The Grady County progress. (Cairo, Grady County, Ga.) 1910-19??, July 28, 1916, Image 5

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. Local and Personal Items Conducted by Mrs. D. L. Williams V: Phone No. 5‘J • Miss Mubin Maxwell is visiting Mrs. Henry Herring tills week. (JttAfiY COUNTY ^LOGttfiBS, CAiltO. Mr. Wm. Hell 1ms written his ■ KliC^rinfl 1 drill L'nl family hero.tlmt ho is now.a mem-'Ulolillil Uull ful" For best’service in town slmvo with J. T. Pope. Everything clean and fresh. Good barbers, sharp • razors. Mr. Lewis Collins is circulatin, .among old acquaintances and rela tives in Cairo and- vicinity this week. Mr. Collins is one of the most highly esteemed citizens of Mitchell county. bor.of the Hospital Corps of the National Guard at .Jacksonville/. 15 or 25 cents will give you ail evening of much enjoyment at the School Auditorium Friday night, — —I ...... Mrs. O. G. Holtman has retiirh- Ju| i’ 28th - Go and help a good ii — • 1 causej while you are lihving fun. ed home after a visit of several weeks to relatives and friendB in Valdosta and yieinety. Miss Florence Pringle, of Tliom- Mr. J. T. Hardee of Route 2 Cairo, brought to the Progress of fice this week tho. best stalk of lows' Convention 1,00 * luitutu ruugufj oi, A Iiom** asville, is the charming guest 0 f Cino wc ,mvc seen - Mt - Hardee r «»• i . : alnlna flint tliia la n Be sure to see “Uncle Dick „ Mistake,” at tho/School Auditorium Friday Night. ’. Mrs. H.-IL Herring entertained very informally a few of the young . folks in honor of her guest Miss [ Malilo Maxwell last Wednesday evening. iThoso present wore Misses • Mable Maxwell, Marion Vanlnnd- ! inghani, Lillian’ and Marion Ball. Messers Yahlandinglinm, Danfrird Walter and Bryah Bell. Mr. J. T. Popp has decided that ... he can give bettor service ns a bar- Everybody is going to the play l’ 0 ''> f be will quit. smoking cigar- ait the'school house, Friday night e H° s - hM • Vrf.14-• A.,l, . t Miss Laloah Wight. T r.. j states that this is a fair samplo of r , i ,,, . , , his two acre patch. He has used m r . 8, ’ 1 le ’ only 250 pounds of commercial m v ? M mme Tr G t<?r S a ;’ utilizer to the acre on this 'cane, to visit relatives nnd friends. Col. _ ... . J \v;n;„.vn . but has cultivated thoroughly and Willie wilt return the first of next i. . j . . .. .. , has used some home made corn- week, while Mrs. Wilho will extend p3ati her visit for .some weeks. , • Mrs. J. fJ. Wegthers and little dnughter, are on a visit to north Ga. “Tobe” is a bit subdued these days. •Satisfactory service is what we intend to give you at J. T. Pope’s Barker. Shop. Comeln and try us one time nnd be convinced. Mr. Fred Benton, of Monticello, Ga., is yisitiiig Mr. J. S. Wight." Your Label If your label on your Progress does not show up properly do not be alarmed. We hope to have all mailing list in _correct shape in a short while. Meeting Of The School Improvement Club at 8:30. . * -Mr II. R. Donnelly spent. Sun day at hbmo -nftor three weeks ••'udsence on. tho flooded tracks of the A. C. L. iu Alabama, •Dr. R M.-Walsh of Camilla was • looking after professional business here last Monday. As will be seen by -refer„‘iice; to’ his professional He has quit. Ask Joe White. Misses Lula; nnd Susie Mae Glower .who .have been, visiting their brother, .Dr. Eugene. Glower,, for'some time returned to their, home at.Lakcland, Fla., Thursday. Mr. A. W. Barfield of the Prog ress force vis'ted his old home Val dosta, last; Sunday. - Mr. Tom ‘Andnt w i of near Mid- • - • , . ■ mi. iiuu n.iiin w i ui near ivnu- cardm-tius issue Dr \ i.l h will way school^ in our office this MO tn • . lit* \ nnnn Aflnn/liM> be in C dr.) each Monday from how on. ,, Those consult him .professionallyWill please bear this in unhid. " During^ he month of August you can get- a ,'freo Hair, Tonic every at’j.