The Grady County progress. (Cairo, Grady County, Ga.) 1910-19??, July 02, 1915, Image 2

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: ‘CAIRO, GEO § a ^ ?? , FINDS 59 IMPORTANT HEWS THE WORLD OVER ^ TTtt SW+in tendpn t tiF thft*Qeorglft state prisoners' farm at Milledgevllle lias asked for an increased detachment of stale guards to protect the farm from being besieged or any attempt that may be feared on the life of Leo; Frank. „ . . . ... ,, .. . The Georgia state legislature'' has Happenings of This and Other Nations in annuat^sepsion, ^ejecting THE NEWS JTTHE SOUTH What Is Taking Place In the South land Will Be Found In Brief Paragraphs. Foreign jiji prill Carranza lias notified;.; dent Wilson of his refusal to nj&i peace terms with General villi, atates Villa Is only fighting for aonal control of Mexico, while claims to' be fighting fpr p/lnciples.o democratic government. /Hdrsays ^ will fight Villa to the eOff-iintD be link crushed him. / '.'.’. iwl l The Spanish blshpprlc o|®e man Catholic churchihaive^fftsSeWf opd, Benedict a haven in^phiiv; : Wlth r Jahtfe‘ adequate- enough In.,jfitieir opinion - the estaBllshmehf'‘bT-the’TiOIy',.8e0. is said in Home the'-poppbas J offer under serious c'6nsijim^rw;|IS& that the papal capital may. bo.-p’erp" nently removed. During the rplfgl .. revolution in Italy in Leo XIII was stripped of ajli; ierniiti ral power, such a step was considered^ As Pope Benedict was fqfuierly ^t: papal ambassador to Spain before- his elevation to the pon tlflcatji'i^lis -be lieved in Rome that .tbis'lEftp wltPno,^ be more seriously considered than.' In 1881. • The two Mexican factions of Car ranza and Villa are now reported to be badly split. It ifr tfSltaved that Ma- dBrp:s, miniBtetr'ofl' flna&e.^JMflauafr TEagle, who jinsLakenaio'part ibv.Me'K- lean politics since Huerta’s elevation to supremacy and has been Hvlng In the United Stales, wHl bej : recalled^ by both leaders, dnd' Ih^taffiyl ,’ahj p^ovls-' de'j| Persons ybf Forsyth presl f tpe senate, wul ra-eli i.tlng for- aker whllfftu H. OTrwell of Hnnfcock county as speaker. John T. tyioeplly special Secretary fo Ambassador Page at Lo; on, was re-elected clerk of~the hou". for the eighteenth lime. ' , enderson and , arty of abanta made a trip gla in (be advocacy of both states. ( the Panama-Pacific ex- n Francisco have desig- , July 19, as Atl.\ _ t» Day Ir. HUERTA re> : BY AUTHORITIES Formor. Mexican. Dictator, Deposed ,By ' ' Presideiit Wilson,'Dehliieil ; v LITTLE ITEMS OF **W«> «ai STATE INTEREST jjw, appearing bet a. 5,'«ibifby, told j. his fpe' .ft'om Me, eawan cridjtHal insane. Ai artliflg ileve^onnibn^'iin the newest ''’pyif-.rhe is that Mrs. ... , vr 'h.^eshttoFbaw, chorus girl wife pf ; tjb'bo-jnurdbtw; "Who was the cause bf;.tbe‘ihi;taei(if J mlHi?tng and cannot be TosateSib' ln. jllmJiisf few years Mrs. rbjtjwfe'd to the stage as a ''" •i.-jr ^ki^jjjflpppcarance at this '" ..wit"!?' misgivings In ional prdBidpnfe u • The Austrb' ; German forces drawing the... net tighter around the \GaSictan • '.ca'pitalW of i -Lembergy'which: they expect to capture within a few days. They have cut off the Rus sians’ line, of retreat,‘ so that it is believed |tii‘Vienna and Berlin that the entire gjirefson , and... Muscovite arm^,there,;.wilL be taken , with the .Taggart, Democratic nation- 1 ian for Indiana and thr je, of Indianapolis, Mayor 1 Bell offjhat city and 197 others, have •bibbhili'dictedl b^ the federal' grand Jury-'^^b^ahwge of conspiring to 'defEatlS.T.nb'Oledtlon8 in November,, 1914. Taggart ajid^his associates deny the accusation.