Newspaper Page Text
VOL, 6
After- it on the merits of WALK-OVER SHOES,
"Our Windows tell the style story,
your friends will tell'you of their
wearing quality, and our system
of fittine gets you the comfort..
-E;.& W. Shirts'
Straw Hats
In All the Shapes
Higdon - Herring Company,
Leo Frank’s Fight
Ends in One Day.
The Hearing • on Leo Frank’s
application for commutation of
sentence from death to life im
prisonment. was heard before
the prison commission last Mon
day. It is expected that the com
mission’s recommendation to the
governor will be transmitted tjfis
week or within tep days at the
latest. The governor then will
take final action in the case. No
one appeared to argue in opposi-
tion-to Frank’s application.
The principal features of the
proceedings were a letter writ
ten a few days before his death
by Judge L. S. Roan, who pre
sided at his trial, in which he
sought rlemency for the priso
ner and a statement by Mrs.
Frank describing her husband’s
action on the night following
Mary Phagan’s death and deny
ing rumoi’s of ah estrangement
between’herself and Frank.
Judge Roan’s letter was ad
dressed to the chief counsel for
Frank in his trial. It stated that
at the proper time he would " ask
the Gpvernor to commute Frank’s
sentence to life imprisonment,
that after many .months of delib
eration he still was uncertain of
the prisoner’s guilt, and that “it
is possible I showed undue defer
ence to the opinion of the jury
when I allowed their verdict to
stand.’’ '
The production of Judge Roan’
letter, Frank’s counsel stated,
obviated the necessity of extend
ed argument and permitted of a
quicker termination of the hear
On Tuesday a delegation from
Cobb and Gwinnett counties ap
peared with petitions nsking that
the verdict be allowed to stand.
The general opinion is that
the prison commission will reco
mend Frank’s application.
Card From Representative,
.Judge W. D. Barber.
Mr. Bryan Bell has accepted a
position with the Wire Grass
Feed & Brokerage Co.
To the citizens of Grady conn -
tit: .
As your representative, I beg
to call your attention to certain
recommendations that I have
been informed were adopted by
the Grand Jury, in which they
ask me to get a bill through the
legislature changing the present
law for electing county commis
sioners so that the . commission
er's districts shall be as follows:
One cornmissioner from Cairo
One commissioner from Whig-
ham and Spring Hill district.
One commissioner from Lime
Sink and Blowing Gave district.
One commissioner from Spence
district. .
One commissioner from Fine
Park and Duncanville district/
One commissioner from Raggn
and Higdon district.
Each of these commissioners
to be elected by the voters in
their own commissioner’s dis
trict. la case of vacancy on the
board of commissioners, said va
cancy shall be filled by the voters
of the commissioner’s district in
which said vacancy occurs. Also
that the office of County Treas
urer be abolished for Grady coun-
Since all of the above recom
mendations are in accord with my
best judgment, I shall propose
said amendments and undertake
to get them passed by the Geor
gia legislature.of next session.
In my judgment, I believe it
would tq tfiebest interest
of the citizens of the county to
have the office of County ,Super-
intendent of Roads created and.
that this office be filled bya com
petent man whose duty it shall
be to act as purchasing agent for
the county. He must do all the
buying of supplies at wholesale
prices when possible,. also act as
county warden,, thereby - saving
the county quite a sum of money.
I would be glad to hear from
my constituents on this point.
W. D. Barber.
A meeting of -much importance
to-the .people of tins section wi
be held here Thursday, the 1.7th;
at which time national president,
Chas S. Barrett, anti state presi
dent, J. J Brown, of the Far
mers’ Union, will he present.
The following communication
from Mayor Ledford explains .Lire
object of the meeting and wo
hope every farmer and business
man/n the county will be pres*
“When in Atlanta recent'y 1
met Mon. J. .1. Brown, President
of-the $tate Farmers’ Union, who
told me that he and President
Barrett were at an early date to
meet the President of the Ktate
Farmers Union of Florida at some,
point near the Georgia and Flori
da line to discuss problems of in
terest to the farmers of this sec-
tion and especially the marketing
of our ribbon cane svnip, I ex
tended him an invitation to hold
the meeting nt Cairo assuring him
that we would appreciate it and
give’ him -our hearty co-opera
tion. . • • . ;
I am just in receipt of a letter
from .President Brown stating
■that he and . the officia s above-
named have agreed to meet at
Cairo on the 17th of this month,
\Vhich meeting is - expected to be
at the court house at 11/ o’clock
a. m. .