- T. Pope’s bariier shop Mr. M- Rappoport- returned last Wd>iy feqrn^business trip to Bal- <urn Camh thfgngh the flood ‘ tom-ii iiry.ttndiiad-tcfmako some quite ■ v’eck with quite an array of boll weevils that no had just gathered from- tho' cotton .bloom i in his The regular meeting of the School and Civic Improvement Club will beheld the 1st,’Friday afternoon-in August with Mrs. L. B. Powell, ’ Foreclosure of Mortgage In Grady.Superior Court, March Term 1916, IV. H. HARRELL ! e.S. JONES 7 ' It licingrpjJresc'ntcd to the. Court, By he pefipqh of YV. II. Harrell that on the 13th ilay of February 1913, C. S. Jones cx- •-uted ana dolivered to the said petitioner a mortgage on certain real estate lying in said County and described as follows: Alt . . . . V J , l,M uvoi/l lUUU UO IUIIUtVOi field. Mr. Andrews says that the pf his undivided one seventh, interest field find wgeviis are not all over his but that it is n > trouble to them in .the spots where they ate at work. He expects that the top crop of his rotten . will -be largely cut off liy this post. Mr. Ah^ejvs .9P.f6< s ,P^f^.jtappeporb*oiFlffii - ^cr ImCtfie right idea though, vf6r>hc irti '^JllYin lihrmirih llio -flnnc! 'tniMii-' i~: nlroorlir nlrmninnr trvmif liio oLcvlIro is nlroady planning to cut his stalks’ and plant his cotton field to oats extensive detours and.Was delayed just ns soon as the cotton is • gath- a good many-hours in getting, intii'ered. , •: 7 ' .’, Savannuh oh account of tlin var- \.r.7 A 7r ’ • .. / . Savannulro'h^account of the var.l Mr , Edgar ■ Rawls; bur. wide ipus washouts.:-through the Caro- a Wftk e ypung daii'ymsii ^rOjn \ .linos.■ ViifywaB a'business visitor .to Cairo linas, Mrs. Mtiry Sexton of Greenfield, Wednesday; . Fin., grid Willie Pelham of Gordon, That bottie full of boll weevils Ala., are in Cairo ' the guests of: brought to our office by Mr. Stfew- Mrs. G.’:W- Cook and Mr. J. W. by Mr. ! 7 P«lhafn.\/Mr. J. T..Pelham of the . Macodpiua'section will come down , next Sunday and carry, them to -his hobie for a ’ few days’ visit. . Mrs. Sexiodffe the sister of. ; Mr. J. T. Pellifttb.' Remember • that- every Friday - during August you get a frecTonic with your Hair Gut, at J. T. Pope’s barber shop, „ . Mr. Sam Sutton who holds' a responsible position with the Hand Trading Company of Pelham was a recent visitor to Cairo. His friends are always gldd to see his smiling face among us. art has been .visitod by a great; many farmers- this week. No doubting his existence after'Beeing the rascal and the work he does. The removing of the fences from the front of,Mrs. Clara. Mauldin, and Mr. C. E„ Mauldin,' has added greatly to the appearance of' these residences; • , 7- Mr. J. E. Forsythe is spending a two weeks vacation nt his old home in Virginia; Mr. Kcdar Connell of Reno was a visitor in Cairo Wednesday. Mr. L. M. Rigsby was a business visitor to Cairo from Whigham Tuesday. and to hind loU Numhers 10 and Jt in ti q tilth uislr.ct of Grady County,; C and also his interest in-thc west Kiii X.umlicr 13 in the 19th District of ‘County, Georgia,.for, t’he' purposc during, tho payment of two certaij sary.'notes. Wr jtlttdunt as fdlic (fated- Pebriiarjr*'lg/i9l3•'■tar’ itbWHt'an one dated .February 18, 1016 fSt' T nted nnd delivered by.tho Said'.’, irhes to 0am Harrell and by Sam' H™.... ransfc rod to W. H. Harrell aitJ :du'o as 1 f illows: SI00.00 due Feb. 1, 1914; und $191-.00 due Fcl). iS, : l9l9,"nnd- 8tipulatjf g- for interest from date, nt the rate of oight p5'r cent, per annum, and ten percent; at- •tarney's fees. ■ :-. It. is ordered that thp said defendant d_, pay into this Court by the firet day of thp next term, the principal, including attor ney/ fecsj.ihtcrest and costs duo on.saicj • : 5iote, or show causo'why ...... .should the same, or ,tlmt in default.therpr. of, the aforesaid' mortgage be forcclosod ’nnd.thc equity, of redemption of the .said defendant theroin -.forever ■ barred; and’ that service of this Rule be perfected on said defendant according to law. And it Is further ordered that the defendant -be served by publication as required by law,. 