominent farmers promi nont masons has intensified the interest. j> The Cairo lodge, who are hosts to the convention, Iras invited the lodges of the neighboring towns and many hundred visitors, are here. The picnic is being held at the Copeland Park and all the stores banks and places of business arc closed and everyone is out for a day of enjoyment. The Masons have prepared an interesting program, which is ns follows: 9:00 A M. Regular communica tion of Cairo Lodge. 10:A.M. .Business meeting of Grady County Masonic Associa tion at which time the Grand Master will make an informal talk to the assembled Masons. 11:00 A.M. Public address at the Court - Hbuse by Grand Master Ballard 12:00 P.M. Dinner at Copeland Park to which all Master Masons and their families are invited. 2:00 P V M. Conferring of the S. A. degree; 3 30 P.M. Conferring the F.C. degree. 5:P.M. Conferring tne W.M. degree■ Notice (o Pensioners. Pension money is now in my office. Please call and get it. . P. H. Herring, Ordy. Leo Frank was,again sentenc ’d to be hanged on June 22nd. they had been asked to ?.s«emb'e and introduced Mr. II M. G il e of the State College of Agriculture who spoke on the advantages, of having a Live Stock Association. His remarks were well received and at the conclusion of his add ress the Grady County Live Stock Association was organization with the following officers, 1 W. B. Roddenbery President. J. M. Sasser Vice Presidem. D. L. Williams Sec. and Treat*. Mr. Roddenbery then took the chair and appointed the following well known men as Committee on By Laws: W. L. Wight. Ohus. Belcher, and J. F. Forrester. The Association was organized with 30 leading farmers and bus iness men a3 charter members and each one intends doing his best to get others t join. The purpose of the organiza tion is to grow more and hotter stock, to establish a better sys tem of marketing and to study the causes and control ofdiseasee. of live stock.' The next meeting will be held in Cairo the first Saturday in Juno and every man that raises stock is urged to be present. W. C. T. U. to Meet Monday- The V/. C, T. U. will hold its regular meeting next Monday af ternoon in the League ' I-Itfil at 4 o’clock. A splendid program Sentence was. passed by Judge h ag been arranged'and a full nt- Hill last Monday and Frank again tendance is earnestly de3ir<*d. First Aid to tho Kidneys. Unless you are a physician or druggist you have no idea, how much kidney trouble'there is. Elderly people sutler the most because they have neglected ihemselves the most. V The time to treat kidney troub le is when it is first suspected, thus, preventing it, usually, from growing' more seribus. The best “first aid to the kid neys” is S<ad Us Your Job Printing and • T ou will be Well Pleased. i For Clean Towels And § s Sharp Razors Go To n [ W. H. P, Onealin J Barber Shop | | South Broad Street, | | Cairo - - Ga. \ 5 SiKHKMiattJMKNSHHKt® JEMOH®!’ 5 3uchu and Palmetto Compound which contains Buchu. Saw Pal:' •metto, Corn Silk, Couch Grass, Uya Ur si and Potassium acetate' Any one who* knows will tel 1 you that science has hot revealed any better combination of kidney remedies for acute kidney- troub les.' , People send to us for it from all parts of the state and w< know from what they say that it does them great good. A fifty qent bottle will show its value but the dollar size is more economical. The Grady Pharmacy THE PENSLAR STORE made a statement declaring his innocence. He had already ap plied to the Prison Commission for a pardon but they will not give the matter a heaving until after June 1st. In the’ event the prison commission’s recommend ation should not reach Gov. Sla ton before his time expires, June 26th, ic is thought the Governor wil^ferant him a respite and that the final action on hisplealwill be loft over for Gov.-elect Harris. Cairo High School Ends A Successful Term. - f The spring term of the above school came to a close last night with a musical and recital by the pupils of Misses Forrester and Powell. The commencement sermon will be preached Sunday by Dr. W. F. Smith, pastor of the First Baptist Church, of Valdosta. On Monday niglit the gradua tion class will render a play “the Kentucky Belle” and a small ad mission fee will be charged. . On Tuesday morning the liter ary address will be delivered by Hon. Frank Park, congressman from this district. That evening a.t-8 o’clock the graduation'exer cises wijl be held. Every woman interested in the temperance cause is invited to be present at this and all meetings of the W. C. T. U. Tho program for this meeting is as follows: Subject.—Literaturo. Superintendent.—Mrs. J. Q? Smith. Scripture Lesson by Superin tendent. Prayer. Song by the Union. Reading.—Miss Carmicheal. Talk on Temperance Litera ture.—Rev. Mingledorf. Solo.—Mrs. W. H. Robinson. Reading.—Miss Myrtle Harris. Song.—Crusade Bonnctt.-Six Girls. Recitation. Mi-:s Jewell Brown. I am prepared to give quick service and best terms to any who may wish to have a 5 or 10 year loan on improved Grady County Farm Lands. Loans made from $500 up to any amount. W. Harry Feebler, Whigham, Georgia - * Tuxy -ir * *.i Mit RX'''jv irr^rr. f. o-.1 lir x ABSOLUTE SAFETY When you have money deposited with us you can always rely on tho fact that your money is safe at ■ ail limes. We observe the laws governing banks, and always conduct our business on safe and sound business principles. Oltr officers and Directors are men with business experience and our policy is always SAFETY FIRST. We offer you an absolutely safe place to deposit your Money. Citizens IBank,Cairo,Ga, W. S. Wight, Pres. W. H. Searcy, V. Pres. andCashier H. G. Cannon, V. Pres.