I'earnestly hope that all our
farmers will attend this meeting
as it is of vital interest to them
as well ns to every business man
in the county, and I trust that
the business men of Cairo, Whig-
ham. Pine Park, Calvary and.
Reno will he well represented
and lend us their hearty co-opera
f ‘ Respectfully
. M. L. Ledford.
J. L.
Oliver ®
Douglas. May 27th, 1015
His Honor, The-Mayor:.- Cairo Ga.
Dear Sir:-
• In response to an in
vitation extended to President C.
S. Barrett and myself from the
State President of Florida State
Farmers’ Union to meet the peo
ple of his state at some conven
ient point nar the line of Geor
gia and Florida for the purpose
nf discussing our; agriculturial
problems, and especially the
marketing of our ribbon cane
sy.rup, we have, agreed to hold a
joint .meeting at /your town on
June 17th, the day following the
Florida State convention. Will
you please do us the. kindness to
see your newspaper and - as many
possible who are interested in de
veloping the great resources of
our state and ask them to ’ assist
in advertising this, meeting,
Please see Mr. Collins, your, for-
\ i
I am prepared to give quick
service and best terms to any who
may wish to have a 5 or 10 -yeai
loan on improved Grady County
Farm Lands. Loans made from
$500 up to any amount.
W. Harry Peebles,
Whigham, Georgia * .
If you-have a farm to of-
fe( at a bargain, see me
, .M.'-G. McManeus,
Cairo, Ga.-
Every section of Grady county
Was represented here at court
this week.
met- representative, as well as
you? present representative, and
ask them, to co-operate with- us
in this meeting. We especially
invite the business interests of.
your town to be well.represented
on this this occasion! We have
all come .to realize’,that the inter
ests of the farthers and business
men are identical and to this -end
We are rebuilding the-Farmers 1
Union in Georgia by leaps and
bounds, realizing that that which
helps the farmer to market his
products at-a. margin 'of profit
will help, the merchant, banker
and every other line ot commerce
I would, be glad to have a letter
frojn you'at Douglas if you think
the meeting can be well adver-
tised.for this date.
With best wishes, I am,
Sincerely yours,
J; J. Brown.
Mr. A. L. Kelly.spent Tuesday
in Valdosta on business.
The adjourned session of the
March term of Grady Superior
court convened last Monday and
Judge Cox in a few minutes af
ter 1 i i arrival had things
working order and the wheels of
lustice began grinding.
It was pleasing to the mnnj'
friends of Solicitor Bell to see
him back nt his post of duty at
this term and to know that he
has fully recovore<\ from the ear
’trouble from which he has been
suffering since last winter.
Clerk McNair, Sheriff Carr and
his deputies are all at their post
attending to their duties as only
vood and efficient officers can,
Grady is proud of her Court
and its officers.
The grand jury also got. down
to business Monday morning and
Foteman, W. S. Wight, and the
other members have done a hard
Week’s work and have returned
many trite bills. They adjourn
ed Wednesday afternoon and
their presentments will be found
in.the Progress next week.
.'The proceedings of the court
lay by day are as follows:
Monday Business.
'State vs O, W. Sadler, misde
meanor, plead guilty, sentenced
to serve IS months on proba
tion ano pay fine of $2r>.
State vs Oscar McDowell, mis
demeanor, plead guilty and sen-
teheed lo serve 18 months on pro
bation and pay a fine of $25,
The State vs J. S. Lamb.char
ged with illegally. pointing wea
pon at another, tried by jury and
found not guilty.
State vs J. S. Lamb, misde
meanor, tried by .jury, found-not
'Mrs. M. A. Maxwell' vs L. 0.
Merritt, complaint for land, case
settled, between, parties.'
Court took a recess from 12:15
to 1:30 p.m.
Mrs. J, L. Baldy vs Girard
Fire and. Marine Ins. Co,, suit on
contract, case settled between
State vs Henry Jonson, chick
en stealing, tried by jury, found
guilty, sentenced to serve 12
months on gang or pay firie-$lOO.
State vs Jim Thompson* charg
ed with shooting at another, tried
by jury, found not guilty.
State vs Ira Gainous, perjury,
discharged on demand for trial.
State vs Sam Doss, .assault
With murder, dischar
ged on demand for trial. .