- Severe earthquake shocks,, have; n_}jeen fal.t^lnj'icalifdrnia and in hKn^xibo, siverai |q§r& *jn the OTr*oTHthe’^twb countries 'bethg 1 wrecked as' a result of the two shock". New York Importers of German a Isfifianggoodslheltj-'b meeting p. a ting against .IW'BiliiaHahd Fren' blockade. Domestic i • -i Great ovations were given President Wilson all along his way f^om Wash; ington to Cornish, N. HV,' where he has gone, for a brief rest on advice pf V Dtiotor, Grayson, the White House phy- .Blclaiii,', Enthusiastic crowds at every, siaUon met Xhe’ presklen'L.and lustily, cheAr§Hvldin,^.t Cosp^h hjjgijp , jqineclby Mr. and Mrs. Francis B! ; Sayre and his grandson. A New Hampshire wfcman. testified at the present T«k‘W | -’ii&ariH^ Irtrtftw White's murderer wits in that state during his recent run- , away escapade,, shq was glad; 'tjiilnfrft- 'du'ce" her,; datightferirto* him tftfclailyi; • ’ Syd Jones,•'ban , gba,uii ): BlMlfl i Ala.v county, jail, left-k note'An-hlsvdeli wurdpt;; : ■'"■:£{$$!}'*i • ; %ttU-j ;•'? lo .v-'LiutA i ,srv .Senqtor tlbke Smith of.- Georgia . Is -'•dlssatlStled' wtia'-’the'Bi'itikll'k'iply'Hb Amerlfceni,,note;., regarding 111tthe . bjr^e. pubii^, "tie midshipmen af thii. ,-ynltbil Sfitek naVaf 'a'catlUmy !l alf' : An; »:tnSpolis.fhavo ‘issued; ii. dedlarktion; of ;F9!?9>ying, announcement, pf, commu tation of the death senfenpe of Leo ' ’FFaiiik‘to 'lifd' ith'prisbh’ment hjr GbVeir- •nor. - Slaton- bt-.Georgia; a, -large ,crowd -. Atlanta, _. marching to the - Sate _ca^itol f inyad- ttie ll grfVerTfort : ' , 6IHde 1 : af(d , ‘iiofdihg . 11 nkeetiipgsVte the i »tate isetiata clttwuber, ■Li y,fekte, at night ft large' crp.wd marched out to 6 ; t^'3rnb^%lfitiiifki‘b'buiitry ,i Wrd'd, ; ' l jflve; ’ 1 tfiiJbjs&fbPm'i.-tbe-j City r : where-,,, several were. ; ,sjigh.tly ;h , u( , t i .ln kpitfQp.ij ( about! the, governor’s.■resi^enpe-' No* serious, dathage was' dohe,’ but' several, arrests were made. ! Leo Frank’s serial''prison number at the state farm!at .Mllledgevllle is ’ 962, and he will be put to work in the fields as a .faTm hand. Frank ex pressed his appreciation to the gover nor and'declared the day would come when his innocence would be proven beyond a reasonable doubt. All convicts in the Illinois stale prison at Joliet were locked in their cells in order to prevent on insurrec tion following t the horrible burning alive of the warden’s wife,. Mrs, Ed mund Allen, formerly a light opera singer. George Campbell', a negro trusty, who waited on the Allens, Is . suspected. , Governor Whitman of New York has agreed to a conference with Mar tin Manton, counsel for Charles'Beck er, convicted of inspiring the, njurder of Herman Rosenthal, the New -York gambler. Mrs. Edmund T. Dana, wife of prominent member of the University ■ of Minnesota faculty and daughter of Henry Holliday, a wealthy steel manu facturer of Wales, suicided by drown ing herself in the Charles river, near Cambridge, Mass. Professor Dana Is a grandson of Henry W. Longfellow the famous American poet. Ill health is given as the cause of her suicide. The Georgia state legislature as 'sembied fix regular' biennial session. Governor Slaton’s message was cel.ved before he left Ills office In the hands of his successor, Governor Harris. president of Mexico, who under arrest at Newman, N. M., by federal ofllcqrs. Slmllar..tqh(iWSj we^g fihjtj 4.8* , J>£! 