The Grady County progress. (Cairo, Grady County, Ga.) 1910-19??, June 23, 1916, Image 7

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'■■rW- GRADY COUNTY PROGRESS. CAIRO. GEORGIA. Andrew College FOR GIRLS AND YOUNG WOMEN and HelifliouV'Worker* afeiOumf' ^ Tt ° nt * ^ xpreM ' on - The trnininfl of Tvacliera, Homemako ,.»v,. b ,ou5 workers n feature. •••» «i t^uicn, uumemfuon *«^P.SSte5 ,ory t for f*r- A A"' *«*. home: Ch.r 8e . reasonable. Tor lull inl8ffi’io n ’5l3™i 1 l,fe “ nJ " ,ln,u “ 1 ‘Hmo.aher.of hi,h..ltype. ^Dr^i.uo^ 015,, Georgia Dr. J. W. MALO^h, President. Established 1B34 Calvary Rev. Christopher tilled his regu lar appointment Sunday and Sun day night. Several from Calvary attended June meeting at Trinity Sunday. Sheriff Carr and brother Goode, spent several days down at the farm lust week. We are getting plenty of rain now a days. Most of the tobacco growers have started to gathering their to bacco. ear fen Leans * • TTWifjiany \ rvvmrmurrr.iHM m We have recently made some new connections in the loan business and can give you as good terms as you will find anywhere. Rales of interest at (i, 7 and 8 per cent depending on the sine of the loan. You can pay only the interest, annually or part of the principal and interest annually, thus inducing interest juiyments each year.' Our companies are the leading loan companies in the United States and their supply of money is unlimited. Now is the time to get your applications approv ed and abstracts of title made in order that.' you may close the loan with little delay when it is wanted. Come to see us and bring your deeds and we will quote you terms. Mrs. Pearl Moore KeilT nud sis ter, Miss Y\ iliir Moore, are spend ing this week with their sister, Mrs. Henry Mobley near Spring Hill. Misses Rush and \Vilko3 and Messrs, Wilkins and Nowells ,of Colquitt, visiled.tho Misses Cham bers Monday. Mrs. .Sam Marlin and little son spent several days of last week Very pleasantly with Mrs. D. D. Perkins in South Whiphnm. Mrs. (I. R. Trulock was called to Rome Friday to the bedside of her son Mr. Albert, who is critically ill. Miss Edna Drirsoy left the first of the week for Tallahassee wher she goes to enter school there. Miss Alma Quinn is nt, Lanark for a few days. Miss Vera Harrell of near Cnmil- la, spent Iasi week very pleasantly with her sister Mrs. R. R, Webb Miss Ncatie Langley and Mr. Neely C. Powc were happily mar ried Wednesday in Albany by a piiest. The bride is the eldest daughter of ^lr. and Mrs. T. Lang ley, They will make their future home in Havana Fla., we wish t he young folks a long and happy life. Mr. Oscar Herring spent Sunday I h cre . night with home folks. J M r , s . J, R, S niders and daughter Commissioner Faireloth was in Miss Willie attended June meeting Calvary Monday. at Trinity Saturday. Mr. W. C. Matthews was in-Cal-1 Mr ?’ K !1 ' S,! * 1)lcton 11,1(1 child - vary Monday. j ren ol Weston, are spending some I time with Mrs. Stapleton’s parents Miss Elma Maxwell entertained m,, , uu [ m,. Si pj (• p 0(lr( . 0i a few of her young triends Siitur- Mr. Ceigler Sasser of Fort Mead day night. | Fla., is visiting relatives Miss Abbie Herring spent the, town. week last week her sister. » in Atlanta with Miss Mable Maxwell, has return-; Misses Rrawncr of Andalusia, Ala., are spending some time with Dr. and Mrs. L. li. Brawner. BELL & WEATHERS, CAIRO, GEORGIA trau And a good grade of Pure Wheat Shorts properly fed will soon make ‘em hogs, We carry the celebrated “Red Brand” Wheat Shorts and Bran*—in fact any thing you want, in the way of feed for horses, mules, cows and hogs. Just received a car load of Choice Pea- green Alfalfa hay. When in need of anything in the feed line it will pay you to see us. Exclusive Agents “OLD BECK’; & “LITTLE NED” ' Sweet Feed. Cairo Feed & Brokage Company Robert Wight, Manager ed home from Cnrrabclle who. 6 she . Mr . s ’ Milt ! i,? Pcrkina returned to * * , * * , . her home in Altapulgus, after has been, teaching school. ! *■ ■ I spending some lime with her son, Mr J. II. Strickland motored j Mr - D - Perkins and family, over to Bainbridge Tuesday. Messrs L. O. Maxwell and CL E. Langley, motored over to Thomas-, ville last week. RUB-BUY- Will cure Rheumatism, Neu ralgia, Headaches, Cramps, Colic Sprains, Bruises, Cuts, Burns, Old Sores, Tetter, Ring-Worm. Ec zema, etc. Antiseptic Anodyne, used internally or externally. Jpc, Messrs. D. D., and Preston Per kins, G. P. MeElvy, G. B. Trulock jr., Tom sSvicord and J. II. Autry spent several days of last week at New Port. Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Trulock of Columbus, are visiting relatives in and near town at present. Misses Bernice and Marion Pearce have returned from an ex tensive visit to their sister, Mrs. Stapleton at Weston. ft j Rising Sub Flour j r SELF-RISING AND READY PREPARED. I 1 1 ! ( \ Made of choicest Soft Winter Wheats J I 171 nilr onrl nfonorod hxr ^ 1 Elour and prepared by Red Mill Methods ! Say RISING SUN to any good | grocer. You’ll be •pleased. ^ Hugh M. Dorsey States Exactly Where He Stands Law enforcement and retention of the Western and Atlantic Railroad stand out conspicuously In the plat form of Hugh M, Dorsey, caudidate for governor. Mr. Dorsey pledges, If he Is elect ed, to use every power of the gover nor “to enforce all the laws upon the statute books .... equally and impartially, alike to rich and poor and high and low.” “The Constitution bars the.door of the jury room .... and liars the door of the courtroom to the gover nor