7 E. E. COX, Judge . . Superior; Court Grady County,/ Filed in office March 0, i9I0. • J. M. McNAIR, JR., C. S. C. GEORGIA, GRADY COUNTY, I hereby certify that the above and fore going is a true and correct copy of tho Rule Nisi ns appears of ■ record in my office. 7 Given under my «hand ■ and seal, this '3rd, day of Mnv 1916. J. hi. McNAIR, JR, [SEAL] C; S, C. Grady Co. Ga. The Second Division Odd Fel lows’ Convention which is made up from the delegations from the lodges of about plcvon of the South Georgia counties met i n Cairo Wednesday and Thursday of tlfis week. The opening session which was open to the public and attended by a number of citizens not Odd Fellows and also by some ladies, was called to order at eleven o’clock Wednesday morning by Maj. B. F; Brimbery of Albany, Division Deputy Grand Master of this divi sion. Rev. W| C. Join's in a short and earnest prayer invoked the Divine blessing upon the convention. Col. M. L. Ledford who mado the welcoming address, warmly welcomed the visiting brothers to the Gonvention and to Cairo. He paid a glowing tribute to the prin ciples that make up the order. Hon. L. G. Collins of Camilla, re sponded to the address of welcome in a most delightful manner. Following this the Deputy Grand Master spoke of his desire for a real revival of enthusiasm nnd int erest in the various lodges through out (he division and called on those present to suggest plans whereby this might be accomplished. A number of very interesting talks were made under this subject. Col. R. C. Bell very forcefully brought out that competent and on husiustic officers wore very nec essary for the continued well doing of the lodges- Mr. L. G. Collins, Mr. T. S. Copeland and Col. M. L. Ledford also made good sugges tions 3 how to sustain interest in tho local and district lodges. ThbYAVcdnesday afternoon ses- wim given over to hearing rc- 5 from the lodges and to ither iineAvork. y night degree work „/ a composite team Ym|tfi(i'Visiting lodges. final business was' held morning. Valdosta was as the. next place of meet- J a » NOW IS THE TIME TO Sow Peas For Hay 1 Wo have the UNKNOWN nnd MIXED PEA at a Reasonable price. Now is the time to take care of summer pigs By feeding them PURE WHEAT SHORTS. Try them —they make hogs out of pigs. We’re sole agents in Cairo for Stone’s 10c Cake Six Vurioties—Buy ono nnd you will stop cooking Cnko When you want good fresh Bread— Remember we have it. Mitchell & Walker Company, Phone 97. Cairo, Ga. Andrew College ahd personal FOR GIRLS AND YOUNG WOMEN fgtoS?'WorhiS S°fc,n.r- 0 ' A ’‘ “ nd EiPre«i°n- The Ir.lnlna of Toucher., Homem.hcc. I ReligiouV Worhc" i fc.Tur- ‘ “ nd ExpreMion ' The ‘vsintna of Tccher., Homem.kcr. ANDREW COLLEGE, Cntlibertf Georgia Dr. dr. W. MALONE, President, Established 1BS4 attendance of delegates present, although the bad er and the very uncertain lules caused it to be less than local lodge had expected. Preaching Appointments _ litor The Progress—Please an nounce in yonr paper that Provi- <%ie.e permitting, there will he ser- yjefe at the itent near J. A. Hud- sbfi's next Sunday at 11 a. m.; ppydyille the first Sunday in Aug ust at 11 a. m., and 3 p. m., also song service at 10:30 a. m.; Dixon Chapel the second Sunday in Aug ust at 11 a. m.; Pelham Thursday night before the third Sunday in August. All are invited to attend these services. T. J. BRUNSON. ! ONE HALF OFF A 1 LL Our Summer Hats Are Now Being Offered at One \ Half Price FOR CASH We Have Some Wonderful Values. SEE THEM QUICK 1 i 1 ! i Mrs. J.R SPENCE 1 SEMI-ANNUAL SALE 7 ■ ■ ' v" : -■ ::;7 OFF ■ . See These Values and Get First Choice ■ J J. L. OLIVER’S SON