1 Gen. Pascuai Orozco) who was "ar rested at the same time. Huerta was releqqed . on- 516,000 bond' and Orozco on'^.ffDoT’ 11 * ‘ j ) }(4{hqapiilg whs spt for July 1. Aftei! the formal charges issued on Instruct tions from the United States district ftti;o.rpey, at. San.,^ntflp(p lipdr. been filed, the accused men were taken be; fore Georgb 1 011.‘Tjiiitdd States doA; thissibner, .and >-thelr ibondnapproVed ,ftndr the. d.atp. fen j their . ^eftrine rflxqd. Surety was. furnished by .Isagc apd •FraBtf ' AldeiCte, May 1 'Meye ' and 1 ftte 'dbifb CruW‘‘- , .General. Huerta; d.i'.iyqp, to. lbe *«*,*.»*. *,* cles regarding the Mexican situation, L. -.>A:jk iniri While Upside-dpwn in looping tli foppi ,'Art SmltliJ a i Fort ‘Waj’fte, i lifd aviator, mastered his aeroplanes when his engine stpped at a.jieighth of 2,600 feet in the air at San Francisco. He dlhiklfedHb the'lelirthr arid Saved his life and his craft-. from-.wreckage. Washington is no word has reached the capital for jefvelal-’^SSfs.' 1 ‘It Ts,feared communica tion may have been cut off. Secretary Lansing is now busily g the newr American -note to ritain resetting thadinatlon’s fe^fence wiyi United Sta|es com merce on the nignseas. Tholext of the nptq/has already been published; both iiC'-America aitd Engiard. ititarki ''Sec retary of state ad .Interim, following Mr. Bryan’s resignation, has; been ap- potfddd <t6 that- dffich tin Itha t cabinet ,to succeed ..the Nphraskan,'.,;/.^?. . Lan- . At El Paso Arrested ‘fenT Man Charged With natloH Held On ,ing Another Washington.—The I government has fru* present an attempt' Gen. Victorlnno HnerlJ elates to lnunch from tory a new revoluttor in Mexico. Detention of the dictator with General ers at El Paso months of espionq agents. The had instn ney Cajj Tex|i who,: , , lations of : bkiiSi' of supplies;,lih izinm.of- soij.’l-of the"! Tifton.—Floyd Hill,, colored, was klibti afid instantly hilled -.wlille liosist- Ing arrest by Bailiff E. M. Ford of Iho Ty Ty district. The killing was Atj/ljy T^r'njh,ejml](!p|^ve(|t. j»f Jlfton. Rome.—'Policeman McDonafd 6f thb Rome force was suspended by Chief J. Stewart because of le by the former on n e office of the chief. ’or Bridges Smith fssued reminding every dtl- who can possibly do so Id be a proud pleasure In Atlanta at the inaug-. E. HarrlB as governor Judge Emory Speer of tales court is at SL Si- the next two weeks he : seacoost.- Judge Speer anled by Mrs. Speer and ers of his family and his ing'"idinC[f"ea"'r‘evoTi friendly country were filed Genet al Victoriano HUertft,, .forpi^i 'w'aR’placed . ImUend t of, being glVeflj ;an enthus^ aptic welcome by his sunportor^’, many ‘it ’wtbfei ‘ lift'd gatiiftrftid'• at ! 'trid’ ;hor'der, Huertftt reached'El Pasodn custodaiiflf .—The continued drouth in late vicinity of Cuthbert has "with the crops on tho gardens in town. There ain, such as is called sufficient for ril 30. erson, local ppaper Un- for Paris, Ipst of his ...