says he, declaring he will apply consistently the laws con trolling executive clemency. “Our courts only must be permit ted to punish violators of our laws, and must not be thwarted by any ag gregation of citizens'who may seek to assume the functions which our whole people have delegated to qur courts. Prohibition Laws “I favor, and if elected governor, shall enforce In letter and spirit to tho full limit of the powers vested In that office the laws prohibiting the manufacture and sale of intoxicants in this state. I shall oppose consist ently any change or modification of. the present -laws unless such change or modification first has been declar ed to be the expressed will of the white voters of Georgia.” Mr. Dorsey says the courts are hampered too often by technicalities and urges that this condition be rem edied without depriving those charged with crime of any right now guaran teed to them. W. and A. Railroad “I oppose the sale of the Western and Atlantic Railroad,’•’ Mr. Dorsey de clares flatly, "and if elected governor I shall exercise all the tnfluenco and authority of that office to defeat any measure looking toward tho sale' of this valuable property.” He shows how this position is based not on sentiment but on sound busi ness principle. “The policy of the state, expressed In recent legislation forbidding the paralleling of thlB railroad, ■ will be carried out to the letter by me as governor,’’ he declares. He favora letting the Georgia coun ties through which the W. and A. passes, tax It as It 1b taxed In Ten nessee; favors separate disposition of the terminals in Atlanta and Chatta nooga; and a short term lease of 29 years for the 1 railroad.' He says the extension of tho W. and A. to the sea may become necessary for the preservation, of the property, but that, in any event, It merits seri ous consideration as offoring wonder ful advantage In developing and di versifying our commerce. Better Education Terming the children of Georgia her first asset as a state, Mr. Dorsey fa vors liberal appropriatipn to the com mon schools and some provision of law Insuring fuller utilization of school facilities. Ho favors the state making a beginning In tho matter of furnishing school hooks froo or at least at cost of production. Ho favors appropriations to tho state’s other edu cational' Institutions fully tommensu- rate with their needs. He declares the constitutional limitation with reference to disposition: of money from tho pub lic treasury should he observed strict ly ; and that the state should pay her school teachers promptly. Mr.'Dorsey declares tho development of farming should be encouraged In every way and all inducements offered to young men to engage in Its prof itable pursuit. The marketing of farm products being of paramount im portance, and good roads being a first essential to this, he favors co-ordina tion of tho state’s road building under a highway commission, In order that oven better roads than npw may he built more economically, and also that the state may qualify for federal good roads funds. Pensions For Veterans Mr. Dorsey favors continuing the state's present appropriation for pen sions and distributing Its total each year among the fewer and fewer vet erans and widows who remain, until some reasonable maximum payment per pensioner has been attained. Mr. Dorsey urges that part of tho state prison farm equipment be used to care for the criminally insane, for whoso custody the state now makes no special provision. He favors bi ennial legislative sessions, of fifty days each; health legislation suggest ed by tho progress of science; says conditions under which a large body of our citizens live and labor in factories should receive tho Intelligent supervi sion of the state. Ho says the penalty for violation of the law against usury should be mado effective and more uni formly appropriate to the ofTense. Auditing And Efficiency In order that the auditing of public accounts of the stnto and Its counties, now being done Irregularly and at con siderable aggregate cost, may be done better and more economically, Mr. Dorsey favors the centralization of all this work In one responsible state de partment of auditing. Ho favors also the creation, without cost, of an efficiency commission composed of the governor, tho treasurer and some other state- house officer, to save much money from waste- by systematizing tho present cumbersome plan of state accounting. "Our poople should receive even greater bonefits than now from pres ent revenues," says Mr. Dorsey in con clusion. “No Increase In the tax rate should bo necessary.’’ ADV. - . i \MmL aim . 1 ** -7~~ i ■ ' “ -----m*.-.". WE SELL - Groceries Fancy and Staple SEEDS for the Farm and Garden, FEED for chickens, hogs, cows and horses. Bread Bakfed at Cairo Every Day. Our aim is when you become our customer, to treat you in a way to keep you. Mitchell & Walker Company,. Phone 97. Cairo, Ga. What Do You Want in Jewelry? 1 AM here to supply your ivaults, regardless of what they may be and I will do so as acceptably as any house in the country. I probably have in stock—just the. thing you have been wanting—and if I sell it to you, you can Rely upon it’s quality You have a perfect right to buy wherever you please, but, when you get better values from your home man should you not buy at home? Buy at home and you help yourself, you help me and you help your town. C. F. SANDERS The Jeweler Klin# - ■-/ V.- r ■ I-.*- pi '[•“-j y'-t— 1 ‘ v ^ -L,-* : icM’Li 'IS V U.i. ' .I 1 • 11 ‘ yT~ * ——