The Grady County progress. (Cairo, Grady County, Ga.) 1910-19??, September 08, 1916, Image 3

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WE POURS NOT SHOT INTO HIS OPPONENT, JJ.BR0WN 1 take In, method of announcing To you my candidacy for Uw position of Judge of the Superior ( ourts of (he Albany Circuit, subject to the action of the Democratic While Primary, and invito j-our careful consideration and active support, I am 54 years of age and have been a practicing attorney actively engaged in the practice of law for thirty bX r; x x r p,i < n <juHrg ^ ^ 1 «; Judge of the City Court ol Bainbridge. My record h open to all The unanimous endorsement of the. Decatur County Bar Association is an approval of my services ns Judge of the City Court of Bainbridge ' I If . tl ! e P eo ® of thi ?. Ci , rc f U01lfd >' upon me the high honor I now seek, I pledge you my undivided liincfand attention will be given to the duties of the office. I will stand at all limes for the enforcement of our laws as written. I believe in equal justice to all and partiality to none Assuring you that I will.appieeiale your support, I am, Most respectfully yours, W. M. HARRELL For So icitor General For Oongiess PR ' CE ’ Of Agriculture. Atlanta, Ga.—Commissioner of Ag riculture J. D. Price, replying to a letter addressed to hint by T. H. Kim brough of Catnula, Ga., containing a number of questions with reference to his administration, shows the ut ter falsity of charges uttered against him by his opponent, J. J. Grown, and concludes with a statement showing that Brown has, at oveiy opportunity, done the very tilings of which he now so loudly complains. Commissioner Price has been in of fice only three years and two months beginning July 1, 1913, and not six years, as has been stated. His pre tiecessor in the office was J. j. Con ner, with J. j. Brown as assistant. They served from May 1, 1912, , t0 July 1, 1913, only 14 months, and not two years. "On October 1, 1912, Conner and Brown appointed the same number of feitilizer, food and other inspectors that I appointed October 1, 1914, and these appointees of Conner and Brown served under me from July 1, 1913 to October 1, 1914, u period of fifteen months,” Commissioner Price states. What They Spent During that time I could not make a single appointment, and these ap pointees of Conner and Brown, dur ing the nine months from January 1 to October 1, 1914, which Is that part cl their service covered in the andl- i«oie r nSo rt t ex > ,ended $11,342.99 of the $J-,120.83, for travel, hotel bills, sam ples, bottles and expressage. Brown is making a great to do about these expenses, and I merely wish the public to know that it is own and Conner's appointees spent their full share of it. ”1 appointed U10 successors to these men and in every case the appoint ment was made in precise requirement with law. The expenses of these 74 men, aggregating J32.120.S3 for two jears, and required by law, averaged only $18.09 per month per man. With out these expenses the laws of the state could not he carried out. Fur ther, the records of this office show the cost of analyzing fertilizers under Conner and Brown was $2.88 per sam ple, whereas, under my first adminis tration, It was only $2.40, u clear sav ing to the state of 4S cents per sam ple. "My own personal expenses for two years wore only $1,168. 1 spent in two years only $43.75 in railroad fare between Athens and Atlanta, for the purpose of attending agricultural meetings there and in that section of the state. In 1914 and 1915, this de partment, under me, turned Into the slate trcnsuiy approximately $300,000 over and above ull expenses. Those funds are handled directly by the state treasurer and paid out by him on warrants issued by the governor and approved by the comptroller general. I do not handle these funds and the law does not require me to give bond. False And Malicious "My opponent and his friends have seen lit to falsely and maliciously cir culate concerning me and my admin istration, the statement that I have given away to the farmers of Geor gia during the past six years, $30,000 worth of cotton seed. As a matter of fact I have been in office three years only. They know the agricultural de partment does not handle or give away a single dollar’s worth of cotton seed, hut that this distribution is mads thioiigh the department of Entomol ogy, which is controlled by a separate honid and not-hy mo or the agricultu ral department. Tliis board of ento- w tlfp’ , ha f, a , speciflc fund provided by the legislature, for the purpose of soils 1 "m i Ulla d * stl 'lbulion of cotton om d , w ?