^jiljassador iSSlfir three wHl Ini-'.Thomas- ton to Atlanta are in excellent con dition all along the route* The Up- soti ccjiii^ty,.hoard has been also active In “constructing many miles of perma nent highways this year, and is plan ning to build first class ,rpads to join wiifi’&H Irurilr lines 'efit’emg from oth er counties. Macorn—It, Is the J.nteijtjon of Gie governniphS Hpiiiousg rpp Long Islfthtf/’bu^sid‘ft ? ’ : SaVwinalr har- | it^MU-Mild^atherlnelL raves, the daughter of W. L. Graves of this city, was injured in an automobile, accident : hfere'on : the klhgstoi toad’. j '; MftcOn'.LwMtk; Vivian BetiSon, wh’o became,a bride at .13;years, last;Nb; [Vember, jias fllefl suit fpr..divorce, and aiTmpny from her husband. ’ ' * * | ' <i ‘' : \V'est 'pofiit!—A 'local"ginnCty w'a^ totally destroyed by fire, with 1 '200 l^leg |(1 of. cotton, yaking,,a loss of about eighteen ‘ thousand dollars. ( ' ^dmet—A“ ‘.Vigorous flgh't "6n tllft 'Floyd 'cou’niy -lioard ; of i eoiamlftsioners is , made .by pftrUeft ; whp.iftre.. sepUfitg ..wenty-ilvp United States trqopers. Tne fdrhiftr '^(bxician^iaxeEifitiV'e 1 tfnd {de^Vift'd I , . t&ir dwils'iffest td^the-'ShinmeriWhite ,.H©hs6jBt.Cprnishji^.bjjcjt is.flie country,'. hpme of Wliistan , fihurchill; well known Amdricuh author, 1 Hvh’o Was the Blitjl Sfiofte'- nominee tfoVJ governor hf- ’Neiiy. vHamRslUrq ,in. ,19J;2t. j ,^nx.rpute to Cprnish themrpftld'ent stopped for a brief visit with'liis clbadtlt' ppfft'dnah frleifd, Col.'^EfiMi'Hdtis'p^ fttt'Rosiynv'N. y.,. who :hhs just’roiusnp4’ljpm Eu- E°WMiI..,; ■»,!. •' ■’‘i,;t-... The, United,. States Suprqme coiirtv justices” acting'’feMe‘hHilg‘ ; Jttstlce, M6Reyi\,tHdk,' 'Wht)’waft’tahpilnted after the cases were docketed and heard, iclared-, invalid the,, famous grandfa-,''clftuseslof J seV(ii£lr , ^tSteii ’its tfn- 'cbdstilutib'itil.’’ 1 'Sewei4sl\ tsuehi conatitu- 1 tional amendment A,hjHf e bpen P^ed to eVjmippte negro, suffrage in Oklaho ma,'MaTyiand and oth'ftr states; This is ohe of the • most important cases brought before the .Supreme court in many years.. The decision was ren dered by Chief justice White. European War Following the Teutotiic -victory at Lemberg, the Russians clai mto have repulsed their enemies on the Dnies ter river. The French chamber of deputies has Voted another big war appropria tion to cover the expense of the cam paign for. the next three months. The amount voted was 6,600,000,000 francs or $1,120,000,000. The Austro-German troops in Gali cia have captured Lemberg, the Gali cian capital. The Teutonic goal now t is WarspW. TJie Roman war office announces a victorious opening of the road to Trlest. -Both'the London and Paris war of fices ’admit that the allied fleet in the Dardanelles has been driven back, into the Aegean sea and the allied land forces have been forced to evacuate the Gallipoli peninsula. They say, however, it has been at a cost of much life to the Turks. Japan’s offer to send 300,000 troops to Europe to help the allies in Bel gium has been rejected by Great Brit ain, it is' stated; through pressure brought to bear on the British gov ernment by President Wilson and Sec retary, Garrison, Who opposes such a step. • tlfthdrai Orozcb;I wefce-. |J>the , rustpjn...,to art Bliss, where, they .were held tin- .heir ;b6H(Ii' , §h'd l , ‘"‘-illiertfti'iii'ansWBrHoi'ai qufeaUonjide T it. U i itiei had ,i»tflnde4 tq t ,Vfe©i?teVi jtyfX- -.- 'DRift/lNG’AT WA'RSAW:'Uii • \, Teutpniq, forces Now petermined To R'eack Tne Pollsff' ‘ 1 •••• atniD-;- '.u Ca j j | t ^|t;.WjB fit'll^ iLqtf4pu.