State vs .Tom Banks,' selling
whiskey, went out on .demurrer,
indictment squashed,..
The court adjourned at 5 p m
to 8:15. Tuesday morning.
Tuesday Business.
State;vs Ben Ragans; assault
and battery, found guilty by jury
and sentenced to 6 • months on
gang or. pay fine $30.
State vs. Joel Wills, selling liq
uor, tried by jury, found guilty,
sentenced to 18 months on pro
bation and pay a fine.of $125.
State vs. Wm. Blount, murder,
tried by jury, found guilty of
manslaughter, sentenced to five
years in penitentiary. •
Couit took a recess from 12:15
to 1:30 p. m.
State vs Gus Wilcox, bastardy,
tried by jury, found guilty, not
yetsentenced by the. court.
K. \V, Jones vs Cooper, peti
tion for certiorari, judgment ren
dered in favor ot defendant.
Court adjourned at 6 o’clock to
8:15 Wednesday morning.
Wednesday Business.
State vs Walter Jasper, tried
for murder, found guilty if in-
Grady CountyV, Largest Store
Lots of times when you’ve been traveling you have
admired a bag or suit case someone else was carrying.
You have wanted something distinctive in the line oil bag
gage for yourself. You should see our selection of bags,
suit cases and trunks. Then you won’t covet your fellow
traveler’s equipment. The prices are very reasonable.--
lower, we believe, than you will find elsewhere.
J. L. Olivei
voluntary manslaughter, senten
ced to 12 months on gang nr $125
State vs.' Mrs. J. L. Baldy,
pharged with arson, found not
State vs A. W. Carter, charged
with arson, found not guilty.
Court adjourned until the fifth’
Monday in August, at which
time the Whigham Bank cases
will be taken up and disposed of.
Judge E. E. Cox Honored.
Hon. E. E. Cox, Judge of the
Albany judicial circuit, has been
selected by Governor Slaton as
one of the three superior court
judges to sit with three: of the
supreme court judges, who are
not disqualified, on the shriner’s
injunction, case, the other three
superior court judges being Hon.
W. E. Thomas,- of Valdosta, and
Hon. J. B. Jones, of the north
eastern circuit.
This case involves the suit . of
the white shriner’s to obtain a
permanent injunction against a
negro order, which, they allege,
is an imitation of theirs. .
The people of this circuit are
proud of Judge Cox and congrat
ulate him upon this appointment.
Agents Wanted.
Old Hats made new at a small
cost. Write for price list. ' A
trial is all we want. Our work
will speak for itself. Send-hats
by parcel post. We pay it one
Havana Hat Co.,.
145 Broad Street,
Jacksonville, Fla..
Big Farm Sold in Mitchell.
One of the biggokt transactions
in Mitchell county farm lands
that lias occurred recently Was
the sale by. Mr. F. S, Perry of
2100 acres to Messrs. G. M. and
R. S. Cochran. The considera
tion was something over $50,000
The land was valued at about $20
per acre but the sale also includ
ed the growing crops, mules, ma
chinery and supplies on th:
The tract is an irregular body
reaching from 4 1-2 miles’ south
of ( 'Camilla to within 4 1-2 miles
of Pelham. It is said to be very
fino land and the price is consid
ered reasonable.
Date of Meeting Changed.
The county meeting ,of the
Farmers Union will be held this
month on Thursday, the 17tli in
stead of Friday, the 18th.
Hon. .T: J. Brown, state presi
dent and Hon. C. S. Barrett, nat
ional president of the Farmers
Union, will be here. See every
body you Ciin and bring-(them
to all ■
with you
Business of importane
W. S. Lane, Pres.
J. A. Wynn,, Sect.
The mint makes it and under the
terms of the Continental Mort
gage Company you can secure it
at t> per cent, for any legal pur
pose on approved real estate.
Terms easy, tell us your wants
and we will co-operate with you.
il419 Lytton Bldg., Chicago
»g3aKaffrm2S«M<«:r.nrj«iMJ» y riTiii>ran*
When you have money deposited with us you can
always rely on |!«s fact that your money is sate at
all times. We observe the laws governing banks,
and alwa'ys conduct our business on safe and sound
business principles. Our officers and Directors are
men with business experience and our policy is
We offer you an absolutely safe place to deposit your
Citizens Bank,Cairo,Ga
W S Wight, Pres. W. H. Searcy,-V. Pres, and Cashier
- H. G. Cannon, V. Pres.