^ h Hre of a special character nrivalont d I l ° resl3t dlsease3 of cotton prevalent in many counties of Geor- ™u. y well know that every dol lar of this fund is expended by that department all distribution of seed is mnde by It, and that with it, * Ij as commissioner of agriculture, have nothing whatever to do. This money Li dra i W . n dlrect| y by the state onto- mologist through the governor, ex- Hsll d ?. d directly by him, and the di's- tiibution °f the seed is made person- best ^ th<3 on omolog lst as he thinks have already told you of the com pliment paid this office by the audi- toi in his report. Beat Brown By 46,000 ‘Now as to Brown, whom I beat by 45,000 votes in the primary of 1914- I am reliably informed by friends tint men are now going over the state of ferlng oil and fertilizer inspectors’ Jobs to those who will carry this or that county for him, although he knows he could not, if elected, make a single appointment for a period of two years, as I will make all the appointments on October 1 next for terms of two years. The same J. J. Brown, who talks about ‘political machine,’ was at the Mncon convention in 1912, with J. J. Conner, and they were offering these appointments to gel convention votes against me. "J am reliably informed that this same Biown who, It is said, has not fanned in twenty years, but whe has been a traveling fertilizer salesman a large part of the time, is now strongly supported by some of the fer tilizer interests. What Brown Charges To The State "Further, I want to call especial at- tention to the itemized expense ac count of J. J. Brown, now on file in the governor’s office, under his ap pointment by Governor John M. Sla ton two years ago as inspector in case of the damage done to the farmers of North Georgia by the Tennessee Cop per* Co. His expense account from June 10 to August 10, this year, a pe- Tiod of two months, was $188.24. Be sides he received a salary of $250 to administer the state’s affairs at Cop per Hill, If the 74 men In this de partment had rendered an expense ac count in the same proportion as J. J. Brown’s, it would have aggregated the enormous sum of $167,157.12, instead of the $32,120.83 as shown in the aud itor’s report. At the same time he has been receiving this money, he has been traveling about over the state falsifying me and my record as com missioner of agriculture; and each item is charged up by him nbt by mile age, but at full ticket rates. "The record in the governor’s office for 1914 and 1915 shows there were I, 128 claims from Georgia farmers against the Tennessee Copper Co. in which the arbitrators could not agree. J. J. Brown as umpire decided 077 of these agninst the Georgia farmers divided'the claim between the compa ny and the farmer 320 times and found in favor of the farmers only 131 times I present this ns a matter of recora which cannot he disputed.” To the White Voters of I he Albany Judicial Circuit- Tins will make known to you that I am a candidate for re-elec tion to the office of Solicitor Gen eral of said Circuit, subject lo the State Democratic Primory to be hoik on September 12th. I am grateful for the confidence you have reposed in me in the past and sincerely trust that my service has been such ns to merit your en korseuionf for another leini. I will lie thankful for your sup port, ank if again honored I y you, I am pledged to serve you faith fully. Sincerely yours, R. C. BELL. Cairo, Ga., Aug. 1, 1910. To the Voters of the Second Coi grcssionnl District. Fcr Fepieseiilatiie To the white voters of Grady Co: The many friends of Capt. J. F. Stone hereby wish to announce his candidacy for representative from Grady -County in the next General Assembly, subject to the State Primary, called for Septem ber 12th, next. If the people see fit to honor Capt. Stone with this responsible trust, he is pledged to represent faithfully the interest of all (he people and use his every effort in furthering their best interests, He is not the candidate of any interest or faction but believes in Grady county, her people and his state, and will do what he can by his influence and vote to favor such measures as will mean the greatest good to the greatest hum ber of Georgia’s citizenship. We urge the people to give Capt, .Stone their support as we know him to be well qualified to render acceptable service to us. Very Respectfully, Friends of J. F. STONF. Feeling profoundly grateful to you and deeply coiiscious of the great obligation and responsibility resting upon me, I hereby’ acknow ledge the debt-of gratitude I feel for t he confidence you have so gen erously reposed in me. 1 have spurt'd no effort to serve you faithfully. -My record for the short time I have served you is before you and I uni willing for you to pass upon it, confidently relying upon a fair verdict at the polls in September irom a great people who are just as well as generous. I hereby announce ns a eandi date to succeed myself as your Representative in the 65th, Con gress, subject to your will and under the rules of the Demoerati Primary. While important measures af fecting your interests are before Congress and when ever vote counts, 1 feel that I should attend to the duties lo which you havens