^hu 1 ,jRusslans, again., .are retrefttlng, in (jalicla, both hortn. and sot, <t’ Lenihtsi'g, and J in l< Pbjaha'tliq.. Germ , have-ltiuhohpd .aaU$h«%#(tr - from the north through Pi-za 1 * shysz: ' V> The 1 hew blow 1 at the : Polish:capital has. been pr,ep.ed?(L by le.ry action, The,fact is recorded by- the Russians theniselves;'iiiit 'it ’W-too-, eftrly td say-whetlieri it meftnsga :sprik mus ‘.offwrt'WL .ttXftrfiret!, (lovftloited, a,,bayonet. encounter,. thw result of' wiem teti:hfef t s'itie»rectrt(ls. im* rtdifd'V'ed ^PdopteVfd^irMft-xlcep^ liiiRMi ing-toWh iStatpRed ,Naftedt By .YaqRis, Gua;..ias. Mex.—Advices received here ft >m the interior state, that; Ya- qul Jne . tns raiding the mining town of Sauzo, 100 miles inland from Guay- mas, a. emhled the 300 inhabitants and stripped every one naked, then, while la detail guarded the gather ing, outers looted the town, packing every till ? transportable on mules, tftX'-tti 'pay Fitzgerftia.^Thfe 'cantaloupe Igrowt- ters; ifthipped-;,the,.first: .par .of the. .rea son to Coliupbus, Ok.i^)j and two more cars, one'to Cjiicagd an&'bhe'tb cln- kCihnatljf|3oH0W cBOOIt, !,, /; .ad sr.Qullroen.-rnlni. an, address, deljlyered' Royalty At American Wedding London.—King George and Queen Mary, it is stated in the London news papers, will be present at the wed ding early in August of Miss Kather ine Page, daughter of Walter Hines Page, An- i-ican ambassador to the court of ' James, and Charles G. Loring ot Boston. Their majesties are said to be sending notable pres ents to the bride. It is recalled that King Edward and Queen Alexandra at tended the wedding of Miss Jean T. Reid and John H. Ward, in 1908, the daughter n “ Whltelaw Reid. , Ameri. Annoyed By Haiti Washington.—Turbulent conditions in Haiti have reached such ,a point that the United States is considering seriously -the formation of an entirely new policy toward the little island re public. Paul Fuller, Jr., sent by Presl dent Wilson to Haiti with plenary pow ers to negotiate a treaty placing the collection of customs duties under the control of the American government has reported that the Haitien govern ment does not want to enter into such a treaty, biit has made counter pro posals. THE VERANDA Hanging Blossoms or Clusters of Green May Be Employed to Beau tify Front of HouBe. Have you ever tried to have hanging baskets of greenery and flowers on the veranda or in the summer llvlfrg room? They are charming and they are not very difficult to keep In order. |If tho flowers do die they can be re plenished with new ones, sft; that you can always keep a hanging lift of love liness in sight, First as to the choice of baskets. A porous sort Is best, abd perhaps the wire ones are best of all. Line the basket with moss. As for the soil, a mixture of leaf mold and wood loam or rich garden loam Is good. This soli musLhe en riched with fertilize! - dissolved from time to time in the water with which It is moistened. The best way to water theBe baskets Is to sink them In a tub of water and leave them there until they are wet through. If the. vines and leaves hang In the water suspend them from a peg or bar above the tub. Hang the basket where it will not be constantly subjected to wind, which dries out the soil, and don't let it have' much sunlight—just enough