The Grady County progress. (Cairo, Grady County, Ga.) 1910-19??, September 15, 1916, Image 3

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3S^^~^i~^=gsarl85saK>er)p)||f g = ! yp^[|p ! |pgBBagiBasg| |= n -fat FARM DEPARTMENT Conducted by P. H. Ward, Farm Ddfrionstration Agent Calvary Dot: r;i Tile Figlit With Hag Cholera I? ■ ■ 1‘or l lie pnst seven- weeks hog cholera has been raging in many sections of Grady county. In soc- tiejns where we fought last year we, hiiye had very little this year, waicli shows beyond dispute that hog cholera can he controlled. I do n it believe this will ever be done, but if farmers would shut up -their sick hogs and keep them off the open range the spread of dis ease would not ho so great. Thore is a law which compels the owners or persons in charge of dive stock to bury or burn all o uvussas of doul animals. T.ais law has never bean enforced. Perhaps there are some people who do not know there is such a law, therefore, \ve feel it our duty to call attentioiVto it. If sve expect to grow live stock at a profit in Grady county we must have cooperation oh the part of our farmers in fighting - dise ases. Live stock must have attention if they thrive. Worms am off of them and stomach parishes out of them; provide good green pastures and plenty of fresh water and the disease of swine will he reduced 75 per cent- The price of beef goes tip nnd up. Why not raiso some cattle to reduce the commercial fertilizer bill and put some money in our pockets? • Eradicate the cattle tick nnd we have very little to fear from the disease of cattle in South Georgia. Saturday, Oct. 7, is the next meeting of the Grady j County Live Stock Association. Gome and join in with us and help fight the boll weevil. The Gotten Crop of 1916 parishes are the worst enemies we The cotton crop of 101G will be away below the average, although thi farmers tried with all their might to make a bumper crop throughout the cotton belt. If the hand of Providence had not inter furred by sending floods nnd othe disasters, wo would have had the, greatest cotton yield in the history of this .section The farmers of the South should stomach learn an object lesson from the havo to the hog. Keep the worms out of thorn and hog chol era will not he so prevalent. A few drops of spirits of turpentine once a week is a good worm de stroyer. Hogs should not ho al lowed to graze on one pasture too long as these pastures become in- feslcd with worms. Keep the lice year 1016. With the low yield the farmers will realize more money from this year’s crop of cotton than any crop of cotton grown perhaps since the civil war. Will the cotton farmers never learn tho lesson o f supply nnd demand? Will they never learn that a twelve million halo crop of cotton brings into the hands of the produce 5 to 1 Year Farm Loans We have recently made some new connections in. the loan business and can give you ns good terms as you will find anywhere. Rates of interest at 6, 7 and 8 per cent depending cm the size of the loan. You can pay only the interest annually or part of the principal and interest annually, thus reducing interest payments each year. Our companies are tho leading loan companies Tn the United States and their supply of money is unlimited. Now is the time to get your applications approv ed and abstracts of title made in order that you may dose the loan with little delay wher. it is wanted. Come to see us and bring your deals and we will quofepyi iu"Ternas, ‘ v ' BELL & WEATHERS, (5aIR0, GEORGIA CAIRO BANKING CO. Cairo, Georgia The Oldest Banking institution in Grady County, 1 ESTABLISHED 1900 INCORPORATED 1903 16—SUCCESSFUL YEARS 16 Not a dollar of this Bank’s Money is loaned an officer or director of this Bank to No Account too large-—None too small We Pay Interest on Time Deposits as Follows: 0 Per Cent for 12 Months J, 1-2 Per Cent for 0 Months 4 Per Cent for 8 Months Yopr Business Appreciated WALTER:DA VIS, President 0. T. DAVIS, Cashier more cash money than a sixteen million bale crop? Then why not plant a part of that cotton field to oats, another part to cane, nnothei to other food crops and make cot ton a surplus crop and bo an inde pgndent farmer. There is oik thing certain, we must cut cottoi acreage in Grady county next year. If we don’t Mrs. Roll Wee vil will cut the yield; so brothr farmer plant some of that next ygar’s cotton crop to oats to feed | the work stock on and graze the pigs and ealyps on through wintci This year’s crop will soon b e gathered, so don’t fail to buy youi seed oats before you spend all the money, if you have not saved them. You should buy early the demand will be great for oat seed. Then again, if you are going to make cot ton next year got ready to destroy all the cotton stalks a: soon as this crop is picked out, •persuade your neighbor to do the same for the sooner you destroy the food supply of the boll weevil the fewer weevils you will have- to come out next year and set up his abqde in your cotton patch. This is very important and every farmer throughout the coun try should see to it that his neigh bors all cooperate in (he destruc tion of cotton stalks. If wo can secure united effort in this fight against this pest we will never ex perience any great loss from the boll weevil. Last fall I made a campaign of the ctounty to get the farmers to destroy their cotton stalks. , A few plowed them under; the grcatei- part of them stood till winter and now the weevil is. in every cotton field in Grady county. We need to he up and doing if we expect to make 15c cotton next year. De stroy your stalks in September if possible, i \\ e a re having solne mighty hot dry weather around Galvan- ihose days. Mr. Willi,ud Herrin; left, last week for Young Harris College where lie will allend school. •Mr. Hugh Griffith left Monday for Tilton where he will nl lend the agricultural school. Miss El in'i Maxwell left for Nor man Park where she will attend ‘bool. Misses Eunice Amid end and Helen Allen left for Valdosta whore they will attend the S. G. N. Mr. Oscar Herring of Tallahassee was in Calvary Monday. Me srs. ,!. D. Burns and John nie Darsoy made a business trip o Quincy Tuesday. Mrs. Elm-bee and children, Mrs, Maxwell and children have re timed from Lanark where they spent a pleasant week. Per- snpwwTsroTsineoiwinfanov’ All Counterfeits, Ii^tau|hranV«‘&irtfclhs L ‘ IV0 V » ui, ‘ Experiments tlmt trifle with and cnrtn«?r™F?.