signed me, and return only when your interests are not neglected. I expect to be in the district and shall see ns many of you personally as possibly before the Primary on September 12th. Faithfully yours, FRANK PARK. To 1 he People of The Albany Circuit Stallion and Jack in Service Brownton-time 2:31. Soven years old Weighs 1200 Pounds. MAMMOTH KENTUCKY JACK 16 Plands High, Weighs 1000 Pounds. Their colts have the SIZE and QUALITY desired. TERMS: $5.00 cash and $15.00 when colt is dropped. BEALE & WATSON I hereby announce myself a can didate for Judge of the Superior Court of the Albany Circuit, sub ject to such action as the Demo cratic party may see fit to take in reference thereto. I believe in the prompt and econ omical administration of the law to the rich and poor alike, and in the iurtnilment of dilatory tactics as far as is consistent with the prin ciples of justice and-fair play. Should the people see fit to be stow upon me this honorable tiust I pledge them faithful service. I respect fully solicit your support and influence. Very truly yours, A. S. JOHNSON For Representative To the white voters of Gradv County:— I take this method of nnnounc ing myself a candidate for re-elec tion ns Representative of Grady county subject lo the white prim ary September 12th. If elected I pledge myself to spare no effort to serve you faith fully. In asking this re-election, I will assure you that I have no axe to grind or pet measures to shape, but will represent the expressed wishes of the people of Grady county to the best of my ability in a true and conscientious monner. I am truly graleful to you for the confidence you expressed in me atthc last election and trust that my service lias been such as to merit your support for re-election. As you know that the experience I have gained during the last term has better fitted me to perform the duties that- will be expected of me, should I be re-elected. Again thanking you for your confidence in the past and earnest ly soliciting your support ntHjl co operation in the coming primary, I remain, Yours Respectfully, W. D. BARBER. WHEN Vfll) mil [HE BEST IN GROCERIES COME TO US, dpi s*£ theylST Pr0Vi8i ° nS ° f qUalUy ’ uven than " ,y ““ r < b "“"' of nutriment, and they are good to the taste. Your Friends will remark on the excellence of vour cooking, for the goods wo sell, combined with your own good sense, will produce a meal fit for the gods. White & Stringer The Leading Grocers JLJOW about that buggy or wagon you have been thinking of having repaired? Now is the time to have them put in first class shape. 1 do all kinds of blacksmithing and repairing. All work done at my shop is guaranteed to give satisfaction. First class Horse shoeing a Specialty. The kind that satisfies. CP. HUTTO, Cairo, Ga. Next to F. B. Walsh’s stables. CITY LAUNDRY First class work of all kinds done promptly, Satisfaction guaranteed. Give' me a trial. Parcel Post Packages Given Prompt Attention. will bave China Lily Flowers lo sell nexr Oclober lor 25c each. JOE LEE, Prop. liltllTurrWnni* T3J it. Sapp BuildingCornor Broad and Mill Sts. CAIRO, GA. Per Cent 6 Per Cent Mothers who spend the night vitli a sick baby appreciate the ielp they get from McGEE’S BABY ELIXIR; especially in ho‘ weather. It quiets fever and irri- ■ at ion, soothes t lie stomach, checks the bowels and helps both mother nd ctiiid to obtain/slet p and rest. Price 25c and 50c per Lottie. Sold by Wight & Browne. Good Looks are Easy with Magnolia Balm. Look as good as your city cousins." No matter if you do Tan or Freckle Magnolia Balm will surely clear your skin inftantly. Heals Sunburn, too. Just put . little on your face and rub it off again before dry. Simple and sure to pleese. Try a bottle to-day and begin the improvement at once. White, Pink and Rose-Red Colors. 75 cents at Druggists or by mail direO. SAMPLE FREE. LYON MFC. CO.. 40So. 6 th St., Brooklyn. N.Y. FARM LOANS Loans on improved farms in South Georgia promptly made at lowest rates and best terms Call on us or wright us-stating your needs. We can save you money. Barrow Loan & Abstract Company “The biggest farm loan concern In South Georgia" Pelham - . Georgia 6 Per Cent 6 Per Cent 5 to 10 Year Farm Loans We have recently made some new connections in the loan business and can give you as good terms ns you will find anywhere. Rates of interest at 6, 7 and 8 per cent depending on the size of the loan. You can pay only the interest annually or part of the principal and interest annually, thus reducing interest payments each year. Our companies are the leading loan companies in the United States and their supply of money is unlimited. Now is the time to get your applications approv ed and-abstracts of title made in order that you may close the loan with little delay when it is wanted. Come to see us and bring your deeds and we will quote you,terms. BELL & WEATHERS, CAIRO, GEORGIA Subscribe For the PROGRESS