to keep the soil sweet. When the soil appears to have lost some of ltft richness place some ma nure in the water in which the basket is immersed several hours before tho watering time., Or use a little; hope; meal—not too much—for a too-strong fertilizer might burn the roots and i foliage,_..Xqu _>yill. have to experiment a little about the amount and kind of enriching to do. As ,foq thp -plants, to hftvel any,, ki»d. .By Daily?; of iyy;ptight t6 tlimfe in-a basketia&a il its lovely green makes it especially de sirable. Dusty mlljei; a.i}4 ,\yanc)^ring jew are two reliable ’pia'nts 'that 4 - i’ill thrive under almost any conditions. for flowering plants. Oxalis makes a prettT"flt)werlng plant -to-put—in--the- basket, and ivy geranium Is another, Any kin<F6f : geranlum a’afl'be used, and .fuchsias and .strawberrips are alpp .sat isfactory for’ tfie teVisi 1 ‘Fto&s'-VJf varij 'dns-ftorts can hel usedw": '. - V .,1 ;! >iuiTh#nq>.4ft;a ney. eelf-wptpyipg,.jrfln 'hanging basket, which needs watering only orice'a 1 week and lyliich' dbfth' n'ot 'drtp-. 'BB 1 it - muftt ; he' admitted the wire baskets do. Of course, this Iron bas ket jcop/d be placed in a Japanese ’ wicker'basket Iffhe ifon ditf not har- 'tfrdrtlee With its slrreoundings, uil .ill ,: , THREE VARIETIES OF BREAD A CURE FOR PELLAGRA Harvey, La.—Mrs. S. W. .SpruielL ,of this place, writea: “I suppose it will he a great pleasure to you to know-that-you cured--my..child. -.She .hnd pellagra, very had and the doctor eaid she never would get well. She is well of pellagra Abd. looks fine.' g . g jff|| t ■ “You mayjnise tltfit letter aylft'testimftn- tel if you wish. ISiteat Benefit ,|pvo you done my daftghter^ |Sflndi{| AM»" I There is lie }on|bMft'nyidou^t||hat {pel lagra can hot cured;- iDontt delay’ untilht is too late. It is iyour dUty to cflhsult the resqurseful. Baughn., .. ,, _ ?; . The symptoms—hands red like sunburn, skin peeling off, soro mouth, tho lipa, throat and tongue ,a flaming red, with much mucus and choking; indigestion apd nausea, cither diarrhoea or constipation! There is hope; get;Baughn’B big Free book on Pellagra arid learn about the remedy for Pellagra that has at last been found. Address American Compounding Co., box 2091, Jasper, Ala., remembering money is refunded in any case where the remedy fails to cure.—Adv. Too Late. .Senator Kenyon, congratulated at!; June wedding in Fort Dodge on h|s eloquence, smiled and said; "Well, let us admit frankly that the’" gift of the gab is, after all, a goqd thing.. : i ■■ i "For my part, I have never fourjd pijence golden, except, at a wedding . jr al funeral—when It’s, too late to sfty anything.” ~ ' r CEEA'R""Y0 UR-SKIN* nfrnieB these fragradt lents to care fi r your skin, scalp, hair and hands. Not .- Ine better to clear the skin of pimplel. blotches, redness and roughness, tde hands of chapping and soreness. V t SA&ipid* eadhhrewiiiniriAjii Skin Book. Address postcard, Cutlcura, Dept. Y, Boston. Sold everywhere. Adv. 1" .li-e-' jlM—(nr)iH, 1 • hiS£ Brooks ,-cbpnty; industrial- club, .under ipnag^inent hud, beep , most re ; .; maskable. ( . Latirange.—The pre’miuin ll's'tiot 'the ‘■Ti'oiipi ‘county fair association 1 ton tihe., ‘toft'i of j ,MJ61 Ibas.' beelr ?nnpun.ced. ; ,; 1 ' Macon.