° a , nro infants and What Is CASTORIA Castor Oil, Boric, Drops and Soothing Syruiis it ' Singktary AdditionalTerritory Free From Cattle Tick Washington, D.C., Sept, 2, 1916. —Approximately 9,493 square miles of territory in six states is released from quarantine on ac count of the Texas-fever cattle tick by an order signed by the Sec retary of Agriculture to becom effective September 15, 1916. The order releases the last area under quarantine in California, adding this state to the tick-free list, The other territory released consists of 10 counties in Georgia, 3 in South Carolina, 2 in A abama, 2 whole countios and 2 fractional parts of counties in Oklahoma and a por tion of 1 county in Mississippi. Greater interest- in tick eradica tion is being taken throughout the South than at any time since the the beginning of the work coopera tively by the U. S. Department of Agriculture and the States in 1906. The territory released is, in de tail, as follows: In Alabama, the counties of Autauga and Greene. In California, the remainder of San Diego county, making the en tire State now free from quaran tine. In Georgia, the counties of Bar- row, Bartow, Campbell, Columbia, Fayette, Floyd, Heftry, Jackson, Paulding and Walton. In Mississippi, the remainder of Yazoo county. In Oklahoma, the entire counties of Wagoner and Stephens and por tions of Muskogee and Tulsa coun ties. ^ In South,Carolina, the. counties of Bamberg, Barnwell and Edge- field. As the t'inglet-ary news lm» been out for about three months, we will ry and start it up again. The farmers have lvnd n very nice rain on lheir cane crops. Mrs. Charlie Maddock’s -sisters and brother Misses Jessie, Lot tic, Effic and Mr. Lonnie Miller, spent the week end with her. Miss Rulli Wilson, dined with Misses Myrtle, Rosa and Bertha Willis last Sunday. Mr. G. S. Willis, dined with Mr. nnd Mrs. J. W. Wilson last Sun day. Among those from here who at tended servises at Oclilockneo Sun day, were Messers Russell Bras well, Bryon Singletary, AV. T. and G. S. Willis, J. W. Wilson and Misses Ruth Wilson and Maymo Willis. MissMyrtle Willis, spent last jSunday^night as the guest of Miss Ruth Wilson. Mr. Paul Singletary’, is visiting his sister, Mrs. Porter Stewart, who resides in Camilla. Mr. Ronald and Miss .Ruby Watson, visited their sister, Mrs. Allen Singlotary, last Sunday’ who 'esides in Thomasvillc. Little Miss Jewel Singletary, and Master James Singletary, are spend ing the week in Thomasvillc; with their grandparents, Mr, and Mrs. Brayton Singletary. Mrs. Pliney Braswell, and chil dren, arc spending the week with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Tom Singletary. Misses Rosa and Bor I ha Willis, sdont last- Saturday, as the guest of Miss Ida McMillan. Mrs. J. E. McMillan and son, Walter, spent Saturday with Mrs. McMillan’s mother, Mrs. Parrc- more. Mr. Walter McMillan and fam ily, from Woodland, spent 1 nt Saturday night and Sunday, very pleasantly with their mother Mrs. J. E. McMillan. Thero will bo setwise3 at Single tary schoolhouse next- Sunday, ev erybody is cordially invited to tend. substance. „„ „„„ „ SSShSZ* assimilates tlio Food irivln sr iw.„5?/ 0,UIU J l -Dowels. Tbo Children's alcc *- GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS TBears the Signature of In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought Country Produce - OUR SPECIALTY \YTI1EN you have anything * - to sell in the way of Meat, Chickens, Eggs or country produce, get our prices before selling as we will pay you the top of the market. Gilmore-Maxwell Company To Cairo and Grady County HOUSEWIVES Buy the Best and Save Money, Phone or . Tell Your Grocer to Send You Check a cough or cold in the lungs before it develops a serious case. BALLARD’S IT O R E - HOUND SYRUP is an effective remedy for all soreness or conges tion in the lungs or air passages. Price 25c, 50c and $e.00 per bottle. Sold by Wight & Browne. C ASTO R IA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years PRIDE of DENVER FLOUR Best on the Market State of Ohio, City Of Toledo, l 1.'lens County, ( s3 - Frame J. Cheney'Whites oath that he Is senior partner of tlfttgrRi of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in tile City of To ledo. County and State aforesaid, and thet arm will pay tho sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each.and ev- Besides being best in quality it is cheaper because it takes less lard than any other you can buy. . ^ c inui Ltuiiiui ue em eu by the use of.HALL'S CATARRH CURE. 17R A MTr' T mjn'MDV • . , FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before mo nnd subscribed In -wutwm mu unu Buuscnncti in niY^rc^nee, this 6th day of December, ... D. (Seal) TAKE NO SUBSTITUTE W. _GT,EASON, . Ul.lUAMUiN, „ „ , . 2-lotary Public. Hall s Catarrh Cure Is taken Internnlly and acts directly upon the blood and mu cous surfaces at the system. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo, O. fsl . Mfij Sold by Bll Druggists, 75o. y«k0 .Hull s Family pills for constipation. Subscribe For the PROGRESS - - ......