—W. A. B, ! p.ehan l n,..pjnative' of The Hague, Holland, was drowned! lit Reefftatlon• Cllih "near'‘MacOn , !Wbile!i8wlmiin£ Jn .ithe.Jflke, .n , ,vAHantaj-mA bill tq,.make fal^e,,ad vertising a misdemeanor will he ln- "tikiauced 'at the'&iiUfhg Session 1 of the Georgia Jeglslaturei iby - Walter | p„, • An- dWVWiifilS fcAft. ;: : i i. I- : . Savapna^.T-jAviatpr, A. C. Beach, 'who hah been piving exh'ihitlbti flfghis ; oii*4hel wtiterh 'around, 1 Savannah! Tor 'thei: inharty! to sear ( ,hft«.i>ti*A^i?flU l in hhe * • , Savannah.—Tybee ,.liad, the ' dro^nin’g WV&o 'season j’vAiiB 1 ': LOuis Shouse, the 16-year-old son of Mf. and %lrfiUmTA%^§v e ’ j° 3t - sea on the Atfanti ‘‘hfftoh't—^andftrs ’Bryan, : 'fti young white- farmer; whs Bh'dt • and 1 instantly killed by, Diock Williams,, a negro, near the Eaglehead still quarters, In the southwestern part of Tift county. Augusta.—A committee of the Au gusta camp of' Confederate veterans has undertaken the task of securing from the legislature an increase of veterans’ pensions from $60 to $100 per annum. - Perry.—The Hawkinsville and West ern railroad has purchased a lot just a little northeast from the Central railroad depot • on which they will build a depot. •. ,The Ocilla Southern has secured traokage over the Haw kinsville and Western road. LaGrange.—That Willie Gray,' a young Atlanta boy, with whom he ran away to the west -about twp years ago, waB ground to death by falling from a train near Meridian, Miss., is the statement made by -a 16-year-old boy named Bennett, who has returned here. /Yu&u “J Macon.—In the United States dis trict court Judge Emory Speer sus pended the sentences of thirteen per sons convicted of violation of Unit ed States laws,! in order that they might return to their homes and make their crops. Waycross—While at Waltertown, on the Satilla river, Ed, Murray and J. E. Phelan caught a five-foot alligator. They were in bathing when Murray •decided to see if one of the sot lines Dear him had anything on It. Each Has Its Distinct Value, and the PolWt 1 Is'GHfe FbY‘ Individual Consideration. , . It Is well to know something'of the 'differenefts' of jfle ' tlfite'e varieties of bread—whltfe, wholemeal iand -brown-;—, to aid the matter of choice in Individ ual casee. White bread is made of the inside of the wheat; it is practically al! sfitrdh, with a small amount elf pro- •teid, much -of that contained: In the L grpin being removed In the outer shell. White, bread is,' therefore, jess' vftlu- ahlft 1 for building 1 up the body and system,-bfit ,at-.the!same:time -is the ■most, digestible of the three varieties ' Wholemeqi bread, in co'ntradifttinc- ’tion; cbnta'ihs thft whole grain, after ithe husk :has been removed; it; is •fheyefore richer in proteid than the white variety, and where digestion nfted f not be ciriBfdered may be looked, upomasiihe best kind for-the ordinary diet of those .in normal health. , j Brown bread completes the iist, and contains not only the whole grain, but also ..the husk of bran; this has no nutritive value, but is very good in providing a sufficiency of bulk,, a point apt to be overlooked by' those tvho consider fopd:frqui the sclentiffc stan,d- ; :p6int', ‘aml;' alEo: ,.of i^reSV:' imfeortarlpe; whftfe' gi'b^ini hdyS ftnff girls 'are cbn^ cerned. The Bran or husk present also sets up a healthful mechanical Irritation of the bowelB, and so is. very. useful In cases of chronic constipation, which are also helped’ by the bulkiness Ithft fobdj' i | | Individual Shortcakes. Put one cupful of flour, pinch of salt, two teaspoonfuls of, baking powder and one heaping teaspoonful of short ening Into bowl. Chop until all is well mixed. Add one scant half cupful of milk. Mix all together. Turn on to lightly floured board, press to inch In thickness, cut into large-sized biscuit, put on buttered pan and hake quickly in a very hot oven 12 minutes. When ready to serve break open, spread with butter and a little sugar, cover with berries that have been mashed and sweetened. Put on top of biscuit and dot with whipped cream.’ Or open bis cuits, spread" with butter, add mashed “berries, then layer of whipped cream, then top of biscuit, berries and cream, UT v» “MrA oldijy'K^sinvlle'd n'ers if the’ftewlft'g iflrt:lft'li»‘a ! l\lftcherin and matinee party.” .virietiil "Doesn’t she kpoy they, have been issiplng about ’hieF '''sbm’ftthilhg' aw ful?'” 1 . Li'.. hj'flOB ■:i/5 iljjjjbu “Of. -course, sitedqep.,; Jason, she’s trying -to square the ircle.’’ "AW ....!■ iI.,,. I.Mil -the^rfiiotica fl| j; :, !’No blankets, ceptftln.” , "Well, Boys, we'fl jtifel! tftVb'tB^sb'ver 'ourselves' TVith glory,V :. ■: i - <> i - -.-Wl Hashed Brown Potatoes. One pint of chopped cooked pota toes, one-fourth of a cupful of cream, one-half teaspoonful of salt, one-eighth of a teaspoonful of pepper, one tea spoonful of chopped parsley, three ta blespoonfuls butter. Mix the first five Ingredients; melt the butter in an omelet pan and when hot add the po tatoes. Pack lightly Into a layer of uniform thickness and cook slowly like an omelet. Fold and serve like omelet. Chicken Soup. Three pints chicken stock (use wa ter you boll your chicken In), ten peppercorns, two slices carrot, one slice onion, one blade mace. Cook half hour. Add one pint milk, thicken with three tablespoonfuls ouch of but ter and flour. Salt and pepper to last. For Every Kind of Lameness For.Cyts^Burng, Strains, Stiff Necfa. Chflblains, LameBack; Old Sores, Open Wounds, and all External Injuries) '; Anybod, ibout It] f All Dealers OR WRITE G. C. Hanford Mfg. Co,' SYRACUSE, N. Y. • loess of Constij^nen Can quickly be overcome by . i CARTER’S LITTLE — LIVER PILLS. Purely vegetable —act surely and . gently on the A liver. Cure Biliousness, Head ache, Dizzi- IL ness, and Indigestion. They do their duty. SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE. Genuine must bear Signature PiEDMONT-BEDFORD SPRINGS GO'S Concentrated Iron i “PARKER^ HAIR BALSAM A toilet preparation of merit. Helps to eradicate dandruff. For Restoring Color and Bichcapsnlo contains six Brains of Mass w] thn ^o^^ roBldtio ieff aftpr .—, -jUa p Iron and All nn«l Alntn Wntor. and retains alflts Medlplnal Vir- fsk Bofi| auffa Iron and Alum Water, which would costlW.OO. An Apcrtitlier, Alterative and Astringent. For the treatment oflndlgestlon, Diseases of the Kid- Gatarrh of tlie Stomach and tho^red oorousc es, restoring the organlo functions to.hoalthfai action and giving new life, strength and turv. Commended by Bo rne of the most eminent p’ ~ turv. Commended by some of the most eminent phy- slotatLS of America. Write for interesting pamphlet, Ji'or sale by druggists and dealers, or sent by iqal) ' postpaid on,receipt of 60 cents. PIEDMONT-BEDFORD SPRINGS CO. Box 231 # Lynchburd* Vn. W. - N. U., ATLANTA, NO. 27-1915